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14802141 No.14802141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can a romantic relationship be real love when it's so full of expectations? How can you pick people based on height, weight, butt size and pretend you're in real love?

>> No.14802151

Romantic relationships exist only between men. Women aren't anything more than kids' factories. The Greeks were right.

>> No.14802163
File: 167 KB, 470x723, C8382A1B-57AD-4CF7-ABD2-19E1E1BDDBF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love exists because of our affections for one another. You bring up sexual attractions but most people know there’s a difference.
The notion of “true love” is a romantic purity test and can be ignored. Lasting love is nice of course

>> No.14802166

>implying that faggots aren't as obsessed with looks as women are

>> No.14802176

>Love exists because of our affections for one another
Affection is just a pair bonding mechanism, it can't start if you don't feel sexual attraction I. E. If you don't consider someone as biologically useful for reproduction.
Kys retard

>> No.14802191

You’re speaking of one type of love here, anon.
Of course eros needs sexual attraction.
>kys retard
You asked a question and you’re getting good feedback from someone who knows what she’s talking about. You wanna apologize?

>> No.14802199
File: 799 KB, 1080x1088, sodomites_of_old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're looking at leftist faggots which are the most shallow creatures before women.

>> No.14802212

>don’t be different! Everyone has to be like me!
>Fetishizing old clothing
>killing is so based
And you talk of shallow

>> No.14802230

>And you talk of shallow
I'd take a guy who can appreciate classical culture and has the self-awareness to act like a man rather than imitate womanly fashion and gestures over modern homos any time. That pic is retarded because it implies fags are polygamous when they can easily settle for monogamy if they can keep in check their coomer instincts. The lack of temperance is what makes mainstream fags so unsightly to the eyes of people.

>> No.14802240
File: 33 KB, 596x388, D3F2E0F6-BB09-4468-A479-526A4744957F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I prefer bears to twinks

>> No.14802250

My gf is kinda dumb, materialistic, high maintenance and I seriously almost cant have meaningful conversation with her

On the other hand she is very caring, want to have my kids, and a literal 10/10.

My ego says dump her, my mind says keep her. What should I do anons

>> No.14802255

I'm not into bears at all lmao, you're conflating personality with physical preferences. Why do you assume any guy who acts like a guy must necessarily be a fat hairy middle aged man?

>> No.14802265

That's all you want from a woman, dont be ridiculous and put a baby in her. If you want to have meaningful conversations look elsewhere.

>> No.14802273

I know right,
Its just that to somewhat appear present with her I have to tire my way through evenings of 80 IQ TV dramas/reality shows and pretend that I care

>> No.14802296

You can put on a facsimile of caring and invent reason for doing other stuff. You know this situation is ideal, you are looking for reasons not to commit. Also it's not impossible to just pretend to care a bit about her dumbass shows, Im sure she doesn't really give a shit about some of the stuff she pretends to for you.

You don't have to look down on her whatsoever, just realize she is her own way. She'd get it herself, women are not retarded, they know men are different and that we don't really see stuff like them, as long as you maintain emotional contact of some sort she is not going to care if you don't watch her tv shows or whatever.

>> No.14802314

>ou don't have to look down on her whatsoever
thats the thing

I am being a dick. Gonna stop thinking about it for a while I guess