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/lit/ - Literature

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14514744 No.14514744 [Reply] [Original]

>from poetry collection "Milk and Honey"
>written by a 23 year old woman
>new york times best seller for over a year
>sold millions of copies
>made millions of dollars

>written by a 6 year old boy
>nothing happened

The absolute state of modern poetry.

>> No.14514755

The one on the right is seriously much better

>> No.14514837

In the world
Is this

Honest question. I don’t understand the appeal, the form, or merit of the style

>> No.14514848

Old news. We’ve had this thread too many times

>> No.14514936

>reading anything written by a woman

>> No.14515141

Patricia Churchland

>> No.14515209

This. We can stop pretending the Tiger poem is good now. Its getting old

>> No.14515224
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>We can stop pretending the Tiger poem is good now.

>> No.14515229
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>> No.14515237

Rupi Kaur racked up like a bajillion followers on instagram before she was a published "poet."
Of course someone is going to publish her book she's guaranteed sales.
She's an extremely adept marketer.
Read the New Yorker profile.

>> No.14515248

Visually, without even reading it, it’s quite jarring and ugly, and the content itself is very surface level and not ambiguous for discussion. I think, in fact, that that’s the main problem with modern poetry, being that it’s very “in your face” with its message or theme or whatever. There’s no room to interpret the work, and this no reason to discuss about it.

>> No.14515250

You simply pretend to like it to be a contrarian. If it turned out it was a Rupi poem this whole time you would make a 360

>> No.14515259

The Tiger poem is much more riveting and dramatic than Kaur’s sour milk and crystallized honey meme.
When I read the tiger poem, I naturally have a soundtrack to go with the image, a dramatic crescendo and sudden cessation to piano, a xylophone the only instrument playing as we enter the last line. It makes me feel so much more and imagine so much more clearly, and it has a great narrative structure to it, a three-part narrative in five lines. Fuck you, fuck women writers, fuck jannies.

>> No.14515267
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Nael's poem was far too political and intolerant for the average reader.

>> No.14515275


>> No.14515277

honorary man

>> No.14515288

Alice Munro.

>> No.14515324
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>> No.14515330

We don't subscribe to meme culture like you, it subscribes to us.

That said, the intention behind a statement changes its meaning. So you can never truly separate artist from the art. I would still like it though.

>> No.14515345

"Perhaps the greatest ever elucidation of the 21st century's preoccupation with the cage concept. And it has a tiger in it."

I think I read it. Is that the one where the journalist subtly eviscerates her style and superficiality throughout the essay?

>> No.14515360

>journalist subtly eviscerates her style and superficiality throughout the essay?
That's the one.

>> No.14515369

Rupi Kaur is for women
Tiger poem is for men.

You realize most of Kaur's audience is like 16-20 year old women right?

>> No.14515370

I always read the yes, YES bit in M.Byson's voice.
Also, do we know who actually wrote it or was it really a random 6 year old?

>> No.14515514
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In brevity
Baby shoes; worn?

>> No.14515591

It's not the brevity that bugs me, I love minimalism.
It's just a trite cliche idea for a poem.

>> No.14515643

I can feel the actual joy of the boy as the tiger is freed. Nael's going to go far.

>> No.14515670

You fill it’s empty place with your own piss and vinegar.

Nael taps into just as much cliche. He wants to see the tiger free, and we want to be as free as the tiger. Simple, good but simple. They’re about different things and one speaks to you at this point in your life more than the other.

>> No.14515671

Now that's what I call cope.

>> No.14515686

The Tiger is compositionally better than pretty much anything Kaur has written though

>> No.14515695
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>Poetry must be one way OOONLEEEEEY

>> No.14515697

that tiger poem is seriously based

>> No.14515843

I dunno what kind of intellectual discussion I expected from a tranny. Carry on.

>> No.14515871

>He cannot into brevity or subtlety
You wave the wit of a potato, lad.

>> No.14515897

No you fucking dork, we like it because we picture a child having written such an emotive but cute little poem. When I picture a 30 year old punjabi woman writing the same shit, I feel embarrassed for her.

>> No.14515901

There's an inexhaustible quality to great poetry.

>> No.14515969

HAVE. The fuck spellcheck?

>> No.14515993

You think you sound intellectual but you sound retarded. This will be the last you that you get from me, ladyboy.

>> No.14516085


>> No.14516159


>> No.14516204
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>> No.14516216

Ok pleb...

>> No.14516268

No, it’s because the poem allows the reader to make his own tiger see>>14515267.
If Kaur had written this poem it will still be good. Perhaps Nael will never write another poem like it...

>> No.14516466

It’s not especially deep. Why you can’t get it is just laughable
>He’s hurt that I have no dick

>> No.14516495

Quite idiosyncratic. I don’t connect to it the way the boys aren’t connecting with Rupi

>> No.14516525

No need to sully a great work with politics.

>> No.14516549

It’s the urge to be free. At the base of socialism or “leftism”

>> No.14516613

link? please?

>> No.14517867

both are good, prove me wrong

>> No.14517895

Can we just delete threads by these resentful, whiny fucks? Even if it’s just bait, I’d rather ban fishing entirely. “The State of Poetry.” I hope you get your visa so you can visit some time. Send a postcard, dumbfuck.

>> No.14517900

I don't know if this is the one but it's p funny

>This guy is the best,” she says, noticing an edition of Kafka’s complete stories; she’s referring to Peter Mendelsund, the book’s designer.

>> No.14518021

her poetry reads like drunken texts

>> No.14518027

I liked this one:
>There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
>And swallows calling with their shimmering sound;

>And frogs in the pools singing at night,
>And wild plum-trees in tremulous white;

>Robins will wear their feathery fire
>Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

>And not one will know of the war, not one
>Will care at last when it is done.

>Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree
>If mankind perished utterly;

>And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn,
>Would scarcely know that we were gone.

>> No.14518082

Fuck off cuck.

>> No.14518175

leave it to a woman to write this misanthropic shit.

>> No.14518293

I find the idea of Earth without humanity to be peaceful.

>> No.14518326

both are trite and i have thought so in particular about the tiger poem exactly since probably day 1 i was mentioned on /lit/

>> No.14518355

there are trillion billions of planets without humanity that you can think about, why do you have to wish for our only home to be rid of us?

>> No.14518360

1000000% woman

>> No.14518366

Because it's the only one I know.

>> No.14518410


The left poem’s vagueness leaves us uncertain as to whether it is depicting a departure or arrival, rendering the piece the emotional equivalent of a blank shot.

It may possess smoke, noise, that great fanfare of feeling, italics, but the poem could either have conveyed the sensual titillation of a nascent affair, or the sordid melancholy of romantic disaster.

In leaving the entire plot of the poem amorphous and undefined, Rupi Kaur may have fulfilled her avante-garde aspirations, but has also written an emotionless blob of shit. What was the point of reading that? What did I get out of it?

>> No.14518460
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The nigger, he...
he broke his chains
NO !
The nigger is set loose !

>> No.14519202

no it isn't deep but how on earth can u argue for the likes of nuance and subtlety in favor of rupi fucking kaur

>> No.14519212

Kys immediately

>> No.14519213

this was in fallout 3

>> No.14519317

When I discovered
it was a
> liberation
and I

>> No.14519325


>> No.14519358

theres actually no risk involved when you post poetry with such few lines and leave it so ambiguous. noone can really give a shit about it, but on the upside you can somehow get retards appraising it. you get that? a standard individual and most of them would ignore the poem, but you just huddle up a bunch of midwits who think that poem quality is good and all of a sudden it might seem good because it happened to gain a following like that. virtually there is no downside with alot of upside, and you also avoid being sensitive because you didn't pour any emotion into the poem

>> No.14519556


>> No.14519625

I feel like poetry has split in the last few years between the tumblr/Instagram poets, with mass appeal and mostly emotion subject matter, and academic poetry which may or may not be emotional but tends to have less appeal to non academics for whatever reason. Not sure though, it is very early to tell how all this will he thought about in 30-40 years.

>> No.14519674

I’m more in favor of better threads.


>> No.14520012
File: 502 KB, 1334x890, AE8C8321-13E7-4B0B-8F7F-918C740309D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out there in red expanses I beheld the seam between worlds

In seas of stone and thorn and cliff you grew more present in my mind

Before the west I did not know you, all buried under trees where I was born

You’ve never known the need to raise your voice, allowing me in time to understand you were alive

A great and beautiful serpent, a creature I may never touch, a border I will never meet

Angry in jagged mountains, calm in lonesome basins, so livid in geographic emotion

You fly the high plateaus adorned in heated scales, which shimmer in the midday sun

Coiling, settling, calming in later hours, your oscillations soothed by gradients at dusk

Only when the moon goes down and the very last star rests it’s pattering feet, do you finally sleep

And so do I, my eyes heavy with the travels of the days across your back

On open stone, upon your scales, I fall asleep, knowing with comfort that you are there

That in the morning I will see you again, how in our travels we will shift and change once more, dancing in all our wild energies

You, oh aspect of my world
You grant my freedom and expand my lungs

You embolden my heart and spirit to press onwards

I carry your story
I hear your voice
I know your name


>> No.14520017

Do you even know why you're supposed to think the one on the right is good? Somepony better answer me on this one.

>> No.14520218

I like the exuberance over the unleashing of wild, possibly violent, chaos

>> No.14520998

I agree with >>14520218
It's a poem in line with the tiger tradition established by Blake, Bataille and Borges. So it's not an original piece but it's very effective at what it does.

>> No.14521071


The work itself is an allegory for the rejection of traditional metrical structures by Pound and Elliot. Two lines of iambic tetrameter split with a false line-break, clearly chosen by Nael to "destroy" the "cage" formed by rigid metre, just as the tiger has destroyed its own cage. He subsequently abandons all metre once "the tiger is out" to further drive this point home.

>> No.14521322

Call me a filthy ESL pleb, but I prefer the Russian translation. Has better rhythm and flow.


>> No.14521340

The tiger, he destroyed his cage. Yes, yes! The tiger is out.

>> No.14521357

Because women are whores

>> No.14521400

The poem >>14516204 was by Robert Frost, so make of it what you will. Not his best, but I enjoyed the simple imagery.

>> No.14521907
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say what you want about Ezra Pound (like that he was a mental patient who took Mussolini as a waifu) but Imagist poetry has a lot more in common with Rimbaud and Baudelaire than Rupi Kaur. She basically just makes a simple statement, adds a few line breaks then adds a post script explaining the theme for the terminally retarded

u are so
pls show
bobs and vagine

- street shitting


does a lot
bone structure
doesn't lie


>> No.14521937
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The one on the left is shit and was written, unironically, by an adult.
The one on the right is basically a tl;dr of the Joker movie. It was written by a 6 yo, so it's more impressive. The Joker destroyed his cage. Yes. YES. He is going all out - against society.