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/lit/ - Literature

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14618401 No.14618401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14618404

naw fiction is

>> No.14618417

What is distracting him though?

>> No.14618435

I love how girls marry useless pieces of shit to rape their pussy because they never had sex without alcohol and then are sad their whole lives because their husbando is a fucking retard

>> No.14618459

No, but virtue-signalling-self-help books are (ie self-help for minorities).

>> No.14618561

buy the book to find out!

>> No.14618573

I have none of this.

>> No.14618589

The fact that a thread died for this

>> No.14618613

His depression.

>> No.14618627


>> No.14618662
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Bad books are the lowest form of literature.
Filling the header with the body of your thread is also pretty low too, fyi

>> No.14618679

>bad is bad
Thank you Butterfly!

>> No.14618689
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Yw bby

>> No.14618701

The third bitch outside the window

>> No.14618706

his intuition that nothing is real and all he has achieved was just him following the programming on his 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th circuit

>> No.14618723

Are you depressed? Most of the depressed people I've met have just been supremely ungrateful and need to experience real hardship more than they need to be coddled

>> No.14618732

I've read the Science of psycho-cybernetics which kinda falls into the self help category and I must say that I've learned quite a lot from it. Would definitely recommend

>> No.14618749


>> No.14618750

Not depressed, but extremely high-strung if that counts for anything. I did have a rough upbringing.

>> No.14618868

I love that of all those things in that pic, I only have two: the "good" friends and the "pet".

>> No.14619130

>you're just a pussy
yeah, all right man

>> No.14619137

Get on that 5th circuit shit then

>> No.14619145

The chemicals in his brain.

>> No.14619153

/lit/ loves to hate on self help books but look at all the venting threads on here. You all could use them instead of using 4chan as a therapist lmao

>> No.14619168
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If good ones are found, they compare them to their theological texts. If they go against what they want they’re rejected

>> No.14619242

Self-pity, inflated expectations, lack of gratitude

>> No.14619285

I think lots of men are sad because they do stupid shit like get accounting and engineering degrees and work towards 'a family'. You will eventually earn a family if you work towards something that isn't a miserable stamp of parental approval.

probably shouldn't take my advice though I'm saving up to buy a katana and pepper spraying myself.

>> No.14619467


>> No.14619480

>If they go against what they want they’re rejected
More like If they go against what they are fixed to believe as truth they’re rejected.

>> No.14619496


>> No.14619498

being in a relationship causes depression
having sex will ruin your life
also this fag eats cookies like a toddler, the tea is good

>> No.14619601
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bugman get a soul

>> No.14619602

>being in a relationship causes depression
>having sex will ruin your life
This is all true. I was outgoing and confident until my teens where I had a very traumatic relationship that lasted a number of years. It completely changed me into a neurotic and nervous shut in.

>> No.14619627

What does this book say?

>> No.14619630

why is trying to improve yourself so looked down upon by the resentful midwits here?

>> No.14619684

People who rrad this trash don't want seriously to improve themselves

>> No.14619688

That isn't what the problem with self-help books are and you know it. There isn't anything wrong with self-improvement, but there is something wrong with what is basically middling propaganda made by yuppie scabs for the poor fucks who want to be like them.

>> No.14619691

I got nuttin but tea

>> No.14619700
File: 20 KB, 300x325, MeisterE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of self development is self destruction, you will realize you need to build a castle only to destroy it to find the treasure within

>> No.14619717

Yes. Real wisdom and virtue is what makes all the greatest books great. The lowest common denominator just turns to self-help books because they need everything spoon fed to them.

>> No.14619761

Literally everything in the image. It's all externals, distraction from the spiritual war

>> No.14619813

Yep, they're not really depressed. How can they be depressed when they have cookies! Matter of fact, why don't doctors just prescribe tea and cookies instead of lexapro? It'd save people so much money!

>> No.14619839

You need the other elements in the pic too

>> No.14620474
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IMHO self-help books are great; the problem is that most of them are written by people who are just learning the material themselves.

>> No.14620485

Female lack of logic annihilated.

>> No.14620563

its called ego.
If you are not reading my favorite philosopher you are scum.
My dad made me read one of those when i was a kid and i cant help but think about it from time to time, it helped me fight mediocrity and always look up a better way. Baby steps sure, but it made me a better person.

>> No.14620578


>> No.14620681

it's the most practically useful form literature. While you escape to your fantasy world with fiction, people out there are reading to improve themselves. The genre is filled to the brim with terrible writers, but so is every other genre
I loved the young pope and am enjoying the new one. Should I expect the same quality from The Great Beauty?

>> No.14620691

>memehack toolle
it's ok to be a brainlet anon, but some people actually like engineering

>> No.14620843

It was a good film. Just midlife crisis stuff, but I liked it.

>> No.14621277

But i LITERALLY do not have any of these things, and i'm not particularly remarkable either.
Are normalfags really that smoothbrained.

>> No.14621285

It appears to say 'loneliness'

>> No.14621316

capitalism, liberalism, nationalism, pop-culture, death of the community

>> No.14621323

>psychologically abused by father
>bullied for 5 years across highschool

>nah you're a pussy

>> No.14621459
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His GF is flat as a board, he's fantazising about a proper woman.

>> No.14621462

guys... I don't have any of those things.

>> No.14621835

I've met with hardships in health much worse than those that I struggled with in depression, and I've known that in depression and yet still struggled. It has
nothing to do with coddling. It's not a rational state any more than health or joy or love is.

>> No.14621841

>no goals achieved
>no real friends except one
>shitty tea and no cookies
>no pet
>nobody other than parents who love me
Still i'm not depressed, funny how that works

>> No.14621846


>> No.14621864

> titty fixation
Are you literally a child?

>> No.14621920

Educational books, including self-help books aren't literature. They're tools.

>> No.14621926

Most people who create self-help content used their methods to help themselves but generally the method is very specific to the problems they had so it's never a universal solution.

Generally, you're the most qualified person to help yourself, you just need to work on being self-aware and proactive.

>> No.14622056

t. flat roastie

>> No.14622073

I'm working on one for the 4chan audience that will foucs on self-improvement, fitness, talking to people, and other general advice. I'm hoping you all read it but I feel like maybe 100 anons will read it. Whatever, it is getting written anyway.

>> No.14622126

Fuck you, engineering is great

>> No.14622367

>Your problems aren’t important because of all things you have you ungrateful shit
>There are starving children in Africa!!!
This is the most bullshit and unhelpful advice. “Just stop feeling bad, you have no reason to!” Worse than “just be yourself”.

>> No.14622448

She also has proper hips.

>> No.14622490

flat is better aesthetics

>> No.14622628

>not liking big titty
Are you literally a homosexual?

>> No.14622659

Pleb filtered

>> No.14622689
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impulsive tit worship is only one step above the negros' impulsive ass worship; and both are nothing against a proper individual-relative, physical proportionality–based, holistic sense of erotic aesthetics.

>> No.14622695

Liking large tits is a sign of low-IQ.

>> No.14622723

this but i've never been happier

>> No.14622744

Self-Help books are great, just as long as you realize that the self the books are helping is only the author’s. By, y’know, helping themselves to your money.

>> No.14622751

fag and nancy cope. You're not a proper man if you can't at least appreciate fertile proportions.

>> No.14622758

It's ok to be flat, most of the girls I've dated have been like you, carpenter's dreams: flat as a board and easy to nail.

>> No.14622761

Well obviously there are people who like it. I'm talking about the John Does who don't know what to major in and pick engineering because it's a well respected career. They only chose it over Business school because they were decent at math in high school.

>> No.14622777

tit size has little to do with fertility and that is also not what anyone is saying, but that tits and tit size for their own take is cumbrain nonsense.

>> No.14622781
File: 206 KB, 960x768, pb quote understanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are hung up on the map you use to understand the world you will never get past it to the actual territory.

>> No.14622784

kys tripfag

>> No.14622800

It's not your fault! bam depression solved

>> No.14623147

Do your own work faggot.

>> No.14623178

how can we transcend the map when the self is a map feature, not a territory feature. "I" is a lie we write down in the map, so how can we actually leave it?

>> No.14623183

>t. sheltered rich cunt who has never experienced any hardship
Every person I've met who told me I should be more grateful comes from a rich family. You scumbags are completely out of touch. If you're not gonna help your fellow man at least don't kick us while we're down

>> No.14623206

they're not literature at all.

>> No.14623342

Not liking large tits is a sign of a faggot or a pedophile

>> No.14623363

i would argue liking big tits is a sign of being a cuck since big tits are a sign of pregnancy and motherhood

>> No.14623390

That association with motherhood would probably make it a sign of having mommy-issues, which I definitely have. Conflating pregnancy and motherhood with cuckoldry immediately is an extremely unhealthy attitude, surely it would be best to be attracted to the idea of impregnating a woman to make her tits get big, similar to the work of the architect.