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14751813 No.14751813 [Reply] [Original]

What books would you recommend for a 20 year old guy who's going to be locked up for 2-3 years?
My girlfriends brother was in a car accident that killed one of his friends and he was deemed responsible due to dangerous driving.

>> No.14751816

The Bible>>14751813

>> No.14751819

How to Take Dicks Up the Ass by Everyone He Meets

>> No.14751825

The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius

>> No.14751845

This. Very based.

>> No.14751857

Thanks, will check it out. He's a young guy who hasn't read any philosophy at all as far as I know so was thinking he might find it useful in the times to come.

>> No.14751870

Crime and punishment maybe? Deals with accepting a prison sentence as the means to relieve guilt(among other things).

>> No.14751910
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Get him the fast and furious novelisations

>> No.14752155

bro get him the Trump's "the Art of the Deal" so he'll know how to sell his busssssy for reading $$$$

>> No.14752161

the bible

>> No.14752162

lmao rape jokes

>> No.14752163

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.14752221

Better stoicism than that (Seneca, Epictetus)
The Bible
Crime and Punishment

>> No.14752226

>buying him a book which will do nothing but make him think very very consciously about his miserable lot in life
I don't think you understand people or emotions very well

>> No.14752228


Anything else would be cope

>> No.14752246

Get him to read Proust. Classic prison material

>> No.14752254


>> No.14752265
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how legit is this book actually? have always wondered

>> No.14752275

What do you want to hear? Some say it changed their life others say it's a waste of time, the two camps seem equal enough in numbers, people are complex like that.

>> No.14752297

I would argue that any book you give him is going to be a cope. You read in prison to take yourself out of that space, not to reinforce the walls of the enclosure around you.

Actually not a bad idea, but he'll need the whole of ISOLT. When he comes out he will be a true intellectual.

>> No.14752418
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What books would you recommend for an 89-year-old man who's going to be locked up for 15-20 years? A guy I know had a neighbor that died, and he was deemed responsible due to having dismembered his body and jumped bail.

>> No.14752609

Don’t push any books on him unless he’s asked you for reads. This is his journey and he has to seek things out on his own. Pushing Crime and Punishment on a man who’s getting locked up because you want him to reflect on his crimes will only make him resent you.

>> No.14752647

give him a note that says "one must imagine sisyphus happy"

>> No.14752659

I can see it now:
>wtf is a "sisyphus"?

>> No.14752664


>> No.14752725

>wtf is a sissy foot?'

>> No.14752743

>89 years old
>dismembering the body of your dead neighbour
What the actual fuck

>> No.14752755
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He should spend his time in prison reflecting on the life lost due to his actions, and how he’s going to make it up to that family. I’m all for self-improvement but that time should not be used for your own advantage. I can guarantee you any parole board hearing will feel the same way. Looks good on paper but it smacks of self-interest and juvenile indifference to the catastrophe he has created in the lives of other innocent people. However he does this, that should be his focus. It’s not some self-improvement jaunt.

>> No.14752872
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A friend of mine from high school recently got arrested. After school we kinda drifted apart and I didn't hear anything from him for a while. Back in school he was always one of the jock types, real Chad muh beers muh pussy muh football type.

So anyways, just recently he got arrested for murder for bashing in a city councilman's head with a hammer in the back of the truck. Everyone was really confused, and then the full story came out and we were all more confused.

Turned out he was working as a male prostitute. He was getting paid like $500 a pop by old perverts so they could fuck him in the ass and cum in his butt, the city councilman was a regular client. The murder incident happened because apparently after the councilman got done cumming in my friend's ass, he asked him if he had any naked pictures of his little brother he would sell. My buddy might be a fag now but he hates pedos, so he took out his roofing hammer (he's a construction worker in his off-time) and bashed in the city councilman's head until his brains were splattered everywhere

Fast forward to today, now the local baptist church is protesting the councilman's widow's wine bar for him being a degenerate faggot and the town is equally divided between hailing my buddy as a hero or a sick faggot murderer.

So anyways you should read "The Bell Curve." My reading recommendation is unrelated to the previous story.

>> No.14752917


>> No.14752922

Remembering peoples names is good advice.

>> No.14752950


>> No.14752999

Jesus. Do you have a news story link or anything? Your buddy was objectively wrong to kill anyone. He should've gone to the law and let them deal with it.

>> No.14753018


I can't find the news article about the pedo shit, that only came to light later when he was questioned by police. Him and I weren't good friends or anything but I honestly don't give a shit that he killed a pedophile. The police around here are notoriously corrupt, they let a sex abuse scandal go on for years at a local high school because they couldn't be bothered to do any actual investigation. I doubt they would have done anything based on the word of a male prostitute against a city councilman's.

>> No.14753023

Also, I said recent but I guess it's already been almost 3 years. Man, time flies.

>> No.14753081


>> No.14753152

Interesting that he’s been charged with murder. Looks like a straightforward GBH (aggravated battery) case to me. Interesting. I know it can vary so it’ll be up to your state prosecutor I suppose.

Depressing story.

>> No.14753342

Dude, he killed somebody in a car accident. It was just bad luck. The only thing that he can reflect on is “I should have been more careful”. Nevertheless, you are right about the parole hearing bit; this is genuinely good advice.
Malcom X said that when you’re in prison it’s dead time, but it’s up to you to make it count. He should definitely read as many books as he can in there.

My recommendation:
>take self-defenses classes ASAP
>Convict Conditioning by Paul Coach Wade

>> No.14753350

This dude is a hero. That councilman would have fucked a lot of days and ruined many lives, I guarantee it. There should be more Fag-Punishers like your friend.

>> No.14753458

fuck books, start working out and bulking asap. remember: you don't have to be huge, you just have to be bigger than the smallest guy and not let anyone fuck with you. if anyone calls you a fag or a punk, you have to fuck them up, no hesitation. if you don't you will be targeted in the future, don't bitch out.

>> No.14753468

anon, you need to take up your faggot friend's mantel and vigilante murder the rest of your local pedos. i'm counting on you.

>> No.14753552

but he is himself fag and enabling other fags by offering his faghole for fagsex

>> No.14753612

But he was a fag for money, for the right price I would suck a dudes asshole

>> No.14753625

worse than doing it for pleasure desu

>> No.14753631
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There is unironically nothing gay about being a faggot. Modern queers have ruined the idea of homosexuality and turned it into feminine hip garbage. Those fags deserve the cross, but actual men understand and love the beauty of the peak male form. Real men realize that women and men can never form a bond as strong as two male lovers because women cannot understand our struggle, emotions, or duties.

Be a man among men, take the fagpill.

>> No.14753659
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>There is unironically nothing gay about being a faggot
there is nothing faggy about being gay you mean

>> No.14753661

kys faggot

>> No.14753668

Shut up you gay bitch

>> No.14753680

fuck off, simps. You are slaves to pussy because you have yet to realize that women are only good for making children. A man and a woman cannot love one another, it is as alien as a bird loving a fish. Only men can love each other. Women exist only to produce the next generation and keep the hearths burning while men fuck each other and wage war.

>> No.14753698

post physique faggot

>> No.14753845

Lol dudes not a level 2 lifer in fucking San Quentin. He's probably going to be in some medium to minimum security joint doing yardwork with other dui, drugs and stick up kids. He's probably been in jail so been through the most dangerous part.

>> No.14753865

He did that decades ago, but was only outed recently (and thanks to a reality TV show, at that).
There's even been a Hollywood movie (All Good Things) about the case years before the guys outed himself.

>> No.14753881

Can't blame him for bashing the head of a pedo, but he probably would have done more good by going to the fbi and asking them what he can do. Pedocriminals operate in networks, when you're found out one it's generally an occasion to catch a whole batch.
Sad story either way.

>> No.14753924

> muh alpha
You’re quite obviously a low.t orbiter whose only interaction with women is your mum when she checks in once a month for your basement supplies of bog roll and Cheetos, fatty.

>> No.14754137
File: 78 KB, 500x666, 672A9922-AD3E-4A46-8F5A-58F6C63F668F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> bad luck
Wrong. Whatever happened, and no matter the circumstances, he actively made decisions and took actions that directly resulted in the death of another human being. You can not apologise for, dismiss, or downplay this fact.

His sentence, as it is, is very light. Rather than ‘educate’ himself, he should think long and hard about what in his character caused those actions and decisions, and the unbelievable gravity of the consequences of them. As much as I appreciate great works of literature can offer all sorts of insights into a person’s nature, spending his time doing this is simply avoidant, self-soothing behaviour. And, like I say, that’s how any parole board or authority will see it, too.

He should forget anything that gives him any sort of personal advantage, and spend the entirety of the time he is in there reflecting on himself, thinking about how he can make any sort of reparations to the family, and doing all he can to prove - to himself most of all - that he is accountable for his actions and he needs to deal with himself completely. Whatever that takes - self-help groups, volunteering, assisting where possible, and training himself to take on the responsibility of carrying his share of the terrible burden he has placed on this family. Not sit, squirrelled away, hiding behind books. He needs to man up.

>> No.14754563
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Just mimic this guy and everything will be just fine.

>> No.14756052

Malcom x

>> No.14756122

I meant a Punisher who is a Fag, not a punisher that targets fags

>> No.14756179

Do you drive? Because if you did you would realize even drivers that drive safe can end up killing somebody. Sure, he made the decision to drive dangerously, but all his pondering can amount to just “gee, I should have been more careful”. Sure he should try to make it up to that family, but guess what? He can’t. Especially not behind bars.
So he should focus on the future. That guy he killed is dead, nothing will bring him back. He should get on his knees and pray to Jesus for forgiveness, but that would also be self-soothing bs for you... with your point of view, the amount of pain doesn’t decrease, if anything, it increases

>> No.14757067

the trial-franz kafka

>> No.14757075

Also Chopper: From the Inside

>> No.14757305

coping is probably healthy in this situation

>> No.14757328

Not sure if you do either. Sometimes we need to feel catharsis. Crime and Punishment would maybe make your friend feel less alone, that other people have gone through what he has.

>> No.14757340
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It's not rape if it is consensual.

>> No.14757345
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>people are complex like that

>> No.14757353

I would say all of the goosebumps books

>> No.14757381

Put the audiobook in YouTube or something and realize it's 90% filler and a list of advice you can find with a Google search. You don't need all the made up stories that accompany each lesson

>> No.14757383


>> No.14757765

Fun folksy stories from mid century america with some useful lessons - not the bible

>> No.14757769

Tremendously bad advice

>> No.14757785

For him to have been sentenced to years in prison because of how he was driving, he was pretty obviously driving like a fucking nutter. I suspect OP is downplaying how out of control his girlfriend's retard brother was/is.