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14942908 No.14942908 [Reply] [Original]

I descend to bring you these seeds of liberation waste them not.
>Only when u are in a nightmare do you have enough motivation to wake up from it
I see many people are either immersed in the normie illusion or feel as if they havent even started to live yet and need self help books to become productive npcs. Still in socially conditioned maze of 'making it' somewhere or failing within that constructed maze. Why would someone willfully subscribe to such a trap that brings misery and suffering to its adherents?
I could see beyond the illusion of material reality early on and see no meaning,fulfillment or purpose can be found on such a paradigm as sages of old have always said and each person can confirm through their experience eventually.
No amount of pussy,money,wealth,power,knowledge ( each containing the previous but growing in greater need ,craving for more ) can give you true soul satisfaction ,inner peace,happiness, meaning.
Besides you signed a contract at birth that anything at any time can be taken and will eventually be taken away from you.
>Such are the rules of the game you play
So then what is left to spend your life on?
The answer is not being a victim to social conditioning signing away your life to an egregore that can only provide an artificial purpose a scam of the worst kind such examples are war,politics etc...
When all that is false is removed one may begin to gain insight in what truly matters. This is the emptiness and scarcity of which Meister Eckhart the christian mystic spoke of. To experience god,absolute reality , a moment beyond time and space .
If there was no unmanifested then there would be no liberation from the manifested(Maya-illusion)
This is not about subscribing to any ideology or particular school but developing enough awareness so you may awaken your inner sense an intuitive feel for god. It becomes a game of hot and cold , the closer you get the more fulfillment,meaning ,purpose and happiness fills your cup until you finally end the cycles of death and rebirth for who would want to continually go through all that suffering?
Look Within
Dont waste this lifetime.

>> No.14943305

transcendentally based

>> No.14943326

I'm in a pure nightmare. 24 KHV. I just finished watching this local models live Instagram story. She was painting and the whole time I was pretending I was sitting across the table from her and we were quarantined together. Every time she leaned into the camera to change a song I swear I could smell her breath and for a moment I'd be filled with bliss. This is no life to live. Hate normies all you want but they never have to experience this level of coping to keep going

>> No.14943338

when op pic is this you know the thread's gonna be great. unironically based poster, one among a thousand

>> No.14943340

>tackles apu

>> No.14943371

anon, i... maybe pursue ugly girls irl instead of being this cringy with an ig model.
uglyness protects a woman from that camwhore egirl fuckery, and many of them have a great personality as they actually had a chance to build it.

>> No.14943477
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op here, anon you're stuck in coomers maze not only you cannot achieve it but u cannot realize that even if you did achieve it, over time as such pleasure is subject to duality the pleasure it brings would turn to its polarity and bring you more suffering.
You will be back to the same spot where u started.
Normies are fated to die a thousand slow burning deaths the kind of pain that stings but not enough to wake you up .
Mild discomfort that keeps you looping forever in dissatisfaction.

>> No.14943506

>Normies are fated to die a thousand slow burning deaths the kind of pain that stings but not enough to wake you up .
>Mild discomfort that keeps you looping forever in dissatisfaction.
never thought this board is still capable of profound anti-coomer, anti-normworshipping thought that's not looped on one of the local jokes. well done, ascended pepe poster

>> No.14943508

You're alright.

>> No.14943513

>This is the emptiness and scarcity of which Meister Eckhart the christian mystic spoke of. To experience god,absolute reality , a moment beyond time and space .
I know I’ve read this word for word before here. Anon, aren’t you a little attached to Eckhart’s teachings a little bit?
Also, if this is real
>Besides you signed a contract at birth that anything at any time can be taken and will eventually be taken away from you.
then nothing really matters down here. Or is that your point?

>> No.14943574

>then nothing really matters down here.
Read the book of Job. He had everything taken from him, but that was not the end.

>> No.14943727

Teachers are merely signposts ultimately we must look within to confirm and know for ourselves
Second point is that no amount of accumulation of cheese within the maze will bring lasting satisfaction or meaning, we must go beyond the maze.
Until then one should cultivate and find comfort in infinite summer within that is not subject to the harsh coldness of the outer world.

>> No.14943777

Extremely based post, OP. I can only agree. How do we stop signing our lives away to the egregore though? How do I anchor myself to an inner state when I have to away at a dehumanizing mechanist job in an office cube with hyper normies? I don’t want to do this anymore. I had a meaning crisis maybe a year ago and even considered killing myself but it feels like there’s just no way to escape this hyper mundane reality.

>> No.14943786

I love you

>> No.14943807

Ok Op, are you a hindu? Perennialist? Whatever, I only love God but I am afraid of loving the wrong one, or not falling for the new agey “love all and everyone broo only love can save us”, i actually hate injustice i want earthly people to suffer not in sadistic way but to make them realize how vain they are, how shallow they are for being attached to this supericial pantheistic only love matters shit without any substance; yet i know that what is Love in itself, what is Good can only be attained through God but i dont know if i end up being negative and condemn myself. I font want to reincarnate

>> No.14943838

Considering you have already understood that love = God, please name a single thing besides love that can do anything that matters. Along with that, name a single thing besides love that matters. Unless you're........Afraid of defending your beliefs from a complete stranger on the internet who legitimately isn't worth your time?

>> No.14943881

yeah but my point is that indiscriminate love isn't love yet these people preach only love as if devoid of God, a temporal, human kind of love

>> No.14944010
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By developing our most sacred tool. Awareness
You're not your body nor mind but awareness that governs both.
Outside of you there will always be chaos therefore you must be like a still tree unmoved by the cold winds.
Consider your life as groundhogs day a cycle on repeat, you dont need to change anything external the key lies inside you must dig deep within . Everyday try to bring more awareness while removing and seeing the truth of illusions. Our mind is constantly seeking something from past or future let it go.
Our feelings are trying to take over us let them go as well .
Develop that inner sense that gives you a sense of right hot or cold. Death of the body is meaningless as we are stuck in cycles of birth and death until we go beyond them and find liberation.
Contemplate on death as well it is one of the most important companion of our lives as we undergo many deaths before that of the body.

None really as i believe there are no footsteps to follow in this journey one must look and follow the divine compass within, dust it off and patiently listen. There is no right or wrong god there is only one but u must look beyond the appearance of things sense his reality in your core being . Mind cannot grasp it for it only sees in paradigm of duality i am here and god is there and hoping its the correct one.
Injustice is just ignorance of our true nature, after i had spiritual experiences(one might say eye of dharma awakening) my sense of goodness has sharpened and its pull increased.
There is a well of love inside us if we are not connected to it or if is rotten then you cannot feel love for anything outside.

>> No.14944065
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Thank you, may you find eternal love that permeate through the manifested finite illusion but is not of it.

>> No.14944090

i dedicate all my being to god, i have been dedicating my thoughts, my heart to him most of the time of my life lately for more than a year; i only think of him and thinking about how i can not grasp his ineffability, his transcendence; and all this started because of my obsession with death and still it follows me but not in the same way but it turned into something different, turned into a sort of means;
i just cant help feeling contempt for people who defile god in god is love and you should love all indiscriminately, even rapists

>> No.14944254
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You must understand them its not love for me its more of a compassionate understanding that comes from connection to the eternal self.They will suffer until they realize their ignorance.

>> No.14944345

>Hate normies all you want but they never have to experience this level of coping to keep going
you don't have to either, stop being a simp for egirls

>> No.14944379

these are some rare pepes, thank you
not to play devil's advocate but if you truly believe that god is ineffable then surely you must accept the possibility, the inevitability even, of the [necessity of evil]
leaning a little christian here but without the temptation of evil, the desire to do good has no real meaning. this is not to say that you should unconditionally love people whom you believe to be evil or corrupted, but as the saying goes, "there, but for the grace of god, go I," no? all one can do in a world such as this is preach by example, pray by living. those without the capacity to perceive this must continue the cycle

>> No.14944473
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I know that feel, and you frame my feels into your words. I live to bring these feels back.

>> No.14944762

you can get more meaningful experience out of abandoning desire for thots and chasing mystic enlightenment
meditate, sit in a dark room for hours, do drugs, listen to music, read esoteric texts
IDC which of those you choose to do but any of them are better than what you're doing now

>> No.14944777
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My fellow anon i feel the deepest of feels, the kind of feels most men cannot conceive of feeling.
The deeper i feel the deeper the abyss feels me.

>> No.14945195

>this is not to say that you should unconditionally love people whom you believe to be evil or corrupted
Love does not mean aiding someone's goals. It means showing them virtuous love. Loving a sinner is about education, not blind capitulation. I understand you are well meaning and that this is a semantics argument, but when everyone you greet is the creator made manifest, you should treat them like it. Apologies if this comes off rudely, I feel very strongly about love.

>> No.14945623
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''Do not look at anybody in terms of friend or foe, brother or cousin; do not fritter away your mental energies in thoughts of friendship or enmity. Seeking the Self everywhere, be amiable and equal-minded towards all, treating all alike.'' -Shankara
You're a good lad anon

>> No.14945738

I dunno dude, revenge feels bretty good tnh

>> No.14945771

Okay anon, but what about your wants? Time flies, is there nit a possibility you ll regret doing certain things while you could. Anything from being with the girl you fell for to being economically stable and not feeling the burn of poverty. How can you apply this kind of thinking and way of life without becoming an outcast in a society that values different things than you do? Unless your goal is to move to a monastery it will be hard to reconciliate this way of life with todays wolrd

>> No.14946105

It is a far inferior pleasure than perception of the Self.

>> No.14946116

Not him, but I have a career and yet I live this way. The key thing is to treat life as the videogame it is, as opposed to an important thing. Feelings are but illusions, just like everything else, and everything our society values, nothing but vanity.

>> No.14946273
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Ironically the more you advance on this path the easier the outer world is and the more yielding because the outer is the mirror of inner and follows it like a dog follows his master.
When dealing with people have confidence in your frame and personal reality to such an extent that they doubt their own way of life and social conditioning and envy you and your way of living. Most people lack confidence in their frame and way of life therefore you can without active effort impose your frame and values because the deepest part of their core craves that spiritual realization and true soul satisfaction while nothing in material is providing them this. Many feel dead inside its more common then ever before.
If you enlighten your inner candle many will flock to you like moths to light for they cannot help it as they forsaken their own lamp post.
Also once you undergo spiritual intuitive insights there is no going back to anything but the path to god.
Live your daily life , do what you have to do to survive perhaps some boring job then apply and expend your awareness in everyday loop.

>> No.14946481


>> No.14946936

thank you anon, something i had forgotten. I hope i can venture on this path again without going astray.