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File: 404 KB, 960x1440, Troy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14690848 No.14690848 [Reply] [Original]

Pic definitely related.

>> No.14690856


>> No.14690881

I know /tv/ loves this movie, but honestly it's the most boring take on The Illiad I've ever seen. Action scenes were fine from what I remember.

>> No.14690885

There’s a lot of problems with that movie but I think the biggest one is trying to make Paris into a sympathetic character.

>> No.14690893

I rewatched this for a laugh after reading The Iliad for the first time around Christmas. It's honestly such a shit adaptation, it completely loses the soul of Homer. But I did thoroughly enjoy laughing through the whole thing regardless of how objectively bad it is.

>> No.14690919

2001, maybe Jurassic Park

>> No.14690991

You didn't like him in the original?

It's a fine flick you autists, it's not meant to be original to Homer or even really be the Iliad, even if it should be, just enjoy it. This is modernity, people want entertainment for their lives.

I even doubt a good film adaptation of the Iliad could be made. It is just too obscure to us, two thousand years old, can one even imagine the chants and spirit of wonder first found in this performance? Because of this it can only be known in its own form, as best as possible anyhow.

>> No.14691047

It's not use. You're on a board of pseuds who have no personal taste nor ability to have fun; they just like what they are told is deep, historically significant and sublime and regurgitate this taste to appear smart.

>> No.14691053

No? In The Illiad, Paris is portrayed as an arrogant coward and is universally disliked by everyone including Helen and Hector. Both sides blame him for starting war in the first place.

>> No.14691055

this movie has a decent score with good fight scenes, but it's a pretty bad telling of the Iliad

>> No.14691068

I like the movie. The Iliad's obviously better, but I enjoy this film, I like it better than gladiator anyways. It's one of those movie's that's great to put on in the background while cooking or something.

>> No.14691128

The fight scenes are good. Pitt, Bana, Bean, and O'Toole all do a great job in their respective roles, but the plot is just extremely shallow and empty when compared to Homer.

>> No.14691182

I don't know why I still come here so regularly.

Sure he was something of a jackass but still likeable.

>It's one of those movie's that's great to put on in the background while cooking or something.

>> No.14691704

Planet of the Apes

>> No.14691820
File: 111 KB, 750x428, 1579219316406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14691981

>It's one of those movie's that's great to put on in the background while cooking or something.
your brain is fucking rotten. you need help.

>> No.14692643

>casting Helen as though she was actually in Troy at the time
What were they thinking?

>> No.14692690
File: 80 KB, 667x1000, Anglo larping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for not reading the Iliad. This is one of the few cases where the movie adaptation is inferior to the original. You have to read the book just to see how bad Troy is compared to it

>> No.14693234

Godfather II

>> No.14693421

Its way too Hollywood.

>> No.14693436
File: 116 KB, 1440x750, funeral-parade-of-roses.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funeral Parade of Roses/Oedipus Rex

>> No.14693534

the fuck you're talking about? Illiad is the most boring shit ever, reads like some 8 year's old fan fiction

>> No.14693616

All of you faggots saying this movie is bad are high. It is not a "perfect" adaptation of the Epic cycle, but its still a pretty good movie
Casting was top notch and they used actual sets. It is a well made film and I think they did pretty good with restructuring the story after making it historical rather than mythical

Going based on Herodotus woulda ruined the movie anon

>> No.14693630

The book forest gump is terrible

>> No.14693691
File: 73 KB, 1280x854, 1E6A7FFD-1AD1-4DD3-BF9B-CDE9BAEA2537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My "cousin" Patroclus
>who is younger than me for some reason
When will they realize that doing this just makes things incestuous