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14557537 No.14557537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What literature and teachings would you give to your son to prevent him from becoming pic related?

>> No.14557554

I would like to apologize, for OP, for this garbage thread.

>> No.14557558

xe cute
And to answer your question, none. Books can't cure a serious mentall illness.

>> No.14557569
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Sun and Steel

>> No.14557574
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There is nothing wrong with that pic.
I'll wait for one coherent, cogent, logical argument against transpersons that is just whinging appeals to judeo-christian normativity and archaic misconceptions of concepts like male and female. There isn't a single one but I'll wait.

>> No.14557576

Books on clinical mental illness

>> No.14557577

Hi Artin

>> No.14557582

Shouldn't you be dilating, fucktard?

>> No.14557585


>> No.14557586

Bronze age mindset

>> No.14557590

>transgenders have a mental disease
shut the fuck up /pol/tard and actually read a book which isn't backed up by psudeoscience

>> No.14557598

antagonize him from a young age. set high standards and tell him when he's letting you down. challenge him, encourage him to rebel and challenge you. beat him. reward him for bold action alone.

>> No.14557600

>against transpersons
They are mentally ill and suffer from it. We should not encourage their self-destructing behaviour, and we should protect vulnerable children and teens from "trans" fate.

>> No.14557610

>I immenesly suffer from my self-image, to the point of self-castration
>I'm totally healthy and fine, btw

>> No.14557612

you're gonna end up in a retirement home lmao

>> No.14557617

it's not about me, it's about my son. i would face far worse for him.

>> No.14557618

when i transitioned in like 2008 everyone had more or less the same story, they either were feminine as young children or they started to get gender dysphoria around puberty when their body started to change. they knew before they found out what transsexuality was that they were sexually different from other people, that this caused them a great deal of unhappiness and when they found out about transgenderism they were just like "oh, so that's what i am" and that was that. the people who transitioned did so without knowing they would look passable at all, much less even remotely attractive, and yet they did it anyway because their unhappiness with living as a man was so great that even living life as a hon was still better than the alternative
more than ten years later, transgenderism as a concept is almost unrecognizable from what it was when i started. i see stuff from /r/traaaaaaaaaa and it's fucking insane, unhappy and vulnerable people are being convinced they're transgender under the absolute slightest of pretenses, 99% of them seem to be completely normal up until high school or college age where they suddenly start getting "dysphoria" which mysteriously coincides with hanging around other trannies. they go through a "questioning" phase (what the fuck does that even mean? what's there to question? i never "questioned", if you have to ask, the answer is probably "no"). they all seem primarily preoccupied with becoming a pretty girl with lots of friends and sexual attention rather than relieving any innate gender dysphoria ("hurr durr will i pass, will i be pretty, will boys like me, will i get to be a cute anime girl so i can relieve my gender dysphoria?" makes up probably 90% of the posts in such places). this "glamorous lifestyle" comes complete with an anime-inspired aesthetic of young feminine boys like astolfo who get reposted endlessly on such places, further adding to the mystique of modern transgender communities and contrasting sharply with the earlier image of transsexuality as being the realm of either grotesque hons or the occasional decently passable trap like linetrap
the people who fall for this lifestyle often go on to try and convince others to join them in it, reasoning that anyone this works on was an "egg" from the start and they are simply pulling out their "true" self rather than molding others in their own image. this is completely different from how it was when i started, where people found out about gender dysphoria by going out and looking for it and deciding on their own that being a freak was better than living a lie, instead of having to be goaded into it by their "friends" with promises of sexual attention and glamour
i really worry about what will happen to these people in ten years or so, when their youth and beauty fade and the attention stops and their bodies have been mutilated with surgery when they double down on trying to fix their "gender dysphoria" that they never had to start with

>> No.14557623

They're sterile and mentally unstable.

>> No.14557629
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>why yes, I do want capital to exterminate all human cultures and convert the planet into a tranny phyrexia amazon warehouse, why do you ask?

>> No.14557632


>> No.14557637

BAP does offer a vaguely compelling reason for why some boys turn to gay identity

>> No.14557641


The problem is when they cut their dick off, because it's obviously based on delusion that doctors can create a fake vagina

>> No.14557644

Based r-word.

>> No.14557645

>just whinging appeals to judeo-christian normativity
judeo christian normativity is just a string of words meaning "correct"
>archaic misconceptions of concepts like male and female
prove that male and female are bogus concepts. they are the status quo; the burden is on you

>> No.14557647

Pretty based

>> No.14557652

Nick Land hates trannies though.

>> No.14557662

remember how our parents generation had all those permafried failed hippie wash ups?

ruh roh

>> No.14557673


>Butterfly is Truscum

my opinion of you is slightly improved

>> No.14557674

>i am the girlfriend now

a u t o g y n o p h i l i a - i s - a - s e x u a l - f e t i s h

>> No.14557675

Cringe and false.

>> No.14557682

Lots of stuff related to war. The Iliad, Storm of Steel, and some works on Caesar and Alexander's escapades. This works well because you begin to notice how adventure is almost exclusively for men.

>> No.14557685

this is a fun dystopian age

>> No.14557689

"argument against transpersons"
Argument for why the world would be better off without them? I mean really it's hard enough to convince them that they should be alive let alone anyone else. They're dysgenic dysfunctional people that experience significant distress at their normal appearance and seek bodily mutilation to fix it. Transgenderism is clearly a disorder and every single "trans" person would be better off without their disease (or dead).
Arguments for why transpeople are unlikable? Well the unspeakable impressions people pick up from trans people are hard to crystallize but the tranny seems to be a self-perpetuating virus that spreads through social spaces through some strange autogynephilic social factors. It's crazy to see examples of how some spaces get trannied-up. Really makes you wonder how many people would genuinely not be gay if these degenerate cultures didn't form incidentally in social high-stress zones. Following by example clearly plays a much larger role in socialization than previously thought, which is why so many people want to expose kids to drag-queens, sexual deviancy, etc, at a young age. I generally dislike how trannies act anyway, the sort of holier-than-thou, referring-to-self-as-female, fuck I dunno how to describe some attitudes, probably due to a lacking vocabulary, sort of like how people like to use specific German words (schadenfreude I see the most) where english is lacking, but the adjective I'm looking for is just "tranny" and saying "I hate trannies because they're trannies" doesn't form much of an argument (though it's more than enough to justify disliking them).
When it comes to cringey atheists, cringey Christians, etc, I'm confronted with an overwhelming lack of empathy, why are they retarded? Why are communists or (insert race here) or women or trannies the way they are? Transexuals need to be killed.

>> No.14557696
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>> No.14557701
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Based butterfly at it again. Dress how you want, but please don't go mutilate and sterilize yourselves to fit into someone else's box of what you are supposed to be. Transgenderism has turned into homophobia. People don't want to be gay, instead they want to change their body physically so that they are "straight" like that fixes their problems.

Pic related, don't let yourself fall into this cycle of despair.

>> No.14557705

Oh no 0.02% of the population hates me

>> No.14557706

based butterfly annihilating trannyshits

>> No.14557716

There is no correct, non-archaic, "conception" of male and female. Male and female are whatever we say they are. If our definition contradicts yours, then so much the fucking worse for you.

>> No.14557721

Apologize to your dad first

>> No.14557723

damn anon that is fucking sad

>> No.14557731

>If our definition contradicts yours, then so much the fucking worse for you.
heh... you don't think trans women are women? *teleports behind you* pshh... nothin personnel, xir *beheads you femininely* heh... not bad... you made me use 10% of my estrogen... *walks off into sunset with bloody sword over my narrow feminine girl shoulders*

>> No.14557733

>tranny lover
>uses "judeo-christian" unironically
im sorry you were born retarded. there are support groups for people like you

>> No.14557735
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>> No.14557744

>BAP does offer a vaguely compelling reason for why some boys turn to gay identity
could you explain?

>> No.14557751
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>men have to liberate and differentiate their inner femininity

The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man

>> No.14557755

Only useful post in this garbage dump shitfire of a thread.

>> No.14557760

>"when i transitioned in like 2008"
buttercunt confirmed dilating trenny
how could u toy with my feelings, all this time ive been lied to

>> No.14557761

Based troll circa 2020

>> No.14557762

>the boring conservative life was the best thing we ever had

Not true, the seclusion led to the events described.

>> No.14557763

XY and XX chromosomes cannot be changed, and they are what determines one's gender. Also, a neovagina and a neopenis do not make you a woman or a man, just horribly mutilated. Please stop appropriating anime for your tranny bullshit btw.

>> No.14557764

Nevermind, I spoke too soon, there are now two useful posts in this garbage dump shitfire of a thread.

>> No.14557766

Cutting your balls off and wearing a dress and panties makes you a woman. That is totally logical and rational.

>> No.14557772

Like my peer-reviewed biology textbook?

>> No.14557792


>> No.14557796

>Not true, the seclusion led to the events described.
I don't think so, I think misinformation led to the events described. Doctors and reporters telling them that this was normal and what needed to happen is what caused it. The average person trusts doctors and reporters because their job usually depends on them doing the right thing, but the trans industrial complex is booming right now. They are making a killing off literally killing people. Don't believe me? They are literally marketing and selling child dilation kids.


Children as young as three are being transitioned.

>> No.14557797

i don't really know about arguments for or against allowing tranners to "transition" but there is certainly an argument against defining them as women - they are categorically different not just due to having different experiences from actual women, and not even just because they tend to end up less feminine than normal women (the programmer tranny stereotype, etc). rather, because even though the most feminine trannies are often more feminine than women, this femininity is second-order - it's an imitation of the femininity defined by women, it's a conscious representation of something they neither had nor have nor can ever have any part in defining. trans women complain about their wide shoulders or narrow hips, but who is it that defines those features as male but women proper? no matter how feminine they become, in being a conscious pursuit of an ideal they only understand in a cerebral and deliberate way, they are just making their imitation more complete. they can never cross the gap into genuine, unfeeling being - they will always compare themselves and be compared to the genuine article, who simply is unto themselves without any comparison or insecurity, the people who define what it is to be what they are in the first place

>> No.14557800
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>0.02% of the population is trans and 42% of that group ends up killing themselves
Yea, we're the crazy ones.

>> No.14557803

This man is going to be embarrassed in a couple of years, mark my words.

>> No.14557809

Hey, if you're a failure of a man and women don't want you then just put on a dress. That should work.

>> No.14557813

Hold up...just one second...wait...just what in the holy FUCK is dilation?

>> No.14557828

they're always ugly and ugly women should be killed anyway, so kill em. if you wanna roll the dice and see if you end up passing as a hot girl with a dick, be my guest, but if you fail, you should be terminated.

>> No.14557830

This is like moral thalidomide.

>> No.14557838

Is this the real one or the fake one? doesn't matter both are fags

>> No.14557840

There are only 4 genetic variations of XY chromosones. XX, XY, XXY, and XYY. The first two are Male and Female, The other two are Genetically Intersex. You cannot change any of them once your genetic code is set in the womb. You can change your appearance, wear whatever clothes you want, you could even have failed surgery. However nothing will change your genetics. If you were born a male you will always be male, if you were born female you will always be female, If you are intersexed then you cannot change that either.

>> No.14557842

i am as real a butterfly as any other

>> No.14557845

fake as fuck

>> No.14557847

uh oh....

>> No.14557848

I have never ever been a man!

The troll one.

>> No.14557856

Definitely agree. "Me and my farm wife were immediately accepting of our son" (NB that he only refers to him as "son" never daughter) despite that the rest of their family were highly opposed. That striking of a polarity alone is unlikely

>> No.14557861

i think materialistic arguments are not very convincing because people do not actually think in materialistic terms
trannies abuse this by saying "who cares lol it's just words" but i think the real truth is in what makes a woman a woman in a metaphysical or spiritual sense, and then how trannies obviously fail to live up to that. it's also important to consider not just in the superficial sense of how you might see a stranger on the street but a holistic and all-encompassing sense of identity - maybe you might gender someone as female who is a tranny, and maybe that tranny would say "hah, gotcha, see, i really am a woman!", but then if you were to date and marry that person and have to deal with "her" bepis or fucked up weird meat hole that they claim is a vagina, along with the weird body proportions and hangups and male hobbies and childhood pictures of this person, you would certainly see them much differently than you would a woman in the same position
it's those things that define what things are, not some materialistic physical biology

>> No.14557862

Don't worry, Butterfly. We know you really consider trannies to be fucking disgusting freaks (literally your one good opinion).