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14467540 No.14467540 [Reply] [Original]

I really hate America and Americans, what literature would you recommend me?

"One is never sure which of two characteristics is more prominent in the American national character and therefore of the greater significance: naivete or a superiority complex. When for example they say things about our region, our surprise at their ignorance is surpassed only by annoyance at their stupid insolence. The less they know about a matter, the more confidently they speak. They really believe that Europeans are eagerly waiting to hear from them and heed their advice. They took our strategic decision not to discuss their shallow culture before the war as a sign of admiration. Their greatest technical accomplishments are refrigerators and radios. They cannot believe that there are cultural values that are the result of centuries of historical development, which cannot simply be bought. It was no bad joke when, after the war, they bought the ruins of German castles and moved them stone by stone to the U.S.A. They really thought that they had purchased a piece of national history embodied in stone, and were naive enough to think that mocking laughter from Europe was respect for the wealth that enabled them to buy what their own tradition and culture lacked."
-Joseph Goebbels

>> No.14467554

Evola "Americans do not think, Yet they are."
de Tocqueville

>> No.14467556

Nothing disgusts me more than immigrants who say they are “proud to be American” and how much they love this country. You disgusting wretches. So easily do you play the turncoat on your own nations and cultures for the Great Whore of Babylon, the Great Satan that is America?

>> No.14467559

I agree america is degenerate and a tumor on the human zeitgeist. We need an united europe, china needs to be nuked, and we need to accelerate the protectionist pseudo-fascist trends seen in bernie and trump. Zizek talks a lot about this.

Dumb, evola is geopolitcal suicide.

me too, except white americans who say they're proud to be american.

>> No.14467567

I really like their literature and films. Couldn't care less about the actual people. The burger tourists I've met are annoying, loud cunts who speak in superlatives, so everything is "The greatest, the best, I'm such a big FAN." Cool it down, please. No, you can't be a "fan" of fucking toasts, Brandon. No, I'm not the "best." No, this restaurant isn't "the greatest." Just simmer down, you lot are alright but please don't talk like teenagers, or worse, like Negroes.

>> No.14467573

>white americans who say they're proud to be american.
yeah, but that’s to be expected. they were nurtured for generations in the very bosom of the great beast. what astounds me is how quickly immigrants turn traitors to their own heritage when they immigrate here

>> No.14467587

Well, almost any human would do that, so thats more of a misanthropic position. I still disagree though, because nations are a small part of someones culture. Its possible to move to america and retain most of your heritage, so someone saying they're proud to be american, might still've kept their original thinking.

>> No.14467692

you could not convince me that anyone in this thread isn't an American. you all speak exactly like Americans.

>> No.14467699
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All fucking tripfags must fucking hang.

>> No.14467744

cancer go back

>> No.14467771

This, the only adjective my father knows is awesome. That pizza was awesome, that movie was awesome, that book was awesome. He's also a pseudo-intellectual finance retard and whenever I ask if he's read a book, he always says he read parts of it, but doesn't remember it, but still knows he didn't like it. "Have you read Moby Dick?" "I might have a long time ago, but I don't remember liking it." Then he always lectures me on great cinema, because he would see normie 80s movies in college and high school, so whenever we see a film together he reduces it to platitudes and gets mad when he "can't relate to a character," or he doesn't like the message. He's also never seen a foreign film or a black and white film, but constantly feels the need to tell me what he thinks of it. I don't care that he's stupid or uncultured, but he always has to fucking talk about it, then makes you feel guilty because "he's given you so much over the years," and he loves talking about how rich he is. Oh, and he's Jewish.

>> No.14467785

>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

>> No.14467793

>me too, except white americans who say they're proud to be american.
How could you be proud to be an American when every Nigger, spic, or kike could be an American. Not to mention nationalism only glorifies the retarded mass man with no unique characteristics, so white nationalism glorifies an obtuse, barbaric, loud retard that is too weak and tepid to rule, so he lets incompetent bureaucratic Jews do it. Yeah, I'm so proud to be a white American!! Look what people who would be completely disgusted with me did!

>> No.14467798

damn man, im glad my dad was a simple but genial uneducated man. having a midwit dad sounds fucking shit

>> No.14467814
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>DAE think America ain't so heckin' great after all??

>> No.14467815

>im glad my dad was a simple but genial uneducated man
my grandfather (on my mom's side) is like this and he's a great man I have a lot of respect for. He loves Stephen King and is simple, but he's a great guy.

>> No.14467836

well you could reverse that quote today, replace europe with most of the world 'shipping castles' by way of popular media and only recently asian media. if american influence makes you seethe easily it means the 'tradition' you keep yearning for is just a fantasy larp to begin with, meaning it is actually you personally who doesnt understand the inherent tradition of certain regions and people. if you were born into one, seething about memes is the last thing that would bother you. you have replaced it with some stereotype which is most likely the tier youre in no matter what country youre from. its the information age plebbie.

>> No.14467950

what's DAE?

>> No.14467969

This is a good rant lol

>> No.14467973

im finna bout to dae dae on yo white ass

>> No.14467991

"Does anyone else"

>> No.14467992

OP here, I'm not American, so fuck off.

>> No.14468107

Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-50
by James Bacque
>pays to post his cancer on 4chan
you need to go back asap

>> No.14468145

It's a few edgy college students who are learning that "America bad"

>> No.14468162

By that logic you can't be proud to be from any country except highly autistic ones like Japan

>> No.14468173


>> No.14468179

you shouldn’t be proud to be from a country, you should be proud to be from a certain culture/ancestry.

>> No.14468189

I was born to a certain culture and ancestry. Is that supposed to be an achievement?

>> No.14468198

achievements are gay

>> No.14468209

I fucking hate this stupid argument.
"You can't be proud of your mother, because you didn't create her lol"

>> No.14468232

after I watched empire of dust I still dont know where it all went so wrong that these people doesnt seem to have any work ethnic or in general are not even able to maintain basic structures. scary
Im not that proud Im more glad and will do my small part that this doesnt happen in the west

>> No.14468296

>you shouldn’t be proud to be from a country, you should be proud to be from a certain culture/ancestry.
A nation is not the same thing as a country you twat. Learn the difference. Nationalism is a celebration of your culture/ancestry.

>> No.14468300

Domestic Manners of the Americans, by Frances Trollope. The classic bitch-slapping of arrogant, anti-intellectual, eternally spitting Murricans.


>> No.14468301

Because every achievement of every race is a few unique people getting something done in spite of a generally retarded population plus there’s a difference between being proud of your race/mother vs proud of yourself because of your race/mother. The former is obviously fine, the latter is to be expected among ordinary people

>> No.14468744

Goebbels really should be studied more.
He is the father of propaganda, a great orator and a leading figure from the very beginning of a movement that shook Europe to its core.
If he had been on the winning side he would be a greatly studied figure.

>> No.14468756

I absolutely love American and Americans, what literature would you recommend me?

>> No.14468759

I hear he loved to Goebbel cocks.

>> No.14468820

Paul Johnson.

>> No.14468842

I think in every country there are people who think along the lines of this thread- these people, Joseph Goebbels among them, are plebs.
Every country has its representative idiots, some of them even in positions of power.

>> No.14468852


>> No.14468909

>That pizza was AHHSEM
must be infuriating m8

>> No.14468959

American bashing threads are always really fun until the burgers come and start to blob their shitty opinions everywhere.

>> No.14468975

You shouldn't be proud of anything you didn't take a direct part in creating or helping. It's pathetic. If you're proud of America you should be hanged.

>> No.14469220

Strictly speaking you shouldn't be proud of your mother. If she's any good you should feel lucky to have her and appreciate her, but pride? There's a reason why it was named one of the seven deadly sins.

>> No.14469404

>We need an united europe
Uh.. no?
Then Europe would just become USA 2.0
The European countries should stay separated, but I have no problem with the EU as an economic union to help the poorer countries like Croatia, Romania, or Portugal

>> No.14469570


Rural is based. Urban is based. Suburban is an abomination. Car centricity has rotted urban areas from the inside out and spread across the nation like a fungus, leaving a decaying atrocity of stripmalls, housing developments, and sprawl in its wake. However, the central areas of our better cities are still incredibly based. Our ailments are temporary. Niggers, who will be priced out once gentrification sweeps them from the city limits like the garbage they are. Cagerism, which will end with the rise of walkability and rail based transit systems. Boomers, who will die as bloated corpses of diabeetus within 5 years. After that we will be a glorious empire again. The rural areas will go back to being rural and pastorial, and the urban areas will develop much like China, Seoul, and Japan did. Suburbia was a mistake. Cages were a mistake. We will dismantle and destroy everything boomers built and we will reclaim our birthright.

>> No.14469575

The human cattle who give america a bad name are all a suburban phenomenon, and when cagerism dies they too shall perish like the walking vermin they are.

Again our universities will rise to glory, again our science will lead the world, again our cities will shine and dazzle with prosperity and world class infrastructure.

Death to the suburbanite.

>> No.14469601

American politics suck but it's 100x better than living anywhere else. Europe is full of authoritarian leftist shitholes and rest of the world just flat out sucks. However, America is definitely on the downfall.

>> No.14469609

>fuck the suburbs
what if I want an affordable house without having to live in bumfuck nowhere?

>> No.14469625

Enjoy having a two+ hour each way commute and children who grow up without access to basic services and opportunities who are so bored they start popping pills from the medicine cabinet in the hope one of them might get them high.

>> No.14469633

This is /pol/ tier discussion. Leave.

>> No.14469641

high levels of projection bro, not all suburbs are boring or that fucking far from the city LOL

>> No.14469678

>that fucking far from the city
>doesn't understand what rush hour traffic is
2 hours commute could be only 12 miles away

When it comes to a house: you get what you pay for.

>> No.14469692

Unless you work deep downtown in a bigass city like NY or LA that is not even close to true

>> No.14469883

>Europe is full of authoritarian leftist shitholes

Burger brain retard

>> No.14469898

t. brainlet who lives in the EU and is OK with it

>> No.14469906

You realize it is the American people who make the American films, right?

>> No.14469919

>then makes you feel guilty because "he's given you so much over the years,"
so that's where your tantrum really sprouted from lol.

>> No.14469948

The only people who hate Americans this badly are American.

Also, check my dubs.

>> No.14469955

Go to hell, you crybaby wimp.

>> No.14469959

Obviously. I like the products, not the actual people. I was clear about that.

>> No.14469968

>-Joseph Goebbels
This is what makes this post imo, pure eurotard rage lol

>> No.14469994

It would have been more based if you had used an american shiting on america then fucking nazi. Despite this place being a degenerate capitalist hellhole, there is still traces of culture worth admiring past and present. Do not forget that america is young country compared to other once great yuropean nations.

>> No.14470025

being american is being an unperson. truly magnificent, the tortured flesh is delicious.

>> No.14470112

I really hate Literature. What Literature would you recommend me?

>> No.14470494


>> No.14470503

Why would it have to be an “accomplishment”? It can still be good or even superior to others without arising from personal choice

>> No.14470532

Sure it's superior but what does pride mean if it has nothing to do with choice? Delight in what is 'best'? I'm white, should a latino be proud of me too?

>> No.14470547

>america is young country compared to other once great yuropean nations.
This is true, that's why your culture is barely existant. You should realize this and be humble, instead of claiming to be the greatest country of all times like Americans tend to do all the time.

>> No.14470556
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Funny how Americans in this thread are proving Goebbel's quote true.

>> No.14470871

What is “cagerism”? I have not heard that term before

>> No.14471058

An anti car thing i believe