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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.16 MB, 1212x682, unknown-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14448651 No.14448651 [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I'm thinking shes dogpilled. On a related note, how can you take Bataille seriously when he didnt even adress the Sparky Question?

>> No.14448666

What are her thoughts on Alexander Pope?

>> No.14448768

Bump. Sad to hear another thot has been lost to dastardly dog knot

>> No.14448816

She told you guys to stop posting her here

>> No.14448884

who is she?

>> No.14448889

>that look
you just KNOW

>> No.14448898

Give me a picture of her feet I will never post her again

>> No.14448903

This. Feet, please

>> No.14448908

slobbering heathen.

>> No.14448914
File: 306 KB, 1920x1080, hate5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14448915

Just watch the beach video if you are that desperate

>> No.14448921
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, hate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14448924

Not cool

>> No.14448941

Good God I'd pay to cum down her throat

>> No.14448952

who is she?

>> No.14448963


>> No.14448966


>> No.14448970

her face is perfect boys im going into her dms with my best prose

>> No.14448983

Please don't. She has enough men thirsting over her already

>> No.14448985

please do and post results here

>> No.14448991

No dont.

>> No.14449015

The rapid editing on her videos disturbs me. It implies she's incapable of actually stringing a coherent sentence together and has to create intelligible sentences in post by cutting out... what? Each little edit jump makes me think she's either a tourettes victim editing out curses or it's just linguistic fillers that a competent person would train themselves not to say.

>> No.14449017

do, now

>> No.14449026

Hey grandpa, finally got the ol dialup working again?

>> No.14449031
File: 269 KB, 379x379, 1566024691265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the pics she looked kinda cute but wtf

>> No.14449032

She's got a pretty face, but her personality is annoying. And as for her taste in books - nope.

>> No.14449070
File: 72 KB, 884x698, too cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you implying?

>> No.14449083

ADD generation

>> No.14449120

Can someone please tell me why she's being memed right now? I have her in my youtube recommendations and I hate it.

>> No.14449181

jesus thought this was somebody i knew. looks like a young version of her and she loves books too.

>> No.14449183

she just turned 18

>> No.14449201
File: 489 KB, 470x456, 1556611652473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah I'm thinking shes dogpilled.
single women who have dogs put peanut butter on their pussy to get the dogs to lick and give them cunninlinguses

>> No.14449234

do you have sauce on that

>> No.14449243

Wouldn't you?

>> No.14449247

Not just peanut paste, but their menstrual blood too.

>> No.14449274
File: 114 KB, 1141x909, wife material.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14449280

Not just single women.

>> No.14449323

Cat is so fucking obnoxious and her taste in books is garbage but oh, my God is she cute

>> No.14449595

She can't stop that. If she doesn't want to be viewed and discussed then SHE needs to take down HER youtube.

>> No.14449615

never forget this broad's a fugazi

>> No.14449618

water is wet

>> No.14449641

Hope she is smart enough not to engage with this board or notice the attentions of the rest of you cave dwelling semen brains.

>> No.14449694
File: 552 KB, 926x513, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 10.12.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's too busy "reading" to notice

>> No.14449709

Don't (You) me you ape

>> No.14449717


How do you think she comes?

>> No.14449725

>How do you think she comes?
while listening to an audiobook

>> No.14449738

Likely the same way your mother does when we have consensual passionate sex on the backseat of my Sedan you dumb fuck.
Don't (You) me

>> No.14449770

What do her toes do during climax?

>> No.14449783


Almost no /lit/ regular would reply like this. HmmmmmMMMMMM? Could it be?

>> No.14449787


They definitely took each other to Huffburg.

>> No.14449797

Do you have longish Tara Tainton toes, darling, or are they stubby like Xev Bellringer's? I keep switching back and forth with you.

>> No.14449843
File: 1.18 MB, 970x908, 1577179534108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Take you time to observe the quality of our awe.

>> No.14449850

I have "wife beater" toes of the kind that require the attentions of a single mom like yours you silly cock sucker.

>> No.14449929

is she jewish?

>> No.14449934

You all deserve your crushing loneliness if you care about ethots

>> No.14449961

im so lonely I just put her vids in the background and pretend I have a quirky female near me.

I hope you never feel this need

>> No.14449998


I should mention that this >>14449717 does not mean whereby you come, the "how" strictly refers to your Subjective experience alone, as in what could one compare it to; free falling, evaporating, getting charged by cavalry?

>> No.14450004


the truth is she's probably really short IRL, like 5'1 short, and makes no impression with people, having videos where shes right in front of the camera makes her feel beautiful, and special.

>> No.14450082
File: 22 KB, 494x327, torus-e1468615253476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Consider the unspeakable coincidence of opposites of her sitting on your face. Dainty enough to lull you into a kind of kinetic homeostasis wherein her gliding up and down the full length of your face and neck would feel as implicit as those parts normally do, her pussy juice crystalline enough to feel like fresh air, thus she would all-pervading by virtue of being discrete.

>> No.14450086

Go on.

>> No.14450178


A whisper in a monastery, the back of your eyelids, a summer's golden hour yielding to dusk, such is her vulva.

>> No.14450190

Go on...

>> No.14450272


I'm spent. Hopefully she will grace this board again.

>> No.14450306

I'd pay high quantities of money to smell her hair desu.

>> No.14450309

Archive of when she did?

>> No.14450313

Fucking nerd

>> No.14450315

She’s Jewish

>> No.14450316


You're in it:


>> No.14450319

god I wish I were that dog

>> No.14450330

What's with women and dogs nowadays? Why is the dogpill even a thing?

>> No.14450358
File: 1.64 MB, 450x402, cat3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reporting this thread

>> No.14450362

>What's with women and dogs nowadays?
OK Seinfeld.

>> No.14450372

White girls ____ dogs

>> No.14450377

>Listening to women

>> No.14450407
File: 751 KB, 498x278, hotdogs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14450433

>no one would care about this girl IRL
>shes actually really boring and has no personality
>shes not good looking at all, just seems attainable.
>she's going to age really ugly and get old lady face around 25.
>she's not as smart as she thinks she is
>girls often act quirky to hide they are really not good people
>due to hypergamy she wouldn't settle for less than an 8/10 Chad. she would be disgusted by you.

>> No.14450436

I am an 8/10 Chad though.

>> No.14450455


>> No.14450457


>> No.14450855
File: 870 KB, 895x858, oh god no the not the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kind of tantalizingly Numeric arrangement of fingers, scrying in cryptic hieroglyphs, basic arrangements and behavior of particles, Logical branches.

>> No.14450889
File: 1.34 MB, 1305x893, a delight every time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The all but invisible mystery of Self-intimacy, hypnagogia gently unraveling her, leaning to drink straight from Lethe.

>> No.14450903
File: 155 KB, 259x287, 1553000737824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to smell her farts.

>> No.14451016
File: 1.49 MB, 1398x893, fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fire of Reason, the hierarchy of perception (only one finger is touching her forehead), the intrapersonal Christ consciousness of electing one's Self.

>> No.14451031

Where's your proof?

>> No.14451158

Don’t forget the feet anon

>> No.14451234

sounds based to me

>> No.14451750


>> No.14451787


>> No.14451805


>> No.14451832
File: 95 KB, 748x319, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not cool /lit/

>> No.14451873
File: 667 KB, 2460x1800, Screen Shot 2019-12-31 at 4.58.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird, she deleted that pretty quick.

>> No.14451933

Hate to douse the fire but in my limited experience geeky bookworms like her tend to have muffs like a boxing glove, At least you'd get spa grade facial exfoliation.

>> No.14452043

Why does /lit/ orbit this chick so hard

>> No.14452132

They aten't lit,they are just filthy r9k immigrants that believe themselves lit because they read notes from the underground or something.
Fucking boot lipped cunts, if they can eat, fuck or sleep on something they don't give a fuck about it, the
e cavemen

>> No.14452159

shes deleting stuff right now, i'm gonna go in with my best writing prose

>> No.14452197

>muffs like a boxing glove
i can't visualise this

>> No.14452205

Think about getting a handjob from someone with a boxing glove on, really puffy, and cushiony and tight. HOT

>> No.14452222
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1576768085199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the book version of /tv/'s Jebby Nicholson?

>> No.14452225

No, very different.

>> No.14452232

fundamentally the same parasocial nonsense

>> No.14452238


>> No.14452245

there was less cope in the CNN newroom on November 9, 2016

>> No.14452260
File: 82 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realize /lit/ creatures might be too dim to get that this means cunnilingus

>> No.14452281

>orange man good!

>> No.14452289

Fucking 9/11

>> No.14452471

>the truth is she's probably really short IRL, like 5'1 short
that's pretty hot, i'm a manlet myself, makes her even more child-like

>> No.14452488

i do fap to spider jewel. what are the e-thots of other boards?

>> No.14452512

I can only imagine how amazing it would feel to have her read to you while jerking you off

>> No.14453960


>> No.14454068

spider jewel is jenny's instagram, step it up dude

>> No.14454189

Holy shit
Imagine that ship, Kaczynski × Kat
It could work as a romantic comedy about a psychopatic anti-establishment terrorist and his quirky acid white gf that could leave him anytime she wants but decides to stay around because Ted's madness is too sexy to her.

>> No.14454220

stay in line buddy

>> No.14454234

To all of you itt: have sex, or read the Bible.

>> No.14454249

she's 20

>> No.14454294

what's her birthday

>> No.14454656


more like GIRTHday

>> No.14454713
File: 307 KB, 1000x808, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extroverted bookgurl
ewww. wheres an introverted, coy, delicate one

>> No.14454716

Nowhere near people in a room somewhere. You'll never find her.

>> No.14454747

simp alert

>> No.14454751

Not making youtube videos, that's for sure

>> No.14454784

She looks like the kind of special collection assistant librarian who would insist on you paying down your fine in full before checking anything out.

>> No.14454809
File: 1.88 MB, 250x141, 1576429428923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my

>> No.14454814

she thinks the audiobook is kinda' hard to understand

>> No.14454820
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was the target audience for this thumbnail?

>> No.14454839


Definitely not /lit/, which is a hand board.

>> No.14454852

...are you implying she has seen my sock posting?

>> No.14454864 [DELETED] 

How men of color sing to Cat's feet!
Thru bball banter, "Pale feets 'nat sweet!"
Park shaded group tugs of Cat-hot dark meat
"Ima candy dem toes, tote a bagged treat "
Cheerin they boy, dreamt soles clap greet
Dwantaine finish last, "Needa grab Pete."
Crew scatter fast, no fap wrap sheet

>> No.14455882

Not even halfway through the thread...

>> No.14456419

How men of color sing to Cat's feet!
Thru b-ball banter, "Pale feets 'nat sweet!"
Park shaded group tugs of Cat-hot dark meat
"Ima candy dem toes, tote a bagged treat"
Cheerin they boy, dreamt soles clap greet
Dwantaine finish last, "Needa grab Pete."
Crew scatter fast, no fap wrap sheet

>> No.14457211

Jesus, are you the same guy that posted here that he wanted to come down our last waifu’s throat, which she read and which helped cause her to delete her YouTube? That was years ago dude

>> No.14457426

she looks like a DUDE

>> No.14457639

she doesn't really. she looks like a kid. the real concern is that as she ages the nose will KEEP growing.

>> No.14457662
File: 100 KB, 1300x1147, young-girl-dogs-front-white-background-young-girl-dogs-111552899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All white girls were conditioned to do so from early age. Prove me wrong. You Kant

>> No.14457756

Nah I was very likely in prison at the time that occurred for aggravated assault.

>> No.14457779

>this one if for my /lit/ fans

>> No.14457786

How is the state of your butthole?

>> No.14457803

Fine it was in Canada

>> No.14457804

Oh wow look at those hands

>> No.14457813

Where the people that mount you are known for always getting their man? Good job on relaxing that sphincter.

>> No.14457828


>> No.14457867
File: 1.59 MB, 640x360, dogpill.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14457927

Dog wants that sweet sweet cunt

>> No.14457952

So obvious what that whore does when the camera is off. Someone should report her to ASPCA.

>> No.14457959


>> No.14457972

Hmm, interesting
Thats news to me

>> No.14457997

what kind of animal has a sucking functionality? asking for a friend

>> No.14458015

the woman

>> No.14458050

you can train a dog to suck your dick. I've seen that shit on zoo sites. personally, I wouldn't gamble with it

>> No.14458091

It's just the style. Was all the rage back in early yt vloggers and few people have grown past it.

>> No.14458268
File: 115 KB, 575x1073, 1557873258315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does based anon think of this pair? personally I find it exquisite.

>> No.14458282

does she live in dc? will she be at the meet up?

>> No.14458309

do you think he ever got laid?

>> No.14458332
File: 65 KB, 700x700, 1560124820516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your perfect wife is a shut-in autistic NEET
the great tragedy of our lives

>> No.14458377

lives in New York

>> No.14458473


>> No.14459273
File: 323 KB, 854x481, YAssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who ordered fine piece of BRAAAP?

>> No.14459444


>> No.14459460

Please delete this. She would be angry at us if she seen us posting this.

>> No.14459498

i hate this style and close and unsubscribe as soon as i detect it.

>> No.14459524

more hands please

>> No.14459866

honestly at this point im so in love with her i dont even want sex, just romantic walks and fruit shopping at a local market.

>> No.14461145
File: 1.47 MB, 544x960, 1575686176856.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14461182

Call me Mario, because I'd eat that mushroom and get all big and powerful.

You're a good fella anon, keep that spirit up.

>> No.14461200

>>no one would care about this girl IRL
>>shes actually really boring and has no personality
>>shes not good looking at all, just seems attainable.
>>she's going to age really ugly and get old lady face around 25.
>>she's not as smart as she thinks she is
>>girls often act quirky to hide they are really not good people
>>due to hypergamy she wouldn't settle for less than an 8/10 Chad. she would be disgusted by you.
this has happened for the last 5000 years

>> No.14461230

Why is it it's the Asian teenaged boys who are the worst of the worst when it comes to disagreeableness and degeneracy?

>> No.14461239


>> No.14461290
File: 986 KB, 1800x1185, 1574028692859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminist bioeugenical warfare must be stopped.

>> No.14461302

>The way their shirts match their hair gives them each a very different but intense Aesthetic
Which one of you faggots was this?

>> No.14461315

She is not cute. What is wrong with you?

>> No.14461317


>> No.14461342

My internet sleuthing suggests it's someone they know and not someone from here.

>> No.14462591

Someone link this thread to her.

>> No.14463023


>> No.14463076

Why must I be such a pervert?? This is not a lewd image but to my subconscious it might as well be.

>> No.14463134

>girl with her mouth open like that just begging for it
>not a lewd image

>> No.14463148


>> No.14463329

Classic coomer mindset

>> No.14464167

>it's a /lit/ incels bully innocent girl off a platform chapter

>> No.14464347
File: 141 KB, 735x671, this kills the coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14464395

Oh christ I feel guilty for keep coming back to look at this

>> No.14465626

Step up ladies and gentlemen, it's our new amusement: "Ass that reads". Give any YA book and it will read.

>> No.14465671

Calves will suck on anything including what you want

>> No.14465747

yeah farmers (male) put salf on their hands to attract calves and them they put their dicks in the calf mouth for a BJ

>> No.14465919


>> No.14466051

Oh no, look at all the suffering of that poor dog! Neck yourself you humongous faggot.

>> No.14466533


>> No.14466695

Link pls. I've literally never heard of this bint before

>> No.14466718

Do you think she has stinky feet and is barefoot when she reads?

>> No.14466834

>hand board