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14572397 No.14572397 [Reply] [Original]

Does Mein Kampf classify as an academic text and belong to the canons of sociology and philosophy during the early 20th century? Does the book make legitimate claims and theories and support it with evidences?

>> No.14572419

Memoir of a guy who took a broken country and nearly conquered the world with it. The real, historical support for his views alone legitimizes it. Outside religious texts its hard to think of a book with more evidence of support.

>> No.14572519

In a sane world it would be considered a classic of political philosophy like The Prince, Leviathan, etc.

>> No.14572559

Mein Kampf is basically his diary desu, so no

>> No.14572589

>In a sane world it would be considered a classic of political philosophy like The Prince, Leviathan, etc.
I admire Hitler, but is this really true? Politically its originality can be traced back to people such as Feder. It's still a classic, but maybe not quite of philosophy.

>> No.14572610

It's drivel, apparent to anyone who hasn't gotten a lobotomy.

>> No.14572764
File: 85 KB, 500x305, D21E9CF8-2344-4711-AA37-008A0394DF5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It’s been a few years since I’ve read it but from what I can remember it’s 20% personal biography, 40% biography of the National Socialist Party, and movements preceding it, and 40% political “theory.” I put quotation marks around “theory” because it can only tangentially be considered as such, it’s really his rule book for how he would apply certain political theories.

He doesn’t really answer the “why” behind questions like eugenics or any or his other beliefs, he just asserts that they should be put into practice, no theory, no science, no history of the idea, just an assertion. Every other claim in the book is started similarly, other than possibly the JQ, although even that isn’t looked into with much depth. If you’re interested in the JQ this is a horrible book to read, it covers about 5% (being generous) of the books content, and as previously explained goes into absolutely no depth. Read the International Jew, by Henry Ford if you’re really interested in the JQ, or anything other than this.

Read Evola, Geuenon, Theodore Dalrymple, Savitri Devi, or hell even Mussolini if you’re interested in Reactionary or Fascist philosophy.

Hitler was a man of many talents, But writing was not among them. 2 gassed Kikes out of 5, would not read again.

>> No.14572781
File: 14 KB, 300x250, disgust pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t really answer the “why” behind questions like eugenics or any or his other beliefs,

>> No.14572803

It is a legitimate resource and should be read, unabridged, in order to truly understand national socialism and the 20th century in general, but you'll never get a proper, intellectually honest coverage of it in any university.

>> No.14572817
File: 3.10 MB, 444x250, Hitler cute wave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler seemed to think himself that the book was something of a mistake, remarking negatively on it, but also necessary to a degree.

>> No.14573166


>> No.14573275

It's poorly thought out and put together word vomit.

>> No.14573374

Yeah I'm thinking cringe

>> No.14573380

Only as primary source

>> No.14573594


>> No.14573686

>nearly conquered the world with it
Are you retarded?

>> No.14573693

The real question is should Trifles of a Massacre qualify as an academic text, and the answer is yes.

>> No.14573720

Your bet on his age?

>> No.14573735

DESU, I've heard boomer's say things along this line, so who knows anymore.

>> No.14574181

It is a compilation of speeches with overlapping content.

>> No.14574419

>If the papers are not lambasting you as a madman in the Monday papers then you did not do your job properly on Saturday night
This seems fairly cogent to me.