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File: 29 KB, 320x496, The Authoritarian Personality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14633338 No.14633338 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, this was an enlightening read. Shoutouts to the anon who recommended it! A very rigorous dissection of the reactionary mind that seems more appropriate today than it ever was, considering the current trend of fascism being on the rise again in the western world. What would y'all recommend next?

>> No.14633365

I've been reading The True Believer by Eric Hoffer. It's about mass movements and the type of people they attract. Very interesting little book.

>> No.14633378
File: 546 KB, 1196x1242, 1580317166465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism isn't reactionary.

>> No.14633478

Read Moldbug

>> No.14633485

I like to rape women

>> No.14633493

what's the argument of the book? to shoot at everybody who disagrees with the left? that just sounds like business as usual and not really a big theoretical jump

>> No.14633789

Yes. Rightoids under the age of 30 will be sent to re-education camps where they will learn the value of miscegenation and intersectional feminism and be preemptively sterilized. Strict government oversight of caucasian households will ensure the family unit disintegrates as homosexual and transexual they-parents replace mothers and fathers. A 1 child policy and mandatory gender transition for all children will be funded by heavy taxes on middle class families. Meanwhile, free healthcare will be given to Mexican and Muslim immigrants to ensure that they live longer natural lifespans than the native whites in order to induce a demographic shift in the country's population and thus ensure that authoritarians will never again come to power. Then we will have a truly diverse world where degeneracy is normalcy and everyone is equal in the eyes of the State.

>> No.14633796

sounds good but not very philosophical

>> No.14633797

Futures so bright I gotta wear shades

>> No.14633800


>> No.14633811

moldbug just says that the issue with fascism was that it was too democratic, not really a counterpoint to anti-authoritarianism

>> No.14633812
File: 687 KB, 796x916, that innsmouth look spiteful mutant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe Spiteful Mutants...
Just look at this paedo, seriously that is the face of a man who wants to babysit your 6 year old boy...

>> No.14633819


>> No.14633839
File: 40 KB, 640x628, yw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my political enemies just have a bunch of psychological problems, here is some super scientific research that proves it

>> No.14633862


>> No.14633869

I only support nazism and fascism as immanentization of dialectical force, the same way I would support any subversive socialist tendency in a closed fascist state.
The opposition and its immanence in the other’s domain does not necessarily lead to its opposite, but it opens a wider way to the historical process

>> No.14633895

Yeah, it's not about right/left or political enemies, he's talking about a subset of traits that cross the political spectrum. Guess you're probably going to go to Workingman's Community College for a welding degree and shake your fist at the rest of the world calling us dumb-dumbs, so carry on.

>> No.14633898

>he's talking about a subset of traits that cross the political spectrum
so basically right wing traits, otherwise name one (1) that is not a right wing trait

>> No.14633908

I was implying that OP should be more open-minded instead of just: authoritarianism = bad

>> No.14633909

Buddy it's extremely racist to look down on people who can't get into university. Jesus

>> No.14633911

you know you can just literally walk into a university, right?

>> No.14633920

Not if insidious patterns of white supremacy have brainwashed you to spend your time gangbanging you fucking racist

>> No.14633929

>more (relevant, appropriate, important) today than it ever was, considering x

Why do people use this phrasing? It seems to be exclusively used for political commentary. It also doesn't add anything to the conversation. Is it just one person does it, it sounds nice so everyone else mindlessly repeats it? Is there something deeper? It doesn't describe or add any context beyond a false sense of urgency/relevance to whatever horseshit the writer is promoting.

>> No.14633943


>> No.14633946

Isnt this generally regarded as one of his weakest works?

>> No.14633954

Do STEMcels have this much of a stigma against tradies? Always seems to be humanitards

>> No.14633965

It's bourgeois white racism against Nascar-Americans

>> No.14633976
File: 327 KB, 1228x1126, cultureofcritique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adorno, Boaz, Gould, etc. BTFO'd


>> No.14633998

It's really good. Read the rest of adorno.
Criticism and hatred of the bourgeoisie and their bullshit grievances and values is healthy anon, but you're mistaken in thinking that the right is anything other than a subsect of that very same group. You've got to rise above defining yourself by what you aren't and start developing some values of your own.
But this will happen naturally once you grow out of your teens.

>> No.14634013

I imagine it's a total coincidence that Adorno chose to look at white Christians in this study and not say Jews

>> No.14634023

It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that there's ten times as many white christians and homogenizing background is standard best practice for sociological study.

>> No.14634038

>Criticism and hatred of the bourgeoisie and their
>implying you aren't bourgeois as fuck

>> No.14634042

oh, so when they do it it's ok

>> No.14634047

>Implying YOU aren't bourgeois as fuck

>> No.14634051

i'm just a humble farmer who shitposts in the evenings

>> No.14634053


>> No.14634054

>those authors

oy vey! no thanks

>> No.14634056

>if I’m snarky I’m right
Do leftards ever get tired of being wrong

>> No.14634058

So in theory you dont have a problem looking at Jewish authoritarianism and 'anti-aryanism'

>> No.14634061

The only philosophy allowed in the New Free World will be taken from the quotations of Chairman Bernie Sanders (Peace be upon Him) which espouse the dangers of critical thinking and the irrefutable moral superiority of equality over freedom, along with analytical arguments against the coherency of individualism and an ethical vindication of the proletariat's right to assassinate billionaires and small business owners. These quotations will be read twice daily from loudspeakers outfitted to monuments of Judith Butler, George Soros and Joseph Stalin. Noam Chomsky's reanimated corpse will be unveiled as the next foreign minister at one of these readings, as will the public renouncement of fascism and subsequent gender reveal of the former-reactionary intellectual Jordanna Peterson. Of course, these proceedings will be conducted in an environmentally sustainable way as per the decree of the Green New Deal, utilizing energy generated by hydroelectric dams fed with the tears of christian evangelicals and straight cis white male prison laborers. This will all be part of the Government's plan to ease the populace into the revelation that in fact 10 gorillion Jews died in the Holocaust, substantially more than previously thought under the repressive fascist/neo-liberal order. I should also not neglect to mention that all musical instruments will be contraband so as to prevent the production of capitalist propaganda in the form of jazz and pop as laid out in the writings of St. Theodor W. Adorno (who will be canonized in the New Church of Progressivism as a crusader for the People's rights).

>> No.14634062

I actually was a farmer for a bit there. But, it depends on your relationship to capital.
The "values" passed down from on high are adopted by the cosmopolitan "elite" who in fact are much more downwardly mobile then they truly realize. A prius with NPR can really make you forget where your loyalties lie.

>> No.14634070


>> No.14634071

Look if you're going to put together a study of any kind, you need to get it through an IRB. THat IRB will slap you silly if there's any chance of confounding variables which necessitates a homogeneous study population. Back in the day you just pulled from white, christian, american people, because that's who you primarily had (still do have) access to.
You see people complaining about this from the other side too, like "oh drug studies don't look specifically at the metabolism of black women blah blah" it's because collecting a shit ton of black women is much harder than collecting a shit ton of white dudes.
Keep going to school bro.

>> No.14634078

>THat IRB will slap you silly if there's any chance of confounding variables which necessitates a homogeneous study population.
sociology already is in shambles, the statistics are atrocious and most of the scholarship will have to be thrown to the garbage, the best predictor is IQ-shit and even that is pure garbage, imagine the rest of it

>> No.14634084

A lot of those "ebil Judeobolsheviks" commonly targeted by stormfags tend to be overtly critical of Jewish identity and religion.

>> No.14634087

I don't see you responding to anything I said. You're just scrambling for pre-programmed talking points. It's sad.
Adorno's work is good scholarship combined with good cultural analysis, no amount of "herrr but muh infographs muh meme books" is going to diminish his accomplishments or the convenience of his work in understanding the modern cultural landscape.

>> No.14634091

name one (1) prediction Adorno successfully made or a program he successfully implemented which achieved its aim

>> No.14634092


>> No.14634094

You could easily apply Adorno's methods to the Israeli population

>> No.14634099

MacDonald's book is pretty well respected and widely read. He isnt some nut writing from a trailer in Idaho.

>> No.14634104

>Le goalpost move
Fuck off. Adorno is explanatory. Dude's not a weather man.
Go read. You're on a /literature/ board, you must read something.

>> No.14634115
File: 638 KB, 349x188, Nicholson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-b-but he wasn't in israel
Maybe you should finally get your GED, go to college, and become a sociologist and YOU can produce random studies like you seem to be demanding, you fat fucking retard

>> No.14634117

>. Adorno is explanatory.
ie. entirely arbitrary bullshit that is politically convenient for him and his followers
lmao at you and your brain

>> No.14634122

I see it's simply a coincidence that nobody applies this criticism to Israel or Jewish people.

>> No.14634124

Just go read dude. That's all I ask is you read some books.

>> No.14634129

>Adorno is explanatory
>if i believe it's true, then it's true
fucking kek, if you want to do philosophy or literature that's fine, but don't call it social research if it's not

>> No.14634139

Im reading Mein Kampf, it's a very valuable 'explanatory' work

>> No.14634140

Except for you and your vanguard of intellectual bad boys, don't forget

>> No.14634146

That's literally all literature other than STEM and trade journals.
Cool, after you're done read marx. wouldn't want to only read things which conform to one specific retarded worldview.

This is why nobody bothers talking to you guys. You slowly realize you're trying to reason with fucking retards. After I post this you're gonna strut around like you "won" or something.

>> No.14634152

bad boys?? We are trying to help the Jewish people, if they don't address their ethnocentrism and racism they will not survive. They need african migrants

>> No.14634156

>That's literally all literature other than STEM and trade journals.
so why did Adorno write for an institute of social research if he just was doing literature?

>> No.14634157

Dude I'm no fan of isreal, I think you're confusing me with your dad.

>> No.14634172

Marx actually agrees that the Jews need to let go of their perverse tribal identity

>> No.14634198

It's funny that bourgeois liberal whites think that being racist and disparaging towards other whites will mean that POC will spare them mercy when they eventually take over and begin implementing discriminatory policies against whites.

>> No.14634221

>wouldn't want to only read things which conform to one specific retarded worldview.
You can't even refute any of the arguments put forward by people here, which, in reality, shows that you do not read anything which does not conform to your own worldview.
You're such a pseud.

>> No.14634230

that poll showing white liberals as the most self hating group is pretty eye opening. even bill maher has turned on "woke whites"

>> No.14634249

Bill maher greatly encouraged the proliferation of this anti-white extremism in its nascent state so it's pretty redundant if he turns around and pretends to oppose it now

>> No.14634255

Its like being around that guy whos only form of humor is self-depracating, just gets annoying after a while