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14992710 No.14992710 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that logically breaks down why men outperform women in literally everything? There should be some sort of explanation. I mean it doesn't make sense for God's distribution of skills to be so uneven, right?

>> No.14992725

Mary Daly - Gyn/Ecology

>> No.14992737


>Is there a book that logically breaks down why asians outperform everyone else in literally everything?I mean it doesn't make sense for God's distribution of skills to be so uneven, right?

>> No.14992750

I outperformed your mom last night

>> No.14992755

You say this like it isnt true and like I wouldnt like a book for this very same phenomenon.

>> No.14992756

Implying Asian women doesn't exist

>> No.14992781

Men are only better mostly at stuff that doesn't matter, like video games. On the other hand women can talk well than men, on average smarter, also more compassionate and caring. These are better things to have than some autistic skills on league of legends

>> No.14992790

Asians can't win on sports.

>> No.14992815

idk what you just said
i just asked a better question

>> No.14992821

Marx talked about how people have different abilities. This is like shaming every non African person because they are bad at basketball

>> No.14992838
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>> No.14992843

the Bible is pretty clear that women were made for men

>> No.14992871

But the Bible isn't an authentic document

>> No.14993005

men are more varied than women, so they're better at most things at the top end but worse at the bottom end.

>> No.14993020


Men have about 10 percent more brain mass in their heads which translates into billions of more firing neurons processing and retaining information. They also are more left brain dominant than women, which allows them to better process logic and reasoning tasks. That's why men do most things better.

That said, women are, or should be were it not for the ravages of feminism, the much more powerful gender. The reason is because they are the primary programmers of children, a programming which starts in the womb soon after conception by her thoughts and subsequent emotions, and post birth in child rearing.

That means women are programming humanity, including these more intelligent and powerful men, and shaping the world to be it is today.

Because of feminism, women have reneged on this SIGNIFICANT power they have over humanity, leaving the raising of their children to the state.

>> No.14993047

that's where you're wrong

>> No.14993050

Is 27 deaths a game something good, something bad? I wouldn't know since I am not a virgin.

>> No.14993066

>actually wanting w*men to program kids
you hopeless simp

>> No.14993097
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Men have had to compete with each other for access to pussy. The winners were those that were smarter, stronger, better at thing, etc (on average) than other men. The result of those pressures are strewn into our Y chromosome.

On the other, women have never had to compete for anything except how many babbies they could pump out of their vagene and how perky are their bobs. Thus, they acquired those hips and boobs we are so fond of. I'm not sure what else they're good for tbqh. Maybe gossip? It doesn't matter.

>> No.14993107
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>Men have had to compete with each other for access to pussy.

>> No.14993118

That's just how it is for those in the mating game. Deal with it.

>> No.14993121

There is. Outliers, I think. Tl;dr: Asia is such a shitty continent for growing a lot of food so Asians made every feasible effort to grow rice as best they can (which is really fucking hard btw and requires tending year-round) ergo it forces them to be disciplined, obedient, and dedicated.

So when it comes to things like math, music, etc., they aren't gifted by any means, rather they're incredibly fucking disciplined and dedicated to the work. It's just the DNA of their culture

>> No.14993122


They are programming kids regardless of what I want, first in their wombs, then, as the mother goes off to make money during the day, the kid gets programmed by women employed by the state in public schools.

Government and television has taken the place of post birth mother, and these same mothers, who lost their greatest power over society, think this is progress because feminism told them that staying home and being caring mothers within a family was suppressing women.

>> No.14993135

Why would what our ancestors did have an effect on us?

>> No.14993156
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>> No.14993170

Why wouldn't?

>> No.14993189
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Religious nutjob detected. Gtfo out of my board/

>> No.14993205

"Why wouldn't" isn't an answer to that. Do you have any evidence to suggest 'skills' are transfered through generations?

>> No.14993210

Sam I have to admit your posting is getting better

>> No.14993217
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I don't think you fit it in here

>> No.14993238
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You have to go deeper than just skills into those very raw traits that are conducive to their acquisition. Let's go to an easy one
Strength - Men are better at lifting things or throwing things because we have stronger upper body strength by nature, and nature has given us such a gift b/c of natural selection


>> No.14993254

I mean, history disagrees with this. Sure, modern asians are more disciplined and focused than whites, but its just the time. Whites where the ones who actually invented all this modern shit in the first place and conquered the world, how are asians inherently superior? Whereas women have always been second class citizens in almost every society to ever exist.

>> No.14993257

Is called natural selection, idiot.

>> No.14993297

This isn't even a woman. Imagine being offended on womens' behalf.

>> No.14993319

Women are better at long-distance swimming than men. But that's about it.

>> No.14993375

Men and women have about the same average IQ, but a different standard deviation of IQ. If you don't know what a standard deviation is... look it up.

(east) asians have a higher average IQ. Life's not fair.

>> No.14993494

>Vae victis
Oh the ironing

>> No.14993506

Of all the crackpot theories I hear about human development - its cold, it's not cold, there's too little resources, no metal ores - they needed to grow rice is probably the funniest.

>> No.14993532
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Why are Asians so driven to succeed at academics? Is it just some cultural thing?

>> No.14993557

who is she, my loins are engorged with hemoglobin laced bodily fluid

>> No.14993560

pressure from society and their parents. plus school in asia (at least in korea) is way harder compared to america

>> No.14993579

>the low iq sport cope

>> No.14993610

>the small dick 'intellectual' cope

>> No.14993615

The distribution is very uneven in other species, why would humans be different?

>> No.14993623

>asians outperform everyone else in literally everything?I
They are shit at anything physical and creative

>> No.14993649

When asians are smart, it's because of their genes. When whites are successful in colonizing the Earth, it's because they got lucky. The Jared Diamond school of logic.

>> No.14993669

The Chinese were pretty artistic before they got raped by mongols and other central asian barbarians for hundreds of years on end. Japanese literature is quite often the budget version of Chinese /lit/, but it's pretty good most of the time.

>> No.14993781

Scholars, as a group, are generally very well-respected in sinic cultures.

>> No.14994279


>> No.14994288

I didn't knew poles and russians had colonies.

>> No.14994522

> the current best digital artist and technical trad artist are in large majority asian.

>> No.14994616

Most of the Asians you would have experience with were probably the children of migrants who would have already had to have been fairly successful to be able to migrate to your country in the first place, so there is a bit selection bias here. Successful people know what habits are necessary for success, and they pass those habits those habits on to their children.