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14610765 No.14610765 [Reply] [Original]

what unskilled job will allow me the most unsupervised time with no responsibilities that will allow me to read books on the clock? i just applied to a bunch of security guard jobs, but i am wondering if there are other jobs that i should be looking for which will allow me the same amount of liberty (daytime shift obviously preferred but i don't mind working other shifts)
i hope this is on topic, if not my apologies

>> No.14610784
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>Not going into law or med school
Never gonna make it

>> No.14610787

>i hope this is on topic
of course it isn't, but it doesn't matter anyway considering how much of a shitty board this is
anyway, just find yourself a rich wife so that you can experience the true lit life

>> No.14610794

Both are actually pretty bad for return on investment in comparison to business degrees, but carry on

>> No.14610796

Night clerk at a crappy hotel

>> No.14610808
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>Basing his life and education based on how much he will earn

>> No.14610852

I'm about to graduate and go to grad school for history (which involves a shitload of reading). Girl I'm seeing is a proofreader.

>> No.14610869

Pretty based, what specialization of history?

>> No.14610871

What job do you expect to have with that sort of degree?

>> No.14610872

International relations.

>> No.14610882

That I'm going to grad school should make it pretty obvious what my intended career path is.

>> No.14610917

Pretty based, gl with that anon

>> No.14610947

Are there any EMTs here? I don't really care about money, I just want to find a career that will enable me to help people and take pride in my work. I'm thinking about signing up for the basic certification course, which is just under $2k in my state, and volunteering at my local fire department until I can get hired. I've heard getting hired is very difficult due to the high number of applicants.

>> No.14611241

What made you settle on grad school and how hard was it to get in?

I ask this because I’m also an IR student about to graduate and am unsure if I want to do grad school.

>> No.14611386
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its really a pot luck, there aren't really any jobs that are like this across the board any more. Your best bet it is to get into a really huge company and hop between departments as much as you can. The quirks of the bureaucracy will mean some departments will have 1/4 as many staff as they need and another with have 4x more than they need. Most managers are there to whine at you and bully you in to doing overtime but there are a few who just lock themselves in their offices and never bother you.

>> No.14611423

>pretty bad for return on investment
ROI doesnt mean anything if you can only invest in a single degree, or rather a single job/career. did you actually go to business school? you should probably get your money back, it doesnt appear like you learned anything

>> No.14611482

I read on the job a ton when I worked in security. I can’t really think of any job that would allow for that more.

>> No.14611496 [DELETED] 

> law and medicine are shitty degrees
> business is better

Someone lied to you, son.

>> No.14611506

Any books on coping with wagecuckery and not ending up like batleboy?

>> No.14611582

I settled on grad school because being a professor is the best way to get your foot in the door in the profession, and if you want to be a professor, you need to go to grad school.

That depends on where you're applying and what your GPA in the relevant area is.

>> No.14611594

>Hey /lit/ how do I get paid to do literally nothing?
If I ever figure this out, you'll be the first to know.

>> No.14611601

>not taking the cop pill

>comfy 4 month academy, make lifelong friends
>if you’re a good candidate, a PD pays you to go through
>meet wide variety of people throughout your day
>hook and book scumbags
>decent pay, minimal education required

>> No.14611631
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Enter seminary
>free stipend
>4 years of postgraduate education, 8 years of education total if you didn't go to undergrad (all free)
>tons of free time to read during course of education
>become a priest after you finish and enjoy the most /lit/ lifestyle in existence
>become part of a nearly two millennia old society of philosopher-kings
>no need to worry about bills, finances and retirement and other nonsense
>time to read, time to do meaningful work
>celibacy (semen retention) gives you the superpowers needed to read as much as you want

>> No.14611656

I failed the oral, but am still on the list. Any tips?

>> No.14611672

but i don't believe in god

>> No.14611761

1. Research the department you are applying for. Know their values, mission statement, organizational structure, and anything else you can find out. Go on rides longs to learn more
2. I know it’s a stupid tip, but be yourself and let a bit of your personality come through in the interview.
3. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t make it at first. Keep casting a wide net. I’m in the academy right now and several of the guys got rejected 2 or 3 times before they got picked up by a department.
4. Other guys put themselves through the academy, and often departments are willing to reimburse them for tuition if they get hired.

>> No.14611804

Lad, you are in for it.

>> No.14611832

All of the cops I know seem pretty miserable, desu. Mind you they spend all of their off time eating, drinking, and smoking just like the blue collars who are miserable, but in their case the job really does seem to wear on them. How has it been for you?

>> No.14611865

I’m in the academy right now, so I don’t know how I’ll handle it. The key seems to be not to get sucked into the whole “work is life” thing that many cops do. I’m only qualified to give tips on how to get hired lol

>> No.14611913

NEET is the only /lit/ job
all the greatest writers did manly work when they were young and became /lit/ NEETs in their thirties

>> No.14611936

neet, monk, night watch security guard

>> No.14611944
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The army would make a lot of sense. I hear you have a lot of downtime so you can fill that with reading. Also the traveling would bring inspiration for writing. I hear it's quite boring, obviously due to the lack of conflict, but i assume that's what you're looking for. Of course joining the army would take a considerably amount of dedication and effort. More so than some gig at as night guard

>> No.14611967

> being a doctor or lawyer will give me the free time to read

>> No.14611975


>> No.14611980

If you are a girl, become a Booktuber.

>> No.14612000
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Well considering the competitiveness of those industries, not having a job would give you plenty of time to read

>> No.14612054

does looking kind of like one with the right light and lots of optimism count

>> No.14612495

Just join the military and do an intelligence/cyber trade for a few years and then get a sweet job with your security clearance and military experience

>> No.14612518

>the two most easily automated white collar jobs

>> No.14612528

>>the two most easily automated white collar jobs
That would be accounting or paralegals

>> No.14612558

"Return on investment" only applies to Burgers with stupidly high student loans that they'll never be able to pay. This is not a problem in many countries. For example, my student loans are not only relatively low, but also interest free as long as I stay in New Zealand.

>> No.14612572

20% of the newly entering class are either religiously agnostic or atheistic, by the 3rd year, this number rises to almost 1/3.

>> No.14612587

none of this is true except semen retention. priests have extremely little free time, they work longer than average hours and are expected to spend their free time on ritual.

>> No.14612690

This. One of my friends is a Catholic priest, he works like 12 days, every day.

>> No.14612719

Why would anyone be friends with a priest?

>> No.14612744

They're interesting people.

>> No.14614116


>> No.14614173

just maim yourself and begome neeto