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14821389 No.14821389 [Reply] [Original]

>life is suffering
>life is hell
>life is pain

Now I ain't much of a reader nor a /lit/ fag nor a really smart guy, but this goes on my nerves. It seems to me that every philosophy I check and every quoteman I stumble upon, ends with the conclusion that life is suffering and we are just coping.
I want a stoicism/buddhism type of philosophy that ends in the conclusion of life being amazing and beautiful. Does that even exist?
I am sick of all the good things I do for myself and others, and living generally, being called "coping".

>> No.14821397


>> No.14821406

nah I just wanna grill

>> No.14821407

Because life is suffering, and you need some sort of cope to keep your head above water. Eventually it will catch up to you. Human beings suffer just ask sparks fly upwards from a fire.

>> No.14821410

>I want a stoicism/buddhism type of philosophy
Both of these agree that life is shit.
>Does that even exist?
It doesn't. You've come to the worst place to ask, too. Ask an optimistic normie what they think about life. If you're interested in the truth then ask the same normie what they think after they reach their midlife crisis.

>> No.14821414

What do you think about death, then?

>> No.14821422

Yeah I know that both of these agree that life is shit, thats why I want a philosophy that ends with life being beautiful

>> No.14821429

Life is only beautiful if you're a masochist.

>> No.14821439

nope, it isn't imo
death is the ending of a wonderful thing called existence. I don't know what happens after death, nor can I know, nor do I care. Everything has to have its end, and ending isn't so bad.

>> No.14821442


>> No.14821450

Life is suffering.

>> No.14821454
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Is there any more bullshit story than this? I live in the middle of nowhere so I get to see animals out almost daily. But when do I definitely not see them? In the middle of a storm. You know what they do? The bald eagles are over the river at dusk before the storm getting a nice feast into them, then they sleep out the storm. Three days later they get up at dawn and go fishing again.
Just like the coyotes are nice and cuddled up in their den after killing a deer and celebrating like monkeys.
Fucking bears graze the blueberries and wild cherries for most of the day in the fall. A fucking natural harvest without having to plant a thing. Then they sleep for 4 or 5 months. It's like the Land of fucking Cockaigne.
But no
Fuck off. It's only you insufferable stupid cunts who are like this.
If I see someone out in the pouring rain it is some autistic retard boomer who just has to get things done. Humans trudge through the mud and muck because they're insufferable parasites who just want to drag others down with them.
No, you're not going to drop that bread in the mucky forest path because of some greater path to Virtue and Good, you are not a sacrifice to pain and the rightful turning of the world, you are just such a selfish unthinking cunt that you wanted to get stuck in the mud so that all your family and neighbours would go out and get fucked too.
An owl is going to swoop down from a tree, steal the bread, and go back to sleeping in its shelter after a good free snack. Meanwhile all your neighbours are going to get the mud flu ad spread it to surrounding villages because of your inconsiderate ass.

>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dying In The Rain Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Step Under The Eaves Like Nigga You Can Survive Three Days Without Water And God Is Giving You A Golden Shower Haha

But no, we'll build a goddamn worldwide fucking floating parking lot and snort animal dung for eternity because of a little bit of fucking rain. You autistic fucking niggers.

Life isn't that hard. Noah was a fucking warning not a moral law to relieve you of your stupidity. Prepare your shit. Have a stock of food. Take a sip and then a nap if it's raining. The animals can take care of themselves. Fucking take a shower. Your penis washes itself if you stand in the windy rain.

But no we'll just piss into the dry wind until there is no rain that hasn't been tainted.

Fucking retards.

>> No.14821457

fking hell

I swear to God I will create my own philosophy of life being beautiful and I'll prove you all wrong

>> No.14821458

The end of a wonderful thing isn’t wonderful, is it? If death is good, then that must mean there is something bad about life. Would you rather there be no death? Or is this world sufficient? Personally I believe that life exists for the sake of death, rather than the converse. It’s only through living that we can appreciate death, the proper place that everyone will go forever.

>> No.14821466
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Anon, that was truly beautiful

>> No.14821481

this, unfortunately now we're fucked, man has created his own hell, worst times of history

>> No.14821484

I just compare my life to people with shittier lives like poor, short, ugly people, people born in Iraq or Africa and think of myself as some kind of badass, I have a good house, I own guns, nice cars, a nice wife, and I can do anything I want. The only suffering I am disturbed by in this life is people being able to kill each other, that's when I feel like I wish I was invincible and get depressed when I think it doesn't matter who, just give someone a gun and they can kill me.

>> No.14821487

I agree but I wonder if I’d be able
To find beauty in life if I was born with a major deformity, or was that guy who had half his body ripped off by a forklift

>> No.14821509
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Life is beautiful because the suffering is also strangeky veautiful. OP, you are pretty much looking for every philosophy since the begging of human history that doesn't stem from the West.

>> No.14821511

>All health, beauty, intelligence, and social grace has been teased from a vast butcher’s yard of unbounded carnage, requiring incalculable eons of massacre to draw forth even the subtlest of advantages. This is not only a matter of the bloody grinding mills of selection, either, but also of the innumerable mutational abominations thrown up by the madness of chance, as it pursues its directionless path to some negligible preservable trait, and then — still further — of the unavowable horrors that ‘fitness’ (or sheer survival) itself predominantly entails. We are a minuscule sample of agonized matter, comprising genetic survival monsters, fished from a cosmic ocean of vile mutants, by a pitiless killing machine of infinite appetite. (This is still, perhaps, to put an irresponsibly positive spin on the story, but it should suffice for our purposes here.)

>> No.14821518

Fpbp but op isn't cut for eternal struggle

>> No.14821524

It will fall like the last time it was tried.

>> No.14821534

Someone, or some people, were irresponsible in china. It's not clear what happened. Every news outlet says the bat soup story is fake, but they don't give an explanation. Everyone seems to mostly agree it has to do with the exotic meat market. So let's assume that to be the case, just hypothetically.
In this hypothetical scenario, some exotic meat vendor made the decision to sell contaminated exotic meat that day, for whatever reason. People started getting ill and the local government response was not appropriate. A couple months later, a few thousand people are dead, and the world has been thrown into a minor disarray. We still don't know what happens moving forward. People have lost a lot of money on the stock market, people are running into trouble buying basic goods in small cities where the panic has already settled, etc etc. All of this is happening because some hypothetical people decided to sell some in some market in some part of the world. There are currently people, that had lives and dreams and stories and whatnot, that died due to this.

If you can't see how feeble your "beauty" of life is with such a blaring example, I'm not sure what to tell you. It's not that life can't be beautiful. It's that this beauty can be easily destroyed by things beyond your grasp.
One day some person sells a piece of meat in a market thousands of miles away from you.
Two months later your friends and family are hospitalized dying of some new unknown pneumonia.
Everything we cherish can be destroyed very easily, regardless of our best efforts. For most people this is not a good thing. I believe an inordinate amount of coping is necessary to see this in any other light.

>> No.14821536

It's clear that death is not forever, since you already came from somewhere at least once.

>> No.14821547

Look up some basic thermodynamics books and irreversible processes.
Sometimes there's no going back, you know?

>> No.14821555

Life is.

>> No.14821563

Yep, there you have it

>> No.14821566

OP, has your psychiatrist ever used the term "Bipolar Mood Disorder" during your sessions ?

>> No.14821571
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And it is regardless of what you want your shit philosophy to think of it.

>> No.14821572

i'm no communist, i don't care about politics, i just know the current state of affairs makes me miserable

>> No.14821574

unless the afterlife exists

>> No.14821580

One day love will beat you down and you won't get back up. You'll learn to cope. Then it will best to down some more. Eventually it will break you. The only escape is total ignorance

>> No.14821589

Hardest thing in the world to accept life for what it is, without moralizing and reduction. People ought to try and understand what's going on before they jump to assign good and bad (interior and exterior).

>> No.14821597

Should say good and evil rather, good and bad is more like the difference between food and poison

>> No.14821620

animals have no conscious brain.

>> No.14821640

You have a point! - Georges Bataille

>> No.14821666

you could try grabbing some pieces from thelema, erwin hessle is a good guide to get past the mystical claptrap

>> No.14821704

Death can only be considered suffering if you believe it to be the end, but meanwhile, you don't have the faintest inkling of how you came to be to begin with. No one knows what's good or bad, they only know bodily sensations and take them entirely too seriously.

>> No.14821720

A thermodynamics textbook has no notion of how anyone comes into being. Do you think there is an explanation for why you inhabit your particular consciousness? Why it was that one and not that of another person? There is no ground upon which to conclude death is irreversible.

>> No.14821727

Taking your bodily sensations too seriously. Everyone's "suffering" is entirely self-inflicted.

>> No.14821757

maybe, maybe not

>> No.14821768

It's unavoidable that life has long stretches of misery and that one often suffers, even when things are going well, but "life is suffering"-- or "hell is other people"-- these adages, at least in America, seem to be embraced by people with a nihilistic outlook that justifies their own misery and viciousness. Being down on your luck sucks, but the best way to not get out of it is to accept it as a condition of the universe and shake your fist at God.
At 30, I already had big ups and big downs, and I'm sure the peaks get higher and the lows get lower. But I've also worked a lot with successful people and unsuccessful people young and old. The unsuccessful old types are usually Trump supporters who had a really maladaptive nature. They made a lot of money in the '70s doing some job like squirting glue on roof tiles and made enough money to buy a house and spent the rest on drugs. Now they make $15 an hour, they've gutted all their resources and they cope by drinking and slowly dying from preventable illnesses like emphysema. And guess what their philosophy is? The world is going to shit, life is hell, life is suffering, everything is bullshit.
It's not a matter of perspective in the sense that you will experience suffering, that you will get leveled by circumstance, that at certain points you'll find yourself on the boot heel and your friends will become enemies, etc. etc.-- but in no way is it a cosmic and fixed condition of the universe until you believe it is.

>> No.14821794

Not true.

"Love" doesn't hurt you, you only hurt yourself.

Read Nietzsche

Something like 70% of eagles die in their first year, usually due to starvation or an infected injury. This is true of most birds of prey. Bears have it better: only a quarter of them die before reaching maturity. They are often killed by other bears. I don't believe that "life is pain," but it's also incredibly naive to think there is no suffering in nature. Also owls don't eat bread.

>> No.14821796


>> No.14821800

scifags always manage to miss the trees for the data

>> No.14821801

>They made a lot of money in the '70s doing some job like squirting glue on roof tiles and made enough money to buy a house and spent the rest on drugs
Livin' the dream

>> No.14821819

There is literally no reason to be unhappy as a general rule, and the only reason why people pretend to be is because they enjoy the drama of a tragedy and are lying to themselves. You can be circumstantially happy or unhappy, but that is due to environment, not nature. Most of the time you have the option to spin something in a positive way.

>> No.14821829

Interesting. I am the complete opposite of you (I'm short, ugly and poor) and have almost nothing besides my computer stuff and books. The idea that with a gun I could easily kill anyone regardless of their social position fills me with glee and is something I think about often.

>> No.14821832

I am not a "scifag." That rant was ultimately hollow, and presents a skewed vision of what life is like for wild animals for the purpose of propping up whatever stupid vaguely anti-civ ideology you subscribe to and making you feel good about yourself. The reason eagles, bears, and coyotes can feast on the so-called bounty of nature is that a huge portion of them die young. People, with a little knowledge, can also eat fairly well by foraging and hunting. But not everyone and not all the time, most environments would not be able to support that kind of harvest.

>> No.14821843

You do know that Buddhism affirms that life is suffering, right? And that suffering is caused by desire.

>> No.14821861

Buddhism and stoicism are both a complete waste of time, you should look into Hinduism though. And since you already know what you want, then create your own philosophy. It’s plane to see that life ISNT one thing. Life is suffering is literally a statement said by depressed retards. Its plain to see that for SOME people life is suffering, but for OTHERS life is wonderful.
Also, asking which ideology to adopt is retarded. Just learn from multiple sources to create your own view of reality. You don’t need to subscribe to an -ism, and if you feel the need to then that is an issue. Good luck.

>> No.14821863

See Nietzsche; Deleuze

>> No.14821868

go back

>> No.14821872

Also whitehead, all these are exactly what OP looking for

>> No.14821890

99% of humans survive and it only creates a medicated hellworld. Sometimes it is best to never live. A peaceful form of pessimism.
But way to miss the point reddit.

>> No.14821908
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>I want a stoicism/buddhism type of philosophy that ends in the conclusion of life being amazing and beautiful. Does that even exist?

>> No.14821914


>I want a stoicism/buddhism type of philosophy that ends in the conclusion of life being amazing and beautiful. Does that even exist?

It's called ignorance
Babies and kids do it and some adults occasionally

>> No.14821918
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Only beauty in life is nature predating advanced logic (i.e. before civilization, non-basic invention, etc.). As it was either sculpted by divinity or hundreds of millions of years of natural evolution. Advanced logic and the human development that followed it is either 1.) An innate endpoint to selection based development, or 2.) a flaw on the part of a godly being [which would mean it isn't omnibenevolent].

Only way to realistically revert to this point (and a subsequent point of enjoyment) within the modern constraints of life is to revert to a pre-industrial lifestyle in nature and as much seclusion from technophiles as possible.

>> No.14821923

If you have it in you, you can create art that will be better than life and somehow justify the shit.

>> No.14821932

I see myself AS my consciousness. I can even think of the consciousness as being a special property of the brain, unlike any other bodily functions, a whole different level of complexity or something. But I still see it as a fundamentally physically based thing. I don't inhabit my consciousness. I am my consciousness and that consciousness inhabits my body.

Once the body disintegrates the consciousness is irreversibly lost, much like an egg breaking and spilling its contents, or fuel burning out, or a star collapsing. Even if the atoms of my body eventually came back together in exactly the same configuration, over eons, and even if this alone could recreate my consciousness (which is arguable), this cycle could only happen a finite amount of times before the universe runs out of energy.

In reality though, I don't think there is an actual chance of such a thing happening, because this particular configuration of atoms is so unlikely in the first place, it's extremely unlikely it will happen again.

>> No.14821955

>Its plain to see that for SOME people life is suffering, but for OTHERS life is wonderful.
It's plain to see this means life is suffering. If it wasn't, no one would suffer.
Congratulations, you just did your first pessimism/absurdism/nihilism.

>> No.14821973

Consciousness does not actually reduce to atoms. That's the problem. We don't know, and won't ever know, something about consciousness that allows us to empirically know how it comes to be or goes away, or if it goes away.

>> No.14821987

Look at it this way: suffering is just like shutting your eyes, and then claiming colors are not real. You can just be happy. You can just realize everything labeled suffering is transient.

>> No.14822005

Proving the point.

>> No.14822040

Literally this.
You can't both reject the nature of the world, and the delusions built against it. Your option left is a violent, insane (post-rational) rebellion.

>> No.14822047
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>it's another episode of 'normalfag can't comprehend other people's suffering'

>> No.14822049

Sorry I don't agree with your bullshitty ideas about suffering in nature

>> No.14822052

That is a cope. I'm not saying it's wrong to have it. Perhaps it's the only way to retain sanity. But I still believe its a cope. I understand the transience of suffering on the sense of "well eventually you'll just die and it stops anyway", but that hardly seems to make suffering more bearable. It seems like some weird call to suicide.
I mean, we do have some empirical evidence to go on. In general only biological beings, and usually quite evolved ones, seem to display consciousness. Rocks and clouds typically don't, in our experience.
It also seems to be the case that when something damages our brain, or when we sleep or are in a coma or shit, our consciousness is not active. It seems to be highly dependent on the brain.

As for the brain in itself, we also have some understanding of how things go, although surely not the whole picture, at least for now. But that's not nothing, you know? I'd argue we have decently good reasons to guess consciousness reduces to the brain.

What we don't have is good empirical evidence of the contrary.

>> No.14822057

>You can just be happy.
just b yrself

>> No.14822130

It's pasta. And you don't seem to get the point.

>> No.14822240
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>> No.14822323

based birdposter. just believe it lol. the only cowardly act is that of the nonbeliever who claims it is destined to be one way. if you see the world is great, you've already won. don't let academics stop you. if you really believe it, indulge that belief, ignoring temporary kinks a truly beautiful system will sprout from it. this is the meaning of philosophy

>> No.14822326

You don't need to wait till death for the end of suffering. You can start by asking yourself 'how do I know I'm suffering?'. This will either make you draw a blank, or worst case, come up with a bunch of rationalization. The actual answer to the question is that you feel something, somewhere in your body, like every emotion. And you decided to name that something 'suffering', and build elaborate rationalizations about why that something is important. It's not. It's literally just a sensation, it does nothing. You don't have to take it seriously. You can even laugh at it.

>> No.14822600

> But that's not nothing, you know? I'd argue we have decently good reasons to guess consciousness reduces to the brain.

Yeah, but science does not gain legitimacy for half explanations. It's promise is too illumine everything, and failure to do that undermines its claim as the ultimate arbiter of truth.

Scientists are already throwing in the towel against that problem, becoming eliminationists or mysterians.

Physicists are literally saying the most recent quantum experiments point to mind being the foundation of everything:


Materialism's days are numbered.

>> No.14822748


>> No.14822791

Just read Tolstoi. War and Peace is a pretty bloomer book

>> No.14822851
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Take the utopian-pill

>> No.14823138

>Life is only beautiful if you're a masochist
¿Like if you find sweetness in the sadness?

>> No.14823276

>a huge portion of them die young
That's how it should be for us too.

>> No.14823300

Brother, how the fuck does your logic hold. If life is SUFFERING for some, and NOT SUFFERING for others, how can you reduce that to mean life IS suffering. I was the guy you responded to btw.

>> No.14823946

if you aren't a pessimist in this day and age you're either ignorant or coping. Read Zapffe and Schopenhauer.

>> No.14824907


>> No.14825137

You will love The Foundation for Exploration by Goonan

>> No.14825150

What am I supposed to be pessimistic about? At worst there is the climate break down but horrible events often speed up progress since even apathetic fucks can't afford just to shrug away.

Now if looking at realistic developments during my life time, there isn't much of a chance for anything too negative.

>> No.14825202

That 'somewhere' was nothing to you.

>> No.14825205

One is not in absolute control over one's body.

>> No.14825209

I remember watching this porn, it must have been a couple of years ago now. I don't know why this particular porn resonated with me to the point where i can evoke the memory of it now, especially since it wasn't the one i ejaculated to that night. In fact I didn't ejaculate at all. It was framed in this strangly happy-go-lucky, bordering on sterile way. It was "real" sex, performed by consenting actors, in front of an expensive, static camera, pointed at an uncommon angle, feet first, at the center bottom of the bed. No flashy shots of genitals meeting genitals, none of the action was given any more attention than the other. Three people were in the video, two women and one man. All three of them finished and that was it. I watched that whole fucking thing and completely lost my boner maybe a third of the way through. I was in a trance watching these three people fuck. It wasn't pornographic intoxication, it was like I was witnessing an incredibly tender, intimate and personal moment. I felt like I wanted to thank the people on screen for letting me watch.

Anyway, for a brief moment I was touching at a bliss that I never expected my directionless porn watching sessions to ever grant me access to. Happiness as a category collapses in your hands when you try to reach out and grab it. You never really know what happiness is except in your memories. It's not something you can grasp. If your philosophy is concerned with attaining happiness, you're just writing glorified self-help.

Thank you for reading.

>> No.14825218

>and living generally, being called "coping".
stop going to /mu/

>> No.14825233

obviously you have dulled your brain so hard on shit series and music that you've never actually spared a single thought to think.

>> No.14825245

>It seems to me that every philosophy I check and every quoteman I stumble upon, ends with the conclusion that life is suffering and we are just coping.
gee I wonder why

>> No.14825374

You should unironically write a self-help book and make millions. Call it "Life Isn't Suffering, You Whining Self-Pitying Cunts," or something of the sort.

>> No.14825531

Based post. Also based taste in porn.

>> No.14825538

I wish to die

>> No.14825541

Doubt it'll work. People want messages affirming their bullshit. Most self-help books tend to share the ideology with the reader, just suggest shit how to get into a better position under THAT framework.

>> No.14825545

It happens, who cares?

What do you think about other constants like gravity or sunrises?

>> No.14825559

For someone who thinks life is beautiful and wonderful you seem quite angry, almost as if you’re finding aspects of life difficult and unpleasant.

>> No.14825580


>I want a .... philosophy ....

Go watch Netflix, Zoomer

>> No.14825603


>People want messages affirming their bullshit

There's a certain Canadian millionaire who is an expert on lobsters who would disagree with you. You know the one.

>> No.14825630

All he does is affirming their bullshit. Most of people reading him know they are fuckups and realise some of the basic shit they have to do to improve. Kinda like children who know they have to clean their room or study but want their parents to give them a reminder before actually doing it.

>> No.14825635


>> No.14825668


>Shilling Schiller


>> No.14825995
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Fuckin eh

>> No.14826001

i had something that could only be addresed as "inverse orgasm".
Basically when I was climaxing, It didn't stop. It went on and on, and as it finally slowly faded away, i realized the orgasm didn't stop. I was stuck in orgasm ever since.
It was like my whole life was and is an orgasm, except those 5 sec of inverse orgasm.

>> No.14826020
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based beyond refutation.
i love this life, this place, this timeline - no amount of fuckery and faggotry and westie whining about this and that could rob me of my joy in living.

>> No.14826134

something something logocentrism leads to anti-life ethics blah blah
buddhists literally think life is suffering and stoicists think emotions are suffering
try reading nietzsche

>> No.14826257

Bro you just posted cope...

>> No.14826315

makes sense since most people use art as escapism, and escapists are usually neurotic/pessimists.

>> No.14826341

stop projecting your personal suffering on others

>> No.14826359

>I ain't much of a reader
>It seems to me that every philosophy I check [BLATANT GENERALIZATION]
Go read more

>> No.14826394

The Stoics literally tell you that the world is alive and is god and that you are living in the best possible world because god/world does everything in the best possible way. The only reason you suffer is because you go against the will of god/world (i.e. fate). But the world is beautiful and just. Only nu-stoics who just read stoic ethics believe stoicism is about suffering - so you have no idea what you are talking about.
Most ancient philosophy is so full of wonder and love for life that it was a common belief among ancient thinkers that philosophy originated by the aesthetic wonder of contemplating the stars and the order of nature. So you are completely misled when you think that philosophy is about suffering: go read some actual books instead of wikipedia pages and scattered quotes on the internet.

>> No.14826420

I am astonished at the amount of ignorance that you guys shamelessly display on this board every time Stoicism, Buddhism or any kind of -ism is mentioned. Go read a fucking book, you have no idea what you are talking about. You are lucky this is an anonymous board because you'd be universally ridiculed if you ever uttered any of your half-baked youtube-tier generalizations in front of someone who has read an actual book on any topic you mention.

>> No.14828038
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You are a fool if you think those animals live a better life than any human, even the homeless, in any first world country. Also you were absolutely BTFO by >>14825559

>> No.14828085

Based, fucking FINALLY someone with a bright outlook.
Read any of the following that interest you.
Meditations by Aruelius
Analects by Confusius
Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
Dammapada by Buddha
Upanishads by Krishnu
Promethius Rising by Wilson

>> No.14828127
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>t. faggot christcuck who has never been to the woods

>> No.14828401

Explain how the second post you tagged is wrong. "Life is suffering" is literally the first of the four noble truths of Buddhism (Yes, we are all already aware that Buddhists propose a solution to Dukkha, that doesn't change the fact that life is suffering. You aren't a genius for pointing out "b-b-but they also said this"). You braindead retards on 4chan are always saying "this is wrong" but every time I ask why you believe that, you people are never able to come up with a sufficient explanation to why it's wrong.

>> No.14828473

Really. "Read a book" is a terrible retort. If you want to prove someone wrong you don't even have to type a word. Just find a PDF, check the table of contents or ctlr+F for what you're looking for and then copy & paste the excerpt that proves me wrong.

>> No.14828520

From my experience people do one of three things. They accept life is suffering and deal with it. Or they deny that life is suffering and face a midlife crisis when they can no longer deny it. Or they know that life is suffering but live a life of hedonism or coping mechanisms to try to escape it.
I was talking to a thirty year old female coworker about it last night. She's intelligent, well-educated with a family. She told me that life is suffering and that she has to question herself when somebody else says that we are living in Hell. She's both intelligent and a sweetheart. I love her a lot.

>> No.14828571

I don't know how you can come to this conclusion. Everything is temporary. Everything is locked in perpetual discord of hatred that in the end, doesn't even matter. You live 100 years if you are lucky, a drop in the bucket. Social analysis has shown even our deepest values to be nothing but products of our time. The people who you love and who love you love for specific self-benefiting reasons. At the core, one cannot escape this.

No one can overcome this simple reality of life. I don't care what sort of philosophical system you create to cope with it. You are thrown into a world and doomed to die. All the coping strategies for such a thing are absurd. The amount of time you spend happy in life will be at the very least, less than the time you are spent feeling decent, if not much worse.

Every new pleasure you experience is another pleasure you will be spent wanting when you do not have it. Therefor, it is better to experience as little as possible and to give up even life itself. This is the harsh truth to which all noble men have arrived. There is nothing worth fighting for in the world. Nothing worth attaching oneself to.

>> No.14828712

I'm the guy who everyone got pissed at for daring to dissent to that stupid rant, but yes wild animals for the most part have better lives than homeless people.

Gay and weak outlook

>> No.14829087

> gay and weak
Not an argument. Next one please

>> No.14829588

Did you explain the rant yet? What's the purpose and why is it wrong?

>> No.14829616
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>> No.14829621


I don't think death is the end. But that doesn't mean something's waiting for us...yet...


But I don't see life as suffering. Rather, I see it as a disappointment. Not pedantic or demeaning, but a set of or a set thereof.

>> No.14829625


That's just another expy of what OP hates. Think logically, dumbass.

>> No.14829723

>I want a stoicism/buddhism type of philosophy that ends in the conclusion of life being amazing and beautiful.

So the exact opposite of Stoicism or Buddhism then?

>> No.14829736
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So christcucks were the original darwinists. No wonder they hate it so much.

>> No.14830786

Thus Spake Zarathustra nigga

>> No.14830790

>Buddhism and stoicism are both a complete waste of time, you should look into Hinduism though
Buddhism is practically hinduism though.

>> No.14831330

Suffering is a shit translation of dukkha.

>> No.14831374
File: 310 KB, 1642x2560, 1574018071249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm going to point out to you that our lad Schoppy is widely considered to be #1 pessimist extraordinaire, yet for those who have actually read him his work at least has the potential to be one of the most beautiful and spiritually uplifting works ever composed in a European language. Book IV niggas, book IV (both volumes). Because it turns out that your true self, the real anon, is in fact eternal and indestructible. Read alongside some contemporary Vedanta (such as Nisargadatta) for maximum anal tingling. Or just read generally instead of going by memes and here-say like most posters on this board.

>> No.14831431
File: 1.95 MB, 852x480, the best of all possible worlds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14831983

Then translate dukkha. You criticize the statements of others but you can never propose a statement of your own.

>> No.14832198


>> No.14832261
File: 32 KB, 768x393, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make an incredibly ignorant statement while calling others "retards"
>get called out
>w-well why don't you educate me then!
Embarrassing, especially when it's so easy to not be ignorant. Here, I spent less than thirty seconds on wikipedia since you're too lazy to do it yourself.

>> No.14832283

Tantra (both Tantric Hinduism and Vajrayana Buddhism)



>> No.14832311

The wisdom of Silenus in contemporary words. Good post.

>> No.14832326
File: 767 KB, 1280x1779, c9eabdad-275a-412b-b42c-f586b6803f7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Evangelion and The End of Evangelion

>> No.14832511
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>btfoing a shitpost

>> No.14832593

That's not a translation of dukkha

>> No.14832605

The same Wikipedia article you quote mentions this.
>Duḥkha (/ˈduːkə/; Sanskrit:दुःख; Pāli; : dukkha) is an important Buddhist concept, commonly translated as "suffering", "pain", "unsatisfactoriness" or "stress". It refers to the fundamental unsatisfactoriness and painfulness of mundane life
Why screenshot some peripheral, unrelated nonsense instead of posting what is asked of?

>> No.14832628

kek so much seething.

>> No.14832643

It’s all a matter of perspective, anon. Ugly, bitter people perceive the world as being ugly and bitter and continue to make it that way. Same goes for beautiful, optimistic people in that they perceive the world as being such and would like to make it more so. Philosophy is fun and interesting, but it’s a mistake to allow any one person to completely mold your worldview for you. It’s one thing to entertain the questions they posit, but it’s another thing entirely to except their answers as fact and never question them. Think for yourself, be an individual.

>> No.14833011

He's trying to show that there's some nuance in the Buddhist conception of Dukkha.
However, he should have just posted the 3 types of dukkha.

>> No.14833161

>Why screenshot some peripheral, unrelated nonsense instead of posting what is asked of?
It's a detailed, literal explanation of the exact meaning and usage of the word. If you had a brain, you could yourself suggest a number of more fitting translations after reading those few short paragraphs.

>commonly translated as "suffering", "pain", "unsatisfactoriness" or "stress".
Do you think that "pain" and "unsatisfactoriness" are synonyms? Wow it's almost like it's a term with too much nuance to be accurately translated by a single english word.

But wait, imagine being such a semantic branlet that you see this exchange:
>"buddhism claims that life is suffering"
>"that's a shit translation of the actual word used"
>"lol ok then tell me what it means"
>*detailed description of what it means
and your response is
>"lol no i want a one word translation if you can't give me the one i want then that means that it just means suffering

Endlessly embarrassing. But it's good to have the occasional reminder that, contrary to what one might hope, /lit/ is full of just as many morons as any other board.

>> No.14833263


>> No.14833682

>lmao if you take anything seriously you're not cool bro don't you wish you were a nihilist like me let's focus on the effort you put into your life rather than the fact that i'm wrong
o man im laffin

>> No.14833931

Suffering is an inherent and unalterable property of life, and it's important to recognise that and to develop a character strong enough to withstand that. However that's not at all at odds with also believing that life is beautiful, and that by living your life in the correct way you can transcend the suffering and turn it into something beautiful.

As always, Christian (ideally Catholic) philosophy is your friend here.

>> No.14834801


>> No.14834831
File: 20 KB, 220x345, 57C22E14-D4BA-48AD-80D7-F4A02755F59B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you’d like Camus. He recognized that although life is “meaningless” in the sense that there is no ultimate goal, man can find joy in this absurdity. Check out pic related
Also, here’s a fitting quote from “Summers in Algiers”:
> For if there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.

>> No.14835854
