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/lit/ - Literature

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14617037 No.14617037 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have a superhero story without pictures? Not comics, just pure literature story about superpowered people in the modern era. Who are the Gilgameshes and Herculeses thriving in the 21st century?

>> No.14617141

I think that Wildcards series by George RR Martin and many other authors is basically this.

But the problem is so much of superhero iconography is visual. Sitting there writing a paragraph about somebody's spandex bodysuit or how the claws come out of their arms is fucking dumb. It's the kind of stuff that makes sense when you can see it but is too abstract to be clear without a lot of explanation. Try to write a paragraph describing Wolverine's powers. He's got claws. Like, instead of fingernails? No, you have to specify they come out between his knuckles. Etc etc, it bogs things down too much.

>> No.14617163

Since critics who have the read book are embarassed and afraid to say anything critical about a black political figure (and shame on them) I’ll just tell you Ta-nehisi Coates new book is loterally the story of a super smart slave boy who finds out he has super powers and then is recruited into the Underground Railroad with another super-powered black teen by Harriet Tubman as their pseudo-Charles-Xavier
The book is naturally revolting garbage, but the lesson for you, OP, is that like many ventures in modern culture: you COULD do it, it would probably suck, but it would help to be black.

>> No.14617169

Is being black a superpower?

>> No.14617170

Worm is actually pretty compelling.
I wouldn't say it's "good" or "well written" but I read one chapter out of curiosity and next thing I knew I had finished it.

>> No.14617714

third class superhero is a decent short story

>> No.14617896

>Is it possible to have a superhero story without pictures?
Yes it's called Doc Savage

>> No.14618308

Yes you fucking autistic retard. Whether they would possess literary merit is a completely different story however (but the short answer is no)

>> No.14618340

>Worm is actually pretty compelling.
I tried to read it before but dropped it after overexposure to flavorless prose and the complete nonsense that was going on, what's so "compelling" about it? That it subverts the superhero story? Who the fuck cares about this? The only thing "compelling" about it is that it has such an absurdly huge fanfic scene over at Spacebattles despite being total schlock.

>> No.14618508
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Read Worm.

>> No.14619280
