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14499563 No.14499563 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just a cesspool of psuedo-science/philosophy or is there actaully some good insight within?

>> No.14499566

Just read Isaac Asimov he implements it in a cool sci-fi way.

>> No.14499574

Jung gives good life advice but nearly all of psychoanalysis is horseshit only entertained by pseuds on /lit/ and leftists for some reason

>> No.14499612
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>be me
>kinda like peterson, think he has some good things to say
>introduce him to my friend
>week later friend tells me he's a jungian and he's watched peterson's entire religion series and more
>starts listening to audiobooks of jung and joseph campbell
>absorbs so much jungian quackery without even the slightest grasp of other traditions of thought (he's an engineer) that he sees the world solely through the lens of archetypes and chaos vs. order
>judges how good movies are based on how well they conform to the 'hero's journey'
>says he respects alex jones because he manifests the shaman archetype
>joined the local jungian society to meet girls

what have i created

>> No.14499633

Unironically tell him to start with the Greeks. Engineers are usually intelligent but never had proper philosophical groundings, so they are susceptible to this sort of uncritical acceptance. Have him read some Plato, Hume, Kant, etc.

>> No.14499664

I tried to get him into the Stoics but he got bored of it. Maybe I'll try again

>> No.14499679

It's astrology tier pseudry.

>> No.14499719

You’re friends a retard. Its piss poor practice to take psychoanalysis as a metaphysical description of the world. It’s at best all it can be is a method of inquiry into significance.

>> No.14499733

Get him a history of philosophy book. Bryan Magee's is a good one.

>> No.14499748

>judges how good movies are based on how well they conform to the 'hero's journey'
The hero's journey is the only kind of movie worth watching.

>> No.14499764

your friend sounds based as fuck. you did nothing wrong.

>> No.14499766

If I think Jungian shit is interesting, despite knowing it’s pseudoscience, what should I read?

>> No.14499768

looks like your friend is a King now

>> No.14499777

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.

its pretty good and it explains how to develop each archetype, like invocation, acting "as if" and active imagination

>> No.14499789


>> No.14499802

Read Jung and Peterson. Freud is a hack

>> No.14500015
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>Is it just a cesspool of psuedo-science?
In all of the instances of Jung trying to apply rigorous scientific discipline (of which I am aware), Freud corrected him and told him that he was doing it wrong. There is also the Freud "I am bringing them poison" quote which needs to be addressed.

>> No.14500027

Freud has historical value and can be pretty entertaining. The rest is disposable.

>> No.14500046

Guénon refuted psychoanalysis

>> No.14500095
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Freud refuted psychoanalysis when he refused to be personally psychoanalyzed.

>> No.14500311

sounds very similar to a friend of mine, a programmer instead of engineer

>> No.14500312

> I am bringing them poison
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14500332

>What did he mean by this?
He said it to Jung regarding psychoanalysis while on the voyage to the USA. Please, search for the context yourself. This is not an obscure reference.

>> No.14500376

Are Jung and/or Lacan worth reading? I'm getting very mixed messages from this thread?

>> No.14500379

Holy shit lol, really? source?

>> No.14500388

I can get if you don’t like Jung and Campbell for personal reasons, but besides that how is any of their insight wrong? Maybe it’s not scientific something like neuroscience, however the trends and motifs expressed in their writings have been around ever since human could develop a concept of god. You do realize spirituality is inherent to the human condition right? So much so that the decline of religion in the west during the 19th and 20th century their was an attempt to replace it through the human sciences. You do realize that’s why fields like sociology exist right? To mitigate this decline. And why would you recommend to your friend stoicism, which is pretty much blanket nilihism as some more “enlightened” philosophy? What’s up with this board and it’s incessant need to shit on things to seem cooler and more intelligent when in reality they don’t know shit that they’re talking about?

>> No.14500495

i didn't say their insights are wrong, in fact i really like their analysis

my issue is that my friend has accepted them as 100% gospel and wont stop needlessly projecting archetypes onto everything

and i tried to get him into the stoics before he got into jung et al.

so yeah i ain't shitting on anything except uncritical embrace of ideas that are only partly understood by the embracer

>> No.14500504

Oh okay, makes more sense now. I’m just used of people shitting on jung because his association with Peterson

>> No.14500571

I've noticed that too. It's so weird. Why do leftists like psychoanalysis?

>> No.14500607

If psychoanalysis is nonsense, is there any psychology worth reading to understand human behaviour better?

>> No.14500608

It’s reductionist

>> No.14500630

Can you elaborate? I don't understand.

>> No.14500651

I've watched similar things happen to people I know, but instread of Jung it's always Ayn Rand. They read just one of her books and their mind closes to all other schools of thought.

>> No.14500659

I googled the shit out of this but couldn't find anything. I think you're fucking with us.