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14640006 No.14640006 [Reply] [Original]

Books about why Americans are retarded?

>> No.14640037

What current country isn't filled with retards?

>> No.14640062
File: 103 KB, 1232x687, China astronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14640066

i wish ussr would come back :c

>> No.14640068

Germany, France, Austria, China, Japan, basically every non-Anglo country.

>> No.14640070

clearly chinese are dumb since space travel is gonna be available to everyone in a few decades

>> No.14640075

99% of the population of those countries is just as retarded as the average american

>> No.14640076

Albion’s Seed.

>> No.14640111

Not true. 0% of them would make this retarded response >>14640006

>> No.14640121

Nope. Those are Mexican-Negroid-Kraut-Irish-Chinese-Jewish-Hawaiian.

>> No.14640125
File: 338 KB, 2000x3000, questions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's better: paying high taxes and getting free medical care or paying low taxes and not getting free medical care
t. Canadian

>> No.14640143

if you're american it's paying higher taxes and then still paying for healthcare

>> No.14640147


>> No.14640150

Only corporations pay low taxes in the US so we get the privilege of high taxes and astronomical healthcare costs

>> No.14640160

>paying high taxes

Hmmm, indeed.

>> No.14640219
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Paying high taxes for crumbling public infrastructure and no healthcare so your government can give out agribusiness subsidies to make 98% of your diet a highly processed artificially flavored corn derivative then use what money is left over to bomb cultural sites in Iran and subsidize free education for Israelis.

The best of all is then blaming black people for lethargic and miserable all the time from your corn-enhanced diet, but still spending whatever money you have left to see them play fetch and rhyme brand names together.

>> No.14640284

space is stupid

>> No.14640326

>over half of the Chinese population wants to get as far way from China as possible

>> No.14640347

Not true. Where as about 20 years ago you saw more people leaving China, nowadays you see more people staying. China is a p nice place to live in today.

>> No.14640350

The numbers don’t fucking add up to 100 you illiterate faggot

>> No.14640355

Watch Chinese driving fail videos sometimes
Or Chinese building fail
Or google Mao and Sparrows

>> No.14640368

>You can pick up to three answers.
dont you feel stupid now, huh?

>> No.14640372

>year 2050
>set brain to YouTube mode
>look up China Space Fails
>10 hour long compilations
>silently release dopamine in my containment cube

>> No.14640390

They asked kids to write a list of jobs they want to do when they grow up. 56% of chinese kids put astronaut on the list and 52% put teacher on there.

>> No.14640409

>training for an industry with massive growth in the immediate future
Ok lmao

>> No.14640439

To think that the USA became the world's first global empire. Future historians (probably extraterrestrial) will marvel at how the nation that gave us The Real Housewives of Jersey Shore contained the world's multitudes through a delicate balance of debt peonage and splattered weddings. How extraordinary, they'll exclaim, that a people which could've been expunged by a particularly mean Pequot chief went on to invent the nuke and host the United Nations.

Won't be long before those filthy Yanks will become the Yellow Man's Burden though. So I guess these things find their balance.

>> No.14640456

The retard in the screenshot appears to be british.

>> No.14640469

That’s all it’s possible to mean when you say “American”. Unless you mean native americans. And they’re not retarded, just kind of pathetic but understandably so after what has happened to them.

>> No.14640487

>China is a p nice place to live in nowadays
Nothing like the iron fist of totalitarianism and dying of plague to make a person love life

>> No.14640488

when someone has a decent job, pays high taxes, but never uses healthcare because he is always healthy i feel this isn't right, i think it should be customizable for every person

>> No.14640510

All propaganda. You haven't set one foot in China. I would feel embarrassed to bring one of my Chinese friends over and let them see the filth of an airport we have (I live in America).

>> No.14640527
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 8C879710-A1F4-4356-844C-6C3683E9F17E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying low taxes and not getting free medical care
>low taxes

>> No.14640550
File: 142 KB, 692x587, 1512344127700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Mutts medical care is communist, but just look at what's happening in China.
Who's the commies now, mutts?

>> No.14640603

paying high taxes and getting no health care
t. american

>> No.14640611

Maybe higher tax refunds if youre found to use healthcare less often?

>> No.14640663

Is this tankie cope? You only need to look at HK to see what free thinking Chinese say of the mainland.

>> No.14640681

French or Irish?

>> No.14640715

I've heard that free health care isn't all that great. At least, in Canada. Apparently, unless you're straight up dying, you've got to enter a long queue in order to be seen for basic doctor's visits and are usually prioritized by age (the elderly are higher up). Is this true? If not, I don't mind being corrected.

>> No.14640762

Hong Kong will tear itself apart. The protests are pretty small but they've just been hurting people and doing damage to the city at this point. Online accounts basically say that the protests are cornered to a two block radius and individual school campuses, but the media makes it sound like it's just as strong as a few months ago. HKP and Carrie Lam are pretty incompetent but the latter probably won't be replaced this late into the game and the former all things considered have shown pretty remarkable resiliency given the numerous protests elsewhere in the world right now where civilians have been shot and killed en masse.

Also for whatever reason, the world thinks that this is a HK v. China issue when Asia strictly views this as an internal HK issue. The vast majority of Hong Kong's problems originate with the wealthy/class structure that privileges a select few corporate Hong Kong moguls at the expense of the vast majority of people, many of them young adults. Most of these protests that are racist/anti-mainland in origin are largely just manipulated by reactionary forces that want to turn attention away from HK's issues and at the "locusts" from the mainland.

>> No.14640766

They created silicon valley

>> No.14640965

ahhh i just want to have sex

>> No.14641041

Latter. Also, her nudes were nice.

>> No.14641066



>> No.14641146

>Sanders was born on September 8, 1941, in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, Elias Ben Yehuda Sanders (1904–1962), was born in Słopnice, Galicia, in Austria-Hungary (now part of Poland), to a Jewish family. In 1921, Elias immigrated to the United States, where he became a paint salesman. His mother, Dorothy Sanders (née Glassberg, 1912–1960), was born in New York City to Jewish immigrant parents from Poland and Russia.

>> No.14641186

that u ironically sounds like a hell of a-nice time

>> No.14641488

clearly this lack of interest in the internet is due to higher intelligence and not the severe censorship of the internet

>> No.14641745

Why would they?

>> No.14641750

I'm from Australia. Don't really have any idea about the facts/arguments about free health care. All I know is I got a free shoulder reconstruction after 4 months on a waiting list, was pretty comfy, got lots of drugs and got to stay overnight. Never really paid attention to my taxes but I have plenty of money.

>> No.14641778

There's no way this was the only difference in answers. Even if this was real, smart kids don't want to risk dying in space so that nobody can know you existed.

>> No.14641862

False dichotomy when you’re talkin’ ‘bout the good ol’ US of A!
>Would you like to pay high taxes to subsidize an insanely inefficient, rapacious healthcare system’s doomed effort to treat 200,000,000 diabetic pig-people with the maximum possible quality of care?
>Wanna wait in line behind a quarter-million diabetic latinos to get your checkup?
Only way I’d be in favor of this is if public healthcare came with corporal punishment for over-consumers. But that won’t happen, because you know. The country’s run and occupied by pig-people.

>> No.14641876

Zoomies in the western world don't answer shit like this seriously anymore.
Only brainwashed abuse disciplined children would give the answers deemed "correct" and "intelligent" by their parents and teachers.

>> No.14641882

Makes you wonder where the Brits stand in all this, since they were made into political, economic, military, and cultural vassals by such a silly group of people.

>> No.14641911

Retarded. This exact take was literally written in a Chinese propagandist's wechat article a few months ago, and it's as stupid now is it was then. Chinese outside of Shanghai and a few other T1 cities live like Africans, and even in those cities the rich among them strive only for the appearance of luxury and prosperity. Their nicest houses and apartments have a sickly, false feel to them, and are always cold and damp. The peasantry among them putz about all day, but never make any real improvements to anything, rather smoking and sleeping much of the day. The air is poisoned with smog from the factories, the water is contaminated, and the food is literal sawdust.

In many ways, China IS in fact going in the right direction, while the west is moving in the wrong one. However, suggesting that this is a civilization worth looking up to is retarded. Especially when your metric is shitty, giant, empty Pudong Airport.

>> No.14641914

>I live within my means so I can afford unexpected costs

>> No.14641939

every study says public would not cost more, and would in fact save money

>> No.14641945

Canada is awful. some of the worst wait times for everything, including emergency room, in the developed world. and a lot of shit isn't even covered so you need to pay anyway.

>> No.14641946

>I'm always healthy so that means unexpected and unforeseen medical emergencies, the number one cause of medical related bankruptcy, wont happen to me

>> No.14641949

I don't know why people don't call the private insurance system socialism but call universal healthcare socialism. If you have health insurance you're already subsidizing everyone else with health insurance while paying high prices.

>> No.14641980

The question is where the burden is placed, though.
Honestly, given how ready every burger is to bend over and gape for major moneyed interests, I wonder if nationalized healthcare isn’t just another roundabout corporate welfare scheme.
From what I understand, health insurance, and a great deal of money being paid into the healthcare system, was provided by employers to long-term employees back when our healthcare system was functional. A nationalized healthcare system would finally relieve employers of any fiduciary responsibility in this regard (up until now dodged through part-time and gig work), making the middle class (since they pay the taxes) pay where corporations used to.
Just a wacky theory of mine, but I think it makes sense, especially in light of the fact that American politicians can only act in the interest of Capital.

>> No.14641993

The only difference is that it's not mandatory nor enforced by the implicit threat of militant force.

>> No.14642017

You really think elementary school kids are developing post-ironic mindsets?

>> No.14642040

Free medical care doesnt exist unless you do it yourself

>> No.14642057

Love the DIY tooth extraction, abscess popping bids that Americans post on YouTube.

>> No.14642058

Health care is a fucking meme.

>> No.14642073

Bankruptcy is a meme and not a big deal. People act like they won't be serviced if they can't afford it.

Your chances of random medical emergencies that are very expensive aren't high enough to justify it, if anything free healthcare should only be given to seniors.

It's mostly fat people medication.

>> No.14642081

A-bingo. A lot of the American economy is centered on the feeding and fixing of diabetics.

>> No.14642101

I mean it very sincerely.
Everything is half jest and half serious to most zoomers in western society and that's a good thing.

>> No.14642121

Reminder that every other country with free healthcare is more efficient and pay a lot less per capita than the US. "Muh wait times" is a big meme. You are all being fucked over. Honestly all libertarians should be euthanized. Sometimes I think they are more brain dead than fascists.

>> No.14642126

t. never stepped into China and has been spoonfed ideology and propaganda all his life

>> No.14642130

Unironically sick people should just die. I had to go to the hospital for a month when I was 14, would have died without modern medical care. Was a complete mistake keeping me alive, i even remember feeling relieved at the hospital when I thought I was dying, like thank fuck that's over

>> No.14642139

The broad population of every country is retarded because no one has the time to get educated on anything. That would require doing GAY shit like READING and SOLVING PROBLEMS and no one has time to do that when you take into account work, raising children, responsibilities like paying taxes, maintaining health and personal hygiene, and having 1-2 hobbies to dedicate the rest of your time to. And even if you did have some time remaining to become educated after balancing all of that, most people probably would not have the will or energy to do it either and would rather just relax and "turn your brain off". That's why the educated population tended to be connected to wealth, because with money you can buy time.

>> No.14642144

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Medical Care Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Injury Like Nigga Heal Your Wounds Haha

>> No.14642146

Whats wrong with entertainers

>> No.14642150

People are stupid because intelligence isn't actually an important survival trait.

>> No.14642154

Whats so interesting about that

>> No.14642179

Nothing wrong but there are just too many of them. It's an extremely competitive market and most ideas you could think of are already on the internet.

>> No.14642199

No, I think we need more people out there giving their 95-IQ takes on things. We live in a repressed age. Nobody has the confidence to just go out and put their mediocre art and boring takes out for people to see. More YouTube stars! More Twitter accounts! More e-celebrities and amateur political theorists, PUH-LEEZ!

>> No.14642330

democracy in america - tocqueville
hillbilly elegy - j.d vance
evola on 'american civilization'

>> No.14642404

It's not that bad in my experience. It can be hard to see specialists. It can be hard to get a new general practitioner if you move or the old one retires.

>> No.14642472

Hmm I wonder what's better for poor people... Throwing away everyone's money to the multibillion dollar health insurance industry or cutting them out completely.. doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

>> No.14642526

Do you live in China?

>> No.14642586

Write a fucking book. I would buy it.

>> No.14642615

Everything is essentially triage in Canada, which is how it should be.

>> No.14642616

No. Not Chinese either.

>> No.14642625


>> No.14642628
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>> No.14642653

Then why are you shilling so hard for it? It's sort of pathetic dude.

>> No.14642662

Because people are talking about shit they don't know about. Plain sinophobia and ideology.

>> No.14642668

jesus christ, you're such a fag. How long have you lived in china

>> No.14642678

Words ending in “-phobia” are rapidly losing their punch, seems like.

>> No.14642683

We have free healthcare in Brazil and its abysmal
Most middle/uppers class families don't even consider using it, so they pay taxes + private healthcare

>> No.14642689

Were they given these options to arrange in a preferred order? If not it's eerie that the top 5 would be the same in such different societies just in different order.

>> No.14642697

动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

>> No.14642699

In countries like Australia the right wing conservatives can no longer even fucking joke about fucking with universal health care for fear of being eviscerated at the next election, even by their conservative constituents. Are American conservatives (politicians and voters) really this fucking stupid? Wait, it's also the Democratic establishment too which is way they hate progressives like Sanders and Gabbard. O swear, you guys need to shit out that (((fist))) that's controlling you like a puppet and start voting for your own interests. Not Wall St, Israel's and Saudi Arabia's.

>> No.14642759

This is outdated. Add how they covered up the Coronavirus and are responsible for 100's of dead Lao Luos.

>> No.14642767

Bugman vs chad entertainers

>> No.14642807

You have us confused with another country if you think there’s a marginal chance of any of that happening. More identity politics, more choreographed cold civil war nonsense, more serfdom and sickness and indignity is all I can reasonably expect out of this place.
I had the pleasure of working with an Australian for a couple months recently, and it was wonderful. She was what I remember Americans being like in the late 90’s, and her country sounded, for all its problems, like a very nice place.
Please learn from the mistakes we’re making. If nothing else, our failures should at least be instructive to others.

>> No.14642917

wow sean destroyed him

>> No.14642942

Some diseases are a death sentence. doctors treating diseases with low survival rates are more pessimistic in a single payer system. Which is why so many people come to america for advanced treatments.
But health care for the majority of Americans is truly horrible.
The difference could be dying comfortably on morphine vs dying of septic shock for a cancer patient.

>> No.14642954

>chinese think astronauts are real

>> No.14643229

Not really. Every Chinese with enough money/connections moves to a Western country as soon as possible.

>> No.14643237


>> No.14643241

Paying low taxes and getting cheap medical care. It can all be solved in a more optimal fashion. It's all being deliberately kept shitty because someone is profiting and saving the world of a magnitude of human suffering and misery is less important to our our political system.