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File: 56 KB, 264x258, funny-fun-chad-speaking-on-4chan-looks-like-hes-talking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14839004 No.14839004 [Reply] [Original]

"Finnegans Wake was based on a mathematical fractal."

>> No.14839319

It was the opposite of based in every essence and literareute.

>> No.14839353

An unfalsifiable claim. Samuel Beckett's Quad, on the other hand, is literally based on a mathematical fractal, as you will see here:

I think its safe to say who the real giant of modernism was.

>> No.14839382

>Finnegans Wake
>Not based
Clearly havent read it, opinion discarded

>> No.14839386

im imagining my alzheimeric grandma stumbling onto this on tv in the 80s

>> No.14839404

A fractal is just a visual representation of the sum of a series.

>> No.14839471

No, the sum of a series is a single number.

>> No.14839538

The Quad piece is manifroscient when viewed mathematically; it doesn't have any philanthropical standing compared to the Wake.

>> No.14839547

Nigga that's not even a real word

>> No.14839566

Manifested from knowledge. I amalgamated it from manifested, fro and scient. If you don't possess the vocabulary to process what I meant then that's fine; feel free to google these words by themselves and stare at the screen for a hour or so, breathing through your mouth, until it makes sense. Beckett's quad work is self-indulgent at best and captures none of the raw humanity of Finnegans Wake.

>> No.14839673

Joyce can rot in hell. Saged.

>> No.14839687
File: 1.89 MB, 200x200, 1568408186181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting all of that and having the gall to call Beckett self-indulgent


>> No.14839693
File: 101 KB, 785x731, doesnt-understand-finnegans-wake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14839715
File: 15 KB, 236x318, beckett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finnegan's wake shitposter
>having sex
Man, you are one desperate cookie, aren't you? You even bundled a load of words together in an attempt to emulate the portmanteaus of your favourite literary fart-smeller. Shame you don't have the subtlety, tact or basic intelligence to pull it off.

>> No.14839741
File: 306 KB, 1068x601, gigachad-talking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I've had sex. That's the reason I can emphasize so easily with the sexual undertones of the novel and how sexual guilt is interlaced throughout all of human history and creation. I'm not surprised you would make the connection though, you being a virgin and all hahahahahahahaha!

>> No.14839751
File: 45 KB, 622x415, bernhardtom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one who has sex types like this. I'm sure a man with a keen interpretive eye such as yourself should've been well aware of this when composing it. I do wish you would drop the pretence so we could have a more authentic conversation.

>> No.14839754


>> No.14839777
File: 41 KB, 540x689, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop what pretense? I admit; my delivery on that line was a little awkward, however it's simply due to my natural instinct being to add in some emoji's (most of my prose is done on my phone). With no emoji's available on hand on this image board, I had to resort to more prehistoric gestures.

Now, where were we? Ah yes; dropping the pretense. You're a Beckett shill without knowing why Finnegans Wake is better. Make your argument, and quickly! I'm about to reside to my abode.

>> No.14839785

Why does he wear glasses if hes blind?

>> No.14839806

Oh I get it. You're afuckingretard.

>> No.14839816
File: 59 KB, 780x585, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14839819

Wow that is terrible. Just look at the midwits in the comments circle jerking over how "this is a brilliant metaphor for life". At least Joyce's shit writing was an avante-garde experiment.

>> No.14839858

Don't bother trying to reason with them; Beckett fans are as good as schizophrenic it seems.

>> No.14839880

>judging a work by the midwit comments section

Seems like you keep good company.

Ironic, then, that schizophrenia runs in the Joyce family!

>> No.14839898

>raw humanity

*BRAAAAAAAAP*.. yeees Nora, my darling, my little blackguard, my fuckbird, fart for me, let me know the smell.. *BRAAP* oh, quite a pungent one.. allow me a closer look, I wish to smell the source.. *BLLLAARRPPHHLLLHLLHLL* DEARIE ME NORA, the sludge went right into my eyes! ........... No no dear, I quite like it, I quite like the sting and the pain.. if you please, again, directly into my eyeballs.. *BLLEEEEFFELFLFLLLLFLL*

Milton is blinded; it is tragedy. Joyce is blinded; it is slapstick.

>> No.14839901

Is that supposed to make it a good book?

>> No.14839923

>it's simply due to my natural instinct being to add in some emoji's
Ok, you got me

>> No.14839942


>Judging a work by it's sole fans.

Yep, that typically is a good indication.

Please read some scientific articles on the correlation between mathematics and literature. I know you haven't read the book by the way so quit acting.

>> No.14839962

What fractal?

>> No.14839991

Becket fan alert, Becket fan alert