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14856028 No.14856028 [Reply] [Original]

Are there some good books on nutritions? I don't need a meal plan, like keto/paleo/etc. but a book that tells us what we should eat as a man to have high testosterone, clear mind and stillness. The more against the modern world the better.

Thank you in advance /lit/

>> No.14856046

In my third grade biology textbook, they said eat balanced diet.

>> No.14856055

Here you go senpai, no books but a shitton of paper:

>> No.14856120

This will serve my upcoming Deus Ex inspired video game plot well.

>> No.14856152

Keto and paleo diets are a guaranteed heart attack waiting to happen. Don't believe the shit from the shills that claim its good for you

>> No.14856161


This is good, but I'd find more suggestive reading a book.

>> No.14856184

>passing on pasta, bread and other flour-based ```food''' is bad for you
oh ok

>> No.14856191

>eating tons of red meat and other fatty filled 'food" is good for you
2/10 bait, please try again

>> No.14856254
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>redpilled on nutrition
Dr. Raymond Peat

>> No.14856294

Actual meat, not highly industrialized fast food, as well as natural animal fats are indeed good for you. Maybe, dunno, actually bother to read up on the subject instead of coping with a grain diet due to being a poor fag?

>> No.14856322
File: 721 KB, 504x1364, 1574644104723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price.
The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human physique.

>> No.14856331

I firmly believe that if you haven't read Weston A Prices "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration", you cannot be truly woke

Deep Nutrition is a good, more modern book I read recently, which has similar recommendations, though for different reasons

>> No.14856704
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w-what causes diabetes then?

>> No.14857151

>allergic to fruits
>allergic to 50% of vegetables
>allergic to nuts
>allergic to avocados
what do

>> No.14857769

The autoimmune solution

>> No.14858402

The Jewish guy who runs nutrition facts.org

>> No.14858431

Intracellular fats. Pretty funny that you would single out that point when that is easily the least controversial statement on there, outside of ketard circles.

>> No.14858475

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price
Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition
We Want to Live by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

>> No.14858627
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>eat sugar
>liver, pancreas, endocrine system convert to excess fats responsible for diabetes

>> No.14858655

Complete and utter meme.

>> No.14859691

Go on opensyllabus, search for a nutrition textbook and read it. Imagine what the first human being ate prior to the cultivation of fire, look at various populations and their respective diets, look into philosophers and their diets, decolonize your mind of all products (you need my milk, you need my eggs, you need my supplements, you need my beef, you need my essential oils, you need my exotic herbs, …) that people keep trying to push or pay people to push, etc. make up your mind, experiment (months, years, the rest of your life). Don't fall for fads, don't read nutrition "books" nutrition as a science is sad enough (look at who funds what, it's a mess) you don't want to subject yourself to anything other than textbooks and research (papers) especially when you're talking about any of the sciences. Good luck, don't be a faggot and end up picking something that conveniently allows for you to eat whatever you want to eat/not change your eating habit at all.

>> No.14859709

Same as people do with everything else, microscopic portions slowly increased over time until immunity is achieved.

>> No.14859712

Not him but read a textbook on nutrition and free yourself of memes.

>> No.14859731

>don't need a meal plan, like keto/paleo/etc.
>but a book that tells us what we should eat as a man to have high testosterone, clear mind and stillness
1. Answers own OP in OP
2. >>>/fit/

>> No.14859927


A diet of nothing but pure sugars (lit: white rice and white sugar ad libitum) has been used clinically to successfully reverse insulin resistance. On the other hand various no carb diets are observed to only either mask the condition (e.g diabetes cured!... until i sniffed 5g of carbs!) Or actively induce insulin resistance. The process your brainlet ass is trying to describe is called de novo lipogenesis and it is a very weak process in humans. The quickest way to accumulate excess fat is to consume lots of fat.

>> No.14860002


Just eat everything in that silhouette of a mans head in your image

>> No.14860619

chronic over-eating

>> No.14860967

this sounds too ludicrous to be true. could you source this?

>> No.14860987

breatharianism is the final redpill

>> No.14861471

Don't call him Dr., he never does that himself.

>> No.14861510
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Diet Based on Weston price.

>> No.14861545
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I read this book titled "Food and Mood''
definitely recommend checking it out

>> No.14862798

I already posted all the sources in this thread. Check the google docs.

>> No.14862807
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Congratulations, thaat's either the most retarded or darwinian post I've read recently. Whoever falls for this pseudocientific vegan nonsense deserves death.