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14765765 No.14765765 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book to explain this phenomenon.

>> No.14765769

Bowling Alone

>> No.14765783

The culture of critique
It's funny that this book is the answer to most /lit/ threads

>> No.14765785

i wish i had the courage to kill myself, i would've done it a long time ago

>> No.14765795

Yeah, especially the ones that ask "what's the shittiest book you've ever encountered?"

>> No.14765806
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>> No.14765832

During the 1945-1972 era, institutions built in assumptions about their future growth. Those Embedded Growth Obligations or E.G.0.s are now unsustainable. This has caused nearly all institutions to be headed by people willing to lie to keep the institutions alive. Between 1972 and 2008 a long period of managed fake growth took place to disguise the end of the post WWII growth regime. This was called, downsizing, deregulation, mergers/acquisition, globalization, 'best brightest' immigration, securitization, financialization, etc. Starting in the 1990s this Davos style economics began to result in massive wealth inequality in the developed world under a fig leaf of idealism. By 2008, fake growth became unsustainable and the world woke up from a crazy dream of "The Great Moderation' to sanity. Since 2008, no one really believes in market absolutism nor in government fairness nor in banking. But, oddly, we can't form new economic theories.

>> No.14765842

it's really bothering me that that graph starts at 5,000 instead of zero

>> No.14765844

Das Kapital.

>> No.14765894

Most books by Michel Houellebecq.

>> No.14766252


>> No.14767180
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This was ahead of its time

>> No.14767984

>total suicides
>dip in graph

>> No.14768049

Sexual liberation. Those suicides are primarily driven by middle-aged divorced or never-married men.
It means just suicides per year as opposed to per capita, it's just a shitty labeled graph

>> No.14768377

You've never even read it.

>> No.14768383

Mark Fishers writings

>> No.14768390
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Its mostly an American phenomenon

>> No.14768419

What's 'USH'? I assume 'USW' is US whites

>> No.14768447

I have. It's just a rehash of mein kampf's faux-darwinism. Yeah bro, races are so real, and we have to like, pass on our genes! Or.. uh.. then our children will look a bit different? Nevermind that the definition of "white" or "jew" changes with the season, there's totally a race war happening.

>> No.14768737


I'll write a book for you write now that explains it:

Population growth.
The end.

>> No.14768744
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>Yeah bro, races are so real, and we have to like, pass on our genes! Or.. uh.. then our children will look a bit different?

>> No.14768754

It’s mainly population growth

>> No.14768839

Thank you. I am glad someone else is aware of this. I discovered this when I was a student studying economics and you’re absolutely right. We debate everything in America except infinite growth model capitalism. It’s definitely not confined to the economic plane though. This is a worldview that pretty much characterized the American mind in all areas of life.

>> No.14768870

We have men, in particular, who are alienated, lonely, constantly told they’re pieces of shit, toxic, violent, etc., forced to work their whole lives away in effeminate, mechanistic, life denying jobs only to continue to work, forced into a delusional and unfulfilling paradigm of only the socioeconomic as meaningful with little to no hope of finding a woman or raising a family in a world that is constantly morphing into something that they don’t understand, which despises them and increasingly so and the one spiritual principle that could’ve kept them moving has been all but dismantled and thrown away or else acted towards with hostility. Is it really a wonder?

>> No.14768885

>peak european posting time
>smarmy leddits run rampant

>> No.14768892

No it means some were resurrected by Jesus.

>> No.14768894


>> No.14769053

Jews are just the priest caste of the dehumanizing system. Getting rid of them will do nothing.

>> No.14769065

It's worth a try. Well, another try.

>wooden door

A first try.

>> No.14769074

Races are superficial and don't exist? Outstanding, I'm sure you are then outraged that special protections exist for make-believe distinctions. I'm sure you're right on top of protesting against affirmative action and diversity quotas. Any day now.

>> No.14769141

Americlaps are absolutely OBSESSED with race. It's not something you see here in Europe (anymore). But American racialism is the most pathetic and mongrelized of all race theories. There is no white race or even black race, but Americans are obsessed with these ideas because they have no race of their own. Hitler's racialism was directed towards German people. Americlaps have no people.

>> No.14769152

Durkheim’s treatise on suicide

>> No.14769167

fucking simple. Everyone is depressed; women die less because they are pussies and use less lethal means: their suicide attempt rate is like 5 times higher than mens. The reason why they attempt so much more because being a women sucks

>> No.14769237

Women just do it for attention
Nowadays everyone know how to properly slit your wrists and women still do it the non-lethal way because they don't really want to die

>> No.14769276

Just because something lacks a basis in reality doesn't mean it can have a very real effect once people buy into it. If you were to separate people by some random criteria like eye colour and discriminate against people with green eyes for centuries, you can bet your ass they would be at the bottom of society. Hence introducing affirmative action and diversity quotas for green eyed people would make sense inside such a broken reality, despite the idea being otherwise idiotic.

>> No.14769881

Israel has no right to exist.

>> No.14771036

We'd still have Japan-esque cultural collapse if not for the jews, but there's a fuckton of things for which they are solely to blame. Our ancestors really fucked up not exterminating them while they had the chance

>> No.14771204

Ever hear of the "natural" rate of unemployment? Well, 5000 is the natural rate of suicide. If you go below that number for too long, the population becomes too bogged down with pathetic losers.

>> No.14771208


>> No.14771221

Infinite Jest, The Pale King

>> No.14771224
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This image neatly sums up the entire triology desu

>> No.14771227

do those books reveal why dave did it?
never really got why he done went that way frankly

>> No.14771249

Infinite Jest is basically his autobiography, although he left out the part about his battle with mental illness

>> No.14771256

Just because the people who follow the ideology who in part developed from this book is the cause of many of societies problems does not mean the reading the book will explain societies problems.

>> No.14771262

No matter what you're trying to say you should read "The Selfish Gene" and "The Extended Phenotype"

>> No.14771558


>> No.14771582
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Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.14771802


>> No.14771842
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>> No.14771868

Does it mention the Bush Wars?

>> No.14772011

Read Marx. also david harvey- brief history of neoliberalism and mark fisher-capitalist realism

>> No.14772024

he was depressed

>> No.14772191
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>> No.14772790

aren't far right nationalist groups in Europe having quite the resurgence?

>> No.14773132

US Hispanics

>> No.14773202

this desu

>> No.14773699


Women had feminism and became free from stupid social obligations.

Many men still think they HAVE to marry, to become CEOs, to be geniuses, etc.

>> No.14773718

Men still have all the social obligations and expectations they had in the past, while losing all the benefits. Women have lost all obligations and expectations but still expect men to hold up to theirs.