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14488610 No.14488610 [Reply] [Original]

Are they any good contemporaries books, fiction or non-fiction, about online dating culture?

>> No.14488618


>> No.14489094

Finally, Some good news. It's basically an book of tweets but hilarious

>> No.14489099

My manuscript desu

>> No.14489104

>He was on Tinder...
It's a good suggestion but quite disingenuous to describe it as a series of tweets, it's a full narrative

>> No.14489115

I meant it more in the sense that with these twitter authors, their books are essentially their twitter shtick in long form. Bad way of putting it on my part

>> No.14489142
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End of the first chapter OP, hilarious but author gets a lot into how dating culture has ruined us and destroyed intimacy along with men's sexual capital

>> No.14489149

Do people unironically do this?

>> No.14489172

Call women cunts and unmatch with them on tinder? Yes, you should try it

>> No.14489175

women=left wing for anything but sex
women= capitalist for sex [making men compete for a reward and the reward is providing for a woman at least sexually]

men = right wing for anything but sex = autism = clinging to pathetic power fantasies of leading other people and killing people who do not think like them, craving to be alphas when all they do is supporting women at best
men like to be told what to do
and it is distraction from orbiting roasties.
So that men feel like strong and powerful about something not related to women. However, the only thing that men do when they create a society is in fact to give an easy life to women, because
-men never ever stop competing for women
-society according to men is jsut to get comfortable, which women benefit a lot from , and create rules and being upset when they think that other tribes do things differently

this is why women always push for more society and men gladly work for them free of charge.
men = left wing for sex [utopia]

>> No.14489191

Alright downloading tinder right now thanks for the tip

>> No.14489199

Prepare for a horse sized blackpill

>> No.14489204

Im blackpilled af already. Just wanna call them cunts. Isn't that allowed?

>> No.14489211

If enough report you you might get banned but if you unmatch them as they see it I'm not sure they get a chance to report

>> No.14489217

Based tinder master. Thanks for tip again

>> No.14489220

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14489232

This is the dream

>> No.14489401

Know where I could download it from?

>> No.14489465


>> No.14489727

Dating apps ruined women.

>> No.14489733
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Fucking nice. I dated a couple 16-18 year olds in my mid twenties. It truly is the greatest thing ever. Women in their 20s are pig shit by comparison, it's like dating an old leathery catcher's mitt.

>> No.14489742
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>> No.14489893

Cat Person

>> No.14490003

Selfie, Suicide: Or Cairey Turnbull's Blue Skiddoo

>> No.14490004

guess the cunt

>> No.14490008


that just sounds sad and autistic

>> No.14490015
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disgusting roastie detected

now point at something you disagree with and say it's a virgin

>> No.14490027


Why would you waste time going on a dating app for the sole purpose of calling women cunts? Sad and autistic is an apt description of such behavior. Go read a fucking book or something instead of letting women live rent free in your head like that. Or you know use the app to actually have sex, but I can imagine that seems infeasible to you.

>> No.14490033
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>now point at something you disagree with and say it's a virgin
>Or you know use the app to actually have sex, but I can imagine that seems infeasible to you.

Every single time. "Why hasn't my gender ever invented anything??? Is it because men are virgins???"

>> No.14490037


rent free in your head

>> No.14490039

you look new

>> No.14490043


How so? Because I'm on /lit/ and prefer reading over autistically obsessing over women?

>> No.14490045
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This actually does look pretty funny.

When will we start to see genuine sociological literature of how skewed hypergamy is? Houellebecq does a decent job of covering the culture of orgyporgy and its discontents, but are there any others like him? Is it really just Houellebecq and then a bunch of blog-writing fags on the internet?

Tourist. Get a boyfriend and get off 4chan. Remember: By age 30, 90% of your eggs are dead, and that's all the most viable ones. How many years do you have left?

>> No.14490053


Did you get lost or something? This isn't /r9k/

>> No.14490055

don't aggro on me, I'm not that guy.
you waste energy argueing with strangers online over petty issues
you should just go and read something, as you yourself said, instead of trying to convince that idiot he's one. from a third perspective of the situation, no offence, i can see you are an idiot also, white-knighting over irrelevant shit with irrelevant people.
that's it, hope you don't lose your head with this kind of stuff anymore, bye

>> No.14490065
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Do as the other guy said and concede. Or spend the rest of the day posting "ur a virgin lel," being asked to say something other than "ur a virgin lel" for once, and replying with "what??? ur a virgin :S" again, like a true woman on the internet.

As I said, and you wonder why your pathetic gender has never is the sexus sequior.

>> No.14490068
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>has never created anything and is the sexus sequior*

>> No.14490069


You're calling me a newfag but now you're suddenly offended lol? I said I preferred reading over autistically obsessing over women. That doesn't mean I cant also prefer shitposting on 4chan over reading.

>> No.14490073


ur a virgin lel

>> No.14490074

You really do come across as new. How young are you?

>> No.14490118

i don't understand how people expect anything good to come out of these dating apps that basically turn human relationships into a strategy game devoid of any emotion.

>> No.14490133

How am I supposed to meet women irl, then?

>> No.14490146
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Just be yourself. Style your hair well, wear a snazzy shirt! Be funny! Women loooove a funny guy :) Be positive and outgoing, and most of all CONFIDENT! Confidence is way more important to a woman than looks!!

>> No.14490171


I went over the study that is referenced in your image. The effect found is barely significant at the 10% level. Considering that these days the general consensus is that even 0.05 significance levels are insufficient, I would reject the claims made in the image on grounds of insufficient statistical evidence.


I've been here for over a decade now

>> No.14490187
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This thread isn't /lit/ related so sage and hope you get banned.
Anyways, if you were at least 5+/10 and knew what women want you would be drowning in pussy like every other normal person.

>> No.14490205

>and knew what women want you would be drowning in pussy like every other normal person.

And what is that? I’m not as degenerate nor materialistic as women, so how could I possibly know what they want?

>> No.14490209

>the general consensus is that even 0.05 significance levels are insufficient

>> No.14490223
File: 2.41 MB, 640x360, women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what DO women want? a question as told as time

>> No.14490225


Are you still in research or have been recently? Its generally accepted these days that a 0.05 level is not enough to draw strong conclusions from. Of course you note the result, but it is frowned upon if you were to interpret it as a conclusive result. It makes sense when you think about it because a 0.05 level would mean that for every 20 conclusions, 1 is based entirely on statistical noise.

>> No.14490230
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>I’m not as degenerate nor materialistic as women, so how could I possibly know what they want?
You gotta get rid of that attitude. Not for getting women or anything like that but being hateful is bad for your soul/psyche/mental state.
Anyways, I ain't gonna spoon feed you, but I'll give you a nudge in the right direction. Read some journals of sexology.
>inb4 meme science
Books on sexology usually are bad, that much is true? But read some scientific journals on sexology with competently made studies and experiments.
Your world view is gonna change so hard you'll never even think a bad though about women once you realize what their sexuality is about.

>> No.14490282

>once you realize what their sexuality is about.

what is it then, oh enlightened one

>> No.14490287

Or give us a book title, faggot

>> No.14490341

They like guys that are similar to their dads. Deep down they’re all little girls and like to be treated as such

>> No.14490355

Why can't people just fucking give the book title. It's like they get off on the petty joy of not being helpful to people.

>> No.14490391

Imagine giving them unprecedented power over men through the use of online dating apps. We truly live in a dystopia.

>> No.14490394

give some journal reccs at least, you fuck

>> No.14490410

>giving them unprecedented power over men

lol just dont use the apps like wtf how is this even real hahaha

>> No.14490420

But literally every woman uses dating apps now. You can't escape it, and there will never be a reversion from using them. Men, even those who don't want to use them, are coerced into participating in them now.

>> No.14490425


Those women still go outside in the real world you know. You can still meet them there.

>> No.14490441

But what's the point when they still use dating apps?

>teehee this sperg tried talking to me at the coffee shop, but his shoes were not designer, so I just told him to fuck off because I already know there are dozens of beta orbiters at my finger tips on Tinder who will all take me out in a moment's notice

Dating apps have permanently ruined dating dynamics.

>> No.14490450

>disingenuous, deliberate non sequitur
>changing the topic (non sequitur) to "hehe i bet u dont go outside and arent popular :P"

Fucking retard roastie.

The point you are making is simple, namely that individual abstinence from dating apps does not necessarily stop those dating apps from having destructive effects on society. But the person you are replying to is being deliberately disingenuous. They are skimming over your posts on their phone, putting in the bare minimum effort necessary to reply with something obliquely related that has insulting implications.

You shouldn't dignify lazy roasties with a response.

>> No.14490463


How can you accuse me of a non sequitur when your whole reaction to me consists of "you're a roastie"?


Attractive women have always had access to beta orbiters. Beta orbiters are a cause, not an effect created as a result of dating apps.

>> No.14490475

Yeah, this is a pretty funny book.
C-can you post the passage where he talks about female hair color and what it indicates.
Oh man unironically based

>> No.14490485

>Beta orbiters are a cause, not an effect created as a result of dating apps.
Nobody is disputing this. But as someone who claims to be in the social sciences you should know that causes and effects are not unidirectional. Of course dating apps were introduced into a culture with existing social structures and tendencies. The other poster is only claiming that they have affected those tendencies in turn, for example by giving them a wider latitude for action, by accelerating or augmenting them, and so on.

You are very disingenuous. All you care about is confusing and irritating your opponent into giving up. But you aren't even good at it, and even if you were it still wouldn't mean you're right.

>> No.14490525


>You are very disingenuous. All you care about is confusing and irritating your opponent into giving up.

I merely disagree with you. Just because you are confused and or irritated does not mean that is my intention in the slightest.
I find the notion that giving women access to an app equates to "giving them unprecedented power" and living in a dystopia to be utterly laughable. I do not understand what power that could possibly give them. Not to mention that any power conferred to them through such an app must, by design, by voluntarily given to them by another consenting party. She can not possibly hold any more or less power over you unless you choose for it to be so.

>> No.14490542


Per my experience most women are flattered when you approach them live, as not many men do it. I do agree that there is a bit of pressure toward Tinder etc, but I have to say that that is most likely due to a modern stance on dating, which seems to entail that if you are not dating and / or hooking up on a regular basis you are a loser. Something that is complete nonsense.

When approaching women live you most likely will not have as much action compared to Tinder (ie., you cannot approach women as fast as you can swipe them), but the point is not to get as much action as possible, is It? The point is to gain contact with an actual person with whom one might eventually have a lasting relationship.

The biggest driving force behind online dating is a hyperbolic fear of loneliness, both intimate and social in general, as well as how easy it is. Any child can swipe in the dark, but it takes a bit more dare to approach a beautiful woman in real life. There is also no need to hurry when it comes to intimate relationship, though one has to make sure one's tools are in good shape when a real opportunity comes by. And the only way that will happen is to cast one's self into the arena, unless you start stalking someone no one will care if the first ten or hundred approaches were a total embarrassment.

>> No.14490566
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>> No.14490572

It's outdated at this point, but Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari actually has some interesting stuff in it. You'll be able to cut through some of the nonsense in it, but it give some background and history in addition to talking about how thing are now.

>> No.14490576


>> No.14490581
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>i'm in the social sciences bro
>have you seen my 1950s economist-tier rational choice theory of socio-economics?

Disingenuous and retarded at the same time. I hope wherever you got your MA from, the paper it was printed on was at least worth something. The education you received sure wasn't.

Retarded, anecdotal, and probably some German faggot living vicariously through state propaganda depiction of gender relations.

>> No.14490624

In primitive societies polygamy was the way to go which can be seen from the paternal vs. maternal haplogroups. Currently we are stripping out western societal traditions and as a result the sexual pairing is becoming skewed to toward the more desirable males. Dating apps further advance this trend by giving women better access for potential mates, and confirming that they indeed are in the position to pick only the best.
It is only natural to pick the best you can and have fun while you're young if you think that is the way to go. But in this setting, males are at disadvantage.

This is just an observation.

>> No.14490647

This is a 10 year old take. The question is where to now?

>> No.14490683

>In primitive societies polygamy was the way to go
mr shekelberg please

>> No.14490684

If you are a desirable woman or man, enjoy the advantage you have on the playing field. If you are a man, have fun forever, if you are a woman, settle down before you lose your youthfulness.
If you are not so desirable woman or man, lower your expectation or become a provider for someone who has decided to settle.
Alternatively stop thinking about dating as a game and try to find fruitful and lasting relationship with someone, there are so many people that it is very unlikely you never meet someone who is somewhat compatible.

>> No.14490716

My friends once made a joke profile and I got like 4 matches in a couple days but I was embarrassed and closed it. Sometimes I wonder if I should try it for real but I feel embarrassed at the idea and being a virgin I feel like I would embarass myself if I somehow managed to get there with a girl. Plus I would be very embarrassed if someone I know irl found me there.

>> No.14490740

As someone in a similar position, just download Bluestacks and set the location to a nearby city, this way you will avoid being seem by people you know.
I'd say I'm above average looks wise and since the beggining of the year, when I started using it, I got 20 or so matches. But out of those most girls will just ghost you, or flake or some variation of that. I did not go to a single date, good or bad.
Search your feelings to know if it's worth it or not.

>> No.14490757

Based and dogpilled

>> No.14490780

>tfw no /lit/ bf in my area
Why even live?

>> No.14490803

You again.

>> No.14490807

where you live?

>> No.14490808

is there a bigger turn off than knowing a women has used tinder?
>Yes, i have fucked everyone in a 40 mile radius, what about it?
Why would any decent person want to waste his emotions and time on such a person?

>> No.14490811

Dated a 17 year old in my 30s, fucking nice bro.

>> No.14490814

A lot of the matches are bots, sadly

>> No.14490822
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Nowhere, USA

>> No.14490830

How does one meet women in person? Asking for a friend.

>tfw literally every woman has used Tinder

>> No.14490862

At the grocery store.

>> No.14490878

My good female friend who has only been in two relationships, after breaking up with her first boyfriend around 23, went on Tinder and Bumble and went on over 30 dates (she told me) before moving forward with a guy and having her second relationship, which she is still in.

Even the sweet nice ones you think aren't whores still use the shit like it's normal. It's not just about the actual dating, it's about reminding themselves they're desired and sought after etc. That daily attention stimulation tides them over on a daily basis until they definitively pick a guy.

>> No.14490879

He calls her a cunt because she was being extremely annoying inquiring about his job, besides the fact he's generally fatigued by the whole online dating thing. It's a petty moment but not what the book is about.

>> No.14490941
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not tinder per se but you'll see how it applies

>> No.14490974

Daily reminder that Schopenhauer said everything that needs to be said and that 95% of online discourse on relationships, driven by bitter rejects or government operatives, exists to balkanize and pervert love toward the interests of Capital.
Turn your fucking eyes away from here and toward the autistic girl ripping tickets at your local kinoplex! Pay no attention to the cum-spectacle!

>> No.14490996
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What about the women who don't use dating apps? Asking for a friend.

>> No.14490999

>autistic girl ripping tickets at your local kinoplex!
I know her, she's kind, but decided to become an obese transman.

>> No.14491009

>What about the women who don't use dating apps?

a unicorn

>> No.14491138


>> No.14491183


>> No.14491194
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Deals with online dating quite a bit.

>> No.14491197
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>he doesn´t read anime pussy

>> No.14491206
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>tfw never installed Tinder and never will

>> No.14491211

most people just use instagram like a dating app nowadays

>> No.14491246
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What if you don't have instagram either?

>> No.14491249

>there are so many people
Irrelevant, if one woman does not like you, chances are none at all do. The world is huge yes, there are many houses, many jobs, yet there are still homeless and unemployed people. That's because it's not a matter of undersupply

>> No.14491292


>> No.14491307

That's literally impossible, though. How, in any circumstance, does this work?

>see woman browsing produce
>walk up to her without trying to sperg out
>"h-hi femanon, those are some nice m-melons"
>"excuse me?"
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.14491326

that piece of dialog is literally, to the word, how i met my current wife

>> No.14491329

what if you don't have a phone? asking for a friend

>> No.14491379

>become a provider for someone who has decided to settle.
Once you browse 4chan you can't ever go back to this choice.

>> No.14491393


You attack me exclusively through the use of strawman arguments drawn from thin air, yet you have the balls to call me disingenuous? What nonsense.

>> No.14491397

>become a provider for someone who has decided to settle.

>> No.14491429

Women should be banned from dating. They should either:

1. Not fuck at all
2. Fuck between each other
3. Wait until I fuck them
4. Be satisfied with the thought that, I, one day will or might fuck them.


>> No.14491477

Unironically this. That is why it is best to date women only when they're young. Anywhere past 24 years old means they're used goods.

>> No.14491539
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>> No.14491592

Typical Italian signorina.

>> No.14491600

I have had a few tinder dates, but in the last 4 years they have really dried up. Heres a summary:
1. Sarah: 23 year old petite grad student at expensive university in the city. Took her out for drinks, got pretty drunk, made out in front of her dorm for like 45 minutes. She wanted to show me drawings she did of her ex. Went to dorm, talked about art. She laid down and asked me to. Cuddled for a bit, she had previously mentioned she didn't want to fuck. I should have made a move but am too autistic and didn't want to get me too'd. Asked if I could stay over because it was like 3 am she said no. 40 mile uber ride was only $27. No great loss, she had bad teeth.

2. Anna. Crazy girl, but lovely. Told me she was raped by her dad when she was a kid and had a daddy/little fetish. She was a runway model. I offer to fix her shitbox of a car if she let me take her to dinner. She seemed infatuated with me. Had a shaved head and wore a very expensive Russian wig and a avant garde jean jacket. On the ride there she told me about a threesome that almost turned into a foursome on a tour bus but she decided that was too far. And how this wannabe rapper gave her a bunch of ketamine and fucked her and it was probably rape but whatever. Dinner was nice, I had a steak. Creme brulee for dessert. We made out by the river for a bit, then I drove her home. I told her they sell pregnacy test at dollar tree and she didn't believe me. Offered to give me head if I prove myself right. I went home instead. I tried to fix her car the next day, I could have it only needed a coilpack. But it started raining and she kept distracting me. I went home.

3. Sira: Not very attractive but she like video games and reading and was classy. Went out for beers near my work. We got along but there was no connection. Asked her to a fancy restaurant anyway because I wanted to try escargot. It went fine, and I could have married into money. But she found out I smoke and I'm glad, she weighed twice what I do.

I really am only interested in women for their bodies and capacity to perform chores I see below me. I wish I wasn't.

>> No.14491669

Literally how does this even happen

>> No.14491677

she cute

>> No.14491685

>med qt
>loves books
>likes anal

>> No.14491735

>if i could
dating app women are so coy, it’s endearing

>> No.14491763
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>> No.14491769
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>> No.14491774
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>> No.14491778
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>> No.14491830

unironically me

>> No.14491839

is egg a tranny now?

>> No.14491848


>> No.14491851

Yeah. . . That's a pretty apt description of me. What do I do though? I don't think I've ever been happier. I'm well liked at my job where I earn an above average wage. I spend most of my time by myself because that's when I feel most comfortable. I have a few friends, we usually meet up once a month or once every other month. The only thing I lack is a romantic relationship. Do I even want one? I have such a hard time relating to people and I can only perform so much mechanical interaction before tiring.

>> No.14491943
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ITT: incels

>> No.14491960

Based. Tried it for like a day. Couldn’t get over the shallowness of just mindlessly swiping on randomized human beings along with the disappointment of not being wanted by anyone who wasn’t a boy. Shit is cancer.

>> No.14491986

Swap me for you and this post is beyond based.

>> No.14492021

Audible kek

>> No.14492172

Though even a boy would have at least been flattering

>> No.14492295

This reads like American Psycho, but not really.

>> No.14492486

Same I fucking hate how shallow it is but I'm literally too retarded to find actual girls who interest me instead of dating boring tinder thots who I don't care for

>> No.14492667
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>go on tinder dates with girls
>they are cunts and act bored and unimpressed
>i never message them back after the date
>run into them on campus
>they yell at me for never getting back in touch, say i'm a typical man etc.
>this has happened like 10+ times now

>> No.14492711

no, online dating culture could probably be summarized in a paragraph or two. Attempting to write whole book about it would be unthinkable

>> No.14493207

>go out on three fucking dates
>doesn't even fuck one girl
c'mon anon, what's the point? I barely use Tinder anymore, but I've met a few girls there who became my fuckbuddies for a few months until eventually we both got bored and stop seing eachother. But I still have two of them who I see pretty often and they are both nice girls. This how Tinder should be used: not for quick hookups, but to find the right girls and make them your fuckbuddies. If you find a girl whos nice and is down to fuck, keep her around and you will have sex whenever you want or at least once a month.

>> No.14493585
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Bad tinder dates are one of the most exquisite luxuries young men get to experience
They are a truly patrician indulgence

I have fucked a lot of girls from tinder, and none of the good nights can match the sublimity, the glorious Shakespearean melodrama that is a horrible tinder date

Some of the nights I did get laid I would consider "bad tinder dates"

A team of the best absurdist writers couldn't script the plots of the dates I have had

If you aren't having bad tinder dates you are missing out on one of the quintessential adolescent experiences of our generation

>> No.14493597

I'm not buying.