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File: 159 KB, 1900x1068, ug-krishnamurti-1-1900x1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14614817 No.14614817 [Reply] [Original]

>You think when you don't want to do anything. Thinking is a poor alternative to acting. Your thinking is consuming all your energy. Act, don't think!

>Food, clothing and shelter — these are the basic needs. Beyond that, if you want anything, it is the beginning of self-deception.

>It [thought] is a mechanical thing and can solve only mechanical problems. But you want to use it to understand something living; that is the problem. It is not intended for that. Human problems are something living. You cannot use thinking to solve those problems.

>My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody.

>I don't give a hoot for a sixth-century-BC Buddha, let alone all the other claimants we have in our midst. They are a bunch of exploiters, thriving on the gullibility of the people. There is no power outside of man. Man has created God out of fear. So the problem is fear and not God.

>I discovered for myself and by myself that there is no self to realize. That's the realization I am talking about. It comes as a shattering blow. It hits you like a thunderbolt. You have invested everything in one basket, self-realization, and, in the end, suddenly you discover that there is no self to discover, no self to realize.

>Our mind (and there are no individual minds — only "mind", which is the accumulation of man's knowledge and experience) has created the notion of the psyche and evolution

>It is the ones who believe in God, who preach peace and talk of love, who have created the human jungle. Compared to man's jungle, nature's jungle is simple and sensible! In nature animals don't kill their own kind. That is part of the beauty of nature. In this regard man is worse than the other animals. The so-called "civilized" man kills for ideals and beliefs, while the animals kill only for survival

Is UG Krishnamurti the final boss?

>> No.14614846

No. Surface level nietzsche and rousseau with neither the depth of either, and the predilection to wax poorly in a holyier than thou manor without the skill nor the wit ti do it successfully or novely.

>> No.14614882
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>being this wrong
>not understanding UG
>not knowing Nietzsche called the Indians God tier in philosophy

>> No.14614884

>That is part of the beauty of nature. In this regard man is worse than the other animals. The so-called "civilized" man kills for ideals and beliefs, while the animals kill only for survival

>> No.14614887

>>not knowing Nietzsche called the Indians God tier in philosophy
I'm gonna need a sauce for that, but you probably never even read him directly. Most likely you heard about him appreciating the cast system and misunderstood it as an appreciation of their philosophy.

>> No.14614888

How is he not correct?

>> No.14614897

>appreciating cast system
where? I remember him saying that the law of manu is one of the most repulsive thing for a westerner.

>> No.14614900

Schopenhaur, Kant, Nietzsche were all influenced by the Indians

>> No.14614921

Animals do kill members of their own species lmao

>> No.14614930

Do they kill millions for ideas?

>> No.14614943


>> No.14614948

>in nature animals don't kill their own kind.
Different statement than the other. anyways, objectively false and is a feels who is we humanity statement.

>> No.14614950

Ugh. What a retarded and shallow thinker he is (yes, a thinker). Thanks for posting this and sparing my time.

>> No.14614952

The point is to show how neurotic and hopeless humans are

>> No.14614960

>Antichrist / 57
Der Antichrist
One catches the unholiness of Christian means in flagranti by the simple process of putting the ends sought by Christianity beside the ends sought by the Code of Manu—by putting these enormously antithetical ends under a strong light. The critic of Christianity cannot evade the necessity of making Christianity contemptible.—A book of laws such as the Code ofManu has the same origin as every other good law-book: it epitomizes the experience, the sagacity and the ethical experimentation of long centuries; it brings things to a conclusion; it no longer creates. The prerequisite to a codification of this sort is recognition of the fact that the means which establish the authority of a slowly and painfully attained truth are fundamentally different from those which one would make use of to prove it. A law-book never recites the utility, the grounds, the casuistical antecedents of a law: for if it did so it would lose the imperative tone, the "thou shalt", on which obedience is based. The problem lies exactly here.—At a certain point in the evolution of a people, the class within it of the greatest insight, which is to say, the greatest hindsight and foresight, declares that the series of experiences determining how all shall live—or can live—has come to an end. The object now is to reap as rich and as complete a harvest as possible from the days of experiment and hard experience. In consequence, the thing that is to be avoided above everything is further experimentation—the continuation of the state in which values are fluent, and are tested, chosen and criticized ad infinitum. Against this a double wall is set up: on the one hand, revelation, which is the assumption that the reasons lying behind the laws are not of human origin, that they were not sought out and found by a slow process and after many errors, but that they are of divine ancestry, and came into being complete, perfect, without a history, as a free gift, a miracle…; and on the other hand, tradition, which is the assumption that the law has stood unchanged from time immemorial, and that it is impious and a crime against one's forefathers to bring it into question. The authority of the law is thus grounded on the thesis: God gave it, and the fathers lived it.—The higher motive of such procedure lies in the design to distract consciousness, step by step, from its concern with notions of right living (that is to say, those that have been proved to be right by wide and carefully considered experience), so that instinct attains to a perfect automatism—a primary necessity to every sort of mastery, to every sort of perfection in the art of life. To draw up such a law-book as Manu's means to lay before a people the possibility of future mastery, of attainable perfection—it permits them to aspire to the highest reaches of the art of life. To that end the thing must be made unconscious: that is the aim of every holy lie.
Antichrist 57

>> No.14614961
File: 125 KB, 640x820, u-g-krishnamurti-610426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Real silence is explosive; it is not the dead state of mind that spiritual seekers think. This is volcanic in its nature; it's bubbling all the time--the energy, the life--that is its quality.

*The Natural State is a state of great sensitivity--but this is a physical sensitivity of the senses, not some kind of emotional compassion or tenderness for others. There is compassion only in the sense that there are no 'others' for me, and so there is no separation

*The knowledge creates experience, and the experience strengthens knowledge. This is a vicious circle.

*All gurus are welfare organizations providing petty experiences to their followers. The guru game is a profitable industry; try and make two million dollars a year any other way.

*Whether you are interested in Moksha,Liberation, Freedom, Transformation, you name it, or you are interested in happiness without one moment of unhappiness, pleasure without pain, it is the same thing.

*The questioner is nothing but the answers. That is really the problem. We are not ready to accept this answer because it will put an end to the answers which we have accepted for ages as the real answers.

*Nature is interested in only two things--to survive and to reproduce one like itself. Anything you superimpose on that, all the cultural input, is responsible for the boredom of man.

>> No.14614968
File: 44 KB, 564x411, b65ce0fb83d8b23b9b11d0fb4ddc56ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*The human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body. Therefore anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive.

*It is terror, not love, not brotherhood that will help us to live together. Until this message percolates to the level of human consciousness, I don't think there is any hope.

*Anything you experience based on knowledge is an illusion.

*There is no such thing as truth. The only thing that is actually there is your 'logically' ascertained premise, which you call truth.

*The body does not exist except as a thought. There is one thought. Everything exists in relationship to that one thought. That thought is 'me'. Anything you experience based on thought is illusion.

*The day man experienced the consciousness that made him feel separate and superior to the other forms of life, at that moment he began sowing the seeds of his own destruction.

*All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you, in the harmonious functioning of the body.

*You love fear. The ending of fear is death, and you don't want that to happen. I am not talking of wiping out the phobias of the body. They are necessary for survival. The death of fear is the only death.

>> No.14614969

They don't have the organizational and the technical power to do so.
But rival chimp tribes do genocide each other.

>> No.14614983

Chimps are fairly close to humans

>> No.14614991
File: 99 KB, 823x455, ug_on_knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UG is the final boss who achieved something rare, liberation while all your western philosopher's feed you mental masterbators more concepts and ideas to jerk off too.

>> No.14615012

How evolutionary separate do the animals in question have to be?
Anyway even fish tend to attack members of their own species in territorial conflicts.

>> No.14615016

He had some basic non-dual experience and thought he was unique because of it. He was just a bitter pessimist who modified his beliefs slightly in face of his ""enlightenment""

>> No.14615027

BTW wolf's and lions murder each other more often than humans kill members of their own species.

>> No.14615030
File: 125 KB, 798x495, Ug_thought sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. You don't understand UG you reductionist brainlet. Those you described are momentary "mystical" experiences. If you actually read UG you would know he was as anti mysticism, anti enlightenment, anti spirituality, as anyone. UG wanted all "gurus" killed

>> No.14615037

Without society and law we'd be all doing that in mass you retard

>> No.14615050

A group of people living together is a society, you can't get rid of it retard

>> No.14615056

If he was anti guru, he would shut up

>> No.14615057

Industrialized society I should have said and law

>> No.14615061

He did, people wouldn't stop bothering him, people wrote books for him and paid for his living without him asking

>> No.14615082

There are always laws in every human group whether they are written or not

>> No.14615090

The point was animals are far more natural than the neurotic human. This isn't even debatable lol

>> No.14615106

And the point is there isn't anything good about that.

>> No.14615113

There are some good quotes among dumb ones. But still, the good ones were already said by the “spiritual seekers” he critiques so much in a much more profound manner.
He is weak.

>> No.14615119

People would come to him from all over to ask him questions so inevitably that would be the case. Language is limited

>> No.14615170

So because people asked, it was inevitable that he say a bunch of stupid shit while repeating a couple of good thoughts, only more simplistically? Well yeah, I guess for him this was inevitable indeed.

>> No.14615175

Share me quotes from your favorite philsophfrauds

>> No.14615204
File: 18 KB, 559x263, AD7BDA74-4740-4BA0-AFA7-231B315D4D19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon

>> No.14615360

no, they were influenced by the orientalists distorting indian philosophy. they didn't know better so we can't hold them accountable but in the end whatever they studied about eastern doctrines is 100% false.

>> No.14615379

I don't know fren, sounds like discount store Dao to me

>> No.14615403


>> No.14615417

as always with Nietzsche the nuance is subtle, yet he is philosophising with a sledgehammer.

he is apparently using the first three classes of Manu here as a good example with spiritual, warrior and skilled labour castes... but in Twilight of the Idols he is heavily criticising Manu for having systematised a 5th class of duhumanised, worthless "subhumans" in the Chandala.

>> No.14615434

the real question here is whether Krishnamurti is the indian Foucault? aka, find out what happens when Foucault stops being academic-evasive, and starts getting real

>> No.14615446

Humans only pretend to have ideals

>> No.14615911


>> No.14617078

What I always find strange is that he seems to attract a lot of new-age type of people who are looking for ~*enlightenment*~ when he quite explicitly shits on all that stuff. Am I missing something?