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14470900 No.14470900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the horrors of abortion?

>> No.14470918

The horrors of life far outweigh that of a life never lived.

>> No.14470923

actually abortions are kinda cool

>> No.14470933

>before 6 weeks they aren't people and it's no one but the mother's business, that's why I'm pro-choice
fuck off to your shitty facebook page and shove your strawman up your ass, brainlet. You should've been aborted

>> No.14470937

>unplugging yourself from the violinist is exactly the same as pureeing the violinist

>> No.14470945

How about the horrors of rape, carrying a deformed child into the world, packs of ignorant men telling you what they think you should do with the rest of you life.
I know you’re not the one failing to wear a condom, but c’mon.

>> No.14470973
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The act that precedes abortion and the will of doing it are more horrific than the consequence, which is what your mean appeals to. An aborted soul always goes to heaven. It is the disregard and perversion of the reproductive faculty into the wetware equivalent of a video game system that is the greater insult. You do not speak against acts that lead to it, viz., fornication, pornography, masturbation, because you fear the loss of friendship, human respect. Most anti-abortion advocates, by their tepidity in the sins responsible for abortion, have sinned at least venially.
>How about the horrors of rape
The murder of a baby does not, to any degree, expiate the wrong of rape that formed it.
>carrying a deformed child into the world
Not your decision to make.
>packs of ignorant men telling you what they think you should do with the rest of you life.
It is clearly you that is ignorant, ignorant of biology, of morality, of human nature.
>I know you’re not the one failing to wear a condom, but c’mon.
See the reason I established for the cause to the initial reply. Your frivolous use of the sex organs, and thinking you can "cheat nature" with a pathetic barrier will not lead to less abortions but on the contrary, enables and sustains the culture that allows it.

>> No.14470980


>> No.14470981

Your life.

>> No.14470987

you people are so fucking weird

>> No.14470992

How so?

>> No.14470998

They should've included my favourite one: "B-but pro-lifers don't take care of people once they're out in the world. Just look at all the homeless people!"

>> No.14471032

they're right though. Do you have a rebuttal or just fake stuttering to make you feel superior?

>> No.14471034

One of my favorite past times is filling normalfags with dread and guilt with abortion gore.

>> No.14471040

>give me more welfare or its morally justifiable for me to kill my child
Not even him but fuck off you dumb cunt.

>> No.14471062

It's an economic issue. Individuals can't help the millions of homeless people in the world but we can allow them the chance of being born, having a life, an identity, a language, and hopefully, responsible parents, either biological or adoptive, who can lead them to a fulfilling life. It's not the responsability of individuals to provide for those who are homeless.

>> No.14471063

>not even him i swear
>his "argument" is an even lazier strawman
samefag or not you all have the same single digit IQ. I bet you have absolutely zero interest in literature

>> No.14471064

Thank you based priest poster.

>> No.14471075

>It's an economic issue
many women abort for economic reasons.
>It's not the responsability of individuals to provide for those who are homeless
then it's also not their responsibility to have a child if they don't want to. It's funny how you're all muh small government and muh extremely amoral individualism until someone does something you don't like, even when it doesn't affect you at all

>> No.14471080

I've read more books than you, sweaty. Do you have an actual argument or do you call it quits?

>> No.14471088

>Not your decision to make.

>> No.14471114

>You are all the people I've ever debated in my life online
Now, on a more serious note, I don't particularly care what promiscuous women do with their fetuses, but I would defend abortion on the grounds of rape (which is the least common reason). I just think the arguments pro-abortioners make are ridiculously stupid and off-topic.

>> No.14471118
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>> No.14471133

>books that confirm what i already think so i can further jack myself off
if you want to actually meaningfully subtract from the instances of abortion in our society you should try to better understand the reasons why so many see it as permissible so that you can convince them otherwise

>> No.14471137

I support abortion as a eugenic measure.

>> No.14471143

sure you have, memer
>Do you have an actual argument or do you call it quits?
I'll start when you do

>> No.14471150

yeah OP should be aborted right now

>> No.14471157

>I've read more books than you
Ah, yes, the sign of a true literature hound: quantity over quality.

>> No.14471163

You are yet to answer my previous reply, which is not a strawman since I clearly mentioned one of the arguments I had seen and you never addressed it. Are you a Negro? You gave me low IQ vibes with zero respect for humanity.

>> No.14471166

I never said that, you did.

>> No.14471167

am i the only one who wants to eat babies? their fat thighs look so tasty.

>> No.14471182

>An aborted soul always goes to heaven.

If this were true, then Christ died for nothing.

>> No.14471185

It's taken directly from the post I replied to. You have actual brain problems son.

>> No.14471194

I support abortions because it keeps more blacks off the street

>> No.14471198

Why aren't they people?

>> No.14471200

imagine being a carnivore and being anti-choice. did you give that egg a chance to hatch you fucking monster? what a hypocrite.

>> No.14471203

I meant prefering quantity over quality, genius.

>> No.14471204

That was the exact argument in the quote
>I've read more books than you

>> No.14471230

Where does it say anything about preferring quantity over quality? Can't a person read lots of good books? Weren't you the one who assigned numerical value to literature-related topic in the first place: "I bet you have absolutely zero interest in literature"? I was responding accordingly and in context to this accusatory little game.

>> No.14471244

>Where does it say anything about preferring quantity over quality?
You made a value judgement based on your belief that you've read a greater quantity of books. Presumably you're a big fan of Danielle Steel or similar.
>I was responding accordingly and in context to this accusatory little game.
You sound like a total weirdo.

>> No.14471250

Who's decision IS it?

>> No.14471252


>> No.14471277
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>> No.14471289

Yeah lol. Why haven’t uhhmm pro-lifers overthrown capitalism yet? #debunked

>> No.14471298

Not a Christfag but literally 99.99% of foster parents are prot Christians who also oppose abortion.
Atheists on the other hand don't donate diddly dick.

>> No.14471321

ultra gay

>> No.14471322

So if we extend that logic a bit, we should just kill homeless people because they are poor ?

>> No.14471323

>An aborted soul always goes to heaven.

Then why wouldn't it be the highest good to just have as much bareback sex as you want and just abort if you don't want to birth and raise a child? Aside from that it would fuck up your womb?

>> No.14471327

Faggot who couldn't make it, unironically kill yourself.

>> No.14471386
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>They aren't people

>> No.14471387

I wish I could suck abortionists up into my womb, trap them in there, and abort them.

>> No.14471399

Kids who are aborted would've been born to parents that either couldn't handle them financially or maturity wise. You telling me that eighteen year old coalburners shouldn't be able to visit Dr. Fetus Deletus? Many kids alive now currently should have better lives, so focus on that first. We have many children who get abused on a daily basis. Removing abortion would make that number go up.

>> No.14471405

God's. Currently his will is that abortions are legal some places and illegal others.

>> No.14471409

>innocent people shouldn't die
Uuuuh hello cringe department ?

>> No.14471416

I guess we should kill thous poor and abused children to fix them up.

>> No.14471420

I'm a bonafide atheist but I think these faggots need Jesus in their lives. Thanks for talking sense into them.

>> No.14471458

what a nice thread of book recommendations

>> No.14471464

Please stop using this site, fucking w*jack poster.

>> No.14471534

I love how mad he gets you people lol.
just stop killing babies dude

>> No.14471552

I'm pro-life but okay.
Wojack posters should be forcefully, post-natally aborted regardless.

>> No.14471579

For now, at least, it's better to allow people the freedom to remove their unborn fetuses. If they don't, their kids will likely be neglected and abused. Don't get me wrong, I'm in favor of very early term abortions. I also prefer FetusBGone Pills, Condoms, whatever. But if you remove peoples right to get abortions, you're inflicting a greater pain on the kids long term then just allowing them to be aborted. It's not population control, but rather the specific individual situations that families find themselves in. Lets say, a husband and wife plan on having a kid, but then change their mind. Are they expected to bare the child and parent it despite their bitterness towards the child? Or should they instead put it into an orphanage, where far too many others are as well?

>> No.14471643

I'd like a book on the mental / spiritual destruction of the parents, rather than the typical "fetus = life; removing life = murder; murder = bad" line of focus. I don't think most people's brains typically let them process how horrific the act is in itself. And even when it's shown in propaganda, it's usually the surgical kind where someone is going in and ripping out parts of a late-stage fetus, but groups try to sell abortion in much more subtle ways. They have abortion pills if you're early enough, so you might think
>pay money
>get pill
>consume pill
>baby gone
But actually it forces your body to destroy the fetus and you need to be bedridden, bleeding out gooey chunks of baby for half a day. Then just go on about your life having spent a day of it experiencing the physical and mental pain of a baby dying inside you, and you bleeding it out, and then you have to dispose of that bloody goop. There's little room for your mind to go beside pretend it was just a really bad period and that the experience was empowering because you had the right to choose to do that.

>> No.14471648

If you put pepe in bajina you must take care of the child. The only reason that is not the case is modern society bullshit rationalisation, the way you are doing it now.

>> No.14471676


>> No.14471678

>aside from that it would negatively impact if not fully dissolve your ability to perform your main task in life, thus trapping you in a life in cage made of your past sins
hehe woo why not just blow up your uterus and send those dead babies straight to heaven. Die happy knowing you’re populating the heaven you probably won’t make it to now.

>> No.14471687

abortionists are just willingly blind to it since it suits their needs. It'd be the same as a guy on a diet pretending that its okay to eat chocolate cake and that it wont break his diet — but abortionists do much, much more harm with their actions than it is to be expected of people who overlook things out of unrestrained desire, since they do not only apply these misdirections to themselves, but also towards others directly as well.

>> No.14471691

Sex always must have hard consequences so dumb roasties finally learn they should stay with me for their entire life instead of hooking up and enjoying a healthy sex life. Im sooo fucking lonely

>> No.14471705

We should persecute and eventually kill all women who dared to abort or who had miscarriages. Also all men who failed to use a condom will get the chair for their subhuman behaviour

>> No.14471715

>Sex always must have hard consequences

>> No.14471717
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Based and pro-abortion pilled
>An aborted soul always goes to heaven
Source? Because it's not stated in CCC nor the Bible. And tell me, when does exactly the soul begins and forms its own existance? Are monozygotic twins a product of just one divided soul? What about fetus absorption within parasitic twins? Is the living one a killer or maybe the mother is the one that's responsible? What about miscarriage? By definition it is an abortion. Should it be considered negligent homicide of a child? If yes, then it's an obvious sin so mommy is ought to be prosecuted and punished. What about retards? And I don't mean /pol/ users but actually mentally disabled "people" that are too dumb to write, read and even understand basics of christian doctrines or any abstract concepts. Those creatures can't be "good" so I gues that all downies are fated to be casted into lake of fire for eternity, am I right?
Pretty lame. YHWH's love is truly merciless or maybe christians are just as dumb as rock that their god can't lift.

>> No.14471722

Please find a picture of your parents and repeat your post.

>> No.14471724

>why not just blow up your uterus

Hence, 'aside from that it would fuck up your womb'.

>> No.14471728

>or had miscarriages
Ok you've lost me on this one.

>> No.14471731
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> christians are just as dumb as rock that their God can't lift.

>> No.14471747
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I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath. . . I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.

>> No.14471749

By this metric you must also be against surgery.

>> No.14471796


>> No.14471801

But what about masterbation?

>> No.14471808

you don't have a womb sweetie, you're man, go take your meds.

>> No.14471828

It states "I will not use the knife"

>> No.14471842

People seem to be missing the point, a barely anthropomorphised totally unconscious and insentient amalgam of biological matter parasitically growing unwanted inside of you should be allowed legally by women to be fetally deleted. Pro-choice is about the right to self-governance over ones body, not necessarily the ethical question of 'murdering' a proto-human.

By the pro-life ethical metric and even according to Aquinas' theory of stewardship we all should protect and nurture all parasitic relations until we become vessels and slaves for the tapeworms.

>> No.14471858
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Why stop there? #pozzlyfe

>> No.14471886
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you piqued my interest and I found another example highlighting the problem of evil

>> No.14471905

>82 posts, not a single book mentioned
Nice /lit/ thread.

>> No.14471917
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>we should all footnote our posts from now on

>> No.14471918

Developmental Biology, Gilbert

>> No.14471920

I have been asking for this feature on /lit/ for years.

>> No.14471925

the more i think about it the better it seems