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/lit/ - Literature

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14773981 No.14773981 [Reply] [Original]

Most people at bookstores are women, and bookstores are tailored for women, not for men.

But why is there no women in /lit/? Is it because here is 4chan?

>> No.14774005

Women usually have lives.

>> No.14774016

Such a generous phrase; writing a blank cheque to the inevitable chaotic morality and behaviour of the human race

>> No.14774028

My take on this is that 4channers don't realise that people who read literature tend do so because they're raised in a specific social class or have bookish parents.

Most women are anti-intellectual, but so are a great deal of men. Don't become a boorish misogynist because you resent the shitty lumpenprole culture you were raised in. People are creatures of the culture grew up with. Your patterns of thinking and moral principles are products of the websites you use and the institutions that moulded you.

>> No.14774030


>> No.14774034

Women for the most part read modern trash with no deep meaning or great worth, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, trashy romance and ”young adult literature”, etc. Some read classic lit, but rarely for any intellectual value, meaning that they'll read a Victorian novel in the same way they'd read something like Harry Potter.

Men read the classics, philosophy, politics, history, and occasionally scientific lit.

How many women do you think have read The Divine Comedy, The Prince, Evola, Guenon, Dalrymple, etc?

>> No.14774035

that doesn't even answer his question you pontificating ponce

>> No.14774047

> The Divine Comedy
Just reading stuff like this means nothing, you have to understand that shit.

>> No.14774056

They pretend to, like they do with everything in life.

>> No.14774060


>> No.14774069

I'd have a "life" too if hundreds of the opposite sex threw themselves at me daily despite me being a 4/10

>> No.14774081

you are a woman without any life
read this >>14774005

>> No.14774085

This is straight up wrong.
Also anecdotally I can attest way more women read Homer than men.

>> No.14774093
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>diversity quota skews the admissions to let females takes the spots of more qualified men
>look everyone, women are more intellectual than men!

>> No.14774095

>Is it because here is 4chan?


>> No.14774097

Except women get far better high school grades than men.

>> No.14774100

Most men are anti-intellectuals, but most anti-intellectuals are women.

>> No.14774103

Lefty women read hipster bullshit and children's books because they are infantile. 4chan is too vile for conservative women. My wife is very well read but this place is brimming with filth, that's the sad truth.

>> No.14774129

if the population is 50% men 50% women, this statement couldn't possibly be true.

>> No.14774134

You're both unironically correct. Women have become obsessed with Classics, but they weren't able to compete with men so diversity quotas became a really important part of classics, the problem is that as men abandoned classics (and the humanities in general) they didn't reduce the quota and soon it became dominated by mediocre women, the problem? all the prestige is gone and you have a fuckton of unemployable women clamouring over the 5 jobs left in a dying field.

>> No.14774148

Another "problem" is that it's still a rich persons degree and a lot of theses rich women are spending daddy's money publishing classics magazine websites that get basically zero views, and they aren't handing the fact that uneducated hick conservative YouTubers are getting hundreds of thousands of viewers talking about muh classics gracefully.

>> No.14774153


>> No.14774156

>equating intellect with performing in an institution

>> No.14774160

oh it's this thread again

>> No.14774162

"To have a life" is to obey elite prescribed norms and "the real world" is the one with the wage slaves
>get a life and go out into the real world
so tiring

>> No.14774163

How do you measure intellect?

>> No.14774165


>> No.14774167

Usually by the works one produces. Women produce nothing insightful.

>> No.14774169
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>> No.14774173

No I was equating performing in an institution with "qualifications"
You were saying women were unfairly beating out more qualified men, when in reality women outclass men in literally every single subject in high school, hence they are more qualified for being admitted to university courses.

>> No.14774177

According to you.

>> No.14774179

>in reality women outclass men in literally every single subject in high school
demonstrably false.

>> No.14774182


>> No.14774183

Women do well at school because it is a strong structure, where the answers are already given about what to do and what not do. Women do not have to think for themselves.

Once women are out of school, their life are awful and they just ride the cock carousel because they listen to anybody chad telling them it is okay to be sluts. In other words, women have no concept of right and wrong, so they need to hear morality from men.
Then women would like to have a meaningful life and stop feeling being slut princesses so they get pregnant and care for a child for a few years, only to realize that they miss the golden days of having a comfy life from lots of orbiters free of charge, so they go back to this, but in secret since they got an official provider during their settling down period.

>> No.14774184

Try saying something of value

>> No.14774185

Okay lads I agree that women should be submissive housewives and shouldn't be able to vote and all that jazz but this impotent seething is embarrassing to read. Promptly have sex and cease this cringe.

>> No.14774189


>> No.14774199

>"The female advantage in course grades has been documented at every level of formal education, from elementary school through college, in all major subjects including math and science"

>> No.14774201

To be fair I also love the sound of music and I would say it is a good movie

>> No.14774206

You're gay as fuck

>> No.14774208

not an argument.

>> No.14774227

>being this much of a brainlet
Assuming your 50/50 ratio, if 51% of men were anti-intellectual and 95% of women were anti-intellectual, both conditions would be met

>> No.14774235

51% isn't "most" of men though, is it, retard?

>> No.14774239

I’m a woman, I read books, and I’m posting this right now.

>> No.14774240

>But why is there no women in /lit/?
>He unironically wonders why all women pretend to be men on anon board where everyone hates women.

>> No.14774244


>> No.14774246

women have usual lives

>> No.14774247


>> No.14774254

if everyone here hates women, and a percentage of the people here are women, then women must also hate women.
So you can't sum this up as muh soggy knees, faggot.

>> No.14774257

Usually, life has women.

>> No.14774262

Women are algorithms generated from twitter data. They don't pass a Turing test. That is not life.

>> No.14774266

maybe the three people here defending women's honor are them

>> No.14774268

Actually, there’s no way to tell if the ‘women haters’ on 4chan are men. In fact, one of the most vicious ‘misogynist’ trolls on r9k when it was first set up turned out to be a teenage feminist lesbian. The more you know.

>> No.14774273
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women are outside enjoying the sex and money coomers give them

>> No.14774274

But everyone here hates women, remember?
These magical intellectual women sure have a problem with language.

>> No.14774279

Wait, she was a feminist who liked being misogynistic?

>> No.14774283

that's based

>> No.14774289
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Why do whores make me so angry

The dung heap of modernity was already bad enough. Does it need its own ecosystem of parasites?

>> No.14774290

It's more likely that they are soiboy defenders of m'lady's honor

>> No.14774292

Her and a few others. Wanted to make a ‘point’ about misogyny by posting endless flaming threads involving women in ‘rape camps’, female children ‘raised for rape’ or whatever have you garbage. She wanted to make men look bad, basically. There was a crew of them. Busted on one of the IRCs.

>> No.14774294

I see this as the coomer's fault, not the woman's.

>> No.14774296

No amount will fill that void at the center of their failed existence

>> No.14774304

Honestly i've always perceived this board to have lots of women on it. Just something about the way the posts are written.

>> No.14774308

That's just low T soiboys and discord trannies.

>> No.14774318

What’s the difference

>> No.14774319

There are no women on 4chan. Trannies don't count as women, of course.

>women outclass men in literally every single subject in high school, hence they are more qualified for being admitted to university courses.

Fucking lmao. Teachers hold girls to much laxer standards in general, and are much, much more generous during grading with girls.

>> No.14774320

That's a tall order, the way that shit was put together is amazing but I didn't understand shit.

>> No.14774321
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>women should be submissive housewives
They don't have to be housewives, but they do have to stay the fuck out of any remotely serious sphere of society unless they get a special pass confirming they are full adults (honorary men)

>Promptly have sex and cease this cringe.
>translation: Being able to fuck my moist hole makes you valuable!! You want to fuck my hole!! Aren't you scared I'll take my hole away if you don't sell out your beliefs and agree with everything I say??
No. Kill yourself roastie. Your hole is depreciating daily. Pic related. Enjoy your handful of remaining years of being relevant and noticeable to anyone but your close family (who will soon begin to pity and secretly hate you for not giving them grandkids).

>> No.14774344

No femanon would admit posting here. Most of women just want to be able to discuss literature without automatically painting themselves a target of underage retardation.

>> No.14774349

women are fucked in the head, the same women i know who enjoy young adult fiction and romance novels will also read 50 shades of grey, murder mysteries and true crime books. go to your local target book section and see for yourself - 'histories worst serial killers: gory details of all of their crimes' right next to 'my cowboy hunk love story'.

>> No.14774350
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>> No.14774357

You know that it’s not women’s fault you’ve been biologically engineered to be often helplessly attracted to them, right?

>> No.14774358

how do women explain to be drawn so much to sex and murder stories

>> No.14774359

based posts but don't bother. Incels wants to be bitter and think the worst

>> No.14774360
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>> No.14774362

lol that's a good idea actually

>> No.14774366

>don't bother
I know anon, I know. But I still try sometimes.

>> No.14774367

you're a good bean anon

>> No.14774369

Chaponiggers out in full force today, huh.

>> No.14774378
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>> No.14774381

Yes it is, considering 51% is literally the majority. But if you're going to try to semantic your way out of it, call it 75%. The point still stands

>> No.14774384
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>> No.14774395

Here's the deal retards: read "The Essential Difference" and "Human Diversity" (Charles Murray).
The two biggest behavior differences between men and women is that men are more inclined to think about things and women are more inclined to think about people. Women are also more empathetic, ie emotionally manipulatable making them more susceptible to propaganda.
Women want a good story & men want to learn about history.
It is very VERY rare that you will ever find a woman that is both high IQ and low emotionality enough to where she is genuinely interested in independently learnings about things, ie science, philosophy, and history. Most women (and men) are just low IQ to begin with. Most high IQ women are still viscerally turned off by the world of objects. Most men can understand this if you think about the most autistic forms of math and philosophy. Those things are on the furthest end of the people-object knowledge spectrum, and even the average high IQ man struggles to find any meaning in it. Women feel the same way except about more applicable stuff like history, engineering, and physics because she's even more focussed on the people around her.

>> No.14774396

I wanna meet these women that you base such opinions on lol

>> No.14774400

go on tinder

>> No.14774405

Thank you kind anon. You too.

>> No.14774406


>> No.14774407

if .5*.75 of men are anti-intellectual and .5*.95 of women are, then you would say 'there are more anti-intellectual women than men', you wouldnt say most anti-intellectuals are women.If he had said majority it would be correct, but he said most. MOST.

>> No.14774410

You clearly haven't met women between the ages of 20 and 27 these days
You're either in high school or a boomer

>> No.14774419

I dont regard women as sentient beings.

>> No.14774420

Most and majority are synonymous.

>> No.14774425

Bullshit. They have different connotations and you know it, sophist

>> No.14774426

they read HP, ww2 dramas and some erotic shits

>> No.14774431

I believe there are differences aswell, but most of the women I have met are both very intelligent and sympathetic people. Stop reading books and start actually getting to know real people. They come in all shades

>> No.14774434

also lit is full of male larper women

>> No.14774438

>Once women are out of school, their life are awful

This. Think about how terrifying it is for a woman to leave the womb of school. Schools are like a nonstop summer camp. You are surrounded by people in your own age cohort and slightly above it, and you have massive sexual capital so you are incredibly popular and constantly desired. Most days are made up of socializing, punctuated by occasional work. You go to coffee with friends and walk between classes with friends and hang out with friends and gab about fucking swarthy older men with friends and plan to go to parties with friends. Your whole life is ahead of you, you are the center of the universe, you are the queen bee socialite of hormone island.

Then you get out of college. You now work at an office. There are 8 people in the office, 5 of which are other women, 2 of which are older men, and 1 of which is a man in your age group who you would have regarded as having lower social status than the dirt you walked on when you were still in college. Hanging out becomes scarcer and scarcer, it now has to be planned in advance and it's relegated to weekends. All the drugs you are hopelessly addicted to, constant attention, social stimulation, popularity contests with the other queen bees, "does he like me or are we just fucking???" drama with men out of your league relationship-wise but who are willing to fuck you for a few months, all this "stimming" that women experience in bright and buzzing social settings, it's all gone. You're now an office drone. Your life is now work punctuated by occasional socializing.

Whereas inter-feminine rivalries could be mediated through large social networks, you now have to spend your time with a small group of women. You quickly run through them all, developing petty rivalries and hatreds amongst each other. The gossip mill dries up. You have an abortive, mostly sexual relationship with the one guy in the company who you don't see as ugly and beneath you. You begin to notice more and more, with every passing day, that you are aging. You resort to dating apps, which make you more and more bitter with each passing week. You tell yourself you don't mind casual sex but secretly you're terrified of being in your mid-late twenties and still only having casual sex through dating apps.

And worst of all, there is no escape. All you can do as a woman in this situation is sink deeper and deeper. You are fucked.

College is the high point of a woman's life. It's the last time she'll be in an environment that is predominately social and that worships her simply for existing. Everything after that is downhill.

>> No.14774439

An average woman reads more than an average /lit/ goer

>> No.14774443

>But why is there no women in /lit/?
Do you seriously believe that anon?

>> No.14774444

All women should suck my dick.

>> No.14774445
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>But why is there no women in /lit/

Because alot of people here hate me for being female. Feels bad wanting to talk, discuss and have fun with anons knowing if they knew what I am they would turn on me at once

>> No.14774447

Can women even read?

>> No.14774454

Unironically this.

>> No.14774455

desu the sexual ambiguity of anonymous works for 4chan, also tits or gtfo

>> No.14774457

Now do the one involving the socially ostracised/fat/lonely/autistic/depressed/poor/abused/, etc. girls....

>> No.14774464


>> No.14774466

There are tons of women, but saying on /lit that you have a vagina is unnecessary.

>> No.14774468

Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman, anon-kun.

>> No.14774469

Well, we're at an impasse then. Though, the current tally is 2-1 in my favor: me and the anon you originally replied to.

>> No.14774471

This. I just want to talk about books without anons behaving like faggots.

>> No.14774473

Unless it’s specifically pertinent to the thread, there is simply no reason for any woman to out themselves. It’s immediately attention whoring. Don’t forget: this is essentially a porn site for men, not some social media hug box. And I say this to you as a woman myself. Nothing pisses me off more on this site than girls squirming around for attention. Go back to Facebook.

>> No.14774476

have sex

>> No.14774478
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>> No.14774479

Scene from the Thing

>> No.14774481
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If by that you mean e-thots who think they're "different" because they "love memes," same exact story except their Tinder profile is a quirky and ironic lowercase fare like pic related.

The worst basic bitch is the basic bitch who thinks she's cool because she types in lowercase and she's "offbeat."

>> No.14774483

I was just answering OPs question. I have never outed myself here before

>> No.14774485

That's your opinion.


>> No.14774487

>tfw someone actually wasted 15 mins of their life to write this

>> No.14774488

Diaf, tripcunt.

>> No.14774489

holy quads

>> No.14774491

But actual
>ostracised/fat/lonely/autistic/depressed/poor/abused/, etc. girls
girls don't count as girls, they have transcended being valued as a walking vagina and are probably actual human beings.

>> No.14774493

I know. I had to hide that post

>> No.14774495


>> No.14774498
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Not him, but


Women are never ostracised the way men are ostracised, so even in the worst case, she's slightly less popular than she would like to be.


She gets lower quality men. Effectively still the same.


Save for the mentally ill and the physically disfigured, a woman is always alone by choice.


Doesn't really impact things in a major way, especially since it's so rare in women. Could be considered attractive as a quirk.


Women can't be depressed because they don't have consistent emotions like men do.


A man will take care of her eventually.


She sluts it up a lot more, but essentially everything happens the same way.

>> No.14774500

>someone on a literature board actually took time to write something! OMG what an incel loser!

>> No.14774503
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Finished flowers for Algernon yesterday. I’m trying to read more. Any books you anons recommend that I can most likely find at my local library. Also anyone’s ideas on the benefits of reading would be interesting

>> No.14774513

So you can’t. Which means your whole little diatribe only works if it involves your own psychodrama about women, and not actual women in reality.

Cool. Carry on.

>> No.14774514

This board is going to hell because Zoomers don't read. They watch videos made by sophist rhetoriticians at best and some don't even do that. Who gives a fuck that there aren't women here. There isn't any quality discussion here they are missing out on. Everywhere else on the internet has sad incel blogging covered. Nothing unique about this place than a slightly distinct set of in joke terminology--the same as all other online communities.

>> No.14774517

Is he wrong?
This is completely correct. Now I would like tits or for you to gtfo.

>> No.14774521

Just dilate already.

>> No.14774528

Tits or GTFO.

>> No.14774530

>Also anyone’s ideas on the benefits of reading would be interesting
Reading fiction is a complete waste of time

>> No.14774545

>Then you get out of college. You now work at an office. There are 8 people in the office, 5 of which are other women, 2 of which are older men, and 1 of which is a man in your age group who you would have regarded as having lower social status than the dirt you walked on when you were still in college. Hanging out becomes scarcer and scarcer, it now has to be planned in advance and it's relegated to weekends.
Her social pool doesn't decrease now because of Tinder and other apps
Fuck we really do need to send women back to the nightmare hell world of having to (gasp) SETTLE for men on their level and not constantly being worshipped, if for any reason at least as punishment for feminism

>> No.14774550

99% of women are not ostracised/fat/lonely/autistic/depressed/poor/abused retard

>> No.14774560

Did you even read my post? Fucking retard, go back and reread it and figure at why your comment is stupid. Hint:
>most of the women I have met are both very intelligent and sympathetic people.
I never disagreed with this

>> No.14774562
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>actual women in reality.

Eggman can get a date.

>> No.14774566

This. Due to online dating and Tinder, you're competing against every dick in a 100 mile vicinity now instead of just your immediate environment.

>> No.14774570
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>actual women in reality.

>> No.14774572

Nah, in burgerland 30% minimum are fat at 20. 50% by 30.

>> No.14774580

>1 in 100
still better odds than getting published in Asimov.

>> No.14774586

The best situation, tested on the field, to make them feel like crap is to go as far as when the girl is naked, while you are still nearly fully clothed. You throw her naked on the bed, then you look at her, the whole of her nude body, slowly scrutinizing her. Then you say that you no longer want her AND YOU LEAVE, without excuses.

A few days later, when you are in contact with her again, she will tell you that she was upset, that she thinks that there is something wrong with her body, that she is at sea over this night. Why did he not fuck me ?
You will be called a scumbag or other name., but then you will be able to do everything you want with her.

>> No.14774592
File: 889 KB, 1125x1113, 84137F35-BAA2-44E8-8BC6-409F94C84773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll keep that in mind anything I can read to make I more smarter

>> No.14774595

>P-please anons! I know you hate all women here but please accept me, I'm just like you, see?? Look, I hate women too! All women should always be silent and just pretend to be men! See? Am I part of /lit/ gang now??
Wow. I haven't seen someone so spineless for a long time.

>> No.14774600

Look at this 3/10 muttoid bitch lmao

>> No.14774604

Nah. She’ll think you’re too overwhelmed by your attraction to her and trying to fight it. You’ll only just make her more confident in her abilities to make you crazy.

>> No.14774610

Who wants to unironically make Handmaid's tale real with me? Only for women born from 1993-2020 as punishment and then we just go back to healthy, enforced monogamy like we have practiced for 1000s of years

>> No.14774612

Point out which part of that post is wrong.

>> No.14774624

Nonfiction. Research topics that interest you. Science history & philosophy, no autobiographical whinges except from notable people like Hitler & Caesar

>> No.14774627

>arguing with a woman
Anon, I...

>> No.14774631

Nice get

>> No.14774634

not my life

>> No.14774654

get a grasp of reality ydontu

>> No.14774700

*grasps reality*
Yep, turns out everything I said was true.

>> No.14774708
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* Also barefooted and pregnant.

>> No.14774719

Incels should not be argued with.

>> No.14774730
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the pinnacle of the female ''''''''''''brain'''''''''''''' is pic related and ''god is love''

>> No.14774735

how do you know that's a female? that's just a profile pic of that one actress

>> No.14774738

She shouldn't have hurt your feelings, that was mean.

>> No.14774746

>how do you know that's a female?
By her hostile, arrogant demeanor and shallow set of values.

>> No.14774755

She's right though.

>> No.14774759

could be a tranny

>> No.14774762
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Women are designed for breeding not critical thinking, from a biological standpoint at least

>> No.14774767

It's because every 2nd thread on this shitty website is about race or a thread like this where you all act like women are some far off alien race that are completely and utterly ineffable.

>> No.14774775

Completely correct. Women are baby incubators and baby caretakers. They are inferior at everything else and really just a drain on men when the other tribe of men that rules over us forces us to pretend they're equal

>> No.14774778

The more I interact with them, the more I unironically feel this way.

>> No.14774779

>women are some far off alien race that are completely and utterly ineffable.
Nobody is claiming that. They are completely effable: bitches, whores, sluts, degenerates, and morons. There.

>> No.14774780

Women are not ineffable, the reality is just super depressing: they're dysgenically picky, shallow, and stupid. There, I just explained women

>> No.14774803

What else?

>> No.14774821

they fuck their own dogs

>> No.14774832

Bullshit, seriously? I've never heard of that.

>> No.14774835

look up dogpill

>> No.14774871

You would all be far better off abandoning your own obsessive needs for a woman than trying to ascribe whatever failings you have with your limited interactions with them to the entire other gender.
The more you sit and twist yourselves over this nonsense the worse off you'll be and the shallower you'll become. I mean really, what woman that could glean from you that you hold these kind of nonsense views would actually want to bare her soul in conversation with you?
Can we discuss actual books and not just talk about cunts now?

>> No.14774911

Women should be kept on farms and used only for breeding and milking.

>> No.14774928

>nonsense views
How are they nonsense? You haven't said anything of value this whole time. You're literally just a 110 IQ midwit that believes everything Disney says about the nature of women. The fact is that the average woman is intellectually dull, see >>14774395 and >>>/sci/11410686 . In other words 999999/1000000 don't have anything in common with me to begin with since I'm a hypermasculine brain'd intellect chad
Also I'm working on a writing that will persuasively show that female romantic preferences are dysgenic. They care way too much about looks, the behavior they do select for is dysgenic too. They pick cavemen over geniuses essentially because their lizardbrain still thinks it's 10000 BC

Now do you have anything serious to say in response or is it just more neoliberal platitudes?

>> No.14774937


Young adult life is basically school + debts. Add alcohol drugs and party if that’s your thing

>> No.14774943


>> No.14774945

Also make Handmaids tale real for all women born after 1993 as punishment for feminism until the year 2100

>> No.14774955

Most women have given up on men so if they can't find a man they can connect with, they may as well just satisfy their desires and fuck a hot guy.

>> No.14774969

I was tempted to write that you see women as an accessory for men, but honestly it's the reverse, you see men as an accessory for women.
I agree with everything >>14774395 said, there is nothing written there that contradicts my views.
Now that I re-read your post honestly this is a comical caricature of a human being. 5/10 decent bait.

>> No.14774992

>Rates something 'decent' as 5/10
Spotted the femoid

>> No.14775025

ITT: men and women not grasping they’re just fucking evolved apes, and neither is more special or more deserving of anything not earned than the other.

>> No.14775036

>we're all equal
>we're just animals

>> No.14775044

> I’m not a great ape

Whew, lad.

>> No.14775049

You might be, you certainly have the intellect for it.

>> No.14775055

You’re a great ape, buddy. That’s science.

>> No.14775058

Sorry I didn't give a full essay on the ins and outs of taiwanese pottery imageboard shitposting critique systems, I might have falsely given the impression that I had, in fact, just attached a throwaway number score in response to a post containing nothing but regurgitated memes attacking my supposed intelligence.
Imagine unironically spending time on an anonymous forum trying to assuade aspects of people's IRL identities, it's just so ridiculous.

>> No.14775059

I enjoy a good laugh, but I'm 100% serious about the dysgenic thing. Obviously "lizardbrain", "intellectual chad" etc is supposed to be funny but the ideas I am communicating with those words are serious. That I should have to tell you this means that you probably aren't going to put forth any decent rebuttal
>I was tempted to write that you see women as an accessory for men
I don't know why because I never said this. I see women as seeing men as an accessory for them. Neither should be "accessories" though, women exist for children and men for everything else, mostly intellectual pursuits these days but in the past for war and production
>there is nothing written there that contradicts my views.
Good, you're not as retarded as I though
Not a woman, 5/10 should be average because it's the middle of the scale. Although just estimating percentile would be better, ie "50th percentile bait, average"

>> No.14775071

>humans aren't morally superior to animals
>men aren't morally superior to women
You have a brain worm called H. jewus

>> No.14775078

>cladistics = moral value

>> No.14775085

> muh baseless assertions
Gb2/pol/, nigger.

>> No.14775087
File: 3 KB, 110x125, soijak58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re a great ape, buddy. That’s science.

>> No.14775097

> strawmanning

>> No.14775106

I don't disagree with you though rather than pinning the blame on women I'd pin the blame on just how uselessly anti-intellectual most people are.
Women certainly deserve some blame in it though, and I wish you all the best in your writing on how uselessly dysgenic female (particularly modern pop) romanticism is.
I wonder why it's worth your time to think about this at all, why not just wash your hands of it and set your mind to something more fulfilling? It's not like women are needed to live a fulfilling life, and on the contrary often get in the way.

>> No.14775107

What’s with men (and I use the term in the vaguest sense possible) who have fuck all education, and are clearly as thick as shit, always saying to women “I really like you, you’re so smart”. Like, what’s their comparator given they’re basically retarded? Any ideas, guys?

>> No.14775112

no, nigger
Come back to reality, nigger

>> No.14775113
File: 77 KB, 632x475, christmaspark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moral superiority
oh boy my sides

>> No.14775121

>says we're just apes cuz SCIENCE
>thinks I'm strawmaning
Whew x 2

>> No.14775128

You’re literally scientifically classified, by only one taxonomic deviation, with animals who scrub around in shit on a daily basis and hoogah boogah when they want attention. How is that much different from what you’re doing right now, nigger?

>> No.14775129

You're not a woman, you're a mutant. For all intents and purposes regarding human interaction, you are a man. And a very unhealthy one who spends far too much time here.

Simply because they have better opportunities, and very rarely experience the kind of internal struggle necessary for someone to end up here. Women live superficial lives, until they don't and they've got their vagina-hooks into some poor guy and then they're living dull reality. They'll read books as an escape, which is why the only writing for women that sells is all shallow dumb shit.

>> No.14775136

> muh appeals to the void
Spotted the Christcuck.

>> No.14775150

So, what you’re really saying is women can control men just by sheer power of their vaginas alone. They literally need to do nothing else other than ‘entice’ you with their genitalia and you, a mere life-support system for your cock, will give them whatever they want.

I’d say that makes women vastly superior to men.

>> No.14775156

>than ‘entice’ you with their genitalia and you, a mere life-support system for your cock
No dumb roastie, I'm immune. I've been chaste for years. Partly because women are insufferable and I've been waiting to meet one who isn't, partly because having sex before marriage is for abortionist cunts.

>> No.14775162

Ah, so you’re just a fat, ugly loser that nobody would ever be interested in.

Should’ve just said that, man, and saved us all the bandwidth.

>> No.14775171

>It's not like women are needed to live a fulfilling life, and on the contrary often get in the way.
Quit spreading the MGTOW jew. I don't want to die alone, I want children.
>I don't disagree with you though rather than pinning the blame on women I'd pin the blame on just how uselessly anti-intellectual most people are.
I don't blame women, I blame the elites that pushed feminism
>Women certainly deserve some blame in it though, and I wish you all the best in your writing on how uselessly dysgenic female (particularly modern pop) romanticism is. I wonder why it's worth your time to think about this at all, why not just wash your hands of it and set your mind to something more fulfilling?
This strikes me as "quit noticing things goy" but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt instead of saying show nose.
One quick thing before I respond to your question: it's not just romanticism that's fucked, it's their innate preferences. Both what they are taught to want (in terms of what makes a man high status) AND what they innately like (cavemen) are dysgenic right now. In the past we taught them to want eugenic men and we suppressed their ability to get what they innately want.
So why is researching this worth my time? Well, in itself, I like doing it and this is my main hobby: researching things. I don't really have anything else to do but schoolwork which I only do because I have to.
Apart from that, this topic in particular I think is important and a lot of sexually frustrated guys will be receptive to it. Too many guys but themselves down when really they should be the ones reproducing because they're actually more fit than cavemen in 2020. Good, genetically fit guys are getting fucked on a massive scale and I want to formally argue for it in writing so I can have one thing to link everytime this topic comes up and all the shills say "dudebros are just better than you" and "you just want to get rid of feminism because you're lonely". No, the status quo is literally running our species into the ground and a lot of the guys that aren't reproducing are actually evolutionarily superior to the guys who are drowning in pussy. There is only one way forward and it is the reestablishment of the WASP patriarchy and using power to force women to settle and be eugenic

>> No.14775175

Learn to paragraph. Hot damn.

>> No.14775177

>doesn't realize that if morality is objective (which it is) some people have more moral worth than others based on how moral they are and that this extends to group averages

>> No.14775182

>the void
Nope and nope, I am a secular,empiricist thinker that believes in objective morality. kys nihilismfag

>> No.14775183

> morality is objective
My fucking sides

>> No.14775187

Learn to focus for more than 2 seconds. Hot damn

>> No.14775189

You mean you’re a clown. Understood.

>> No.14775190

ah yes, guzzling the sweet liberal feminist kool-aid that "controlling men" via sex is somehow empowering, fucking nice. based, if you will.

>> No.14775193

>thinks morality is subjective
What stops you from killing yourself? Literally nothing. PS you admit your life has no moral worth meaning it's okay to harm/kill you

>> No.14775202

Nah I'm pretty handsome, and there are young women interested in me but I don't go for it because what could they possibly have to say. If I ever found one that said anything intelligent I'd be all over her.

Nice cope though, keep hating men. I'm sure it'll work out for you.

>> No.14775206

>doesn't argue, just name-calls

>> No.14775209

Everything you ‘wrote’ is pure bilge, however. Half-formed, garbled, idiotic, irrelevant and, frankly, just plain fucking dull garbage.

What else you got?

>> No.14775215

I’m not a woman.

Want another go, beta cuck?

>> No.14775218

they read self help books mostly or feel good junk eg Umberto Ecco or that Norse guy

>> No.14775221

My dog.

What now?

>> No.14775223

Morality is the flimsiest of illusions, slave to all desires, and there is no moral system that does not produce serious dilemmas from only the most minor of tests. Utilitarian morality is even more hilarious. You sound like a lapdog of the hundred acre woods, proposing that social credit is a good idea.

>> No.14775224

you don't have to be a woman to parrot goofy libfem talking points

>> No.14775234

You can frame me as a jew if you want, I find both your and their obsession with the blood base and degenerate though, not to mention your inability to communicate without resorting to memes.

>> No.14775240

> Nah, I’m pretty handsome
Sure. And I’m an astronaut on R&R, currently guzzling beer and pussy in Okinawa, friend.

Hope you’re enjoying your very first day on my Internet.

>> No.14775243

> waahhh muh feels
So sweet. You’re definitely the cutest little whining bitch here.

>> No.14775250

>What stops you from killing yourself?
The knowledge that if I kill myself the perspective I got from my friend's suicide was completely worthless and we would both have died in vain. This is an entirely subjective derivation unique to my own circumstances and holds actual weight unlike some ridiculous objectivist platitude.

>> No.14775256

>thinking name calling over the internet hurts people's feelings
>provides no substance to his arguments so that he cannot lose to a counter argument
projection much

>> No.14775261

I’m a right-leaning, /pol/-dwelling, massively pro-capitalism, classic liberal, you beta cuck.

What now?

>> No.14775265 [DELETED] 


>> No.14775270

Your whining and fussing over your fucking feelings like a little bitch is wasted on me, newb. Try scrabble around for something else in that pouch of pathetic you call your ‘arsenal’ of ‘comebacks’.

>> No.14775273

Why are nerdy men so opposed to the idea that women share hobbies with them? Surely you should be happy? You could meet a nice girl you have a lot in common with through a fandom or book club or something.

>> No.14775275

>massively pro-capitalism
>classic liberal
>shilling retarded neolib feminist ideas like 'making the penis hard is RAW POWER'
>thinking all of these things don't fit together

yep, i'm thinking he's cucked

>> No.14775280

ell oh ell

>> No.14775283

>You could meet a nice girl you have a lot in common with through a fandom or book club or something.
Women aren't interested in men they have "stuff in common" with. They are interested in men who have a higher social status than them, particularly if those men flaunt their social status over other men, aka "mogging"

>> No.14775287

Be handsome, be tall
otherwise stop whining and stop thinking about women.
Philosophy is moot.
Dicks & fannies, that's all it is.

>> No.14775294

I’m not the one who posted reams and reams of screeching about their helpless cock in the face of all that powerful vagina, little beta. Your words. You’re pathetic. You want to get control over women? Stop blaming them for all your problems. Go work out, better yourself for yourself, exercise self-control. Man the fuck up. And finish your goddamn homework.

>> No.14775298

None of that matters in the slightest without an objective morality.

>> No.14775303

Welcome to the reality of being one taxonomic deviation higher than a gorilla, chucklefuck. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.14775306


>> No.14775348

Brilliant argument
>without objective morality, your life is meaningless! you have no reason to live
>but if you have a subjective reason to live then that is also meaningless because you have no objective morality
Circular logic, you're retarded, your ideas are flimsy and degenerate and your peers all see you as a bumbling reject

>> No.14775365

Seeing the measures the femcels in this thread are taking to in an attempt to muddy the water just makes me want to redouble my opinion about them.
What an absolute disgrace.

>> No.14775386

> I’m going to redouble my opinion about those women that don’t even know I exist because I’m such a fat, lame, beta cuck loser!
Yeah, I’m sure they’re devastated, princess.

>> No.14775388

>in this thread
tits or gtfo

>> No.14775402
File: 255 KB, 1097x1280, goodreads reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
It's goodreads, so may be female biased. Literature is towards the male end of the spectrum, but women still read it.

>> No.14775405
File: 16 KB, 480x318, F40C3737-5FEE-4C79-BCA4-E149C3740F7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> redouble muh opinion!

>> No.14775451

there is maybe 5% of women who are attractive and 0.5% of women distractingly attractive.

>> No.14775455

There are women here, they just don't feel the need to advertise it

>> No.14775497
File: 8 KB, 225x224, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprising how close minded most of /lit/ is really, i mean imagine generalising that all females simply cannot manage to read or have critical opinions when there are thousands of academic women who have genuine passion for the arts studying at oxbridge etc

i understand that most of you see the world in a black and white lens but stop thinking that women are a different species because you never see their privates

no im not a femcel, my gf is studying English and Classics at prestigious institution and probably understands more of the nuances than most of you larpers

>> No.14775499

>women caring about what hobbies their potential parner has

>> No.14775505
File: 92 KB, 596x1008, soijak61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gf is studying English and Classics at prestigious institution and probably understands more of the nuances than most of you larpers

>> No.14775513

And yet you’d still be attracted to 100% of any of them who gave you so much as a whiff of their vagina.

>> No.14775517
File: 427 KB, 886x3677, Screenshot_2020-02-23 Classics faculty proposes removal of Homer and Virgil from Mods Syllabus – The Oxford Student.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying at oxbridge etc
Completely irrelevant these days. Their standards have been lowered to pander to niggers and women precisely.

>> No.14775519

> seething wocuck

>> No.14775526
File: 25 KB, 667x275, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whiff mine.
quiff quim

>> No.14775530

> desperately scrabbling
Give up, sad beta cuck.

>> No.14775552
File: 75 KB, 713x772, soijak37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give up, sad beta cuck.

>> No.14775554


you've gone over the part where the second year female students argue that it would utterly stupid to remove homer from the mods


i would mog you in the street you pathetic virgin

>> No.14775565

post body

>> No.14775570

post your tits or stop posting

>> No.14775579


dont take cope pictures of myself in the mirror you faggot, fuck off to hentai forums and keep crying about how women don't love you

>> No.14775597 [DELETED] 

Based post. At least one other actual man on this otherwise thread of failing, failing fucking betas gets it.

Stop blaming women. Man the fuck up.

>> No.14775613

>>14775497 #
Based post. At least one other actual man on this otherwise thread of failing, flailing fucking betas gets it.

Stop blaming women. Man the fuck up.

>> No.14775627

It's based when a simp licks his girlfriends rotten roadkill vag because he's too ignorant to see through the fact her takes are basic as hell?

lol ok

>> No.14775630

I've honestly tried to help incels but its impossible. Not because they're unfixable or too ugly or whatever, they just refuse to be helped and prefer to wallow in their own shit and hatred.

>> No.14775645

Asking lit about women is as useful as asking africans about snow

>> No.14775652
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just be a complete vaglicker bro

>> No.14775669
File: 73 KB, 1242x699, maxresdefault-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no girls on teh internertz

>> No.14775673

No, it’s based when someone merely points out reality, dumb, bitter virgin cuck.

>> No.14775681

I just like to point and laugh at them.

>> No.14775687

>"my opinion is reality"
cringe and anti-intellectual.

>> No.14775710

All the girls are in /a/. However, they are all little girls there.

>> No.14775714

Gigachad definitely licks vag though, you should too, nothing like getting a girl off.

>> No.14775750

Another potential take away you from this is that women read more on average across all genres. Look at how severely skewed that male:female ratio is after fantasy.

>> No.14775978

imagine implying that taking a girl that loves you to orgasm won't make her loyal to sucking your dick for life

>> No.14775996

What an absolute disaster of a thread.
I'm so embarrassed to be here.

>> No.14776277
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>four fours
Nice meta get.

>> No.14776309
File: 913 KB, 200x83, 1468934534682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14776610

but universities are institutions too

>> No.14776623

in my country the markers of examinations used for university admission have no way of knowing who is male/female

girls still outperform boys

>> No.14776639

All women deserve imprisonment until further notice.

>> No.14776649

it only gets awful when they start having children

>> No.14776759

Most girls I know read more than the guys I know. Most girls I know also prefer to talk to their friends instead of online strangers.

Also, there are plenty of girls on /lit/, but we don't often proclaim it around here because it has a tendency to derail conversation topics.

I hope this answers your question, anon.

>> No.14776856

This kind of mentality is why men are incapable of writing women.

Women don't enjoy being creeped on by men. It actually puts women off dressing up out of the fear of receiving rude comments/being stared at/getting stalked or raped. Women do it in spite of it, not because of it.

Women also don't value female youth or beauty like men do. Beauty regimes are followed because women are expected to, not because they're desperately trying to stop time. It's not unlike a man dressing in crisp clothes and grooming himself well, except that women are expected to do more to be socially acceptable. No woman is staring at a wrinkle in the mirror crying herself to sleep.

The truth is that you value a woman based on her youth and beauty, while she values herself based on all the possible attributes that a human may possess. As such, piqueing occurs at different stages for different women. I, for one, can't wait to be a 70 year old retiree who spends her days gardening and politely telling people to eat a dick.

>> No.14776880

Go to university. You will find 80 year old lady professors that have read the whole western canon.

>> No.14776910

Unbelievable that this massive cope got so many (you)s. Then again I’m giving it another one

>> No.14776918

post your fucking feet

>> No.14776922

I wish school could have been that easy. Even for the popular girls, most of what you wrote is pure fantasy.
Did you know that 1/4th of women 25 and younger don't have sex at all these days?

>> No.14777690

>Did you know that 1/4th of women 25 and younger don't have sex at all these days?
Post stats or fake

>> No.14777807

Why would it be fake? There are more important things in the world than the "cock carousel" you know
Can't find it, but this is something similar:
www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/living-single/201811/7-reasons-why-young-people-are-having-less-sex and https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/12/the-sex-recession/573949/

Also personal experience. In college less than a handful of the girls I knew off left their dorm to hook up, the rest were pretty much celibate by choice and more interested in studying, film nights or sleeping

t. woman in college. It was surpisingly boring

>> No.14777947

>Once women are out of school, their life are awful
This objectively isn't true. Young women have matched or slightly exceed men's incomes in some first world cities, and the trend is spreading. Men's apelike nature is unsuited to getting your shit together or succeeding in a marketplace that doesn't give them nepotism anymore. The only men who succeed in emerging industries are basedboys, they'll have to become more and more feminine to adapt.

>> No.14777974

All of that is about men. I saw stats that show that all women are having sex almost but not 1/3 of men. That means 2/3 of men are fucking all the women because there's no more monogamy, they just fornicate
>Also personal experience. In college less than a handful of the girls I knew off left their dorm to hook up, the rest were pretty much celibate by choice and more interested in studying, film nights or sleeping
They're either alone by choice (low libido and boring person) or you have no idea -- they're taking cock and obviously not telling you
>t. woman in college. It was surpisingly borin
Nobody wants to fuck trannies

>> No.14777975

Based post.

>> No.14778013

books have saved women and given them a voice and acknowledged their experience. women love books.

when i was growing up reading was more of a girls thing as well, laughed at by boys. i feel like women 'get' books more than men do, especially 'complex' ones.

>> No.14778016

in retrospect this might be too earnest a post for this board

>> No.14778077

Capitalize your I's, boy

>> No.14778103

>Also anecdotally I can attest

>> No.14778116

boring lives*

>> No.14778123
File: 59 KB, 825x550, DQJpsEBUMAA8hcq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except women get far better high school grades than men.
what are there sat scores like

>> No.14778150


>> No.14778184

the entire school system from k-graduate caters to foids, foid ways of doing things and foid interests. Men crap on them in testing and in anything resembling meaningful application of the content.

>> No.14778251

post tits, roastie

>> No.14778272

This is fucked.
That's not a good thing.

>> No.14778275

holy fucking based

>> No.14778289

embarrassing cope

>> No.14778302

they want a crumb of the pussy

>> No.14778315

go back
nice objective evaluation there

>> No.14778322

reddit insults

>> No.14778352

you have the most deluded view of women i have ever seen on the internet.

>> No.14778361

post cunt

>> No.14778373

women have reported significantly decline happiness almost every year for the last several decades.

>> No.14778389

female teacher have been shown to have a significant bias in marking toward girls. it also hurts that the curriculum is designed around a very female type of behaviour.

>> No.14778394


>> No.14778436


>> No.14778463

That man has written nothing of value, actually. Don't include him in that list.

>> No.14778475

Yeah your original comment didnt

>> No.14778487

sup troll

>> No.14778539

Doctor Grant. My dear Doctor Saddler. Welcome to Jurassic Park.
wwwwoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOooOOo ooOOOo
They're moving in herds.
They do move in herds.
How'd you do this?
I'll show you.

>> No.14778565

t. spoonfed highschooler halfway through first year of biology

>> No.14778571

yeah but fucking a slut for free is not my thing

>> No.14778972

Well what more can I say, you obviously want to believe the worst

>> No.14779206

lost few braincels while reading this thread

you damn retards