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14553332 No.14553332 [Reply] [Original]

0) Balinas mentions the engraving on the table in the hand of Hermes, which says:
1) Truth! Certainty! That in which there is no doubt!
2) That which is above is from that which is below, and that which is below is from that which is above, working the miracles of one.
3) As all things were from one.
4) Its father is the Sun and its mother the Moon.
5) The Earth carried it in her belly, and the Wind nourished it in her belly,
7) as Earth which shall become Fire.
7a) Feed the Earth from that which is subtle, with the greatest power.
8) It ascends from the earth to the heaven and becomes ruler over that which is above and that which is below.
14) And I have already explained the meaning of the whole of this in two of these books of mine.
[Holmyard 1923: 562.]

> Resources:


>> No.14553338
File: 183 KB, 400x1400, esotericism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good book to read once finished with 'The Emerald Tablet' and 'Hermetica'?

>> No.14553346
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I had been reading The Mystical Qabalah
by Dion Fortune but very open to other suggestions

>> No.14553351

Iamblichus The Mysteries

>> No.14553352
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Another chart

>> No.14553355

Also read Prometheus Rising, was okay if a little dis jointed. I'm thinking to get a copy of Secret Teachings by Manly P Hall

>> No.14553827

2 volumes of Evola's Intro to Magic are out in English, as is his Hermetic Tradition.

>> No.14554046

What did you goys think of Meditations on Tarot?

>> No.14554051

Give me a basic gestalt on this jewish faggotry, why should I care about some meme abstractisms?

>> No.14554070

Tarot and Kabbalism are helpful for understanding life and making decisions.


>> No.14554089

Theological kabbalah highly based, but npc fags here wont understand or relate to anything esoteric you are talking to a wall

>> No.14554115

Are you Jewish? You do you realize that the sparks of divinity are meant to be the Jews and that gentiles are soulless qlippoth right? If you’re not a Jew and you think the Kabbalah applies to you than I’m sorry goy...

>> No.14554157

I seriously hope none of you niggas recommend the kybalion.

>> No.14554249

Have you read it? there is free course on kabbalah info , its very universal teaching quite similar to many other mystical paths if you walked the inner path you will understand it goes beyond politics,race etc

>> No.14554357

God is not an Israelite, he belongs to everyone.

>> No.14554537
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>gentiles are soulless qlippoth
Will I gain a soul if I convert and become a Jew? I've been realizing through my meditation practices that I probably do have no soul. It feels like shit.

>> No.14554651
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why do i always get anxious and start panic when talking occultism with my friends.

>> No.14554655
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, god-inside-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, Hegel himself is God, for his is the consciousness in the vanguard of mankind, the thinking speculative consciousness that first grasps the unity of man with God. In itself this is not much different from Rousseau's selfappointment as i'homme naturei, or Saint-Simon's announcement that he speaks with the voice of God. Hegel seeks to resolve the problem by creating a world in which all men can realize the fullness of freedom. His philosophy of history has, seemingly, two points of culmination, one being Hegel's divine mind, the other being the state, but it is through participation in the state that all men are to be made in the image of Hegel.

>> No.14555851

Wow Jews stole their mystical system from the grecco romans, and ancient Egyptians and changed it to suit their religion, shut the fuck up you absolute dork.

>> No.14556411

Hermetica II

>> No.14556657

If this stuff is real show me a spell to get a gf. I guarantee it won’t work

>> No.14556736

The Harry Potter/Dungeons & Dragons kind of kind magic that has been propped up by fake occultists like Aleister Crowley, Hollywood, and Medieval peasants tripping balls by consuming moldy bread is a meme. That's not how real magic works.

>> No.14557417

t. magick incel that didnt use Sitri from Goetia to COOOOOOOM in fembots

>> No.14557486

False. Magic has always been used for attaining physical things; read any old text about magic or look to societies that still practice it. Most magicians look down upon that sort of use, but even people like Evola and Guenon admit that it can be used in that way.

>> No.14557504

What is it that is feeling that sensation then? An automaton of (non kosher) flesh?

>> No.14557508

The duality?

God the Hegel and God the State?

Oh, Hegel, I must know more.

I want to worship the state.

>> No.14557591
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>Using Nachliel to mend ones broken heart
How can one look down upon that

>> No.14557638

Brainlet opinion

>> No.14557651

So then what makes real "magic" magical in any sense?

>> No.14557656

I was reading a book on Qabalah, and the person briefly mentioned that instead of being absorbed into the monad, it's possible to be "destroyed" by this absorption but somehow still differentiate yourself. You essentially become a God in your own right afterwards. Anyone know where I can read more about this? It presumably comes from Qabalah, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a concept in Hinduism.