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/lit/ - Literature

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14999427 No.14999427 [Reply] [Original]

BOOK CLUB Spin - Robert Charles Wilson https://mega.nz/#F!O1cFiKaS!hPf1KFnauX7PSaM5PJE3QA
RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/#F!JrhSyY6S!7qmTPol52TnmpFOdbag7RQ
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg
MANAGEMENT https://calibre-ebook.com/download
BOOKS & AUDIOBOOKS https://forum.mobilism.org/viewforum.php?f=120

>> No.14999435

Doesn't include self-published or probably various others.

MARK ALDER - Devil’s Blade
RACHEL ARMSTRONG - The Decomposition Comedy
NEAL ASHER - The Human
RAMSEY CAMPBELL - The Retrospective and Other Phantasmagorical Stories
M.R. CAREY - The Book of Koli
JOHN CONNOLLY - The Dirty South
SARAH BETH DURST - Race the Sands
NEIL GAIMAN & P. CRAIG RUSSELL - American Gods, Vol. 3: The Moment of the Storm
S.L. HUANG - Critical Point
HAO JINGFANG - Vagabonds
S.T. JOSHI - His Most Fantastic Creation
KATHE KOJA - Velocities
NANCY KRESS - Sea Change
MADELEINE L’ENGLE - The Moment of Tenderness
MARK LAWRENCE - The Girl and the Stars
LOUISA MORGAN - The Age of Witches
JEFF NOON - Creeping Jenny
MIKE RESNICK - The Mistress of Illusions
JOHN SCALZI - The Last Emperor
MICHAEL SWANWICK - The Postutopian Adventures of Darger and Surplus
MOLLY TANZER - Creatures of Charm and Hunger
JODI TAYLOR - Plan for the Worst

>> No.14999438


>> No.14999477

>peace talks is actually happening and has its own trailer

>> No.14999482
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What are some good post-apocalyptic novels with fantasy elements?

>> No.14999528
File: 1.00 MB, 1631x2560, Gormenghast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I get filtered? I thought this book was very interesting and I enjoyed the lonely aesthetics but I feel generally like I didn't get it. Is there a good write-up on this book anywhere?

>> No.14999547

>file name of one book in series
>picture of another
no wonder you didn't fucking get on with it

>> No.14999556

gormenghast is also the name of the series retard

>> No.14999586
File: 512 KB, 1214x933, 3625577-netflix-castlevania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just watching Castlevania. It's not exactly competently written. Like all Netflix shows, it sufders from bloat. The dialogue is weird at times, and is generally repetitive and long winded. The characters are likeable though, and the fight scenes are quite nice actually. This all had me thinking, why don't they make animated shows based on popular fantasy books? It worked with GOT and the witcher, so why not adapt something like the stormlight archives? There are plenty of over the top fantasy books out there that can't be turned into live action shows, so why not animate them? At least with such adaptations will get somewhat decent writing, instead of the lazy work done by Netflix.

>> No.14999805

I think my boss's granddaughter has it *coof*.
We all gonna die.

>> No.14999848

Reading Buddha is also important for the Tetratology.

>> No.14999850

>S.T. Joshi
What a pompous dunce

>> No.14999859

>tfw have met at least 3 of the people listed and don't like any of them
Is writing SFF the last refuge for toxically uncharismatic personalities?

>> No.14999938

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.14999969


>> No.14999988

Writing skill doesn't show any personality trait except for maybe discipline. SFF authors are still just nerds who managed to find some success and probably let it go to their heads.

>> No.15000726

>Gideon the Ninth
>Didn't some people here like it?
I was one of the people that had complaints. It's slow and long and I'd only go to halfway by the time ppl started talking about it. But I'm still reading it 75% now and will keep going. I originally said I wasn't interested in the next book but now I feel like I might try it.

>> No.15000789

I feel depressed, I just finished a book and while it ended on a happy note the world is still basically doomed in the future. The current world situation doesnt help.

>> No.15000795

What's some great modern SFF? Stuff within the last thirty years. I'm trying to learn how modern greats write compared to the older writers.

>> No.15000810

Does Neal Stephenson counts? I feel the genre is kinda dead. I never read wild cards so I cant give my opinion.

>> No.15000827

Is lash coming back in peace talks?

>> No.15000838

Do you want, litrpg fantasy elements?

>> No.15000840

>marxist philosopher
>look up on wikipedia
>turns out to be a jew

Why were they so into marxism?

>> No.15000844

Mark lawrence. Red Sister is the most obvious choice

>> No.15000858

I am about to read my first Sanders book, mistborn. I expected to be bland but entertaining, if its anything else I am not trusting you guys ever again about anything.

>> No.15000901

Thanks for that. Instead of writing on his blog, he has been writing fanfiction. At least I now know where he has been.

>> No.15000905

I always tell people to read the emperor's soul for Sanderson's first book.

>> No.15000910

Hmm. What do we have here.

>> No.15000915


>> No.15000923

Someone posted on here about a scifi series that took place in a "Post-Nation State" world, where they were having their first war since evolving past countries. I think they might have called it social science fiction. Sounded interesting.

>> No.15000953

m john harrison, light
stephenson, the diamond age
kress, beggars in spain trilogy
ruff, sewer, gas and electric

>> No.15000963

It's a short story, and the best introduction to Sanderson I can think of.

>> No.15000967

Fucking vermin hotel. You infected me.

>> No.15000972
File: 37 KB, 309x475, 417ADE3A-6267-4C17-99D1-DFE14C9A27AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is trash. It’s like I’m being incessantly lectured by an embarrassingly dense and out-of-touch professor. Chapter upon chapter of characters nodding and going “Huh” while Heinlein’s self-insert berates everything the author happens to dislike. Terrible.

>> No.15000979

Gotta weed out the weak. Will you fight? Or die like a dog?

>> No.15000982

> short story
at 175 pages it's a large novella, or a very short novel

>> No.15000994

i haven't read it since high school when i had my heinlein phase but most of his shit is like that. the only one i'd reread now is Stranger just to see how bad it really is in hindsight

>> No.15001037

And don’t forget Simmons, Hyperion

>> No.15001074

The Golden Age
The Quantum Thief
The Story of Your Life and Others
The Diamond Age

>> No.15001159

The title relates to the birth of Titus, a male heir to the ancient house of Groan. However, it is really a richly imagined story of an enclosed world, suffocating under the weight of detailed and largely pointless arcane ritual: “If, for instance, his Lordship... had been three inches shorter, the costumes, gestures and even the routes would have differed from those described in the first tome.” and “It was not certain what significance the ceremony held... but the formality was no less sacred for it being unintelligible”.

It explains how a clever upstart, Steerpike, quickly goes from orphan kitchen hand, to rebel to opportunist to schemer, plotting his rise to power and influence. There is also a sub plot concerning Keda, a woman from the mud huts outside the castle where the skilled Bright Carvers live.

It is always a page-turner though at times the plot is slow because the descriptions are so rich. Peake sometimes meanders along lengthy diversions (e.g. when likening the cracks in plaster to an ancient map, he goes on to imagine journeys across such a landscape) and conjure strange metaphors,” clean she was... in the sense of a rasher of bacon”! It will certainly improve your vocabulary, though even the unfamiliar words are used so carefully that you can get the gist if you don’t have a dictionary to hand. At other times, Peake conveys a great deal in relatively few words: “Lord Sepulchrave walked with slow strides, his head bowed. Fuchsia mouched. Doctor Prunesquallor minced. The twins propelled themselves forward vacantly. Flay spidered his path. Swelter wallowed his.” which tells you most of what you need to know about almost all the main characters.

There are macabre episodes (Peake is not afraid to kill off significant characters in nasty ways), but also moments of wonder (the sky pavement), mystery (the death owl) and humour (a comic cat-and-mouse fight in almost total darkness, except for occasional flashes of lightning).

>> No.15001537

Thoughts on Nick Harkaway's the gone away world? Not what I expected (I went in expecting a scifi novel but it's barely one) but I'm liking it a lot.

>> No.15002265

>adapting Stormlight
don't think Sanderson cares much about his books getting made into tv or movie that much. don't think he'd just hand Netflix the title either and let them do whatever they wanted.

>> No.15002348

Rec me something progression fantasy that isn't fucking YA and wasn't written by an amateur. I got hooked on Cradle but all the suggestions ive heard for similar material are reddit tier hot dogshit. Ive been rereading wheel of time once a year for 16 years and I don't want to do it again

>> No.15002402
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Where do I start with Lovecraft? Or, more precisely, Cthulhu Mythos.

>> No.15002527

What are the trending subgenres in the 2010s? Like I know there's YA dystopian stories, and then those fantasy heist things, but is there any more? I keep seeing fae court stories too, which are titled as "X of Y and Z".

>> No.15002603

>175 pages isn't a short story to him

>> No.15002618

4 lengthy paragraphs for a boring ass series. Especially that last book.

>> No.15002645

Daniel Black increases in power from book to book, and it surely isn't YA. Hell, I might say it's too adult.

>> No.15002726

the steel remains

>> No.15002733

painted man

>> No.15002843

Go for the dream cycle instead, it's better.

>> No.15002882

His properties are all already bought up by people who say they want to adapt them, but so far all that's come out of it is a half-assed vr "experience".
And a bunch of board games.

>> No.15002895

>The dialogue is weird at times, and is generally repetitive and long winded.
this is to cut down on animation

>> No.15003101
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>Main character is an orphan
I will not read your book
>Main character is male with brown hair and brown eyes with height around 5'11 just overall generic
I will not read your book
>There is a obvious super evil bad guy
I will not read your book
>Monarchy bad and democracy good
I will not read your book
>Main character has extreme features that stand out of the crowd
I will not read your book
>Main character is a prophecy child
I will not read your book
>Story told from first person
I will not read your book
>Story told from all knowing narrator
I will not read your book
>Time travel or time related anything
I will not read your book
>Magic 'system' that resembles anime or video games
I will not read your book
>Non explainable magic
I will not read your book
>There are Gods but they are super shy for some reason
I will not read your book
>Imperialism and capitalism bad
I will not read your book
>Communism good
I will not read your book
>Religion is overly mocked
I will not read your book
>Races/intelligent species in the world have absolutely no advantage or disadvantages between each other
I will not read your book
>War bad
I will not read your book
>Empire is based on Rome
I will not read your book
>Evil bad religion is based on Abrahamic religions
I will not read your book
>Characters from different parts of the world understand each other perfectly
I will not read your book

>> No.15003109


>> No.15003125

The 2010s are over, buddy.

>> No.15003178

More pandemic stories

>> No.15003222

Based department switchboard just lit up like a christmas tree

>> No.15003239

But skipped an entire decade and I need something to read.

>> No.15003710

BotNS is boring.

>> No.15003713

Six of Crows/Crooked Kingdom duology. Fun YA heist yarn with involved economic worldbuilding and compelling underdog characters on the margins of their world's society.

Caveat that it gets a little preachy about its "feminism good, capitalism bad" message.

>> No.15003822
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Still searching for a novel I read in highschool more than a decade ago.

MC is a man in a dying tribe who are one of many different sentient species who hunt each other to eat. I think meat is their only food source. He ends up on a journey of course and encounters many hostile races. Its post apocalyptic sort of setting with dilapidated cities.

I remember a satellite crashing, a journey on a river of carnivorous aquatic folk, a skeleton-esque race with maybe four arms that they eat and tastes "sweet". I believe the ending is the MC saving his love interest by sending her off world in an escape pod and it turns out the whole thing is either a reality show or how the various races of the universe settle disputes/wars.

It's not Acts of Caine as I've read that as well.

>> No.15003958
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>Each race has a single unified culture, including just one language per race (bonus points if the human language is called "the common tongue")
>Entire world has a single pantheon

>> No.15003998


Are you that climate alarmist faggot?

>> No.15004014


Uh... hmmm..
Start with shadow over innsmouth

>> No.15004031


Fair criteria

Forgot to add:

>female author
I will not read your book
>child protagonist
I will not read your book

>> No.15004112
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I agree with everything but:

>>Empire is based on Rome
>I will not read your book

The glory of Rome is based, so long as it doesn't fall under "imperialism bad" why is that a problem?

>> No.15004132
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Why isn't there any good WW1/2 inspired fantasy outside of japan

>> No.15004171

>Why isn't there any good WW1/2 inspired fantasy outside of japan
implying there are any from Japan. That loli nazi anime is trash to anyone who is not a weeb AND a pedophile.

>> No.15004190

But she's not a nazi and in the latest book she's not even a loli, now give me recs

>> No.15004212
File: 41 KB, 714x714, Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reading Wolfe's "The Knight" and I'm not that far into it, somewhere between 100 and 150 pages, but I can't help but think everyone in this book is autistic. Able, I can understand, he's a kid who never grew up properly, just got the body of an adult, while still being a kid, but everyone else seems emotionally and just generally socially retarded. Maybe it's the way the conversation flows, I'm not too sure.

>> No.15004341
File: 56 KB, 895x389, redrising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15004379

wolfe does great worldbuilding and metaphysical ramblings but cannot for the life of him do good dialogue.

>> No.15004381

Moorcock did some books about that
and there's The Draka series by S.M Stirling but i never read them.

>> No.15004400

Yeah, he's one of the rare few writers who manages to describe something and it actually sticks with me. But then conversations start and end like stunted little shits and I find myself questioning if he just parses this shit from somewhere else rather than properly write it.

>> No.15004468

Thanks anon I'll look into them

>> No.15004477

You have so many triggers

>> No.15004489

I think he's been trying to get Mistborn adapted for ages. Stormlight wouldn't make for a great TV series, though, I don't think. Mistborn is the only one of his series that I see translating particularly well. The Wax & Wayne setting is particularly well-suited for one.

>> No.15004523

I bought the Dunwich Horror to read as part of a high school art project and then never read it.

>> No.15004537

>poop tastes bad
>"wow dude bro you get like triggered by eating poop?"

>> No.15004552

Because good fantasy books have extremely alien enviroments. GoT and the Witcher is trash and very uncreative.

>> No.15004705
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Don't be like that anon. No need to be edgy among friends.

>> No.15004778


>> No.15004789

Any adaptation of Sanderson's work is going to turn out the same way TV adaptations of other generic fantasy authors like Terry Goodkind and Terry Brooks turned out.

If anyone remembers Legend of the Seeker or Shanna Chronicles at all, it's for the inconsistent pacing, rushed scripts, and nonsensical character development.

>> No.15004820

I see the thot poster was unbanned, and he isn't dead from Corona Chan yet.

>> No.15004827
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>> No.15004851
File: 310 KB, 1080x1350, sssuper_sus_65758375_2308984579315458_1277584925852888314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you gotta be like that?
Everyone here is perfectly aware of what kind of person you are and nothing you do or say will change that. So why not relax the edge a bit?

That basedboy on the left looks like onions version of Super Sus.

>> No.15004877

Abhorsen trilogy has a riff on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in book 3 and the New Kingdom is at a 1910s level of technology.

>> No.15004917

That face is so shopped it actually looks painted on. However, the way her butt slightly overhangs and pinches her thigh highs is absolutely divine

>> No.15004927

It's kind of the generic Empire everyone falls back on because they have a very limited knowledge of historical Empires, which usually also means they Rome stand in will be extremely shallow because if they don't know any Empires outside of Rome they probably haven't done much research into Rome itself.

>> No.15004981

would be perfect if she had a dick tbqh

>> No.15005098

No one likes you thot posted.
You are a cuck simp that pays to see photo of naked girls, and we detest those soibois here.

>> No.15005135

How do I become an actual cuck? Where do I get a qt gf to make me one?

>> No.15005149

>book is YA
I will not read your book

>> No.15005341

What are some books with huge emotional payoff? I feel like a lot of things I've read lately had fairly flat or somber endings.

>> No.15005359

That may be a personal problem regarding your emotional state.

>> No.15005369

>muh religion
>muh capitalism
>muh racism
so sensitive

>> No.15005380

I don't think so. So what were the last few books that had that impact on you?

>> No.15005440

>isn't a metafictional allegory
>has coherent sentences
>can be defined by a genre
>has viewpoints
>has a plot
>has characters
>has a defined setting
>written in a natural language
>is linear
>liked by mass audiences
>liked by critics
>is publicly sold
>created by a human
>has a physical version
>has a defined length
>isn't randomly generated every viewing
>is enjoyable
>costs money
I will not read your book.

>> No.15005460

Yea that makes sense

>> No.15005468

Fiction isn't real, so it doesn't have much of an impact on me.
Non-fiction is about the the real, so it does have an impact.

>> No.15005469

>everything tastes like poop
the common denominator here is your shit taste

>> No.15005531

Anyone read Wolfe's "An Evil Guest"? How does it measure up against other lovecraftian fiction and Wolfe's own stuff

>> No.15005558 [DELETED] 
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>You are a cuck simp that pays to see photo of naked girls, and we detest those soibois here.
Oh yeah I forgot to add - talk like a normal human being. After all this is /lit, not /r9k.

>> No.15005570

are there literature that fit these criteria, sounds interesting

>> No.15005609

Did you read the first part of the book? Able was out hiking and got conked on the head. The whole thing is happening in his mind.

>> No.15005705

Has a piece of art ever had an impact on you?

>> No.15005725

No, not really. I find them aesthetically pleasing, but other than that, no.

>> No.15005790

>uses words or images to convey information
I will not read your book

>> No.15005794
File: 7 KB, 177x266, 23069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the audio book to Shadow of the Torturer and I have no idea what the fuck is happening. The MC helped a rebel kill someone in a graveyard, almost drowned in a pond, is insane, nursed a pitbull named tricycle back to health, and fell in love with a super tall noblewoman who looks like a Grey Alien? Did I get all that right? Any good sci-fi written for low IQ millennials like me?

>> No.15005798

The Voynich Manuscript

>> No.15005817

This is good, but already read it

>> No.15005827

Try Children of Time.

>> No.15005835

The Tyranny Of The Anonymous Individual: How One Determined Poster Over The Course Of Several Years Influenced Everyone To Adopt Their Taste

>> No.15005850
File: 14 KB, 307x345, 1579222456581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this on /g/

>> No.15005886

Any good stories set in a classical antiquity esque world?

>> No.15005911

what do twitter thots have to do with /lit/
stop avatagfagging you unlikable nigger

>> No.15005914

i love how OP looks nothing like this irl

>> No.15005931

red sister is pretty much this

>> No.15005992

They don't get away with it as long as I'm watching.

>> No.15006024

I recall reading something years ago that said that Tolkien refused to write sequels to Lord of the Rings because they would just end up being written history, implying that Middle-Earth is not a separate universe but rather part of our own. Is this true?

>> No.15006114

The fact that Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales were published posthumously at the request of Christopher Tolkien speaks for itself. So does the fact that at least one career writer of Tolkien ripoffs started his career by petitioning the Tolkien estate for the rights to a sequel novel.

>> No.15006119

That poster is probably a pimply neckbeard with a pizza goiter and man tits

>> No.15006126

This explains why /a/ likes to pretend Legend of Galactic Heroes is top tier anime and not the worst example of both space opera cliches and unnecessary worldbuilding bloat. Somehow, the novels are even worse.

>> No.15006160

But actually it is.

>> No.15006191

>So does the fact that at least one career writer of Tolkien ripoffs started his career by petitioning the Tolkien estate for the rights to a sequel novel.
Who might you be talking about?

>> No.15006203
File: 140 KB, 500x561, 7796977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha lol yeah he is probably a virgin loser incel neckbeard racist manlet

>> No.15006218

Have Sex Incel

>> No.15006228
File: 40 KB, 742x600, untitled-1978-1.jpg!Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give any Warhammer or Grimdark Sci-Fi suggestions

>> No.15006276

Dennis L. McKiernan. Pretty much everything in his body of work is an unoriginal play-by-play of a different Tolkien story.

>> No.15006411

Is that Grimes

>> No.15006417

Yeah I'm sure OP looks just like that but didn't want to post his own pic because he's humble

>> No.15006423

red rising

>> No.15006469

Gideon the Ninth has a very Warhammer flavor in setting.

You might also like Hammer's Slammers.

>> No.15006474

It's not exactly what you're saying but close. I couldn't find anything about sequels though.

>> No.15006546

Remember when people used to say "you're breathing my air"?
Well it's a thing now.

>> No.15006605

Remember when I used to say "I'm cumming"?
Well I am again.

>> No.15006622

I'm looking for western xianxia/cultivation. I really liked Thousand Li and Cradle and now crave more.

>> No.15006640

Spin is hardly modern. Still, it was a nice book, though the ntr detracted from it.

>> No.15006670

The char design was crap, I can assure you that most pedophiles wouldn't be attracted by her.

>> No.15006804

cradle is the only good one unfortunately. Reverend Insanity is the goat xianxia though and has a good translation.

>> No.15006811

the given criterion for modern was > Stuff within the past 30 years

>> No.15006854

>boo hoo hoo I got filtered
lol dude get a grip

>> No.15007093

The Gap Cycle

>> No.15007399


>> No.15007438

Someone have that image of sffg published books?

>> No.15007442

I don't know what you mean.
Books published by /sffg/?

>> No.15007636

The Gunslinger but it’s not good

>> No.15007652

Wolf in shadow by David gemmell

>> No.15007665
File: 392 KB, 836x1408, 81TXM+uauWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not hang out here much. Thoughts on The Dying Earth by Jack Vance? I'm 4 chapters in.

>> No.15007731

>Books published by /sffg/?
I'm quite the prominent author, I regularly publish my posts to 4channel.org

>> No.15007734

In your case it will always be a state of mind

>> No.15007765
File: 1.31 MB, 1354x759, 1557703416902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored and it's slightly too early to sleep someone recommend me something short to read that I can start tonight and finish during work tomorrow

>> No.15007777

I love cradle. How is thousand li?

>> No.15007781

>Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (Cerebral, brainy mindscrew stuff from a Chinese cultural perspective)
>Takeshi Kovacs series by Richard K. Morgan (Neo-pulp adventure with an anvil-subtle message about the evils of globalist neoliberal capitalism)
>Redshirts by John Scalzi (parody of Star Trek and military sf/space opera tropes)
>Caliphate by Tom Kratman (A book written by the irl Mr. Buzzcutt from the old Beavis and Butthead cartoon about a dystopia run by eeeevil radical Muslims)
>Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente (Similar in tone to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, now with more classic rock and car racing references)
>Catfishing on Catnet by Naomi Kritzer (YA diversity/representation porn - adapted from a much better and more thought-provoking short story by the same author)
>Signalman Trilogy by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Mind-screwy sequence of stories with an X-Files/Twin Peaks vibe)
>Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer (Cerebral, highbrow SF about climate change and the environment pushing back against humanity)
>Gideon the Ninth (warhammer fanfic with lesbian romance)
>Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo (Lengthy hashtag-MeToo movement pamphlet with ghost rape and magic roofies)

>> No.15007800

>>Gideon the Ninth (warhammer fanfic with lesbian romance)
>publishers summary literally includes lesbian necromancers in it
Is this fetish bait or sjwbait?

>> No.15007802

What a bunch of horrible recommendations. Are you just trolling?

>> No.15007815

I put on my CV that I am a wikipedia editor, a google information searcher, and Time Magazine's 2006 person of the year (thanks for the accolades, Lev Grossman!)

>> No.15007831

The user wanted to know what SFF publishing has been like. Speaking for myself, I hated both Caliphate and Ninth House for wildly different reasons, but loved Richard K. Morgan's Kovacs books and CRK's Signalman stories.

>> No.15007851

A little bit of both, but only on the publisher's end.
The gay relationship in the book isn't sexualized and there's no PC preaching, although there are a couple of wildly out of place references to internet memes in the characters' dialogue.

>> No.15007985

>Evil bad religion is based on Abrahamic religions
Fair point but like wouldn't it be cool if there were a fantasy story where the villains are based on the Jews?

>> No.15008228

I'm reading Gideon the Ninth now. How is it Warhammery?

>> No.15008266

Is there a coomer and or self insert rec list/chart anywhere

>> No.15008317

I started watching it and it's dumb as hell. It's mildly entertaining so I might keep watching it but that first battle strategy was a dumpster fire.

>> No.15008635

Starting out with The Wandering Inn, but god damn it is it slow to start. And I don't think I've seen a more neurotic MC.

Does it get better?

>> No.15008745

skull aesthetics and memes (inquisitor Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau)

>> No.15008850

Thanks to whoever recommended Traitor's Blade. It was too edgy for me, but the first chapter was just about perfect. I'll keep my eyes peeled for De Castell

Don't forget the awkward sex scenes LOL

>I bought the audio book to Shadow of the Torturer
LMAO Imagine being the voice actor assigned to read this

>> No.15008884
File: 58 KB, 518x612, society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone got suggestions for horror stories?
I'd like something to do with the disappearance of society or the breakdown of order. Anything else horror is fine too.

>> No.15008969

Yeah, the first book is the worst by far. It gets better, although both MC are stuborn and retarded to the extreme. There is some real kino over there. Nicely written too.

>> No.15008975

Cringe, go prep your bull, antifa homo.

>> No.15009317

>t. I can't think outside of memes

>> No.15009328

>implying 'capitalism' and 'racism' aren't literal memes

>> No.15009861
File: 52 KB, 750x513, 91860258_1433137713522742_5613255667251937280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody read Cixin's new one The Supernova Era?

>> No.15010118

>this shit series where nothing happens is SO good
>it's required for iq acknowledgement

>> No.15010303

I like how a guy starts bleeding to death when his ship gets fired on, even though he never gets directly hit himself. What a joke.

>> No.15010329

>World War Z by Max Brooks (Quintessential global zombie pandemic story)
>I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (humans get replaced by genetic not-humans, last human is holed up in his house terrified)
>Demons by John Shirley (first half is what you're looking for about a demon apocalypse and full societal collapse, second half is low IQ New Age Manichaean spirituality and conspiracy woo)
>Nod by Adrian Barnes (An epidemic of sleeplessness hits all of humanity, leaving sleepers a persecuted minority. People start losing loved ones and hallucinating)

>> No.15010358

It's good but the later stories are even better.

>> No.15010367
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>> No.15010391

Go to Amazon and look for harem books.
Any that fit your specific criteria will be utter shit though.

>> No.15010486

I think William D Arand is dead.
I will never get remnant 3 now. I need more short stacks taking off dick.

>> No.15010489
File: 2.10 MB, 1080x1084, 41222053_236011430405854_2408474332243165184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any anti-coomer books? Where the protagonist doesn't just not get a harem, but he doesn't get the girl, she fucks the villain and so on? Like something that starts out as bait for self-inserting coomers only to blueball them and take a dump on them towards the end?

Because I know subversion is very popular in literature and that this dumb coomerlit is all over the place.

>> No.15010509

Some of the crap that gets published I swear

>> No.15010555

That Stephen King book about womans in cocoons

>> No.15010582

I've honestly been considering putting together a chart of cuck fantasy for a while.

>> No.15010625
File: 36 KB, 613x757, e0ad59fae40183842997a73cea4e0f2a4471fe88441bc6ac20d088dc33731ed7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That wasn't quite what I was after, but I suppose it's inescapable that people coom to stories even if you try to piss them off. Tbh it could be a really useful chart, for cuck-coomers, people who don't want that shit in their books and as well as a list of things to recommend to your standard self-insert coomer to ruffle their feathers, which I'm trying to do.
Name of story? He has gotten like a billion books published.

>> No.15010861

There's a Jennifer Fallon book where the protagonist gets horrified and angry at the decadence of his brother and friends participating in an orgy.

>> No.15010920

Search Stephen King womans in cocoons it woks

>> No.15010932

>Signalman Trilogy by Caitlin R. Kiernan (Mind-screwy sequence of stories with an X-Files/Twin Peaks vibe)
Is this any good at all and what is the target audience? The rest of the books in that list seem terrible but I'd love to read some combination of horror, fantasy, the paranormal and investigations into mysteries. Like X-files or Twin Peaks but more intelligent and doing more with the concept that a tv-show couldn't. I've even thought about writing some stories like that myself, but I know I'd never get published so I didn't waste my time doing it.

>> No.15010991

It's fun. You do know what fun is, right?
It's also filled with puns.

>> No.15011015

Fuck E William Brown and his paywall.

>> No.15011164

You sound butthurt and broke

>> No.15011166

>Target audience
Same target audience as True Detective TV series and the Twin Peaks sequel series. Initial perspective character is a shady "Man in Black" type character charged with covering up alien and paranormal conspiracies. The narrative structure is kind of like experimental cinema in having a sequence of loosely interrelated vignettes that tie into a larger narrative.

>> No.15011276

Pepe the fedora part 2 being released this month.

So many years waiting on this. Add the link to facebook url

>> No.15011278
File: 161 KB, 1400x1400, ninth_house_leigh_bardugo_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it that her YA books are actually good and can be taken seriously, but her first "Adult" novel is low IQ shit that lends itself to mockery?

>> No.15011304

Because adults are low iq sheep who follow what their betters (supervisor, ceo, mayor, governor, president) says to do.
I need more books like Daniel Black where I say "fuck the gov", build my own land and buildings, then take all the undesirables (homeless and cripples), clean the up and heal them, then become a super power myself. They would have to invite me to the G7.

>> No.15011333

I wanna cuck the prime minister of Japan.

>> No.15011341


>> No.15011402

i wanted to get into 40k after watching the astartes short yesterday which was pretty cool. is A Thousand Sons a good place to start? or should I pick something else as my first contact with the universe

>> No.15011489

i had a nightmare once where i was tied up in a side of a heptagonal platform (or maybe some other number) and it was rotating and descending as a nut around a bolt, and it would turn and then stop, and each time it stopped it would be the turn of one of us to get tortured by a demon (different one with each rotation, each had their flavour and method). and you could end your turn at any point, but then the platform kept turning until it got to the next person, and again and back again to you, and with each turn it got lower and lower and we all knew what was at the bottom and even so we didn't hold it in our turn, we kept passing and the demons were laughing

i think it would make for a great horror story

>> No.15011577

btw the official title of the series is Tinfoil Dossier.

>> No.15011773

I'd at least read the first three horus books before anything else in the series for some context.

>> No.15011989

It's closer to actual xianxia (sects, outer/inner disciples, Elders, Chinese names) but it still felt distinctly different from all the Chinese stories I've read.
Just beware that the MC isn't as accomplished as Lindon, while talented he is still overshadowed by real geniuses, at least so far.

>> No.15012041
File: 243 KB, 1200x544, Still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't get why we don't get more big budget 3D animation from studios. They're making their films like 80% with CG anyway, so just removing the cost for actors, props, equipment, cameras and so on would be a huge win, and then they can go however crazy they want with what they show and not having to worry about making it look too realistic or cramming in some live action element in there. That Gantz film was a great example of how it should be done.

>> No.15012062

After all your shilling I've checked out Worm and Wandering Inn, only to find out that both have female MC.
Now don't get triggered, it's not that I hate women, I just get bored out of my mind when reading about women.

>> No.15012079

Can't go a page without writing the main character's name; Cugel, like 10 times

>> No.15012093

I was surprised by how many times it had my snickering and laughing.
Did not expect it to be that humorous, in it's strange way.

>> No.15012098

But this sounds like a coomer plot for NTR fetishists.
Anti-coomer would be anything that doesn't dwell on sex and relationships.

>> No.15012125

Which of those are actually passable?
After reading a few pages of Towers of Heaven I'm actually kinda scared of self-published books.

>> No.15012149

If his wife was still young enough to get pregnant that would actually be cuck fantasy-tier since he's infertile, so you could rub it in how inferior he is.

>> No.15012184
File: 11 KB, 411x387, 1496884910297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but you have to start it out with a plot about that to make the coomer audience start to read it. Like you could have the protagonist castrated towards the end, but I bet there are coomers into that too.

I mean, let's take LotR, that's not for coomers at all, but they don't go in expecting it anyway, or they just don't read it. So it's not so much anti-coomer as it is simply not interested in them. I want something that waggles the prospect of it at the reader, like catnip, making them self-insert into the protagonist and get invested, only for the book to do a 180 a long way into it and start bullying them for it.

There's a bunch of fantasy books that do that with the heroic type of stories and such, but I've not heard about or read anything that does the same to coomerlit.

>> No.15012227

You not having heard about it means nothing, there's already a shitload of cuck stories that start out with baiting a normal relationship.

>> No.15012247

Based futurist

>> No.15012264

those neural net sites got your back, at least if you can compromise on (most likely) no allegories

>> No.15012314
File: 167 KB, 348x342, 129423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't specifically asking for cuck stories, anon. The cute girl that the protag falls in love with might die or something, maybe the harem girls get horrifying STIs or something. Although ironically I think coomers would hate that less than if the love interest ended their relationship for another man lol.

>> No.15012330

>The days of adventure are passed for Auric Manteo.
Fastest drop in my life (that was only the second sentence of the blurb).

>> No.15012352

Are there any self-published books with highly fetishised girls on the cover that aren't absolute bottom of the barrel.

>> No.15012539

>Are there any self-published books ... that aren't absolute bottom of the barrel.

>> No.15012561

There are some that are more enjoyable than the majority of published stories.
Then again I'm not an elitist.

>> No.15012577

Here's some fun peri-apocalyptic lyrics I did on a whim.

The Virus Will Subside Any Day

I remember my mother's dreams
I miss my father's eyes
The virus took them from me
Just go ahead and lie
The world fever dreams
While billionaires live in the sky
Everyone else isn't getting by
Let loose a mighty sigh
Can nobody save us?
Will anyone try?
The bodies are burning
Most everyone has died
And all along they're saying
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
One by one they die by disease, right there in front of me
The virus will subside any day
Five thousand feet shuffle
As crematory smoke engulfs the sky
Our last hopes erode
The remaining survivors cry
My bones all resonate
A burning lullaby
The virus took them from me
Just go ahead and lie
She says there's a vaccine
With hands in the air
Her words pierce the dark night
Does anyone care?
And all along can say it
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
One by one they die by disease, right there in front of me
The virus will subside any day
Right here, right here
Right here, right here
Right here, right here
Choking on the alcohol, upon which we rely
We keep guns close by for the infected unwilling to comply
"The virus will subside any day" they said, they said
"The virus will subside any day" they said, they said
We were told just to sit tight
Cause the end will soon arrive
"The virus will subside any day"
But it never did
It never did
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
The virus will subside any day (They said they said)
One by one they die by disease, right there in front of me
The virus will subside any day

Adapted from Rise Against - "Help Is on the Way"

>> No.15012601
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 12341324321421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally placed order for Dune Messiah about two years after reading the first book
My walk down the Golden Path begins

>> No.15012705

>There are some that are more enjoyable than the majority of published stories.
Not a grand accomplishment.

>> No.15012712


That was amazingly bad

>> No.15012717

enough not to be bottom of the barrel

>> No.15013166

I like Cradle and a few other anons do too.

>> No.15013192

Eisenhorn trilogy is considered one of the best material of the whole 40k book pile. And I would agree with that.
But it doesn't really focus on Astartes so maybe you want to go with a novel that actually features them. Personally I've not been much of a fan of the actual space marines so I haven't read to many of them. Thousand Sons was actually pretty cool though so I don't think that is a bad place to start.

>> No.15013225

The Twenty Days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria. Fantastic, somewhat Lovecraftian story from the 1970s that was recently translated, the city of Turin undergoes a plague of mass psychosis.

>> No.15013476

>>Non explainable magic
>I will not read your book
Spotted the simp autist.

>> No.15013488

Sound like you're looking for cuck books.

>> No.15013608
File: 50 KB, 316x475, 36216959._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started reading this series. You cant rent it for free if you have amazon prime

>> No.15013615

Asking in the right place then.

>> No.15013715

Stay away from Horus Heresy it's a newfren trap, at least wait until you have more knowledge about the universe.
Ultramarines by Graham Mcneill
Space Wolf William King
Eisenhorn and Gaunt's Ghosts are all good places to start

>> No.15013747

Don't buy any more until you finish it. I bought nearly the series after I read the first and found I couldn't stand it past halfway through Messiah

>> No.15013814

I've been thinking about BotNS lately.

How do you reconcile the fact that on the one hand Severian is obviously a lying little cunt, while on the other hand he's a sort of Christ-like redemptive figure (and with a redemptive personal arc for himself)? It can't be that that's just more of his BS because he actually succeeds in the end.

Is Wolfe trying to tell us that Jesus was a douche but that it's alright?

>> No.15013844

Sanderson is just okay, it's like he forgot to do a final edit for his book.

>> No.15014217

>tfw got four people reading my web novel and only one of them is my mom
we’re all gonna make it

>> No.15014260

Anyone read Janny Wurts' gigantic series?
I loved the empire trilogy and enjoyed what I read of her standalone so I looked to see what else she read and found she has a 10 book long series I've never heard of.

>> No.15014279

Literally retarded

>> No.15014301

>Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer (Cerebral, highbrow SF about climate change and the environment pushing back against humanity)
More like cerebrally dead

>> No.15014327

>Honestly I don't get why we don't get more big budget 3D animation from studios.
Because it takes a billion years to render

>> No.15014342

I really really liked the 1st half of Alastair Reynolds' House of Suns
didn't care for the flashback stuff with the children playing computer games
it got boring after most the Shatterlings died
Why does he have to be so good, but also so dumb? (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

>> No.15014448

When does Severian actually lie to the reader? I can remember times when he would lie to other characters, but not in his internal narration.

>> No.15014466


>> No.15014546

The whole thing about his perfect memory is a lie, the way he portrays his relation to Thecla is just endless bullshit. Even when he doesn't outright lie it's pretty clear he's putting a spin on his actions to try to make them look good. Right at the start he murders that guard for example and tries to play it off with a bunch of bs.

>> No.15014776

Imagine literally being named Janny

>> No.15015164


>> No.15015259

Here's a fun post apocalyptic poem I wrote

Where the bookstores have only one book,

and they all say it's a Good one;

where Confederate statues lord over unmarked graves

of unknown slaves,

and they say the South should have won.
Where hate springs eternal,

and lies built his palace.

The flags outnumber the flyers,

the lies outsize the liars,

and the Sun is chilled

in awe of malice.
Where an open heart is the Mark of the Beast,

and an open mind a confession;

Where bats are deafened by propaganda shrieking 24/7.

They are found, not foresaken!

And they call themselves "the heartland" because "Fatherland" was taken.
So vote the way God directs,

elect his loyal subjects,

as Reverend Putin commands,

and your gutless gut confirms.

Or maybe that's just your tapeworm, fuckwit.
Where kin is king and the Other disdained,

reason restrained,

compassion feigned,

and mirrors depict the One True Face,

the One True Faith,

the Master Race.
Where Jesus is Lord of Speeches

and blesses the bullets in their breeches

from behind security.

God's country is no place for a pacifist Jew like you-know-who;

he's gotta hide in Jehova's Witness Protection,

and help decide elections so Putin won't dissect him.
Where the patriots betray and the righteous obey,

and the truth holds no dominion;

and teflon flags fly above the shredded rags

of a reality outside of opinion.

wasteland among wastelands.

>> No.15015273

hunger games

>> No.15015312
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Thanks fren. Expect my book mid June / early July.

>> No.15015313

It is good to see the liberals are demoralized enough to produce something like this.

>> No.15015320

I told you wandering inn was shit and bloated to bursting. Why would you still read it?

>> No.15015388

Honestly I'll probably pick up something else before Children even if I like Messiah just to prevent burnout, I don't like going through series all in one go.

>> No.15015401

>"renting" a digital artifact
>the original doesn't even disappear from the parent server
Americlap has trained you well, good sheep. Remember if apple feels like deleting your music after you paid for it, and don't give you a refund, it's because you were renting the code you paid for on the device you paid for.

>> No.15015416

>and only one of them is my mom
Are you writing your mommy fetish to see if she would be open to you laying some pipe?
I mean in these quarantine times she must be hard up for some clean dick.

>> No.15015428

Put in a self insert and make him do incest

>> No.15015473

I read most of it several years back, it's a really solid high fantasy series.

>> No.15015511
File: 3.31 MB, 2956x1971, Richard_Stallman_on_pedophilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are ya'll over in /g/ still defending baby raping?

>> No.15015600

wtf I like gnu man now

>> No.15015672
File: 137 KB, 800x1200, george-rr-martin[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George R.R. Martin: Pandemic gives me “more time to finish The Winds of Winter”

Now he has no excuse.

>> No.15015704
File: 965 KB, 783x810, 1563760407576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did this and considered downloading the heartgem books since I saw them on a /lit/ chart once
>go to irc
>every upload of them is [SEXCRAFT CHRONICLES]
>never downloaded them

>> No.15015738

/sffg/, I'm freaking out. I have to get more food and the empanada place I stocked up at closed down, and I basically have no kitchen or cleaning supplies. I can barely carry enough groceries for a week. I can't sanitize it all. How much of it will even last?

>> No.15015758

reading comprehension

>> No.15015808

My local walmarts are all out of literally everything but I live in Texas so I just started going to the mexican market near me they still have everything since the only ones who shop there are mexicans and me

>> No.15015823

>After all your shilling I've checked out Worm and Wandering Inn,
>reading comprehension
Plz tell me about my comprehension. Unless the "shilling" was "don't read", and you being a low iq brainlet took that as a recommendation.

>> No.15015841

Corona chan took all your authors, no new books ever.
William D Arand is dead. He got a new book out Tuesday and he didn't even update his blog.

>> No.15015846

I was referring to
>Why would you still read it?
since I only checked it out. The synopsis was enough to turn me off.

>> No.15015856

Are all of those litrpg/gamelit? I can't stomach that drivel.

>> No.15015868

His next book is till May 2nd. Not April 7th.

>> No.15015891

A lot of them are. What I can't stand is stats in a fucking fantasy book. I can take the rpg/game elements sometimes, but stats, and the protagonist going on about loot and excited about prearranged abilities get me mad.

>> No.15015898

Which of them aren't litrpg? Anything you would recommend?

>> No.15015900

All Systems Red is standard sci-fi and Trysmoon is standard fantasy can't say about the rest of them

>> No.15016059

Asr is not standard in any way

>> No.15016066

Several of those aren't even actually self published

>> No.15016137

Point out the several. If the books were later picked up by a publisher (podium, mountain dale, etc), they were still self published in the beginning.

>> No.15016174

Cradle and cultivating chaos for martial arts fantasy.

For comedy, blue mage raised by dragons, the sorta dark mage, I would recommend everybody loves large chests but it's slightly game litty.

For depression with a sunrise at the end, trysmoon saga.

For wondering if the author posts on 4chan, try contractor.

Fimbulwinter is okay if you ignore the blatant smut throughout the book.

>> No.15016263

I've done so multiple times before, but it was ignored so why bother again?

>> No.15016271

Because you are obviously insane, and doing the same action yet again shouldn't cause problems.

>> No.15016356

Here's one.

All Systems Red - Martha Wells
It was always published by TOR from the beginning. That's not self-published in the slightest.
Martha Wells has a long record of being not self-published and has never self-published.

That being said, the other self-published chart has even more that aren't self-published. It's failure from both people.

>> No.15016377

>this autism
Who the fuck cares autist? It is free books to read. Seek help.

>> No.15016839

its awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwright

>> No.15016842

Is there a book where the heroine gets raped in multiple points of the story? She can save the world and the universe but raped and not only in the start.

>> No.15016846
File: 36 KB, 700x700, 1544238918570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really new to fantasy genre besides the essentials like lotr and asoiaf. Tried the name of the wind and the wheel of time had to drop both because MC feels like a virgin self insert and characters overall are rather generic and predictable, not to mention the cartoonic villains in wot

Thinking about starting either black company or the first law, are they better in regards to interesting characters?

>> No.15016853
File: 22 KB, 553x495, 1481056447600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he won't read Gene's book

>> No.15016858

She saves the world by being raped!

>> No.15016868
File: 26 KB, 259x323, vargboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Main character is male with brown hair and brown eyes with height around 5'11 just overall generic
>I will not read your book
>>Main character has extreme features that stand out of the crowd
>I will not read your book
arent you contradicting yourself here?

>> No.15016918

He has no obligation either.

>> No.15016921


>> No.15016922

i got more details if you want although it's blurry

>> No.15016923

I read one where this happens. however it was a light novel not a book

>> No.15016934

It's not funny if it's jap.

>> No.15017013

I think they're bad in a different way. 3edgy5me grittygrittygrimderp isn't a huge improvement over Patricky Rothsue or Wheel of Diet Middle Earth but at least First Law has a sense of humor.

>> No.15017163

Try Prince of Nothing. You will never want to read fantasy ever again.

>> No.15017174

>You will never want to read fantasy ever again.
because its so good that no fantasy book will ever come close?

>> No.15017208

Redpill me on r/fantasy.

>> No.15017298

I get that just about anyone can make a "recommendation chart" but seeing some of the shit on here labled as recommended makes me genuinely mad.
There's some good books there but stuff like We Are Legion and the litrpgs are so rubbish that I feel bad for anyone who gets misled into reading them.

>> No.15017305

no because it's such dogshit you'll have killed yourself

>> No.15017469 [DELETED] 


>> No.15017545

Why the racism?

>> No.15017631

It's biased more heavily in favor of bestselling, mainstream authors and publishers than their fans and readers, and is inhospitable to amateur writers.

Culturally, it's an institutionally conservative subreddit: conversations on r/fantasy are very formal and stuffy, focusing mainly on the technical aspects of fantasy worldbuilding and writing. While this keeps trolling and flame wars to a minimum, it also makes that sub very boring.

>> No.15017642

Liked Cugel's Saga way more than I thought, wasn't put off my it being old-timey.
What next?

>> No.15017652

It's fine for recommendations/finding books but you have to get a grasp of what they like too much before it's truly useful (i.e. Malazan gets recommended in response to literally any recommendation question lol).
I've never thought to use it for anything else and desu I only use it for recs when I'm desperate to find something to read.
>and is inhospitable to amateur writers.
this is a good thing

>> No.15017662
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>> No.15017671

>It's biased more heavily in favor of bestselling, mainstream authors and publishers than their fans and readers
I don't understand this sentence

>> No.15017683

Although there’s some really good stand alone novels in the HH

>> No.15017695

This doesn't really answer your question but it's interesting that he lies to make it seem like his sexual prowess is impressive, while it's ironic given Jesus supposedly bedded none.

>> No.15017700


6 introductions

Short Stories:
Rats in the Walls
The Music of Eric Zahn
The Outsider

The Dunwich Horror
At the Mountains of Madness
The Shadow over Innsmouth

The Cthulhu Mythos was popularised by other writers but Yog-Sothoth was the central deity in Lovecrafts own mythos. Read The Call of Cthulhu if that is what interests you.

>> No.15017711


Also, avoid audiobooks as they are the wrong way to experience Lovecraft. You'll either be drawn into his world or grow confused regarding his writing style.

>> No.15017821

It's more author-centered than reader-centered.

>> No.15018320

You know what's fun, right anon?
Are you mad we are legion wasn't autistic hard scifi? You mad the tech doing things we can't?
You hard scififags make me genuinely mad, and I literally want to punch you right now. It's fucks like hou that made scifi boring these days. Nobody wants your mathematical theorem.

>> No.15018500
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Sweet Ermengarde

>> No.15018540

Did John C. Wright go actual insane at some point?

>> No.15018567

Was he one of the guys who started calling themselves sad puppies/angry puppies because they were seething that sci-fi awards were too diverse and PC?

>> No.15018584

>conversations on r/fantasy are very formal and stuffy, focusing mainly on the technical aspects of fantasy worldbuilding
See: Brandon Sanderson threads almost all of which nerd out over the complexity of his invented magic systems, with no acknowledgement to storytelling or characterization

>> No.15018714


>> No.15018766

>Ive been rereading wheel of time once a year for 16 years

>> No.15018804

Never, the fat fuck will get corna and die.

>> No.15018840

Coronavirus isn't real

>> No.15018934

Kek, neither is the winds of winter :^)

>> No.15018955


>> No.15019886

More like lazy edition