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14679778 No.14679778 [Reply] [Original]

>being a christian

How's it feel embracing a dead religion out of fear?

>> No.14679789

Nietzsche got BTFO by Dostoyevsky. The Grand Inquisitor and Ivan's Devil nightmare are stunningly accurate parodies of Nietzsche's ideas

>> No.14679794

Why is Christianity dead but Islam or Hinduism aren't? Are they just too stupid to read Nietzsche or what's the deal

>> No.14679796

bretty good tbqh :D

>> No.14679797

I'm not going to take advice from a guy who was insane lmfao

>> No.14679803

Nietzsche BTFO on this by Evola in like the first 50 or so pages of Ride the Tiger

>> No.14679813

I'm an atheist but if I were a christian I wouldn't just drop my faith because some old hippie german who went insane said that god is dead

>> No.14679814

how hard is it to live like Jesus and be good to your neighbors?

Just be a christian bro. Its the cure for the world.

>> No.14679825

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with the christcucks. Their religion after the middle ages was constantly getting fucked. First Hume, then Kant, then Schopenhauer. Nietzsche was the last nail in the coffin. I could understand if someone approached religion in a Jungian or esoteric sense, but these christcucks seem to take it literally.

How weak and retarded do you have to be to ignore all of these progress since middle ages.

>> No.14679826

Cringe. I disagree with Nietzsche on this but sticking your nose up at the author because you think some pseuds dogpiling him on /lit/ is a good enough excuse to never take him seriously again can only be described as an inexcusable poverty in the heart. never too late to change, though

>> No.14679851

Gott is tott und wie haben etc is moreso a liturgy against mankind than religion. Think of Neetch as a true Christian who hated hippocrites, much like the church's namesake

>> No.14679856

>how hard is it to live like Jesus and be good to your neighbors?
clearly very hard. Most christian are far from living like Jesus, and real-world Christianity pushes against education, birth control and tasting the pussy before marriage. That leads to trailer trash, bad decisions, fags kill themselves out of guilt, etc.

If you want to follow a religion just because of its moral philosophy you're better off with something more consistent and flexible like Buddhism. Much more flexible since he was just a guy like you or me, and his teachings to laymen were "don't be a dick" and "you can remove all your suffering if you want to, it's all in your mind"

>> No.14679863

Buddhism and Christianity share the two most important and hardest to enact commandments, don't be a dick, as you put it, and let go of your pride. Very easy to say, nearly impossible to do.

>> No.14679865

“Nietzsche’s solution of the problem of the meaning of life, consisting in the affirmation that this meaning does not exist outside of life, and that life in itself is meaning (from which derive all the themes already mentioned, including the myth of the eternal return), is valid only on the presupposition of a being that has transcendence as its essential component….We have already seen with regard to the “will to power” that it is not so much the general characteristic of life, but one of its possible manifestations, one of its many faces. To say that life “always surpasses itself,” “wants to ascend, and to regenerate itself by rising and surpassing itself,” or that life’s secret is “I am that which must always conquer itself”--all that is simply the result of a very unusual vocation projecting itself to the dimensions of a worldview. It is merely the reflection of a certain nature, and by no means the general or objective character of every existence. The foundation that really prevails in existence is much closer to Schopenhauer’s formulation than to this one of Nietzsche’s; that is, the will to live as eternal and inexhaustible desire, not the will to power in the true sense, or the positive, ascending drive to dominance. It is only, in fact, through the other dimension, that of transcendence, that life presents those characteristics that Nietzsche mistakenly generalizes and thinks he can attribute to it when he sets up his new values.” --Evola retroactively recovering transcendent metaphysics from Evola. You should pick up a copy of Ride The Tiger. I'm also marvelling at your insane and retarded lack of reading comprehension of both Jung, esoterism, and the Bible. Imagining typing the work "literally" in this context as a reduction when each of those three realms work at an intersection between the literal, the legendary, and the metaphysical, psychic, etc. Also
>countersignalling the middle ages
>progress rhetoric
grow up

>> No.14679869

Janny b& me from posting threads and images but I have a question that the Googe can't answer pertaining to preBundes German philosophy to put you pseuds to the test and see if you're really the experts on this subject that you presume to be.

What is the meaning behind the expression '96 tears'?

>> No.14679873

jesus calm down man i only called him a hippie. It's not like i called him a retard and that his works aren't worth reading. Just talking from the perspective of a theist
at least with Buddhism fags aren't threatened into getting a wife and kids, only to abandon them for cock years later. And taste the pussy, have sex for purposes other than procreation, etc.

>> No.14679876

Dostoevsky is one of the few men in the world Nietzsche admired. Any careful reading of Nietzsche will reveal that he was making a parody of rational atheists, not Christianity. It's my personal litmus test for NPCism among anyone with an IQ over 130. If you ask any of these people for Nietzsche's defense of Christianity and they have not ever considered it, then you're dealing with a p-zombie.

>> No.14679880

You don't have to have a wife in Christianity, or kids. Im also not sure what 'tasting the pussy' has to do with buddhism

>> No.14679887

If people cannot play with ideas and authors in a dynamic way, they deserve to be excommunicated from life.

>> No.14679902

This may surprise you, but Christians have traditionally considered celibacy extremely holy and even preferable to marriage.

>> No.14679918

Imagine being a physicalist cuck. How could emotions, feelings, thought, ever be reduced to something physical? How could love, anger, etc be spacially located. How could something physical be about something such as how when you're angry it's about your small weener.

How can you explain how for everything to be in existence they have to be perceived. Look at how in the double slit experiment the photon materializes as a particle when perceived and measured. But what then is perceiving everything so it exists? Must be a consious consiousness that is omnipresent. Sounds like God to me chief.

>> No.14679919

>You don't have to have a wife in Christianity, or kids
You're missing my point. I was talking about fags. Fags get wives to put themselves in a position that forces them to be straight, but since that never works they make their and their wives' lives hell.
by tasting the pussy I mean fornication, sex before marriage. And I think you missed my point. Buddha doesn't give a shit about your personal business, and doesn't threaten you with hell if you don't follow his teachings. He doesn't tell you to be a prude unless you're an ascetic who wants to achieve enlightenment in this life.
yeah I know. That makes it worse. Denying yourself of one of the main things all living beings are born for... for no rational reason.

>> No.14679925

Buddha tells you to let go of attachments and desires to relieve suffering, this obviously includes fornication. And again fags don't need to marry

>> No.14679926

Nietzsche dislike of Christianity as for the same reason he dislike Pessimism and Stoicism, Both of them are Life-denying

>> No.14679927

99.9% of atheists are that way simply because they have never even met a Christian. The Jacobins executed everyone that was religious in France in the '89 revolution, it slowly spread through the rest of the west over the next 150 years, finally culminating in the Weather Underground / Communist Party purge of USA in the late 60s / early 70s. Most of these new atheist types are 40-60 years old Gen Xs from neoliberal concrete hellscapes (where the purges were 100% effectual) and therefore have zero contact with dissident thought (to the extent it exists, it is underground in the rural sticks), one of the strains of which is Christianity.

>> No.14679928

>How could emotions, feelings, thought, ever be reduced to something physical? How could love, anger, etc be spacially located
it literally can be and has been with brain scans you brainlet theistcuck

>> No.14679930

How does it feel knowing that your entire culture is a product of the catholic church?

>> No.14679942

Actually, the catholic church took from the Romans who took from the Greeks.

>> No.14679953

the ultimate redpill on neetchan is he had daddy issues and was jealous of the jesuits

how much longer will we regurgitate this nonsense ?

>> No.14679961

no. There's this thing that westerners ignore for some reason called layman or "householder" buddhism. The Buddha taught differently to lay people. In fact, he adapted his teachings to his audience all the time (revealed in the Lotus Sutra). He knew most of them wouldn't want to abandon their families just to stop suffering, so he taught them to not be a dick in order to live a blissful life, and maybe reincarnate as a monk or a noble in the next life. You only need to let go of all desires if you want to be a monk and get to Nirvana.
>And again fags don't need to marry
missing my point again. I never said they NEED to marry, but they do so to stay in the closet. And in any case married or not fags lead a miserable life under christianity

>> No.14679970

>the truth is nonsense
kek. Seethe

>> No.14679977

not seething just sick of sucking off le classics.

>> No.14679990

Jesus also understood people couldn't follow his teachings to the letter, which is why he preached forgiveness. The Our Father literally says to forgive others so that your own trespasses will be forgiven as well.

That doesn't change that the Buddha's central teachings are about letting go of worldly desires

>> No.14680014


Anyone? 96 tears, what does it mean? Or are you all just circlejerking as usual

Thought this'd be the thread that might know if any

>> No.14680106

Just because a fiction writer wrote a compelling fiction doesn't mean Nietzsche is wrong. It means he wrote good fiction, or more accurately wrote good propaganda.

>> No.14680115

Implying Christians actually read or challenge their own beliefs. Christianity is predicated on ignorance, anon.

>> No.14680118
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>God has to be real or else people will do bad things

>> No.14680123

Definitely impossible to do, Christians are the most prideful dicks around. I've never once met a truly humble christian, but I've met some stellar actors.

>> No.14680130

>Jesus also understood people couldn't follow his teachings to the letter, which is why he preached forgiveness
not remotely the same. You're still feeling guilt and fear of hell for sinning. There's a big difference between "that's not wrong at all" and "that's wrong but I forgive you"
>That doesn't change that the Buddha's central teachings are about letting go of worldly desires
it does though. Those "central" teachings about extreme abandon of all desires is only central in Western Buddhism.

>> No.14680133

God, every writer who tries to respond to Nietzsche sounds like a stilted autist compared to his style. It's like they're trying to copy Nietzsche's flair but failing fucking miserably in the process.

>> No.14680140
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How does it feel to be a faggot?

>> No.14680146

>any careful reading

You mean

>forcefully interpreting his work as

>> No.14680152

the ultimate redpill on you is you're a faggot

>> No.14680163

The Buddha literally said that desire was suffering, how are you trying to twist this into him advocating that you go 'taste the pussy'.

And it is the same thing, there are variations of Buddhism in which acting immorally means you suffer in the next lifetime, and there are variations of Christianity in which any sinner can be saved as long as they believe in Christ(there are even variations in which just literally everyone is saved).

>> No.14680165
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>Just because a fiction writer wrote a compelling fiction doesn't mean Nietzsche is wrong.

>> No.14680169

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.14680170

Christians are people that have never taken on Existentialism. Instead of overcoming it they run in fear and hide in the belief that Yeshoua bar-Joseph loves them.

>> No.14680201

More like "having done the requisite work of reading the philosophical predecessors (i.e. their primary texts), having a strong socio-historical-material understanding of the conditions in which the man wrote, and then reading his primary texts rather than a list of aphorisms"

>> No.14680206

>Be Nietzsche
>Be atheist who rejects the love of God to stand on his own and take the universe on himself as a superior human who laughs at the foolish sheepeople and christcucks
>Go literally insane with despair
It's a coincidence!

>> No.14680239
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Finally someone who gets its
>>forcefully interpreting his work as

Mfw Nietzsche would have called out most of the atheists (theists in disguise) itt

>> No.14680246

Really? You can point to a physical spot of my brain and say there is the love I'm feeling about my dog? Emotions and feelings arent spacially located That is ridiculous. Also how could a physical state be about something? Like how I could be angry about my car?

If you're going to say that some sort of physical property is one and the same as my thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc then all properties of that physical matter must be shared by my thoughts feelings emotions awareness etc. But this isnt the case as shown prior. So my thoughts, feelings, emotions, awareness, etc must not be material.

>> No.14680247
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>> No.14680248
File: 923 KB, 800x999, sacred_heart_jesus_christ_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of fear
Nay, rather, out of Love for the Father, who sent us Christ to liberate us from the bonds of Materiality and the Demiurgic-Yahwehic shackles of Original Sin. Alas, brothers, we shall be free in Christ who bestowed upon us the Holy Spirit to guide us in our mission of fundamental liberation through the pursuit of Truth, even the very Truth which shall set us free. Amen.

>> No.14680266

Forcing a Dostoevsky reading of Nietzsche. You can do better, faggot.

>> No.14680296

This is an absolutely terrible reading of Nietzsche. Stirner calls today's atheists pious. Nietzsche from memory doesnt insult atheists very much.

If anything, the Nietzchean take is that ideas like Truth are remnants, *shadows* of bad Christian thought that plague the scientific thinkers of modern times. And their fault is they dont go far enough in dismantling absolutes, not that they're hypocrites.

The passage you linked is saying pretty much just that; it's not a repudiation of atheism, it's a repudiation of atheism that hasn't gone far enough investigating philosophical sacred vows.

But hey, I guess when you're a dishonest Christian trying to push false readings of Nietzsche to try and give flooring to dismiss him, you gotta fight dirty.

>> No.14680349
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I posted those pics to say exactly what you just posted lmao. The atheists are theists in disguise because they believe in Absolute Truth

Those pictures have nothing to do with Dosto. Read again. Pic related however is undeniable however

>> No.14680362

Being well read in Nietzsche always produces frustration. Nietzsche is sort of a truth pragmatist, ultimately all statements are in motion, no statement is perfectly absolute. Even this is iffy, because he's not even absolutely a truth pragmatist. But it's a better way to think about him.

So whenever you hear a repudiation of Nietzsche that starts with "Nietzsche thinks X and this is the problem with thinking X", you can almost always immediately discard what's being said. Nietzsche doesnt have single, static positions on anything, because such kind of truth is a falsehood. These lines of argumentation against Nietzsche are stuck in a mode of thought that Nietzsche believes he's moved past.

I've never heard any anti-Nietzschean online who could start by arguing down Nietzsche's pragmatism. If they could it would be easier to accept what they were saying. Without a convincing stance though their arguments always seem so fucking ridiculous and juvenile.

>> No.14680371

>I posted those pics to say exactly what you just posted lmao. The atheists are theists in disguise because they believe in Absolute Truth
Theist is the wrong word. They dont believe in God, they just have broken mental structures. You're imposing shit that's not there to try and make Nietzsche sound more critical against atheists than he is. Liar. Dishonest liar.

>> No.14680373

>Those pictures have nothing to do with Dosto. Read again. Pic related however is undeniable however
I'm well aware N read D. That doesnt mean N is just a D derivative, which is what obnoxious faggot Christians like to argue.

>> No.14680380
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>try to look this up in both book and pdf
>they're both different translations (from this and from eachother)

>> No.14680387

They can locate what parts of the brain are most active when he thinks or feels these things but saying it can literally be spatially located is false.

>> No.14680393

Where do I start with Nietzsche?

>> No.14680397

I never claimed Nietzsche is just a derivative of Dosto, I am aware they came to very similar conclusions independent of one another.
Their faith in the values of science, their belief in the dogmas of empiricism, etc. are their Gods.

>> No.14680402

The Genealogy of Morals or The Gay Science

>> No.14680409

>Their faith in the values of science, their belief in the dogmas of empiricism, etc. are their Gods.
That's on you and is gay and wrong. That's not Nietzsche.

>> No.14680427

He was doing both. He even took a shot at normal atheists, though can't bother to find the quote.

>> No.14680431

It's funny to me tat this popularizer of previous thinkers is so worshiped and also so misunderstood when his positions are just common sense shit and some of them have even been pretty well refuted.

>> No.14680436

>That's on you and is gay and wrong. That's not Nietzsche.
Yes it is, Nietzche was way more skeptical than any scientist lmao

>> No.14680452

>common sense
>some of them having been pretty well refuted
You know how I can tell you're a Christian?

>> No.14680460

>The passage you linked is saying pretty much just that; it's not a repudiation of atheism, it's a repudiation of atheism that hasn't gone far enough investigating philosophical sacred vows.
Probably like 9/10 of what you believe lmao

>> No.14680466

Not everyone who insults your god Nietzsche needed his help to reach these easy propositions. Nietzsche, however, certainly did need help to reach them. I wonder if you can name even a single piece of skepticism original to him.

>> No.14680474

Then why does he say that rationalistic atheism is one of the embodiment's of the ascetic ideal or that it is the greatest ally of 'Platonism'. Granted the former claim can also mean that rationalism is the by-product of ressentiment, by then why does he state over and over how it is a faith based commitment and how it is a belief?
Thank you

>> No.14680477

feels based

>> No.14680602

>Then why does he say that rationalistic atheism is one of the embodiment's of the ascetic ideal or that it is the greatest ally of 'Platonism'. Granted the former claim can also mean that rationalism is the by-product of ressentiment, by then why does he state over and over how it is a faith based commitment and how it is a belief?
Because it's related to religious fervor, but it's not theism you fucking retard. Do you comprehend what words mean?

>> No.14680620

How so?

>> No.14680622

the fear is strong

>> No.14680659

it is true it is truly dead

>> No.14680668

>Because it's related to religious fervor,
not the guy you're talking to, but have you even read him lol

>> No.14680677

Have a bunch of quotations catalogued but im too drunk to dig through, i posted something in this thread but Ride The Tiger dedicates a bunch of time to giving Nietzsche credit where due and trying to reveal how his ideology relies on the idea of extrahuman transcendence even though he himself acts like he doesn't buy it. God bless bro

>> No.14680733


>> No.14680754
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>having a strong socio-historical-material understanding

>> No.14680773

>ideas like Truth are remnants, *shadows* of bad Christian thought that plague the scientific thinkers of modern times.
There is not a single one of these faggots who says this that actually believes it.

>> No.14680918

>Russia employs state atheism
>Stalin happens

Yep, looks like Dosto was right.

>> No.14681057

>Are they just too stupid to read Nietzsche
It's mostly because most Christians are white. Weaker / minority cultures have the tendency to hold onto their old values with a death grip even in the face of certain annihilation / assimilation out of pride.

>> No.14681067

If it was just Christfags we'd never have landed on the moon

>> No.14681094

>God has to be real or else stupid people will do bad things

>> No.14681301

So gods just a tool of social control?

>> No.14681355
File: 66 KB, 266x228, 1505764353822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"In the case of stronger, livelier thinkers who are still thirsty for life, however, it seems to be different: when they take sides against appearance and even speak of 'perspective' with an arrogant disdain, when they rank the credibility of their own body about as lost as the credibility of the ocular evidence which says 'the earth stands still', and thus euth apparent good humour let slip their firmest possession (for what is believed in more firmly today than the body?) - who knows whether they are not at bottom trying to win back something that was formerly an even firmer possession, some part or other of the old domain of the faith of former times, perhaps 'the immortal soul', perhaps 'the old God', in short ideas by which one could live better, that is to say more vigorously and joyfully, than by 'modern ideas'?"
>"... The essential thing about them is not that they want to go 'back', but that they want to - get away. A little strength, soaring, courage, artistic power more, and they would want to go up and away - and not back! -"

>> No.14681426

Hell yeah brother. Nice quotes.

>> No.14681435

because they have primordial esoteric non-dual metaphysics

>> No.14681469

i dont get

>> No.14681563

Ok ben shapiro

>> No.14681596

lots of nazis were Christian, anon

>> No.14681643

Sounds like you read his Wikipedia page and called it a day.

>> No.14681653


>> No.14681657

This is a really mean thing to say.

>> No.14681749

except he's not a physicalist...

>> No.14681815

Come on anon, you cant expect people to read the philosophers they're shitting on, can you?

>> No.14681840
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>sends rocket to moon
>guys step on moon for a bit, pick up some rocks, then come home

>> No.14681841

Now this is cope.

>> No.14681849

But does it lack veracity?

>> No.14681855

Imagine being this fucking mad

Over a post

Genuinely pathetic

>> No.14681860

>Hume, then Kant, then Schopenhauer. Nietzsche
These are just Christians spewing ideas ultimately revolving around Christianity.

>> No.14681868

Hume didn't care about Christianity at all, he was the most aloof and sensible guy basically ever.

>> No.14681879
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>Imagine being this fucking mad

>Over a post

>Genuinely pathetic

>> No.14681882
File: 31 KB, 850x400, dostoyevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic thread.
You'll never craft a god out of materialism.

>> No.14681890

God the way Christians think is so annoying

They just continually assert, with 0 compelling evidence, that everything is *really* about Christianity somehow. They think everything orbits around God.

I think they are genuinely incapable of comprehending the atheist mindset. I dont spend each day contemplating God and like hating him, he literally just doesnt factor into the equation. Christians just cant imagine that it's possible to live without God even being a factor, but it is.

>> No.14681894

>the negation of christianity is materialism

Nice try. Come back when you've read a book.

>> No.14681912

the only bad thing stalin did was fight against hitler

>> No.14681915

>islam is not dead
do you even look at muslims in this age? they dont even look back to their philosophers. they just listen to their clerics talking about stuffs that dont even pertain to the spirit. lots, if not most of muslims nowadays dont even fucking know who rumi is.

they are already dead, but they just keep breeding more than other people, increasing npc people.

>> No.14681918

It's not often that I see a 100% based post on 4chan(nel) but this is such a case

>> No.14681971
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If I asked you where rhinos live, and you said "In Africa," would I be justified in claiming that rhinos don't exist because you didn't nail down an exact point? Absolutely fucking not, right?

What is your definition of space where stating that the feeling of love is "located in this region of this brain when it's active" isn't a valid answer to the question of where a feeling resides in space? Is the goalpost now that I have to produce some kind of goopy substance you can hold before you'll admit that love is a material thing with a material basis? Does love have to be grossly tangible before it qualifies as material? Do you think electricity isn't a material thing, just because I can't hold electricity and say "here it is?"

Well, let's get more specific then; where do you think love is? Do you think it could continue to exist without a brain to feel it?

>> No.14683055

How could a physical state be about something like how love is about a person or anger about a broken care. How can something physical have intent?

Also to be is to be perceived. Love exists as idea experienced by a spirit/mind. But it is not located within space, it's simply felt and experienced. Love would also exist without my spirit for there is a spirit that experiences and perceives all, God. If my brain would be destroyed there is nothing to say my mind/spirit would be. I would simply go to another conjured reality. Or go on to perceive a new one if you will.

>> No.14683071

There is no way you could reduce what an experience is and feels likes down to a physical element. It can only be understood and know immaterially through experience. Such as experiencing red. You could sit in a room and study everything about red physically, about it's wavelength, nature, etc. But if that room had nothing red, and you've never seen red, your knowledge would be incomplete and youd be no closer to knowing what red is. Nor could you ever as the experience of red cant be reduced and understood physically.

>> No.14683073

2020 AD

>> No.14683225

Happy 16th Birthday OP!

>> No.14683230


>> No.14683251

>2020 AD
2020 CE is the new norm

>> No.14683260

Do insecure Christians still say this joke themselves?
I wish I had an atheist pull me out of that dark cell at 16.

>> No.14683263

Actually this is true. Anyone who has ever read The Antichrist will know that Neech makes the best possible defense of Christianity there is (and by Christianity he means the original religion of Jesus, not the religion made by St Paul).

Neech thought that Jesus was the only worthy opponent for Dionysus and wanted to find a philosophy to beat Christianity in its purest form, instead of attacking Paulinist christcucks.

For that I have huge respects for him. weather Zarathustra actually managed to beat Jesus is debatable. He never got to finish his final trilogy of Books that would have been his true magnum opus.

>> No.14683273

>Sounds like you read his Wikipedia page
Where did Nietzsche get his refutation of cogito ergo sum?

>> No.14683292

>needing refutation

Yikes anon

>> No.14683305

>The Buddha literally said that desire was suffering, how are you trying to twist this into him advocating that you go 'taste the pussy'.
never said he advocated for it. He just doesn't care. He tells you "if you stop clinging to desires (including pussy) you could stop suffering forever, but you don't have to. If you're not a monk, you can lead a blissful life by following the eight-fold path. Right view, right speech, etc."
Also, scholars argue that he meant "dissatisfaction" rather than literal suffering. Life is a cycle of dissatisfaction, it's true. But he never said shit like "if you smash before marriage you'll rot in hell ok"

>> No.14683316

I’m not asking you whether or not it wss refuted. I’m asking where Nietzsche got his refutation of it. Surely you know?

>> No.14683326

>Really? You can point to a physical spot of my brain and say there is the love I'm feeling about my dog?
with our limited technology we can already give you a rough estimate of the areas of the brain related to specific emotions, yes. Empathy, fear, hatred, being horny, etc. are all biological mechanisms we've developed over millions of years. Entirely physical. We developed language and empathy in order to communicate with each other, help each other and survive.
>If you're going to say that some sort of physical property is one and the same as my thoughts
not one and the same as those thoughts, but produces those thoughts. Your body produces thoughts just like it produces lots of toxins and hormones and piss and shit. Are you gonna argue that those aren't real either?

>> No.14683328

t. buttmad Buddhist desparately trying to distance his slightly different Slave Morality from Christard Slave Morality

Neech's primary Criticism of Buddhism was that wanting Oblivion (Nothingness, Nirvana etc. ) instead of life (The Samsara) was inherently Nihilistic. Just accept that Buddhists and Christkeks are in essence the same.

And yes Buddha DID believe in Heaven and Hell, he says many times that people will be reincarnated in a hell worlds to pay off their bad Karma.
Keep Coping Nihilistic Buddhatard

>> No.14683351

>t. buttmad Buddhist desparately trying to distance his slightly different Slave Morality from Christard Slave Morality
I'm not mad at all, nice strawman.
>Neech's primary Criticism of Buddhism was that wanting Oblivion (Nothingness, Nirvana etc. ) instead of life (The Samsara) was inherently Nihilistic. Just accept that Buddhists and Christkeks are in essence the same.
and I agree with him. I'm not a Buddhist. I'm an atheist. I like taoism more because it celebrates life with all its pains instead of trying to avoid it. But while the Buddha might've been a nihilist, most buddhists (lay buddhists) definitely aren't. Buddhism is superior to christianity, that's all i was saying.
>And yes Buddha DID believe in Heaven and Hell, he says many times that people will be reincarnated in a hell worlds to pay off their bad Karma.
correct. But bad reincarnation is a very different trade off from eternal damnation. It may not be the best religion out there but it's better than the retarded abrahamic religions for sure

>> No.14683371

>i-i-im not a b-buddhist, im an a-atheist t-t-taoist
>i-i-i dont even like buddhism but its heaps better than sandigger religions
>b-b-buddhism isnt inherently nihilistic, j-just look at these lay buddhists who dont actually follow the nihilistic teachings of the buddha

Yeah this is gonna be a cope from me

>> No.14683381

Rational atheism and christianity were both Appolinian according to Nietzsche, so he was fighting the same enemy.

>> No.14683399

Dostoevsky never wrote that. It is implied, but he never actually wrote anything like that. Sartre fabricated that quote to make a point.

>> No.14683404
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>>i-i-m not a b-buddhist
i'm not. But nice desperate attempt to safe face after talking out of your ass like the retard you are.
>>i-i-i dont even like buddhism
I do like it. It's fun and flexible. Don't agree with all of it tho.
>>b-b-buddhism isnt inherently nihilistic, j-just look at these lay buddhists who dont actually follow the nihilistic teachings of the buddha
What a pathetic attempt to make fun of me, it didn't even anger me nor make me laugh. Just boring. You zoomers have no creativity. Also, for the fifth time in this thread, his teachings to lay buddhists was different. Here let me prove you wrong with a 2 minute google search
now fuck off to /b/ or reddit

>> No.14683416


>> No.14683559

>April 20th 2069
>believing anything
>not kysing

How's it feel existing out of fear?

>> No.14683611

Its literally a sentence from The Bros Karamazov.

Read a book once in a while.

>> No.14683619


t. Wikipedia article book reader.

This is why you don't engage in discussions on /lit/. People here talk about books they didn't even read.

>> No.14683653
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The muslims and hindus never could ever create an overman. I feel like neetchs infatuation with the hellenists was misplaced. Assuming something like the overman can be created, then christianity was a nescessary step on the road. The idea that the world responds to personal actions, personal outlooks (or faith), and not the appeasement of vague deities for material reward was a pivotal development for man to become his own master. Not to mention the cultural weight put upon studying books. Theres a reason that the printing press was made in Europe and not the east. Neetch was trying to say that Christianity has run its course, it was a springboard to launch the european of tommorow. He flung identical rhetoric at both Christian revivalists and "rational" atheists because they both espouse the same moral, that the weak should be sheltered even if it means grounding those who can fly. Theyre both cowards that shuffle back from the edge if the divingboard. The economy is so well intigrated that prioritizing the comfort of the weak and low will just birth a race of chronic masturbator simians.

>> No.14683654

>god is crafted

>> No.14683660

Read Job. Not everyone is an Amerimutt sola fideist.

>> No.14683670

W-what happened in the year 0?

>> No.14683671

>out of fear
Wrong Its out of love

>> No.14683691

Have you looked into Berkeleyan idealism? I think I remember something in Berkeley’s philosophy about God being the observing consciousness that makes manifest everything in existence.

>> No.14684048

We need more 4chan atheists. The ones in these threads are clearly bugman midwits from reddit, nobody can stand that type of atheist

>> No.14684063

Actually read the people you criticise redditor. The whole grand inquisitor shit is directly refuting social control. An atheist like Ivan thinks Jesus was wrong to reject control over people because that’s the only way his utilitarian bugmind can think

>> No.14684296

Give a page number if you're so sure. You won't find it in the Brothers Karamazov

>> No.14684549
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>How's it feel embracing a dead religion out of fear?
I dunno LOL. Maybe ask a Marxist how they justify it?

>> No.14684755

Curation is part of being a good philosopher. The pursuit of wisdom is not the pursuit of knowledge; the latter pursues knowing at any cost, even things that are worthless or harmful, while the former pursues discarding any such knowledge. So, I don't see your point.

>> No.14684912

It comes from this line:

>Бeз бoгa-тo и бeз бyдyщeй жизни? Beдь этo, cтaлo быть, тeпepь вcё пoзвoлeнo, вcё мoжнo дeлaть?

The translation is a bit rough and would be more accurate as something like:

>And what of a future without God? Is it not then the case that everything is permitted, everything can be done?

>> No.14684978

>being a Persian's howler monkey
The Apollonion-Dionysian distinction is recapitulated within Christianity (vs. Churchianity 'fake Jews' of Revelations). Dalmoxis against the Mithraic. Which is to say nothing of the Essene/Egyptian bona fides of The Man, or a certain flayed god washed up in a papyri port, lodged in a tree.

>> No.14684989

Why would he read Job for that and not James you absolute eurotard

>> No.14685324

Slave morality

>> No.14686488

>Nietzsche was a tard who really said nothing original
>durr dis iz wisdom
Why are people interested in humanities so fucking stupid

>> No.14686747

How could the material, biological mechanisms, produce something immaterial like thought? Hormones are not immaterial as they're physically located in space as is electrons and toxins. But you could never point to a physical place where the emotional experience of love resides.

An analogy to better explain this is what if someone who has never seen the color red lived in a room where they could study everything physical about color but the room didnt have red in it. They could study the wavelength we see as red and all it's properties. Yet, without seeing red they wouldnt have the experience of redness and know what the color red is. Red can be pinpointed to a wavelength that seems to give rise to the experience of rednes and actually imagine the color. But the imaging of the color is not the same as the wavelength. Experiencing the color is something different from the wavelength that seems to give rise to that experience. The experience is non spacial and cant be reduced to reside somewhere.

This then leads to a problem. How can the physical wavelength give rise to the immaterial experience of seeing red. How do they ever truly interact? Sure, we see brain activity correspond to certain mental phenomenon but that doesnt throughly explain the entire process of how a physical process can result in something immaterial. Sure, you could try to argue that this immaterial experience is actually physical too. That my thoughts, feelings, redness, is all material. But yet how could that be as everything material takes up space? Yet redness, love, anger, as an experience, dont take up space. Also, emotions have intent and are about something. My love is for my wife. I'm angry about my car breaking. Yet, if these experiences were physical that would imply physical states, matter, could have intent and be about something. Yet, matter doesnt have intent and can be about something. So these two things can't be the same.

Now we're back to the problem of how do these two things, the material and immaterial, interact. How does me stepping on a lego, causing neurons to fire to signal pain to the brain, lead to the immaterial feeling and experience of pain? Well, to answer this we need to take a few steps back.

>> No.14686821

>Hormones are not immaterial as they're physically located in space as is electrons and toxins
correct, and some hormones produce the "immaterial" thought of wanting to sleep, wanting to fuck, etc.
>But you could never point to a physical place where the emotional experience of love resides.
but you could. Maybe not very accurately yet, but you could locate the electric messages in the brain that make you behave in a specific way. Love can't be specifically located simply because it's a concept invented by man. You wouldn't be able to locate abstract man-made concepts like mathematical concepts. Love is used to describe a strong feeling of empathy, which is biologically produced just like everything else, and while he still have very little understanding of the brain we know it's all there.

The color red also has the same problem as love: it's a concept. It's not really something physical, but a description of a behavior or appearance. Doesn't mean that colors are metaphysical or anything like that, they're still produced by something physical: the brain, trying to describe what it sees.
>How can the physical wavelength give rise to the immaterial experience of seeing red
it enters through your retina, the eye sends the message to the brain, the brain fires electrical signals and record what the eye sent (a memory), the brain inteprets this memory as an experience.
Brains are very very complex computers. I suggest you read on the computational theory of mind

>> No.14686824

When I perceive something is what I'm perceiving truly always what is being perceived? This would seem to be obviously false as we know hallucinations and illusions exist. When I hold a stick through the water I perceive it to be crocked yet I know it is straight. Some people see things as a different color from others. Some people have schizophrenia and percieve things to be there that arent actually there like shadow demons.

Now, you may then say that there exists things in reality, primary qualities, that we percieve through our sensory data that then may be distorted. Therefore, perceptions can be distorted but there still exists physical object outside ourselves. These perceptions of these primary qualities are their secondary qualities. However, if all we know about the external world is its secondary qualities we have no way to confirm primary qualities exist as there is a veil of perception around it. It very well could be the case that everything then is simply ideas we imagine and experience in our minds and these are those secondary qualities. To be is to be perceived but yet all that is being perceived is perception. So things only exist as truly immaterial ideas in our minds as we have no proof otherwise. Therefore, matter doesnt really exist and is just as immaterial as my mental states and emotions and nothing truly exists spacially and everything is a product of my mind that gives it intent through its creation.

>> No.14686840

>it enters through your retina, the eye sends the message to the brain, the brain fires electrical signals and record what the eye sent (a memory), the brain inteprets this memory as an experience

When does this then become immaterial as the experience of redness? That step will always be unexplainable in your model as you still posses a dualism due to an inability to ever make redness itself material for it does not take up space. Also other experiences with intent such as love couldnt be material. For material things dont have intent.

>> No.14686878

Also, the computer model of consiousness will never be able to explain awareness and understanding. For just cause you take input and then follow a series of steps to deliver outputs based on the input doesnt mean you're then self aware of this process and understand it.

Imagine for a moment I was in a room with a book and a box full of a ton of chinese letters. I dont know a thing about chinese but when people outside the room slide chinese notes through the door to me the book can then instruct me on what chinese letter to string on paper together to give an intelligent reply to the letter, which I slide under the door to give to actual chinese speakers who believe they're talking to a real chinese speaker. Yet I never once understood what I was doing or was aware of what I was saying.

So too is it with computers, they can take input, follow steps, and spit out convincing output. But yet they have no way to understand this process or be aware of it.

>> No.14686911

because they were all wrong and have been retroactively refuted

>> No.14686923
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Guénon (pbuh) has been humble enough to share his wisdom. We must return to a system of religion over that of science. Please, brothers, in our journey to Wisdom, do not neglect Guénon (pbuh).

>> No.14686944

Yeah I need to read his books as I am inspired by him but I've only learned about him from secondary sources.

>> No.14686984

>will to power
>not original
Also, if you can't see how an original curative project transforms all of the ideas it brings together into something original, you aren't smart enough for Nietzsche. His philosophy is literally built on the premise of perspectivism, which you don't grasp then, because it means that meaning itself is contextual among everything else in the universe.

>> No.14687030 [DELETED] 

Wan't Darwin the biggest blow?

>> No.14687138

meaning =/= knowledge

>> No.14687186
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>You could sit in a room and study everything about red physically, about it's wavelength, nature, etc. But if that room had nothing red, and you've never seen red, your knowledge would be incomplete and youd be no closer to knowing what red is

>> No.14687210

it's almost like red doesn't categorically exist outside our perception, and our happenstance context

>> No.14687240

>um ackshyually red things don't exist
so this is the power of p-zombies...

>> No.14687261

Oh okay, so you just don't subscribe to Nietzsche's ideas. It's not that he isn't original, it's just that you refuse to acknowledge how they are. Got it.

>> No.14687264

Redness, love, anger, are experiences and immaterial phenomenon that can't be something physical as they don't take up space. Also, things like love and anger are about something and have intent while the same can't be said of matter.

You can't refute this. Also, youre right things don't exist outside of our perception as to be is to be perceived. But what is being perceived, you can't know as theres a veil of perception around it. So it's likely that what's being perceived is our own ideas and nothing more.

>> No.14687281

>red doesn't categorically exist outside our perception
You can't prove that anything does in the form that we interpret it.

>> No.14687318

Ah, but I can know that the interpretation are real in and of themselves at the very least as an idea as I'm experiencing them.

>> No.14687329

In fact everything is only ideas within our minds and the external world doesn't really exist. We can't even know if other minds exist.

>> No.14687332

>Ah, but I can know that the interpretation are real in and of themselves
Actually no, the principle applies to the interpretations too. You are interpreting them as interpretations. Whether the interpretations exist in the form that you interpret them outside of your perception also can't be proven.

tl;dr it's interpretations all the way down.

>> No.14687338

>being a nihilist

hows it feel blindly embracing the religion of your ruling masters

>> No.14687352

What I'm thinking isn't an interpretation or observation of something though, it's simply an idea in my head I'm experiencing.

>> No.14687361
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Are you saying no smart person ever did anything bad in the name of God?
Dostoevsky is peak Christcuck cope

>> No.14687383

Yeah, that post is wrong. It's more like
>God has to be real or else stupid people will do stupid shit

>> No.14687425

I agree. i find Nihilism..boring. I was atheist, agnostic, Nihilistic, I was many things. But I always have been searching for the truth. Not what pseudo intellectuals call "personal truths" but absolute truth. I tried Protestantism. There is little to no truth in it. I settled on Catholicism and it is the FIRST religion that made me question myself...at my OWN failings. I have felt a peace and love MOST PEOPLE...would likely never understand ( or...refuse to understand) Life has been MUCH easier. I have been in more or less state of constant euphoria lately. I don' think my own family comprehends it

>> No.14687444

I wouldn't know what it's like to be religious out of fear and I am glad that I don't.

>> No.14687484

You see, *sniffles* what I like about Christanity is *sniffs* its morality. Maybe, the real Christ was the friends we made along the way.

>> No.14687516
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It feels pretty good to have a culture and not be a servant to cringe, yes. Long after the last worshipper of Nietszche meets his end in an abortion clinic dumpster, Christians will still be chuckling at the screaming, anguished deaths of the Catalonian thief-colony of the Anarchists, when they were, to a man, tortured and executed by Franco's brave troops.

One can imagine the good little leftist pleading for mercy as another finger is clipped off with a pair of hedge shears. Shrieking in anguish. Kicking his little feet. He was promised rich red roast beef! He was promised the right to steal from the church! It is not his fault that he shot those priests, or that nun. Where are his good little revolutionaries? Where are his brave comrades?

All gone to the rope. They clip off his last finger, leaving him only his thumbs, and they drag him out to the noose, which still contains his last brave comrade, twitching and kicking. They do not drop them here, they merely pull them up, to choke. Blue-faced, good Antonio has bitten off his own tongue, his eyes are rolled up into his dead. They bring him down, and throw his carcass into the pigsty, where his betters quickly begin devouring him.

The good little leftist sobs. Where are his comrades? Who will save him? Not God, surely. He betrayed God. A soldier lifts up one of his legs to check the size of his boots, and grunts in approval as they put the noose around his neck. He thinks of his wife as he is pulled up into the air, to kick, the desperation of death, of imminent judgement settles in as he pisses himself.

His wife, meanwhile, is hungrily sucking fascist cock behind the Barracks. Being an Anarchist, she is also a whore. She has already forgotten about her "man," and is only interested in her own hungry belly. Of course, the noose awaits her too--but she cannot know that.

>> No.14687629
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Good bait. I can't tell if i should feel dissapointed or pleased that you took time to write all of this.

>> No.14687699

Describing the horrific tortures that good little leftists suffered after their failed attempt to steal a country is a labor of love for me. It doesn't take long at all.

I try to underplay the violence a bit since, realistically, the justice they faced was far, far, faaaaar more extreme and lengthy. Have you heard of the practice of letting Algerian troops brutally rape Anarchist women to death? Nobody would believe such stories, the cruelty is just a bit too over the top to be believable, but it all definitely occurred. The belly-slicing. The removal of teeth. The slicing out of cheeks and tongues. Good stuff. Proper punishment.

>> No.14687823

Now this is schizoposting.

>> No.14688590

>When does this then become immaterial as the experience of redness
When you abstract it away with your made up idea of experience. Experience, like the color red, is a description of the brain's memories, all of which make up this complex thing called we call the self.
>Also other experiences with intent such as love
again, love is a made up thing, it's not exactly "real".
>Also, the computer model of consiousness will never be able to explain awareness and understanding
not right now maybe.
>Imagine for a moment I was in a room with a book and a box full of a ton of chinese letters
oh god, here it comes... The Chinese Room. I hate that argument. By that logic we could never be really sure that anyone understands anything. It always boils down to a waste of time that leads nowhere and doesn't really prove nor refute anything

>> No.14688596

please kill yourself.

>> No.14689060

God, physicalists are fucking retarded.

>> No.14689068
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>> No.14689179

It is not a description, it is an experience. You can't explain away and deny human experience. When I love someone I feel it and it is a sensation with intent and about someone. It's non spacial and very real. Just as experiencing red is a real thing. Just ask a blind person to describe red to you. And you do point out an interesting question, how do you know other minds exist?

>> No.14689208
File: 324 KB, 692x944, our-lady-of-lourdes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche lived from 1844 to 1900
>Our Lady of Lourdes' apparitions took place in 1858

There was a literal miraculous apparition in Europe in Nietzsche's lifetime and he couldn't be arsed to think about it.

>> No.14689224
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>> No.14689311
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All knowledge is, properly speaking, self-referential because knowledge presupposes orientation and so something can only be known in relation to that which is assumed to be known.

>> No.14689534

"experience" itself is a description of a memory of a perceived behavior/sensation, be it visual, tactile, emotional etc. formulated by the brain.
>When I love someone
you're describing the feeling of butterflies in your stomach (it has nerves that send and get messages from the brain), or your pulse and blood pressure increasing when you see such person. I don't see how any of that is non spatial.
>And you do point out an interesting question, how do you know other minds exist?
>dude solipsism lmao
useless trick questions like this one are why philosofags aren't taken seriously anymore. It's the Jaden Smith stereotype that almost made me dismiss philosophy as a whole.
what a retarded strawman, Mickey. I never implied that there is no intrinsic value in this material universe.

>> No.14689551

Don't be a pussy. Freebase off of Thus Spoke Zarathustra like a real brain/lit/

>> No.14689572

Based, the lefties on here need to know their place

>> No.14689579

When you take communion you believe the wine literally turns to blood

>> No.14690778

Redness is not just a description but something immaterial as it is no spatial. So too is thought. Are you seriously contending
A. Matter can have intent and be about something like how emotions have intent and are about something?
B. All my thoughts, feelings, experiences, from how pain feels to me thinking about what to say to you is physical and actually located in space. Ie can be pointed to? >"Yep anon the experience of how red looks is one and the same as its wavelength and right here is anger, it's a chemical which this chemical, a material thing, is self aware and fucking pissed about that transmission breaking!"

>> No.14691004

>The muslims and hindusnever could cratean overman.
Please exlplain

>> No.14691212

Nietzsche was a Christian

>> No.14691226

Yeah, when he was a teenager.

>> No.14692110

>Redness is not just a description but something immaterial
for fuck's sake anon.
>Color (American English), or colour (Commonwealth English), is the characteristic of visual perception described through color categories, with names such as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple. This perception of color derives from the stimulation of photoreceptor cells (in particular cone cells in the human eye and other vertebrate eyes) by electromagnetic radiation (in the visible spectrum in the case of humans). Color categories and physical specifications of color are associated with objects through the wavelength of the light that is reflected from them. This reflection is governed by the object's physical properties such as light absorption, emission spectra, etc.
The electrons that make up what we describe as red are very real. Light is real and colors are different modes of light.

>> No.14692122

>Matter can have intent and be about something like how emotions have intent and are about something?

>> No.14692149

Not that poster, but Muslims are aggressive Abrahamicists, and Hindus are some of the laziest fuckers on earth because they feel that they have attained the "highest point" simply by erasing themselves. Both of these things serve as major barriers towards creating the overman.

>> No.14692211
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Your ignorance is showing. I can see right through your cope. You know nothing about quantum physics, also. How does it feel believing in all of this and deep down still fear death? Why are you so cowardly afraid of embracing the void?

>> No.14693275


Was that piece of toast on eBay something that should've swept everyone off their ass or what're u sayin

>> No.14693444
File: 81 KB, 344x519, 1421985806059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hindus are, and always have been superstitious pagans. For non-scholars rituals are performed to curry material favor from the Gods. For the scholars enlightenment comes from life-denying, though the texts do have some interesting meat inside. The muslims are much like the Christians, and for centuries had similar levels of development, or greater, but the Islamic religion lacks the sparks that ignited the "enlightenment" and all that came after to make the earth fertile for the overman. To start, the road to salvation is made clear in the Quran, at least much clearer than Christianity. The obligations from Allah to the individual are well spelled out, and the Sharia was pretty easy to suss out. Where as for the Christians salvation is at the end of a maze, from the moment Christ was nailed to a board there was argument about who actually could go to heaven. The fractal nature of Christian denominations is proof of this. For the past two thousand years Christians have been raking over the same set of books in such hot debate that sectarian purges became a regular occurrence. It was the tradition of scholasticism and doubt that birthed the modern world, and eventually turned on itself to destroy religion and hinterworlds permanently.

Tldr only the christians bickered and slaughtered each other to the point that they all agreed religion is silly

>> No.14693503

Listen, no matter what you can never trust what you see and sense for you are only ever interacting with objects secondary qualities and not their primary qualities which have a veil of perception around them. Therefore, we dont even have any grounds to believe these primary qualities exist. It's much more likely that everything is simply ideas being projected by minds or if you will spirits.

>> No.14693521

To be is to be perceived yet all we perceive are these immaterial secondary qualities. Electrons become particles when measured and perceived yet are immaterial and waves when not. Yet what is perceiving everything so it is material? Must be an omnipresent consiousness, God.

>> No.14693557

>It's much more likely
there's absolutely no way to know how likely it is

>> No.14693566

Well we know immaterial things exist, yet we cant know physical things exist, and if they both did we'd have the mind body problem.

>> No.14693592

No matter how much you repeat the lie, it's still a lie. The wavelength that seems to cause me to see red is not the same thing as the experience of visualizing the color. Which that visualization you cant spacially pinpoint any more than my thoughts. Good luck pinpointing my thoughts and then controlling them to make me think what you want.

>> No.14693623

Can you know my thoughts, point them out, and interact with them? Also tell me the intent and purpose of an atom?

>> No.14693642

If it weren't for Christians we might've never arrived at the moon-landing.

>> No.14693673

That’s equally stupid as the opposite

>> No.14693740

>Electrons become particles when measured and perceived yet are immaterial and waves when not
this sounds like someone who just read a simple english wiki article about quantum physics would say. Electrons don't literally "become particles" when we measure them, and waves are not immaterial. Electrons sometimes behave like waves and other times behave like particles. I've always been against the "leave the search for truth to physicists" rhetoric but you guys make me have second thoughts. Cause you people start seriously arguing about things you clearly don't understand. This veil of perception is something you've made up either because you're so desperate to come to the conclusion of "muh god" that you invent new restrictions on existence and perception along the way
>posts proof
>lies! lies!
great argument.
>Which that visualization you cant spacially pinpoint
we know how vision works... We know and can pinpoint how the eye sends messages to the brain and how it processes these messages. But continue with your denial. These things are only mysterious to you because you refuse to accept current scientific consensus, and take advantage of what we DON'T now to add your stupid forced conclusions. Same strategy as ever since the dawn of science.
>Good luck pinpointing my thoughts and then controlling them to make me think what you want.
that's literally what the fields of Public Relations and industrial psychology are dedicated to doing. Your thoughts are already influenced by media campaigns, it may not be long before someone figures out how to accurately detect and control them. Give it 300 years

>> No.14693742

No, it's not, because the past accumulated to the present, and Christianity was part of the past.

>> No.14693758

forgot to add this to the end of my first (You): or because you read it on some bad thought experiment and now parrot it like gospel

>> No.14693776

If you dont believe in the veil of perception and everything you observe is as it is then explain illusions and hallucinations.

>> No.14693794

>everything you observe is as it is
i never said this. I know human minds are flawed and unreliable. But we're smart enough to study reality until we discern our illusions from what's actually there. If we didn't we'd still believe that mushroom trips literally spawn creatures and make us speak with gods. And just because we don't know everything yet doesn't mean we should give up and default to the generic and lazy "muh god" solution

>> No.14693837

Why is what you normally see true? Maybe it's a long con and all in illusion. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe you're in the nut hut. Maybe you're in the matrix.

>> No.14693852

who gives a shit

>> No.14693857

The world is ruled by power. Power is unequal, the greater power rules the lesser. The greatest power rules all powers, because all powers are lesser. This power is God.

>> No.14693859
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yesss broo what if this thread is an illusion and ur an illusion

>> No.14693860

Prove to me what you see is really physically there.

>> No.14693871

Smash your head against a wall and feel the pain.

>> No.14693875

>Prove to me what you see is really physically there.
it's not bro, this thread is fake and life is fake dude what if we jump off a building? nothings real lmao
not gonna waste any more of my time with a lunatic like you. You're grasping at straws at this point.

>> No.14693940

Your whole problem is you confuse relatability with deductibility. Let's take pain for example.
Sure pain has a clear evolutional reason (tissue damage -> remove self from cause of damage) but where does the actual sense of pain come from? Surely molecules on their own can't have experiences of pain

>> No.14693966

Molecules react to forces, too. Pain is how humans perceive the reaction of forces. These forces are reality.

>> No.14693991

Yes but this perception that we experience isnt material. It's an immaterial experience.

>> No.14694049

It's a play of words.

>> No.14694327
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Btw religion isn't just some means to cope with death. It also provides a sense of community, belonging, and direction. It's a great way to socially network and have a truly fleshed out community with morals. Also, the Holy Spirit fill us up and gives us comfort in this life. When you live in congruence with God's plan, it's a happier and more fulfilled way to live.

>> No.14694655

I can tell you've never actually loved anyone

>> No.14694672

I can tell you're underage

>> No.14694718
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>> No.14694736

where is flyover man's fent?

>> No.14694828

>Christians are people that have never taken on Existentialism

What the fuck are you talking about? Soren Kierkegaard was a Christian and he is considered the father of existentialism. Christian existentialism is a very large and influential branch of existentialism

>> No.14695372

t. kike

>> No.14695444

did you know that we make laws so that not everything is permitted

>> No.14696697

a paraphrase isnt a quote, but thanks anyway

>> No.14696956
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Hume was a fideist, midwit.

>I am the better pleased with the method of reasoning here delivered, as I think it may serve to confound those dangerous friends or disguised enemies to the Christian Religion, who have undertaken to defend it by the principles of human reason. Our most holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reason; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put it to such a trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure.

>> No.14698114

Like I would ever read something by a man that could not even clear the hurdle that is Kant. What a wretched life to lead thinking that you have no impact on the world around you. Go away doomer.

>> No.14698135


>> No.14698176

>2nd most populous religion

>> No.14698508

>only 37% of amerifats attend church weekly
>half of those are theology-lets who don't believe in sin and support fag marriage

christianity got absolutely skulldragged by modernism and will never fucking recover, it's over christcucks. being a "christian" larper in the era of hypermodern cheapening of human experience and big tech is mega cringe, there's no going back.

if this reality was a painting, it would be a painting of various people holding up signs saying GOD IS A FAG LOL and tea bagging crucifixes with their big hairy nuts. why the fuck would god paint such a thing. is he a cuck?

>> No.14699035

>muh america
nobody cares

>> No.14699157

>a man that could not even clear the hurdle that is Kant
care to explain this?
it's the whole developed world. Christianity is only good for wives anyway

>> No.14699226

wow so lit has grown up and is understanding "neech" better.
read BGE

>> No.14699629

Literally the same meaning, just a slight variation in style. You obviously are not literate in more than one language group.

>> No.14699703

Sorry its 2020 and i dont fear father that was killed thausand and thausadn years ago

>> No.14699718

>The product of dechristianization everyone

>> No.14699970


>> No.14700264

Yep, he referred to Dosto as the "the only psychologist from whom I've anything to learn".

>> No.14700616
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how do you know that immaterial things aren't just emergent properties of materiality?

>yet we cant know physical things exist

what is pain?
its pretty simple dude

>> No.14700749

it’s worse in other countries you dumb faggot

>> No.14701132
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>criticizes Nietzsche on any point

>> No.14702323

Fred was an edgebeard necklord!

>> No.14703755

Ah yes, reductionism, truly the death of all discussion, how fitting.

>> No.14703768

That was Nietzsche as well

>> No.14704928

Christianity is the answer the the modern disease. Repent thy sins and return to the original Light of God.

>> No.14705041

Pain is immaterial for pain isnt located in space nor can immaterial things have intent or be about something like pain is. Sure your neurons fire to your brain to seemingly indicate pain but theres a huge gap of knowledge from the neuron firing to the feeling and experience of pain.

Simoltaniously, if you want to see how everything is immaterial you only have to read the prior posts.