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14699125 No.14699125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on wizard . I am 29 years old soon i will be old enough for https://wizchan.org/ .

>> No.14699144
File: 1.58 MB, 2075x3681, City-of-God-1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ive had sex a couple times so i can never be a wizard
whatever ill just be a chaos magician

>> No.14699237

Please don't link that place here

>> No.14699292


>> No.14699767

do u get to keep ur powers if u reach wizardhood but then fuck

>> No.14699842

No, you forfeit your pent-up mana if you have sex with a succubus. Wizardry isn’t even the end goal, there are elders and wraiths beyond that

>> No.14700059

wizchan is widely known

>> No.14700102

>tfw almost 27 and will probably be denied wizard powers coz had sex ONCE at 22 with a prostitute

>> No.14700172

Was it worth it?

>> No.14700208

Ye it was great but It didn't help me get a gf

>> No.14700215

you thought that acting like a peak loser would somehow magically help you "get a gf"?

>> No.14700282

I wouldn't say I was a peak loser back then, I was in a vacation with my friends, got drunk enough and had the chance to do it so I did. I still don't see myself as a peak loser bro. Why would you call a virgin a loser in the first place? I would say maybe socially inept, shy, traumatised, but why loser?

>> No.14700310

>Why would you call a virgin a loser in the first place?
where did i do that?

getting led around by your dick is loser and paying a literal whore for sex is peak loser

>> No.14700355

Well that's your opinion lol

>> No.14700499

>if you allow your animalistic, base desire to take over your hire order reasoning, you're a loser
does being mentally weak not make you a loser?

>> No.14700603
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but i hope the absolute irony of a 4channer calling another 4channer a mentally weak loser is not lost on you my friend

>> No.14700643

here's your (you)

>> No.14700655
File: 631 KB, 1920x1080, 1063296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 years old
>never even started a conversation with a woman because of years of sexual abuse
>also because i'm an ugly loser with a small dick who's terrified of women after years of horrible experiences
>went to a dominatrix and couldn't even get it up
I don't subscribe to inceldom, but I've accepted I'm going to die an unloved virgin. At least romance novels help me simulate the experience of having a girlfriend. I've also spent 600 dollars on custom girlfriend audios.

>> No.14700660

this the gayest shit in the world

>> No.14700666

at least you're doing something. just seek love and connection.

>> No.14700853

>30 in literally 7 days on the 18th

I can't see much happening lads.

>> No.14701010
File: 255 KB, 587x430, 1570909958996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>25 yo
>Had sex once with hambeast that I was not attracted to and had to beg a little for it
>Nothing since
The path to wizardry was bittersweet. Now life's just bitter.

>> No.14701040

Incels and femcels deserve way more sympathy than they get, and should not be treated in such a degrading and snarky way. A good portion are normal looking people with some sort of body dysmorphia disorder and are dogged by those obsessive thoughts all day long, but never benefit from half the concern lavished on even the most transparent mental illness grifters on twitter.

Then you have those who are simply not attractive to basically everyone. Many will never experience a meaningful and loving sexual connection with another person, and will face hurdles in their social life that cannot be surmounted by personality or intelligence.
Their lives will be devoid of sexual passion, they'll never experience that moment of almost serial killer level eye contact you have with your partner just before you start making out or go to bed...

They'll never lord sexual power over another person, and that power is the strongest one available to a normal human being. It's akin to the power of a charismatic religious leader or inspiring political leader. You can threaten someone to do just about anything, but love and mutual physical attraction are by definition consensual and can only be gained using personal characteristics that are more or less genetic.

It's easier to conquer the world than force someone to love you.

>> No.14701063

B-but it's okay because we have God. I l-love Him so much...

>> No.14701117

Got a higher resolution version of that Pepe/KEK?

>> No.14701437
File: 240 KB, 1659x672, classprogression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the prestige class progression.

>> No.14701452

I'll fuck you

>> No.14701703

You’re an idiot.

>> No.14701714


>> No.14701719

>linking wizardchan

>> No.14701725

If I could unsleep with the 35 or so women I’ve fucked to be a wizard, I absolutely wouldn’t