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/lit/ - Literature

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14679425 No.14679425 [Reply] [Original]

What does 4chan represent to you?

>> No.14679441

My mom

>> No.14680492

The chaotic fraternal

>> No.14680500

The Lost Boys

>> No.14680510

Not a bad interpretation desu.

>> No.14680512

the father i never had.

>> No.14680518

my reply to your post

>> No.14680520

A place to get book recs and sometimes read a genuinely hot take

>> No.14680595

Not what I need but what I deserve

>> No.14680761
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actual free speech, unironically.

>> No.14680764

this image lmao. What did the comments say

>> No.14680769

People I actually have nothing in common with. I've been here since 2007 and it's literally true I don't feel any connection specifically with modern 4chan on an intrinsic level, and haven't for the past 8 years or more. I don't know why I post.

>> No.14680851

The collective shadow of the 21st century.

>> No.14680867

I can't leave 4chan because of the obscure book recs but I get tired of the racism, you know or just ignorance in general.

>> No.14680874

>I get tired of the racism
Really? No one here knows you're a dog.

>> No.14680905

*sigh* I wonder if they'll ever realize that maybe, just maybe, they're on the wrong side of history. I guess it's my fault for having such a hard time suffering fools.

>> No.14680912
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>I can't leave 4chan because of the obscure book recs but I get tired of the racism, you know or just ignorance in general.

>> No.14680934


Inequality and suffering are intrinsic properties of the human condition and and seeking escape does nothing but reinforce the problem

>> No.14681110

my only source of social interaction

>> No.14681117

> Dog
> Race
Okay anon.

>> No.14681126


>> No.14681129

Could never really get into Reddit. I actually left 4chan for a while but came back to /lit/ after I started reading more. Idk anon I just feel like white people or racist people employ the same tactics to make themselves feel superior that black people do. White people are coping despite having all the advantages. Pretty humanity is God's coping mechanism.

>> No.14681139

It's true. It's hard to be aware of you're acting all the time and the more I'm here, the more thoughts I have that sound like "fucking niggers." Etc etc. Spending too much time in this place causes autism.

>> No.14681184
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as a literal autist I find it hard to communicate with normies, I honestly hate this site 99% of the time and consider it a huge waste of my time. However, it seems like everything else is somehow even worse: panopticism malignant narcissism, the algorithmic standarization of all thought and forms of life, the steady innervating drone of 24/7 news and culture war outrage bait content engineered to maximise cortisol secretion engagement. Twitter was fun around its apocalyptic peak circa 2016, but certainly not anymore. Nonetheless I have been able to find few prized moments of communication, glimpses of an outside and an other world, like remnants of the cyberspace heterotopia that never was, or at least, what i imagine the anarchic internet of the early 21st century was like. Where are the networks of autodidacts and esoteric shitposters spinning disposable identities and DIY hypercultures? Or at least, where can I go if I want to meet New Friends From All Over the World(tm)?

Too often, I end up engaging in compulsive /pol/ posting. I don't really believe in any of it, it's really a way of expressing anger and self loathing, growing up online left me with a fragmented sense of identity, marooned at end of history, realising all ideology is cope and powerless to affect . It's frightening to realise the anonymous postings are a truer reflection of your 'real self' than your meatspace interactions

>> No.14681203

THE most important thing for me, and I will use video game terms to describe it, is that the 'skill floor' is so high and there is no 'skill ceiling'. You can't just come in here talking about plebshit because this place isn't for that.

Reddit is just for corporate worship (seriously try and find film discussion that isn't about congratulating Disney on another cool billion) and although I do have a couple of super secret web 1.0 style forums for weird shit the userbase and speed of user input is just about perfect here.

I'd give anything to go back to the /pol/ containment days, I think their effect on the wider site has been detrimental. /v/ has also served as a gateway to more 'serious' boards and the pleb level has increased but it's still orders of magnitude better than elsewhere.

>> No.14681207

Hey man thanks for the actual response. It really all is a big cope. Primarily for people who are wasting their lives. People who say we wuz Kings or Romans or geniuses, are saying these things because they want to feel special without putting in any effort. I know Uncle Ted is a meme on here but some of the things he said were spot on. /Lit/ has value sometimes though. It's not a complete waste of time imo. Or else I'd drop it, like Facebook.

>> No.14681213

I /pol/post purely to demoralize smug redditors

>> No.14681224

Whatever floats your boat anon.

>> No.14681242

What in particular makes you feel like the skill ceiling is high? Is it all the Guenon posting.

>> No.14681518

Feeling like an ubermensch for fucking 2.5 girls at 20

>> No.14681566

don't feel proud of something that comes naturally to most neurotypicals. especially since i'd bet you're tall and white, which is like playing life on easy mode.

>> No.14681769

>ew prized moments of communication, glimpses of an outside and an other world, like remnants of the cyberspace heterotopia that never was, or at least, what i imagine the anarchic internet of the early 21st century was like. Where are the networks of autodidacts and esoteric shitposters spinning disposable identities and DIY hypercultures? Or at least, where can I go if I want to meet New Friends From All Over the World(tm)?
In another century, we met in Paris and Weimar salons; now we have to pow wow here. The amount of rhetoric required to snap a normie out of their trance into something approaching present and nascently aware of their hedged in horizons is too much charity to douse on this burning house we call society. This is the cesspool of the internet -- it's conscience, for better and worse.

>> No.14682086

Exactly, I am practically a virgin irl.

>> No.14682106
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>You can't just come in here talking about plebshit because this place isn't for that.

>> No.14682125
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10/10 impersonation of an insufferably smug reddit kike, bravo

>> No.14682217

A cool and innovative digital medium ruined by the lowest common denominator plebians.

(ie. vapid inane posters bump vapid inane threads crowding out the good ones and leaving them ignored and unseen)

>> No.14682234

You’re too artistic to be a literal autist. I armchair diagnose you as a schizoid.

>> No.14682705
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A massive waste of time and energy