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14575619 No.14575619 [Reply] [Original]

Should I hide my misogynistic books and hentai manga from my gf? Do you hide what you read from your relatives?

>> No.14575629

You don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.14575633

I wish I had a misogynistic gf
you'd think a girl that hates other girls wouldn't be so rare but

>> No.14575764

Why just hide? This a temporary gf?

>> No.14575963

No, you should share them with her so she knows what you like in bed :)

>> No.14576072

how funny are the sogs? Are they like " 'Cats' by Not By Louis Wain" funny?

>> No.14576934

> hentai manga
Get rid of it, porn is degenerate
> misogynistic books
Display them proudly to make sure your gf knows her place

>> No.14577031

I leave my Comic LO stash in display for everyone to see

>> No.14577125

you should show them to her
just be cool about it

>> No.14577569
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Why yes, I do have a lifetime Comic LO subscription, how could you tell?

>> No.14577583

>temporary gf
Of course she is temporary and will wither away along with this material world since they are engaging in modernist sex without being joined by the sacrament of marriage.

>> No.14577618

Girls who hate most all other girls are quite common, but most are not motivated to feel that way by a genuine sense of misogyny. It's usually a general weariness and wariness of the catty fakeness immature girls and maladjusted women tend to display. A woman is more likely to talk shit behind your back, while a man will usually tell you to fuck off to your face. A lot of people on this website seem to think the phenomenon of girls who do their best to project an image of being "not like other girls" is some kind of ploy for male attention. It is, but not usually for the sexual attention commonly assumed by guys. It often has more to do with an inability to feel comfortable around their female peers. A similar phenomenon can be observed in boys in more locations with more rigid social organization who find themselves bullied in school or looked down on in daily life for not being able to adequately fit into traditional masculine social spheres. Some of them are naturally more feminine and so they fit well with girls, but those who are not innately feminine in nature adopt effeminacy (effeminacy=/=femininity) as a means of attempting to fit in. This also accounts for the difference between naturally masculine girls (tomboys/butches) and the "not like other girls" crowd.
>t. femanon who has associated mostly with guys her whole life

>> No.14577664

>modernist sex
"Modernist sex" is sex in "the sacrament of marriage."
You are the degenerates going against nature

>> No.14577672

Meganei's doujins are god tier

>> No.14577686

This amount of self-awareness is rare among women (at least as far as I know).

>> No.14577734

>misogynistic books
like what?

>> No.14577764
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Thanks. It's my gnosticism and apparent inability to form and maintain normal relationships with other people.

>> No.14577772

hiding anything from your partner isnt a great idea. you should just maintain a level of trust, you know?

>> No.14577792

this. both of you can partake in reading about delicious cunny.

>> No.14577911
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>i do make all my girls read schopenhauer on the first date. how could you tell?

>> No.14577943
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a while ago i had a couple of eros comix books at home. like pink sniper by kengo yonekura
they weren't hidden but they weren't out in the open either. just on a bookcase with loads of other normal stuff
my girl at the time found them and took them back to her place. later she told me she masturbated with them
not sure what my current girl would make of them. might put them in a more prominent place on the bookcase for her to find them

>> No.14577948

wow i've just seen what copies of pink sniper sell for now. good thing i got it back from her

>> No.14577964

there's a copy of My Mother sitting on my bedside table. my family doesn't read so it just sits there

>> No.14578904

bump. Also just got one of these gf things and I wonder if I should hide my manga and light novels now.

>> No.14579046

Commit suicide.

>> No.14579224

Please differentiate between a distaste for nearly all women and the characteristics they exhibit, and genuine misogyny.

>> No.14579386

My relatives mostly don't care what I read.
I've exposed my girlfriend to "misogynistic" books and essays on evolutionary psychology, she likes to discuss them even.

>> No.14579759
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Why do you read Hentais if you have a gf anon?

>> No.14579879

When I said "most all," it was hyperbole. A general wariness of women is not the same as a universal hatred of all women. Is being wary and cautious around a group of African-American teenagers in gang attire attributable to racism if you would not feel the same around a group of older African-Americans leaving their church or sitting in a cafe? If the majority of African-American teenagers you encounter in your daily life are like the former youths, does it make you racist to be wary of them when you would certainly not be wary of them were they more wholesome in nature? Most of these women who behave in a "not like other girls" manner do not possess a universal disgust with or hatred for women as a whole like many incels do, just those who behave or present themselves in a way they cannot understand or abide by.
Tuts mir Leid. Ich bin schon verliebt.

>> No.14579950

>being "not like other girls" is some kind of ploy for male attention
genuinely every woman i've ever seen like this is a turbo whore fucking multiple members of the male friend group she joins so they keep her around. and all of them lack any of the female traits that would make them a competent mother.
you can prove me wrong by posting beef curtains.

>> No.14579962

Explain why degeneracy is bad

>> No.14579986

it rots the soul

>> No.14580042


>> No.14580075

because it isn't what God designed us to pursue
>is a sin and thus a degeneracy (departure from the right and proper)
>makes you fat and kill you
You can also do this with sloth, lechery etc.

>> No.14580114

What are some good mysoginistic books?

>> No.14580121

This but the opposite.

>> No.14580152

I wouldn't call this misogynistic per se but F. Roger Devlin's Sexual Utopia in Power, Schopenhauer's essay On Women (a high recommend, very fun to read) and Wittgenstein's Sex and Character (i may be misremembering the title) may be of interest to you

>> No.14580354

>On Women
based beyond based

>> No.14580575

so good. my favorite part is the section on why the ancient greeks didnt allow women into theaters to watch the plays (it was so that they would be able to hear the performance without feminid chirping and cacawing)

>> No.14580759

Yeah whatever you say tranny.

>> No.14580829

>Wittgenstein's Sex and Character