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/lit/ - Literature

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14946852 No.14946852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good subreddits for a browser of /lit/?

>> No.14946876


>> No.14946909


>> No.14946913


>> No.14946920


>> No.14947042
File: 52 KB, 644x303, FuckOff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off faggot

>> No.14947075

r/semenretention r/srbookclub

>> No.14947688

>What are some good subreddits for a browser of /lit/?

behavioraleconomics, biophysics, bookporn, christianoccultism, classics, codes, cognitivelinguistics, complexsystems, debunkthis, deleuze, depthhub, economictheory, exredpill, filmtheory, gametheory, gonzo, hacking, huntersthompson, exmuslim, iamverysmart, illuminatedmanuscript, infinitejest, intelligence (various, all of them, CIA shit), kundalini, learnmath, libraries, libraryofbabel, logic, marketanarchism, mindcontrol, mnemonics, neoliberal, nootropics, occultconspiracy, philosophy, philosophyofscience, piracy, propagandaposters, psychology, psychonaut, roomporn, scholar, selfsufficiency, shakespeare, singularity, skeptics, social_psychology, speedreading, stjonhscollege, synchronicities, synchronicity, theology, transhumanism, truefilm, vaporwave, sorceryofthespectacle, wikileaks

>> No.14947695


>> No.14947699

Go back.

>> No.14947703

ThomasPynchon, TheTranslucentSociety, TheRealMisandry, technomages, technomancy, SystemsTheory, streetepistemology, socialengineering, speculativerealism, semantics, semiotics, skeptics, rosicrucian, rokosbasilisk, reationalpsychonaut, readingerosandmagic, reading1000plateaus, randomgutenbergfinds, privatestudyrooms, privatestudy, polyphasic, philosphie, oulipo, newsincerity, neurophilosphy, neuronaut, neurolaw, neoplatonism, natureisterrible, memorization, lesswrong, laymanjournals, kanye, jamesjoyce, interdisciplinary, etymology, esperanto, dondellilo, davidfosterwallace, books, bookshelf, autism

>> No.14947863

woah there mate? you dare mention reddit on www.4chan.com? nooooo you cant do that! reddit bad, reddit ba, REDDIT BAD REEEEEEEE.

r/195 is the only good humor subreddit

>> No.14947929

The closest thing I could find are r/language and r/etymology. r/books is a joke and r/literature seems to be all articles. Nonetheless, I'd advise you to stay off of reddit.

>> No.14947944


r/TRUELIT you stupid fucking faggots

>> No.14947981

Thanks, anon. It seems quite decent.

>> No.14947993


>> No.14948027 [DELETED] 

Go back.

>> No.14948050

Go back to your hole.

>> No.14948057

Go back.

>> No.14948093

Reddit is gov controlled, no freedom of speech I don't like that fraudulent social propaganda place

>> No.14948110

Go back.

>> No.14948117

Go back.

>> No.14948132

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14948203

Recently discovered a hidden gem: r/AskLiteraryStudies

It has a lot of overlap with /lit/ in terms of topics.

>> No.14948246

Go back.

>> No.14948248

Yes. Based. This subreddit is great. It's awesome.

>> No.14949422
File: 348 KB, 991x1287, 1569140164653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.14949451

keep seething. not all of reddit sucks. just most of it

>> No.14949470

go back

>> No.14949566

Go. Back.

>> No.14949829


sots and most of the sots multi-sub, to simply spectate of course.

>> No.14949837

go back there

>> No.14949870
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>> No.14949877

Back you go

>> No.14949886

r/Phenomenology and r/JewishSocialism

whats your username lol

>> No.14949915

why. not that I expect a response. you guys will keep replying go back no matter what I say

>> No.14949953

Ey reddities wanna see gore??!

>> No.14949977

Imagine thinking there's still a dichotomy between reddit and 4chan users in 2020. Just end it newfag lmao

>> No.14949990

Why not go back home

>> No.14950033

Why not go back home to /b/, this board is not for summerfags

>> No.14950045

Go back.

>> No.14950055

Kill yourself

>> No.14950059

The reddit / 4chan rivalry is a meme at this point. Most people usd both, and depending on subreddit you can find the same shit there as you would here. Incels, and other low IQ faggots bitching about things they have no experience of, like dating women.

>> No.14950073

Go back.

>> No.14950105

Read a book nigger

>> No.14950138

Go fucking back

>> No.14950154
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>> No.14950161

Go back.

>> No.14950167

Let me guess you're a mixed race 14 y/o mutt trying to exorcise his sexual frustrations by trying to convince himself he fits in with teh edge lords on teh edgy secret website. Off yourself nigger you will never have sex.

>> No.14950173

gO bAcK

>> No.14950188


>> No.14950196

I miss when R*ddit was a banned word on the entire site.

>> No.14950212

take a shower everyone can smell the cum

>> No.14950230

post tits

>> No.14950238

Go. back.

>> No.14950240

the recent plebbit and woman wave on this board, and site in general, has been a disaster.

>> No.14950261

dm me ;o

Go back to failing high school

>> No.14950270

post tits now

>> No.14950274
File: 84 KB, 1125x1286, 37c89e20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back

>> No.14950295

Come back

>> No.14950302
File: 152 KB, 760x507, 147374417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back cum.

>> No.14950382

Go back

>> No.14950390
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>>Go back

>> No.14950425

All these seen to be very good, thank you

>> No.14950432


>> No.14950446
File: 59 KB, 552x451, 4E6EB80E-0CB4-467A-B504-15A34E549906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14950464

>most people use both

The absolute state of redditniggers. Fuck off.

>> No.14950479

this one was somewhat interesting
still, why shill on /lit/? thought peddit was popular already

>> No.14950509
File: 492 KB, 750x1207, C5166F92-A1B3-40A3-BEC5-980B16A483CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back......

>> No.14950734

He is absolutely right tho

>> No.14951132


>> No.14951839

the worst of all are the people who reply to woman bait. mods should ban this niggers for providing attention

>> No.14952904

>this one was somewhat interesting
It's one of my favorites, I knew someone would like it, I think it's the subjects people here like but all together in coherence.

I wish I could see more "connections" on /lit/.

>> No.14952915

>All these seen to be very good, thank you
Thank you fellow, I'm glad you liked them.

>> No.14952920

What? We are all smart bois here.

>> No.14952936

>r/TRUELIT you stupid fucking faggots

>> No.14952941

>still, why shill on /lit/? thought peddit was popular already
Mmm, I guess because here there's some level of randomness, less noise-to-info ratio and everything is one place.

>> No.14952950

>He is absolutely right tho
Indeed, even in 2009 everyone was on both...secretly.

>> No.14952963

I actually was on both in 09 lel. I think i gave up on ledit around 2014.

>> No.14952979

Wasn't that time when a new CEO came and became implementing new laws that "attacked" free speech (the typical culture wars we sadly live on)? An american asiatic woman?

>> No.14953002

I didn't really follow reddit politics so im not sure. But it was when a lot of subreddits were being banned and others were randomly changing overnight to be rife with even more faggotry than was regular for reddit.

worldnews for example used to have all sorts of fringe opinions on it then suddenly it became all proggy

>> No.14953433

I also like to peruse /r/shruglifesydicate because I find schizos to be a boundless source of entertainment.

>> No.14953444
File: 940 KB, 1056x1032, iKH4mfI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there was a point before reddit was astroturfed to shit with typical idpol horseshit

>> No.14953487

>I also like to peruse /r/shruglifesydicate because I find schizos to be a boundless source of entertainment.

>> No.14953492

>Yeah, there was a point before reddit was astroturfed to shit with typical idpol horseshit
WTF? Wow, I admire that level of courage, obviously I wouldn't use for that...but those are some ovaries

>> No.14953827

Never post on Reddit, just lurk.

>> No.14954121

/r/braincels but it got banned

>> No.14954233

most people on 4chan use both but not vice-versa. If it were the case, then calling people faggots would be banned.

>> No.14954466
