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14646088 No.14646088 [Reply] [Original]

just ordered this bad boy from amazon,

what am I in for?

>> No.14646098

cringe fest cope of a self-hating jew

>> No.14646106

The 19th century equivalent of an antifa pamphlet.

>> No.14646113

Why did you spend money on this
You could have read this online in an hour
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14646115

Glorified pamphlet. Should have got 'The German Ideology' instead.

>> No.14646203

Short pamphlet
Mostly outdated
Incendiary propaganda
Good critics of capitalism
Terrible proposed solutions
Huge meme value

>> No.14646219


>> No.14646429

Putting it on your shelf and never reading it, I assume.

>> No.14646463
File: 54 KB, 536x479, C2H7s8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even good marxist literature
>buys a fucking manifesto
>pays for it
>pays for a physical copy

holy fuck you're autistic op

>> No.14646491
File: 31 KB, 615x456, 2 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its public domain you fucking inbred

>> No.14646501

Kek. This exactly. If you want an accurate assessment of the world situation, stick with “Industrial Society and Its Future”

>> No.14647174
File: 127 KB, 745x1093, 1574129615889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this.

>> No.14647195

You can read it online in 10 minutes.

>> No.14647298

wasting money and getting tracked by teh gubrment

>> No.14647691
File: 627 KB, 1078x1110, Screenshot_20200201-183616_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible ideas that wont work in the modern world.

>> No.14647958

A bad introduction to Marxism. Marx wrote it in one day, and it was meant as a piece of propaganda from the get go. It's quite easy to read, which is why it is so famous (lots of people want to be Marxists, very few are willing to read more than a pamphlet to do so).
Read For a Critique of Political Economy instead, it's meant to be a basic, short (150 pages) introduction to the basic concepts used in Das Kapital and Grundrisse.
Also before doing so read some primary or secondary literature on Adam Smith and Ricardo. Marx takes most of his economics-related terminology from them. Also knowing their theories will show you that Marx' most contested points were taken for granted by the economists of his time: he wasn't just making it up as he went along. If Marx should not be read because he supported a labor theory of value, we would have to say the same about Adam Smith too (and saying that would be, imho, almost criminal: everyone should read Smith).

>> No.14648894

Not much, if you want to get into Marx you should read 'Capital' (Das Kapital). Tbh leftist youtube is even better then that.

>> No.14648911

HRT therapy

>> No.14649073

have there been any studies into why marxists are so ashamed of the communist manifesto? is it for some reason considered not to represent their demands? how exactly do they expect to foment revolution without a call to arms for the plebs?

>> No.14649075

t. actually read it

>> No.14649120

>Short pamphlet
>Mostly outdated
>Incendiary propaganda
>Good critics of capitalism
>Terrible proposed solutions
>Huge meme value

>> No.14649148

read Anti-Duhring instead

>> No.14649169

Oh, so unified Germany doesn't work? Universal suffrage? Wage for parliament representatives don't work? Right to bear arms doesn't work? Abolishment of feudal priviliges didn't work? Central banks arent working? State run railways aren't working? Secularism isn't working? Universal education doesn't work? Progressive taxes don't work?

>> No.14649255

>Universal suffrage?
definitely not

>> No.14649266

>not real communism

>> No.14649274

Marxs absolute low point, i refuse to believe he had any part of it, and it being an Engels Print disguised as marxism...

>> No.14649278

>have there been any studies into why marxists are so ashamed of the communist manifesto?
why the fuck would you set up a study if you can just ask them yourself

>> No.14649554

achieved by a prophesised murder of one evil class by the virtuous one? Whom are only distinguished by undeserved wealth, which will exchange hands during the murder?

>> No.14649569

The Communist Manifesto is a good introduction, but be aware its a political manifesto, not the actual historical materialist analysis of capitalism, so don't come back being a typical right winger basing all your arguments against marxism on it.

>> No.14649589

Jordan take your pills, pls. This is just petty moralism.

>> No.14649592

Is it possible to read Marx while skipping the economic angle or is his philosophy too entangled with it that it would be denaturing his thought? I am really not interested at all about economic theory

>> No.14649601

???? okay, the guys marx likes have to kill the ones he doesn't

>> No.14649609

neither are marxists

>> No.14649626

>killing your political enemies is a bad thing
name (1) one society that doesn't do this.

>> No.14649638

you really are obtuse, the point is there is nothing to distinguish borgeousie from prole once the wealth is exchanged. Also, not for the express purpose of upsetting your hardcore POV, killing people in general is a bad thing

>> No.14649643

>just bought the communist manifesto on amazon
well played, OP

>> No.14649655

Marx and Engels were right about literally everything. All you need to do is just replace every time they say "bourgeoisie" with "Jew" and it becomes accurate.

>> No.14649658

>and engels
Nah Engels was a midwit.

>> No.14649673

>the point is there is nothing to distinguish borgeousie from prole once the wealth is exchanged
That's very Marxist position, anon.

>> No.14649779

>have there been any studies into why marxists are so ashamed of the communist manifesto?
They aren't.
He doesn't have a philosophy, and he doesn't provide economic theory but a critique of the science of political economy. If your question is if you can somehow skip the latter then the answer is no, it's essential to critical communism.
He doesn't like having to kill anyone. The only people killed intentionally will be those organizing armed resistance.

>> No.14649895

Yes, only the people who resist the seizure of their property will be killed. What's your address btw anon?

>> No.14649921

welcome to the government watch list.

>> No.14649922

>Yes, only the people who resist the seizure of their property will be killed.
If they literally take shots then yes, but other forms of resistance won't require that kind of response. I'm talking about things like organized armed bands.

>> No.14650023

Ive debated a lot of communists and every time they say people will be happier under communism and noone will want to revolt and deviate so no more murder.

>> No.14650566

>Ive debated a lot of communists
No you haven't.

I don't know why you would bring up communist society when the discussion is specifically about the revolution.

>> No.14650574

>t. retard

>> No.14650591

Half of it is trying to disprove different types of socialism.The only interesting part is about cuckholding which he probably stole from Fourier. Not a bad read desu it makes you seem like an intellectual to people who don't read.

>> No.14650608
File: 20 KB, 261x305, 9fc50d385a6c654d172ccb69447e965e51bdb3ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys check out my sweet marxism bookshelf