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File: 25 KB, 590x386, photo_2020-01-12_21-34-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14526148 No.14526148 [Reply] [Original]

write your best prose describing this image

>> No.14526156
File: 416 KB, 1039x1305, 1541908106387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The car felt sense of relief.

>> No.14526175

See the whale. She is pale and obese, she wears a sweaty green tshirt. She comes out of the car. Outside lie dark turned streets and darker alleys beyond that harbor yet a few last niggers. Her folks are known for collection of welfare and voters of Trump but in truth her father has been a scam artist.

>> No.14526191

The half lit florescent grotesque corpse exists the car in a clown like manner. In the case of this car there would be no other clowns to fit the car of course. She alone in her almost magical escape steps her right foot towards me. My synesthesic ear creates the sound of an elephant’s right claw trumping the concrete surface and in that my mind’s eye pictures her as a human. The car bouncing left and right like a solider trying to escape an inevitable bullet looks at me with the back of its four eyes; a look of relief.

>> No.14526204

The air projecting from the fat tub of mayonnaise's ass was like the sound of a million subterranean insects triggered by the same stimuli. The polished veneer of the beat up shit mobile discolored from her butthole, and burst into a nexus of fumes that parceled off into one behemoth gas bubble above her head, that to the crowd, subconsciously delineated an image of high end luxury whale sperm

>> No.14526208

"Hff," huffed Ashley as her seatbelt clicked away from her, slipping slowly across her vast, bloated middle. It relieved a LITTLE pressure. Not much. The steering wheel still dug into her gut, but at least she didn't feel like she was going to burst out of her own seatbelt.

The car rocked, back and forth, as Ashley swung the door open, her big and bloated lower belly roll bulging out into the open space cleared by the opening door; her expansive, swollen thighs and hips likewise greedily swelled outward to fill the space. She glanced guiltily to her passenger seat, to the Taco Bell wrappers from her little snack a few minutes ago that were littering the leather surface of the BMW's seat. She needed to stop. God, she needed to stop. Why couldn't she?

The car sagged HEAVILY to the side as her plump and bloated leg swung out onto the concrete ground. She dug her fat fingers into the sides of the car and grunted deeply, heavily, sounding very manly as she heaved herself forward and up with all the strength she could muster. It hauled her forward, her big spare tires plopping softly and gently into the rim of the doorframe with a jiggle. But she wasn't on her feet yet.

"Come on, come on," she panted heavily under her breath, and she GRUNTED again, the car's driver's side practically touching the pavement as she pulled and heaved and hauled with all her might.

Finally, her meager muscles won the battle with gravity. Her broad, bloated shelf of a bottom oozed out from the pinching confines of the door as she finally, triumphantly exited the car, rising to her feet, green shirt and black pants clinging transparently to her numerous swells and folds and rolls.

"Buuurrrp," belched Ashley under her breath as she closed the door behind her. Her temporary shame forgotten, Ashley began to waddle towards the supermarket entrance, already thinking in her mind that there were a few boxes of snack cakes she could pick up, in addition to her list of groceries...

>> No.14526210

I, picture all of the series of these events from looking at this image alone. I wish the blurred of what appears to be a licence plate could extend to cover all of the borders of this mass; a Japanese celebration.

>> No.14526223

A corpulent monolith arose from her mecha-chamber on wheels. She befarted begrudgingly with each step, making her way to the nearest Refill Hole -- what is it refilling and which hole? We shall never know.

>> No.14526236


>> No.14526240

good concept, but you could've executed it better

>> No.14526246

where is your perfect 50/50 weight distribution now?

>> No.14526271

Got a little car and I got a fat bitch
Make that ass brap back on the mattress
Point a gun at a fool who wan snitch
All my bitches 3s like a hat trick

>> No.14526284
File: 11 KB, 424x424, 1578533430777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14526314

You know prose but you don't know flows
reading books jacking off with your bros
I'm preaching gospel like Moses a you're hoeses
First word spitten was rythym and God knows it.

>> No.14526323

found the nigger

>> No.14526327

its fireproof anon. cant say the same for you.

>> No.14526344

Damn dude you could at least write it well.

>> No.14526350

>write well

>> No.14526360
