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File: 388 KB, 1536x2048, 84686383_861169374321108_5018117498042580992_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14646909 No.14646909 [Reply] [Original]

>All your sexual failures since adolescence, the frustration dogging you since puberty, have scarred you forever. Even if you could find a woman, which I frankly doubt, it wouldn't work. It will never work. You're orphaned by the teenage loves you never had. It's already hurt you. It'll keep getting worse. An agonizing bitterness will fill your heart. There's no redemption. No release. That's how it is.


>> No.14646930

Grow up.

>> No.14646939

You'll never be a Olympian's erotic dream. Get used to it. It's not for you. Anyhow, it's too late. All your track and field failures since adolescence, the frustration dogging you since junior varsity, have scarred you forever. Even if you could win a race, which I frankly doubt, it won't work. It'll never work. You're orphaned by the flat feet you've never had. It's already hurt you. It'll keep getting worse. An agonizing bitterness will fill your heart. There's no redemption, no release. That's how it is.

>> No.14646956

imagine being mogged by anime mannequins.

>> No.14646958

Spoke like a true roastie

>> No.14646980

I'm a man.
Anyone who seriously subscribes to this self-pitying crab bucket line of thought needs a slap. Getting pussy is not the hardest thing in the world, the vast majority of men get laid, including the majority of severely ugly and disabled men which I doubt you lot are. Just fuck some pussy and shut the fuck up baka.

>> No.14647026


I'm going to rape your sister

>> No.14647036


>> No.14647045

My sister would beat your ass little boy. You couldn't rape anyone.

>> No.14647070


I'm going to cum in your whore sister's mouth. It won't even be rape because she'll be begging for it

>> No.14647129
File: 49 KB, 640x640, 59039766_1186856251493022_2195354584541249493_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw didn't miss out on teenage love
>tfw didn't miss out on young adult love
>tfw both ended in misery but they thought me love is everything

i have to assume houllebecq was a complete polygamous degenerate in his youth to become this jaded before porn was rampant

>> No.14648299

Sister here. Ew. And get help.

>> No.14648310

>tfw missed out on familial love
>tfw heart was broken before i even knew it
>tfw dead inside
oh well

>> No.14648324

>Never experienced teenage love
>Never experienced young adult love
>Never experienced adult love
Bros how fucked am I? When are the emotions going to hit? Seems kinda peachy maybe my mind is calcified.

>> No.14648350
File: 40 KB, 400x400, my fautx400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had a completely normal and good family and circumstances
>tfw missed out completely on teenage love
>tfw missed out on young adult love
>tfw completely personable and decently attractive
>tfw I have no one to blame but myself and my inability to let myself be vulnerable for my loneliness

>> No.14648353

You're not fucked anon. You're just viewing life wrong. You were blessed with an opportunity to live (suppose it is a blessing, this is not meant to be a concrete philosophical statement). Nothing else is guaranteed, so expecting or anticipating love would just be a bonus. Adopt this mindset and you'll be fine and maybe love will sneak up and bite you on the ass. Good luck anon. Now that's Camus for you. As for Schopenhauer it is the reverse, whereas life is bad and we're doomed to a sort of hell. Everything makes sense that way. Three: you created this world subconsciously, so everything is perfect the way it is. Four: Faith. Five: Nietzsche with Machiavelli sprinkled in. Any other notions of life are hedonistic and frivolous. I view Camus as a stoic, so Marcus etc. would suffice there.

>> No.14648364

>>tfw had a completely normal and good family and circumstances
I did not and finally have realized this. I am finally free
>tfw missed out completely on teenage love
So did I, depressing, but such is life.
>tfw missed out on young adult love
Define love
>tfw completely personable and decently attractive
B but not A for me
>tfw I have no one to blame but myself and my inability to let myself be vulnerable for my loneliness
Eh, too attached. That's your problem. Fault, problems, etc. reduces your life to a series of sexual oppurtunities. View your life as a whole detached from sex and you're probably fine.

>> No.14648367

thank God i can blame my parents and my piss poor mental health. my sister is in the looney bin and i'm probably gonna end up in prison desu. just gotta roll with it tho. quit being a fag about it and just play your part

>> No.14648384

What would one consider normal parenting?
I really dont want to ill my parents though I suppose something subtle could have major impacts

>> No.14649838


>> No.14649858
File: 6 KB, 249x250, confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck does he seem to think teenage love is so important? most teenage relationships last like 3 months

>> No.14649887

He has a unsolved trauma. IMO

Or it has something to do with the main idea of all his works, that this is an atomized individualistic western society, and is going down.

>> No.14649989

It goes something like "Sex is only good when you're young and horny, so if you didn't experience it then you're missing out."

Which is what someone who never had sex when they were young and horny would likely believe.

>> No.14650000

Even if i found her, i would not recognize her. Even if we were together, this world would try to keep us apart. Even if it were real, we can't find a way of life in this world. Why would she love me when I'm nothing? If i thought i found her, it would just be the lower desires of all the possible women i could be attracted to, it would not be her. Transient love is worthless. Only being divine and in isolation is appealing. I want the whole world for us so we can play all kinds of games together. Why give up on my desires and ideals to stoop to the level of all the humans that think their lives are better than mine? If i found you, we could kill ourselves together and start our new life. Or i can die alone if it means getting to you faster. But please, let me first overcome the horror of hurting my family over you. i feel so bad but i can only rot without you. Come rot with me. Love me. You make my appearance how you wish and i will make yours how i wish.

>> No.14650192

They serve as important formative experiences, you dumb frogposter

>> No.14650218

> The vast majority of men get laid, including the majority of severely ugly and disabled men
Objectively false.

>> No.14650236
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 1579830190158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw too smart to fall in love

>> No.14650245
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>tfw too smart to have fun and enjoy anything

>> No.14650254

Which book is this from? This kind of young sex frustration reminds me of fucking Freud though.

>> No.14650274
File: 85 KB, 1152x860, IMG_0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the vast majority of men get laid, including the majority of severely ugly and disabled men
Only 40% of men that have ever lived passed their genes (vs 80% of women), and nowadays there's a large portion of the population that doesn't have an active sexual life. You're hopelessly wrong.

>> No.14650285

idk i was at lunch with my family and this qt from another table kept glancing at me so yeah cya losers

>> No.14650347

>important formative experiences
They aren't, though.

>> No.14650352


>> No.14650363

I'm speaking for myself but I never healed from the trauma of experiencing my first love cheating on me. I can't trust women and I think I'm actually better off this way anyways, sex and relationships are a scam for men.

>> No.14650430

>sexual failures
> in adolescence
Honestly had a hard time keeping my dick soft in adolescence.

>> No.14650570

esxual failure means not getting to have any sex

>> No.14650843

Just go back already

>> No.14650860

Why is the floor wet?

>> No.14650925

because it's generally first love, meaning that it's not tainted by experiences from other people you've fucked or been hurt by, so everything is happening for the first time which is wonderful. on top of that it's not based on things like money, status, power the same way that adult relationships are. If you've never been a 14 year old dweeb and had a cute girl crush on you and tell you she loves and and wants to be your gf and come over and play videogames with you while you explore each other's bodies between the sheets then you'll never know what it feels like to be loved by someone purely for who you are without any bounds

>> No.14650930

gay and waste of digits

>> No.14650940

>If you've never been a 14 year old dweeb and had a cute girl crush on you and tell you she loves and and wants to be your gf and come over and play videogames with you while you explore each other's bodies between the sheets then you'll never know what it feels like to be loved by someone purely for who you are without any bounds
Thanks nigger i didn't planned to drink today

>> No.14650968

The number of lifelong virgins is tiny, 0.3% by age 44.
Why don't you actually read the source you dumb faggot. Literally all this incel shit has been stomped into the ground yet you keep parroting it. Get off the literature board.

>> No.14651019
File: 53 KB, 600x989, 0d624a79-f1a7-487a-ba06-d09387e0c37d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back where exactly? Reddit is full of Beckys who say that sex is unimportant. At the same time they dedicate their whole lives to making themselves pretty in the hopes of nailing down a Chad they met on a friday night; while making their income from tips they get during the week, given by horny old men who aren't rich enough to be sugar daddies.
Betas who rationalize their sexual failures under the guise of "maturity". They settle down with someone who used to be average-looking. Because that's just what you do r-right? Silly little incels, there are no "Chads". Every guy has to work extremely hard to get laid. Like me. Never mind the fact that my girl once swallowed a guy's load in a club bathroom 5 minutes after meeting him. I kissed her after seven dates. But she loves me because I'm not a misogynist. Unlike those angry incels.

Teenage love is more than just the physical act of having a girlfriend in high school or whatever.
It's the purest, most intense, form of love. There is no kiss like your first kiss, no time like your first time. "But most people's first times usually suck" They "suck" if you're a reddit bugman who looks at sex like some utilitarian device meant to produce the highest amount of dopamine in your meat cake.

Nothing can replace teenage love. And without it you will go trough life with a big, unfilled hole. It will be the only thing you crave. But you'll never get it. Because you can't.

>> No.14651030
File: 46 KB, 252x290, ahh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you've never been a 14 year old dweeb and had a cute girl crush on you and tell you she loves and and wants to be your gf and come over and play videogames with you while you explore each other's bodies between the sheets then you'll never know what it feels like to be loved by someone purely for who you are without any bounds

>> No.14651038

How many times are you going to post the same exact quote?
We get it, you're an incel.
I bet you haven't even read him
saged and hidden

>> No.14651039

Nothing can replace teenage love. And without it you will go trough life with a big, unfilled hole. It will be the only thing you crave. But you'll never get it. Because you can't.
This is only true because you believe it. Stop choosing to be bitter and unhappy.

>> No.14651046

Ah I fucked up the greentext for fucks sake.

>> No.14651047

It's true because it's true. No need to cope

>> No.14651054

>just stop doing x
>just start doing y
WOW, i never though about it like that, thanks grandpa! Welp, off to becoming a billionaire.

>> No.14651060

Just fuck some pussy and shut the fuck up. You'll realize you were retarded for being jealous of teenagers once you've made enough girls cum. Just stop whining and fuck for fucks sake.

>> No.14651074

>have sex
that's the point though isn't it? Also, you really need to chill out lol.

>> No.14651078

>The number of lifelong virgins is tiny, 0.3% by age 44
No shit retard. By that point you either get a hooker or kill yourself. Not to mention the incel phenomenon, in it's current proportions, is relatively knew, so that number will only increase.

>Why don't you actually read the source you dumb faggot. Literally all this incel shit has been stomped into the ground yet you keep parroting it.
Seethe more nigger. The source defends the guy's point.

>Stop choosing to be bitter and unhappy
Just be happy bro

>Just fuck some pussy and shut the fuck up.
That's kind of the point. Besides, the incessant chasing of pussy is precisely the kind of behavior that originates from sexual frustration during youth.

>> No.14651101

You really need to get off the literature board with your cringe.
The source states that the reason is that people move out later and get married later, hence sexual debut is later, but it does arrive. This is for both men and women although yes incels are right in that men have it worse.

Yes just be happy, there's a million things you can derive happiness from if you'd drop your autistic obsessions about shit you can't change.

>> No.14651108

The true redpill being able to "get pussy," but choosing not to because masturbating with someones body is pointless and unfulfilling for self actualized people.

>> No.14651112

this is really hot
extra points is they are females
dare i say coompilled and basedjackd?

>> No.14651125
File: 54 KB, 1024x1024, ufkmepte1ru01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-get off MY literature board n-now!

>> No.14651156

If you don't find it fulfilling then don't do it. Easy.
I fuck and you don't.

>> No.14651170

>I fuck and you don't.
And yet here you are, sperging out about a bunch of virgins on 4channel.

>> No.14651178

> Taking statistics from howstuffworks at face value
The 0.3% stat is for lifelong encounters had by American boomers/Gen x'ers who are still alive.

1. The bottom of the Darwinian barrel often don't make it that far.
2. You're assuming that even one instance of sex will prevent sexual deprivation for the rest of a person's life.
3. You're a priori assuming sound methodology of the statistic.

I'm not a supporter of incel ideology because it leads to defeatism, but you should at least recognize that sexual deprivation is a problem faced by a great many men and not easy to overcome through pursuing sex or sublimating that sexual frustration into something else.

>> No.14651199

If you stayed on /r9k/ I wouldn't have a problem, but /lit/ was once great and incels have shat it up with their whining.

>> No.14651210

There is not a single woman in there

>> No.14651219


>> No.14651227
File: 30 KB, 680x364, 1ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ was once great
Take your rose tinted glasses off, it really wasn't. Also, I'd recommend, perhaps for your own mental health, that you stop obsessing about the state of a fucking imageboard. Go outside and fuck all those girls, take your mind off of it.

>> No.14651236

>t. incel
>Teenage love is more than just the physical act of having a girlfriend in high school or whatever.
Teenage love is literally just the physical act.

>There is no kiss like your first kiss, no time like your first time.
That's true at 14 or 28.

You sound like a virgin.

>> No.14651251
File: 207 KB, 1280x798, ryangoslingbathtub2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14651262

Why are some of you so hell-bent on getting a gf? I'm also lonely, but I think that having my happiness depend on someone else will hurt me in the long run. So instead I'm hoping that I will find a way to overcome this feeling of loneliness by myself.
I'm just geniunely wondering, not here to call you incels. Nor am I trying to convince you that I'm the one who is right.

>> No.14651270

There are far greater problems in this world that are far harder to overcome.
Saying "go outside" when you're also on 4chan, replying to me, is a bit silly eh?
I know this is a waste of time, I just had nothing to do today and I wish all the book discussion forums online weren't complete shit.

>> No.14651273

> I'm hoping that I will find a way to overcome this feeling of loneliness by myself.
This seems unlikely

>> No.14651321

Everyone has an idealized image of teenage love being successful. Everyone has that fantasy of finding young love, exploring each other for years until eventually you become united with them. It’s extremely common to think about in America at least, especially with high schoolers. It’s probably because we all know that most teenage relationships never work and end pretty quickly because both parties are young, dumb and incapable of commitment

>> No.14651341

>Saying "go outside" when you're also on 4chan, replying to me, is a bit silly eh?
On a phone boomer, I am outside. Just saying, in the grand scheme of reasons to be upset, between being sad because you never having had a girlfriend and sperging over the fact that there's an incel thread on a mediocre literature board, yours is the more retarded. Get some decent friends that read and maybe you wouldn't be seething about virgins all the time.

>> No.14651367

Why do you think that?

>> No.14651383
File: 313 KB, 580x326, 1547378584315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 80% of boys and men who said they couldn't "get girls" in their youth were just fucking oblivious to the signs that someone was crushing on them or even throwing themselves at their feet. The remaining 20% consist of disgusting, unhygienic freaks (including a select minority of narcissists who wrongly believe they belonged to the aforementioned 80%). Anime consumption likely led some men and boys to subconsciously expect women and girls to confess to them in the Japanese style despite living in the West. You should see some of the guys women (and in particular girls) crush on. The majority thing holding most such guys back is themselves.

>> No.14651386

>holla back

>> No.14651387

women are gross, annoying, and childish. i don't pursue bad investments, only a weak man is controlled by his primal emotions.

>> No.14651400

>You should see some of the guys women (and in particular girls) crush on
what do you mean anon?

>> No.14651411

They're not just upset though are they? Just look at this thread.
Anyway, you've successfully bored me enough to leave, ciao.

>> No.14651414

I agree with this. The only one who is at fault of me being alone is myself because life gave me plenty of opportunities, yet I never acted on any of them. But at the same time I can't for the life of me socialise, so those girls would have lost interest soon enough anyway.

>> No.14651423

This worldview seems sort of childish. Surely there are just some people who are fucked and can't do anything about it. The idea that it is always your own fault is maybe good advice to get people motivated, but it can't literally be true.

>> No.14651432

Because I don't see how you can escape your natural need for companionship and intimacy. We need relationships, not endless solitary contemplation.

>> No.14651442

passing on your genes is not the same as getting laid baka

>> No.14651452

You might be right, Anon. I did have a gf in the past, despite it being a pretty empty relationship, so I know that it's perfectly doable. Maybe my main issue is that I don't trust women when it comes to something that intimate. I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way about men if I was a woman, though.

>> No.14651464

I don't. I'm not implying I'm not interested in having a physical relationship with a women, I'm only interested in the type of women who understand life is more than a series of opportunities to indulge yourself in vapid dopamine release that we have been brainwashed to think has a meaning or value.

>> No.14651471

That's a shame. Trust is always difficult.

>> No.14651483

I mean that my high school crush was a hairy Portuguese guy with sweaty palms and depression who looked vaguely like DFW (the DFW thing is considered in retrospect and did not factor into the crush). I knew girls who were majorly into fat gamer dudes they knew from church. In college, I saw girls and young women pairing up with scrawny guys who looked (but not necessarily acted) the soiboi part and Rasputin-looking weirdos with odd features and mannerisms. Really, the big dealbreakers are being unhygienic, severely deformed, or an immature douche who's a drag to be around. If you aren't any of those things, you probably have unknowingly had admirers. Those admirers are probably not the sort to want to hook up with Chad on a promiscuity app regardless of how shitty he is as a person. I feel like too many men and boys do not understand that being a dorky introvert who doesn't look like a built model is not a bad thing, just like too many women and girls do not understand that they don't have to be a queen-bee supermodel sort to be attractive.
Oh shit, you got him that time.

>> No.14651516

>implying she didn't feel the same way
Lots of quiet, lonely girls out there. Go get on OK Cupid or something, dude. You don't have to be alone. Just be nice, hygienic, and willing to make compromises the way you have to be in any relationship.
The Chris-chans and the deformed unfortunates who have no choice in the matter are such a small minority that they don't factor in most of the time. You're right, though, I should have left them their own percentage or two.

>> No.14651519

My first relationship started when I was 25; I was a virgin before that.
If you're not disabled and not disfigured, you can make it.

>> No.14651530

How do you determine the percentage?

>> No.14651539

I pull it out of my ass like any other statistician. It's just a rough estimate to illustrate a point on an insignificant anime imageboard, dude.

>> No.14651544

>If you aren't any of those things, you probably have unknowingly had admirers
yeah i did back when i was younger pretty much zero interest now since im a old neet lol

>> No.14651548

Nicely done

>> No.14651551

You. Would. Be. Surprised.

>> No.14651570

I didnt have teenage love etc. But i dont really mind anymore. At some point i started having one night stands with qt girls i found in clubs or online. This was my introduction to sex. I never had an introduction to relationships though and thats a bit of a problem now.

>> No.14651586


building up sex as some sort of hoy grail , like some sort of high status symbol consoomer product is dumb, building love is better, building something meaningful with one person. houellebeccq is a bit of a ninny in that regard, a bit emo... he self-blocks himself from shaking off those cognitive shackles because he is so comfy, in good company with decadent poets of the past... i like him but don't get motherfucking bugged down by the man ! :-)

>> No.14651597

who knows but im getting out of my neetdom and going back to school but trying to socially improve has been hard

>> No.14651639

>tfw didn't miss out on teenage love
>tfw loveless through late teens and most of 20s
>tfw finally discover adult love is far better than teenage love

>> No.14651644

It happens. I am getting out of NEEThood too. I fell into it after college. I became depressed and disillusioned with everything, and in my culture family support their children no matter what (even to the point of hikikomorihood). Intermittent dead-end jobs I couldn't emotionally keep up with because they made me feel like I had failed. You would honestly be surprised what kind of men women go for, though. As you get yourself out there, you should put yourself out there. Fish will bite, even (especially?) if you are quiet, melancholic, and bookish. Just wash yourself and don't be a dick, and God will sort out the rest. God always does.

>> No.14651647

>Teenage love is literally just the physical act
Typical bugman.

>That's true at 14 or 28.
Sure. But the kiss at 28 is nothing but a degrading replica of what you should have had in your youth.

>You sound like a virgin.
I'm not a virgin. I've had sex once. But it was mostly a fluke so I still consider myself an incel.

>I will find a way to overcome this feeling of loneliness by myself.
This is your mind on liberal individualism.

>There are far greater problems in this world that are far harder to overcome
Muh starving kids in Africa. Off yourself redditard

This is a senile grandpa tier take. Yes dad, the reason guys aren't fucking is those damm indonesian cartoons. Also reddit-tier just world fallacy.
I assume you and >>14651516 are the same person.
>Go get on OK Cupid or something
Boomers should seriously get fucking shot.

>> No.14651652

But you believe it for some reason, you think most of them are responsible for their situation. I find this unlikely, few people would choose to be like that

>> No.14651673

I'm only seeing sorrow here anon. The only reeeeing came from you.

>> No.14651694

Imagine putting pussy on this high a pedestal.

>> No.14651705

You need to calm down, dude. Where did I say it was due to your cartoons? Fallacy fallacy, reddit boy. The fact that you boil it down to fucking is telling. That's the real reason you aren't getting laid.
No, I pulled a statistic out of my ass to illustrate something I already believe but can't truly quantify. I don't believe what I believe because of the statistic. People choose irrational things all the time. Many people don't even choose to do the things they do; they just do what comes to mind and what is prescribed. I would even say that most people are this way.

>> No.14651731

Thanks for the advice, Anon! One more thing. Do you believe that there are people who use dating sites in order to get into a long-lasting and fulfilling relationship?

>> No.14651784

Yes. This is how I met the love of my life. One night I was semi-ironically watching Freaky Friday (the one with Jamie Lee Curtis) in a drunken stupor, and when I woke up in the morning I found I had made a dating profile. I hit like on a cute girl who was into Tolkien whose profile was sandwiched between a girl with a blue undercut who was claiming herself "genderfuck" and a guy who quoted Sartre in his bio (gross). You just have to choose the correct dating site and the correct radius you want it to search within. For instance, if you are in a tiny rural town you may want to set the search radius to include more populous areas nearby. OK Cupid is an example of a decent way to find love; Tinder and Grinder are not.

>> No.14651792

Reality is yes, women have flaws just like men do. If you weren't insecure about your ability to be succesful (one of your flaws) you would be able to communicate with the opposite sex on a more basal level and help them work through the flaws.

>> No.14651806

so why don't women just start to ask guys out?

>> No.14651824

Using a dating app feels humiliating in a way. Yeah, sure, every zoomer uses one nowadays, but there is something discomforting about the idea of having to put yourself on display like that.

>> No.14651854

Is serotonin any good?

>> No.14652052

I liked it a lot, on par with the rest of his works.

>> No.14652181

I know you're barren inside because of how happy they are

>> No.14652260

>having your day pre-planned by somebody else
>good chance she'll talk behind your back
>mind-blowing sex isn't a guarantee
>disputes over what to eat, money etc.
>envious friends (there's always that one faggot trying to mess shit up for you)
>you're the cuck if she cheats on you, you're the asshole if you cheat on her
you can't just date any old sod and be instantly happy

>> No.14652262

Have you read serotonin?

>> No.14652271

is that a cafe in japan?

>> No.14652353

I dated a girl for a year between 16 and 17. It was okay. She was in love with me and I was with her for a few months. Soon the awe of sex wanes and you’re left with a hormonal dumb whore who just wants to cuddle and post Instagram pictures together, unable to put her phone down for a second and one that ate up all my time, allowing me to barely read/write and draw. You’re not missing out, any anon who thinks so really are overestimating it. The only thing a teenage relationship does (at least for the mentally ill like us) is make us more cynical and disparaging of women.

>> No.14652358
File: 365 KB, 863x1080, 1570049892454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not understand the process by which people get to the point of having sex. I don't understand the chain of social interactions that leads to two people rubbing genitals. It's fucking arcane. I can't tell when people are flirting except when it's obvious in tv shows, I don't understand how they detect others' attraction, or how they communicate their own. I have never had a single conversation with a woman outside my family that goes beyond pleasantries and small talk. I feel completely left behind. Everyone else knows what they're doing and I don't understand and I want to blow my fucking brains out

>> No.14652359

based and bloomerpilled

>> No.14652368

this is 100% caused by mass immigration, btw. FOB immigrants have next to no chances at getting laid and they're all military age men

>> No.14652370

Life without love is not worth living.

>> No.14652376

Smells like conjecture

>> No.14652428


>> No.14652484

population gain since the 70's has been entirely immigration, most immigrants are young men. increasing the number of men relative to women increases competition and the poorly socialized (i.e. migrants) necessarily lose. to believe otherwise requires you to imagine a massive and fundamental change in the human sexual impulse occuring

>> No.14652564

>tfw you find yourself to be such human garbage that even if, by some miracle, a women shows some interest in you it will instantly make you think less of her because no way anyone normal/good can find someone as you anything but repulsive and wrong
planning on ending this miserable journey in 3 years

>> No.14652576

Do you often take huge leaps of logic like this?

>> No.14652597

Doesn't seem like much of a leap at all

>> No.14652637

They are starting. Men of this generation are worthless at asking, unfortunately. Effeminate.

>> No.14652665

And that's your problem.

>> No.14652685

Being incapable of following straightforward logic is the problem here. If you had an argument you would have made it, but you don't so you're just saying nothing.

>> No.14652693

why don't people who worry about sex this much visit prostitutes or join weirdo sex communities like bdsm or tantra? serious question

>> No.14652700

I dont get understand any of that stuff either Lain-chan, though I'm pretty severely mentally ill and spent my entire adolescence in escapism either in books or on computer

>> No.14652707
File: 40 KB, 608x644, agatha_looking_down_at_the_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like tulpamancy is our only hope.
Sex is only partly the issue. It's sex with someone you love and the emotional intimacy that comes with a relationship. Even if you were so cumbrained to care for only sex, prostitutes are disgusting used up vectors of disease, and one may not care for some fetishes like bdsm (and most people in those type of groups are ugly as hell).

>> No.14652756

is Submission good? or is itjust another /pol/ meme?

>> No.14652760

Limerants never have the desire to "move on" and inevitably fail. It's a disease given to the self. At best you could try to redirect as a coping mechanism.

>> No.14652764

>>All your sexual failures since adolescence, the frustration dogging you since puberty, have scarred you forever. Even if you could find a woman, which I frankly doubt, it wouldn't work.

>plebs still tfw no gf instead of tfw no daughterfu

>> No.14652768

No one really knows. They just try until they succeed. Have you never overheard normalfags trying to hit on girls? They sound cringy as fuck and get turned down most of the time unless they are gigachad himself. You're not missing out on anyhing. In fact, you are sensible for not embarrassing yourself in public like that.

>> No.14652771

Literally everything you wrote was utterly baseless. It might make sense in itself but there is no evidence linking the decline in sex with immigration. None. Responding to statistics with such groundless conjecture is actually kind of funny. You have nothing to back up your hypothesis beyond the fantasies you've concocted in your own head and as such they can be very easily discounted as worthless.

>> No.14652783

Prostitutes actually have less STI's than regular women.

>> No.14652789

I asked a girl out in 9th grade who I knew for a fact had a crush on me in 8th grade and got rejected. This was after reluctantly giving up on the onetis.

Never approached a girl again. I had a handful of minority woman approach me in university, there wasn't even a hint on temptation, the idea of loving or fucking some random stranger who I will never be able to understand, having not been a part of each other's lives in our formative years, is an absurdity, let alone one whose just some whoremongers discarded concubine.

>> No.14652801

> but there is no evidence linking the decline in sex with immigration

Lurk more

>> No.14652808

So? Your regular woman is an even worse vector of disease. We are fucked.

>> No.14652989


>> No.14653028

Whatever by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.14653329

Dad here. I've hit it and you'll just be getting the sloppy seconds

>> No.14653360

no the image, desklamp

>> No.14653928

>tfw mental health issues since childhood
>tfw therapy since the age of 8
>tfw difficult, shitty sexual experiences at first
>tfw gradually having healthier and healthier experiences and relationships
>tfw extremely kind and respectful to the women I smash
>tfw excellent ability to emotionally connect with people
>tfw big dick
>tfw talking to and regularly hooking up with like four girls at a time for the last few months
>tfw monthly STD tests come up negative
>tfw handsome and ripped
wtf bros it's so hard I wish I were an incel doomer

>> No.14654123

No it isn't

>> No.14654141

You can just solve this problem by dating 14 year olds.

>> No.14654216

A man’s receiving of and receptivity to positive attention from same-age and slightly senior (a few years older) females of high (but still comparable) socio-sexual rank is unbelievably important for the allocation of resources to secondary sexual characteistics and socio-sexual, psycho-sexually driven networking or sociality. If a person sees little attention and is not presented opportunities they will not develop a sexual consciousness or will repress this consciousness. The only explanation for bizarre and dysfunctional sexuality among 90% of those who exhibit them is inadequate attention and receptivity at a young age from their peers and older cohorts of similar age and development. Your sisters friends telling you you are cute, being smiled at in class, being asked to hangout at the lake by friends who bring girls, having girls send you love notes and want your attention when you’re 10-15 has a massive positive impact on self image and ability to cope with reality. Those who are denied this will not develop physically or sexually the same as those who are given it. Inceldom starts with being ignored, being kept at a distance and falling behind developmental milestones which the public no longer tracks adequately (first look, first kiss, first touch, first cuddle, first sexual touch, first penetration, first sexual encounter, first sex marathon, first domination). You cannot give back someone’s formative years and there is no amount of coaching that will restore someone’s youth and chance to develop properly.

>> No.14654705

because it isn't really about sex but about the destruction of the family

>> No.14654962

When I was 13, I fell in love for the first time - and the feeling was mutual. However, being egocentric and somewhat of a masochist, I always make women work really hard for it, as having someone begging to get me pleases my fucked up mind. And I especially enjoy rejecting them. Well, she tried up until the 1st year of high school - she sent me an SMS for the valentine's day that year. And when I denied her again, she gave up.

After that, she has traveled much he world, she mostly studied abroad and probably got dicked down by numerous men in the meantime. I have never even kissed her.

Yet here I am, 11 years on, still loving her.

>> No.14655521

This but 140% unironically

>> No.14655524

Fuck you.

>> No.14655573

Or you could just post it and clear the matter up. But you can't because there isn't any.

>> No.14655577

Absolutely positively based. Redpilled beyond words.

>> No.14655585

It's been a while since I read anything so Reddit.

>> No.14655609

love yourself bros

>> No.14655616


>> No.14655626

I do, it's not enough

>> No.14655630

I cant. Im too flawed.

>> No.14655852

>including the majority of severely ugly and disabled men which I doubt you lot are
do you know where you are?

>> No.14655883

That's exactly true. I blame my hebephilia on this. I never had a gf before my 20s, I missed that defining thing in that crucial and non repeatable phase in life. Now I only find young women under 18 attractive.

>> No.14655906

But I don't feel bitter. What does that mean?

>> No.14655923

why does this r9k topic have the most posts on /lit/?
This board is dead

>> No.14655924

Resignation (not necessarily a bad thing btw)

>> No.14655936

Oh wow. I think you might be right. I guess I prefer it.
Though I still talk to girls, just without any expectations. Made some good friends that way. But I still feel like I might find someone special.

>> No.14655953

>I blame my hebephilia on this.
Same. Only realized I had a problem when I worked in a school for a year and it was a nightmare.

>> No.14655955

There is someone special out there. You just have to adjust your expectations.

>> No.14655968

Where do I start with Houllebecq?

>> No.14655980

>Never mind the fact that my girl once swallowed a guy's load in a club bathroom 5 minutes after meeting him.
>I kissed her after seven dates.
Jesus Christ anon

>> No.14655983

Maybe. Feels like I have no expectations though. Like I'd settle for any girl bold enough to make the first move. But there's never a time I feel like making the move.

>> No.14656028

Current life expectancy does not bring with it understanding of the hard limits of fertility.

>> No.14656039

>Reddit is full of Beckys who say that sex is unimportant. At the same time they dedicate their whole lives to making themselves pretty in the hopes of nailing down a Chad they met on a friday night; while making their income from tips they get during the week, given by horny old men who aren't rich enough to be sugar daddies.
>Betas who rationalize their sexual failures under the guise of "maturity". They settle down with someone who used to be average-looking. Because that's just what you do r-right?
Somewhat redpilled.

But then goes on to say
>she loves me because I'm not a misogynist
I don't know what to make of this. Elaborate bait?


>> No.14656104

I think it means that he's both not an abusive chad nor an angry incel.

He found a girl that used to be a ho but got tired of it or got to the age where she wants to settle. Then like those betas he took her and is happy. Maybe she still has her looks though.

Honestly a problem is that there's rather little in between incels and whores as far as pop culture is concerned.

>> No.14656131


>> No.14656137

>tfw no kigu harem

>> No.14656142

the idea of someone "settling down" with you is honestly more humiliating than being a perman virgin

>> No.14656157

Yea, actually, no, it isn't.

>> No.14656193

>living with someone who has experienced much better than you but with time has had his options cut to the point where he has to choose quickly between people he would have never even looked at before, harbouring a hatred both for you and himself over his current and future situation.
And this is someone who you need to "love" and "appreciate" for the rest of your life or until a divorce

>> No.14656213

Doesn't matter
Had sex
Propagated my genes

>> No.14656234

Also keep in mind that the permavirgin won't be considered an option even after she hits the wall, she just won't take him under any circumstance. If that's not the most humiliating thing I don't know what is.

>> No.14656346

please stop this is too hard

>> No.14656367

I would kill everyone of you stupid faggots to be this dude

>> No.14656461


>> No.14656829

Delete this please. It is the worst thing I read for a while.

>> No.14656876

>fundamental change in the human sexual impulse occuring


>> No.14656877

How sheltered can you be?

>> No.14656897


>> No.14656903

Houllebecq is the /r9k/ incarnate author. I mean that in a bad way; pure trash.

>> No.14656972
File: 258 KB, 1367x1921, 1574470985726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People read this passage as if it's literally Houellebecqu speaking directly and sincerely to the reader, when it's a piece lf dialogue in a novel. The character saying it is a vindictive, lonely and broken person. Much lf what he's saying is projection, and rather than feeling the need to drop "truths" on his ugly friend he's actually just sick of seeing a man who is still trying to get with women, or live more generally. Despite failing everytime. So he gets drunk and eviscerates his friend's confidence, then tries to convince him to commit murder.
Get better at reading books you fucking retards.

>> No.14657058

Houellebecq isn't a good enough writer not to use his characters as mouthpieces though.

>> No.14657069
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, 60CE62F7-6862-40FA-B602-51037548E360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.14657077

I had that when I was 7 but it was with a guy

>> No.14657254

I was always a lonely person, I never went out anywhere, never had friends, never played outside and didn't talk much in school. People kept telling me my whole life I was eventually going to open up and become social and that's never happened. The only thing that changed is that I used to avoid contact due to being shy and made fun of but now I just don't seek it at all. I don't feel anything when I'm alone but feel bad when around other people. I don't seek sex because I don't seek human connection at all.

I just wonder if my life was different if I wasn't beaten as a kid or gotten fat as a teen. Because now I look completely average, and people treat me well but I don't live or feel like a normal person at all.

>> No.14657482

Hello me

>> No.14657569

Have you ever used to Tinder? Yet alone matched with someone?(not an insult)... I uploaded good pictures of myself and actually matched with 80+ girls and nothing changed. You talk with people but you know you will never meet them and you don't really want to meet them either. I think with women it's that, but multiplied - on tinder just to see who likes them, who talks to them, etc... Basically just validation. Tinder is not your answer.
There is no change in the "human sexual impulse". Orgies existed way before civilization; the bible refers to dildos; absolutely nothing changed. There were always people who were possessed by lust.

>> No.14657877

I want sex
Maybe my mood and attitude would improve if I knew a girl I liked and could have sex with occasionally

>> No.14657953

I don't know lads, love ain't all that. When I lay in bed with my gf and we hug I should feel pure bliss, yet I feel this emptiness brought on by my happiness. This feeling which makes me question if this is all there is to living, and that this is the happiest I will ever be. The same thing happens during sex, when we do it I feel physically good, yet spiritually I feel the most empty in these moments. When the climax comes I feel completely liberated from my fleshly desires, and my mind wonders completely away from this beautiful woman next to me.

I understand how the Biblical authors felt, and believe that the things they wrote about was the truth. We can never be happy in this world as there is a part of us missing, and this part can only be filled with God.

>> No.14658058

imagine being this retarded

>> No.14658120

how come?

>> No.14658555

you write like a roastie

>> No.14658561

Don't forget to mention that the ugly friend is a kind of cartonish person and the reader shouldn't feel anything when he dies. It's like smashing a fly.

>> No.14658634
File: 234 KB, 1760x876, 1580600672977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I would also like to know

>> No.14658764

are you implying that "open bobs and vagene" in person is somehow a surefire pantysoaker

>> No.14658769

I felt like this passage in my early 20s honestly.

>> No.14658808


>> No.14658868

Obviously he made them wet the floor with his sex appeal

>> No.14658869

The last woman to throw herself at me i just ignored, drank until I threw up then went home alone. That was over a year ago.

At this point I've simply lost hope.

>> No.14658924

I don't doubt you. I did exactly that in my first college year. Before I had experience on how to "do it". She proved to be the sluttiest girl in college and slept with basically everyone BUT me. She either never forgave me or thought I was gay or something.

>> No.14658967

I had actually had sex with this particular semen demon before but I didn't feel like repeating it since I found her about as interesting to talk to as sawdust.

>> No.14659030


I wish to say some things so some of you guys don't go through the same thing I did.
When a girl is interested, she will may let you you know in subtle ways, BUT SHE WILL NEVER TAKE THE INITIATIVE. This is not like anime, where the male protagonist is shy and aloof, but the girl never loses interest and they get together in the end, unless you're very attractive or high status. If you're shy or aloof, what will actually happen is that the girl will get with the next guy, of which there is ton waiting in line. If you're at a party and the girl is "throwing herself at you", she IS STILL NOT GOING TO KISS YOU if you just stand there. If you don't know what to do and never kissed a girl in your life, just grab her by the waist or pull her GENTLY by the arm and bring your face closer to hers. By that time she will be probably kissing you already. If not, let your lips slowly touch. Don't open your mouth too fast. If she turns her face away, disingage. You read the signs wrong or she is just playing with you. Laugh it off.

>> No.14659038

>had sex
I see. I was much greener than you when it happened to me then.

>> No.14659085

>we're getting pick up advice on /lit/ now
The end?