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File: 28 KB, 353x353, the reactionary mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14431011 No.14431011 [Reply] [Original]

Is this book good for understanding the way their minds work?
I've read some of it and it seems to focus on the mainstream american right wing and not neo nazis.

>> No.14431040

If evolution is real, how can basic assumption of racism be wrong?

>> No.14431047

Evolution isn't real silly. It's just a theory. Even if it was a law like gravity, I would barely believe it. I don't even believe in air.

>> No.14431076

there's nothing reactionnary about Trump so it's probably a shit book

>> No.14431086

Human races don't even have separate lineages.

>> No.14431092


>> No.14431096

these critical theory epithets don't apply to burke more than they would apply to anyone alive at the time either
sorry op, this book isn't going to teach you anything important, like how not to be a faggot for example

>> No.14431105


>> No.14431351
File: 9 KB, 217x232, 1577295956093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you disagree with me ur mentally ill
absolute state of leftists. the author probably attempts some pseudoscientific Psychoanalysis based on his reactionary strawman

>> No.14431367

transwomen are men so desperate for pussy they would rather commit social suicide and get pity bi pussy and than lose weight and better themselves, simple as that
peak pathetic

>> No.14431402

The book is good, it shows the common thread between various conservatisms across time. Opposition to emancipatory movements guides reactionaries, which is why a neoliberal economist like Hayek and a moronic populist like Palin are less different than you think. It’s an illuminating perspective, and focused on right-wing forces in general. Says nothing about Nazis but you can deduce a lot from the contents of it

>> No.14431551

Yeah legalizing sodomy is exactly the same as freeing the slaves. It's a fucking joke to describe both as emancipation.

>> No.14431567

Liberals and egalitarians are so distraught by The Bell Curve that they have to diagnose people with psychological disorders for the crime of knowing a forbidden truth.

>> No.14431571

It's not really hard to figure out. Revolutionary social movements attract losers and malcontents who have failed to carve out a place for themselves in the current system. Then their is a larger group of hangers on and posers who act out edgy political beliefs as a way to substitute for having a personality. Finally there are the various grifters and shills who see a market niche for themselves making money telling these first two groups what the want to here. In most cases the right left distinction is random happenstance and these malcontents would be just as happy at either extreme.

>> No.14431592
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It is not...

>> No.14431599

Wow, did you read that pseudoscientific crap on reddit or did your TV just tell you?

>> No.14431603

Just like they did in USSR...

>> No.14431629
File: 44 KB, 333x499, 516W-KtQumL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a cultural Marxist book that tries to "prove" that anyone who isn't culturally marxist is mentally ill

>> No.14431635
File: 186 KB, 290x393, 92D8DAF7-A17A-42EC-B339-EC480C682116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my clade is modern, others are primitive and dull
how convenient

>> No.14431695
File: 658 KB, 2000x1455, anarch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would not be able to handle any real revolution.

>> No.14431704
File: 687 KB, 796x916, that innsmouth look spiteful mutant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where have we heard THAT one before?
Typical Spiteful Mutants...

>> No.14431785

>lose weight and better themselves
In todays dating market it is simply inevitable that a substantial portion of males will have few to no female partners. Sexual freedom + not depending on a husband for livelihood will always = most women finding most men undesirable. You cannot self improve your way out of being genetically outside of the top 20% and even if your self improvement succeeded it is a zero sum situation where your gain would be another mans loss. Incels are completely inevitable.

>> No.14431790

Who exactly are the PFLK?

>> No.14431791

I wonder if people are actually brainwashed enough to believe this lol.

>> No.14431818 [DELETED] 

>emancipatory movements

>> No.14431825

>emancipatory movements

>> No.14431851
File: 48 KB, 929x392, sound check 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were a short lived kekistani group, that lasted until the whole kekistan meme got stale. Like a collaborative internet performance art project that really did not do too much. A couple of musicians I know incorporated it into their act for a while but no one IRL understood it. Then the band broke up. But a few memes are left over...
PFLK=Popular Front for the Liberation of Kekistan.

>> No.14431873

it's hard to argue for the french or english people when they colonized the world so carelessly.

i notice nobody says anything about spain or italy, which makes me think this is all a giant scam to have another world war because europeans are bored. the north vs the south over race issues or something like that.

the way i see it going is,
>30% european-nationality
>30% european-transplant
>15% african 15% asian

with the africans and asians uniting towards more liberalizing parties, and the 60% europeans fighting each other until they are demographically replaced by the more fecund migrant population, a type of america in slow motion.

is this a 'shame', hard to say. but non-european occupation of europe if you want to think of it like this will probably last 1000 years, islam is pretty good at keeping empires together. america fell apart less than 100 years of the colonies declaring their independence, then the 60s was a ROUGH decade, probably civil war by 2060?

eventually everyone will look like the people they are replacing due to environmental pressures on genetics selecting the same traits, this will happen even faster if history is lost and modern civilization collapses.

>> No.14431893

If the white population really goes under I have zero doubt China will start just genociding/enslaving most of the world

>> No.14431959

Sounds about right. The analysis seemed a little too memey. I’m not very fond of the far left, but it would be wrong to doubt their competence when it comes to organizing.

>> No.14431963

>i notice nobody says anything about spain or italy
Mexico was calling on Spain to pay reparations recently, and Gaddafi was plenty critical of Italy.

>> No.14432014

what the hell does reactionary even mean? is it just some catch-all bugman term like "alt-right" or is there an actual definition? because it seems to me like the left are the ones who are reactionaries if anything. everything they do is to tear down something else, for example, you say "i don't want gay people talking to my children," and they react to this completely fair and righteous statement by freaking out and using their political and social power to attack you. they don't actually hold real views, all their "views" are just "do opposite of good thing and call it freedom and love."

>> No.14432016

True. There is the actual ("vanguard party") Left, and then there are some college kids LARPing in order to feel cool and safely rebelious. They really have no idea what they are doing.

>> No.14432024

It mostly means wanting to go back to a previous state of society, as opposed to conservatism, which is wanting to conserve some existing state. Of course 'previous state of society' is wildly unspecific and covers a huge amount of different systems, but to the Progressive mind I suppose they're all just variations of opposing 'progress'.

>> No.14432036
File: 105 KB, 624x604, 9xuuap4eq4z21[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it seems to me like the left are the ones who are reactionaries if anything

>> No.14432051

>competence when it comes to organizing.
this is bullshit. they don't have "competence," they have top down funding and support from the corporate overlords and subversive elite billionaires. all we have is some fucking autists making memes, it has nothing to do with skills, we're just completely outnumbered and outfunded. plus, its a meme, but most of us have jobs.

>> No.14432059
File: 370 KB, 599x339, 4_maps_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much of a history of them doing this to koreans or japanese desu. im not pro china mind you, but this map from their perspective always struck me as interesting - i added the us flag to signify some type of economic or military pressure.

>> No.14432077

yes, world domination is very much a white people thing. gooks just don't have the will for it.

>> No.14432083

It's a catch-all for groups the left is allowed to use violence against in a revolutionary setting. It's deliberately vague.

>> No.14432085

In theory conservativism means "slow, careful progress." In American reality however things have shifted so far to the right over decades that the mainstream dem politicians who aren't corporate sellouts like Hillary are the actual conservatives, and the Republicans range from reactionary proto-fascist to actual fascists (usually in the form of evangelicals gunning for theocracy.)

>> No.14432092

This is correct.

Human heritage is more like an irregular net than a branching tree.

>> No.14432095
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1546796398962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>imply gays dont want to kill straights

>> No.14432098

did the left make it up, or just co-opt it from some actual right wing people?

>> No.14432104

that map makes me deeply uncomfortable

>> No.14432110

I don't think you have even a vague idea of what actual fascism or right wing government looks like. Look at Saudi Arabia or something and how incredibly far from that the US is, it's very much still a part of the liberal democracies.

>> No.14432112

If we kill all the breeders, we won't have any qt straight boys to fuck on the downlow. That's the best thing about being gay, making some straight boy who didn't even know this was what he wanted but now he's begging you to give it too him, and you know he's going to get all ashamed afterwards and plead with you not to tell

>> No.14432122

>straight people only exist to make children for me to fuck
this is why people think you should be killed...

>> No.14432123

It derives from the Thermidorian Reaction. I find it interesting that their favorite pejorative derives from a pretty sensible reversal of course.

>> No.14432127

It really is not, it's like a tree with some small strands uniting various branches into new mixed populations. The major racial groupings are very distinct

>> No.14432128
File: 280 KB, 2500x1910, 1577091450518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thing i'm no conservative.
fascism is not reactionary, but revolutionary.

>> No.14432141

>It derives from the Thermidorian Reaction.
they were fucking liberals though???

>> No.14432144

america is socially left, by the shift right you just mean in favor of capital and against workers rights - i don't want to spoil your dream but socialism was funded by international banking cartels who wanted centrally planned economies ruled by dictators because it would be a return to regional wars between nation states inside the umbrella of a global socialist state where permanent monetary feudalism is attained. it had to become conspiratorial like this because most people in the 1900s were simply too cautious to jump into radical political change, even after two world wars they had to be dragged into it by the EU and even now Americans resist to vote for socialism despite the undue (artificial, by design) strain put on them.

in your rush to cast the net at your opponents you fail to see who is in the boat with you - the largest multinationals, corporate monopolies, and every major war and energy industry. they are the ones who subverted the two party system and they are also the ones who want to offer you the solution of socialism to ensure you will work in perpetuity paying off the giant bureaucratic nightmare a full service economy providing cradle to grave nourishment to the american population.

hilary is a zionist neoconservative.
the republicans are zionist neoconservatives.

hiliary's wing of the democratic party is fighting a communist insurgency which wants to hijack the party to fix the obvious problems in america (the cause of which they don't understand, the solution to which will cause catastrophic disaster for the people they want to help)

the republican neocons are fighting various fires first was pat buchanan and the religious right which they suppressed, then the tea party movement which was leaderless and easy to infiltrate, ron paul was equally silenced and ignored, and now with trump you see the race hustlers and fascist types seeing an open door.

this is because the valid desire of the people: immigration only after you fix education and full employment for american citizens, free education and health care, fix the infrastructure, stop the war spending, build more cities, have a normal trade balance and make things in america again to return the working class to a livable income, break up the media monopoly so that the press is free again, regulate the internet properly so kids dont see dicks and vaginas when they are 5 years old and it fucks them up for life, cool it on the gay and trans shit and report on the actual wars and serious crimes happening in lawless cities

no one party will ever address these combined problems because it would take a national AND socialist approach, and that's forbidden because then you displace all the jews from their power roles in culture, banking and finance, media and entertainment, politics and education.

>> No.14432154

>bootlicking is revolutionary

>> No.14432167

>international banking cartels
I feel that this phrase and concept is a kind of schelling point around which large portions of the right and left would unite if they knew more about it and it wasn't outright bathed in anti-jew rhetoric. The Occupy Wallstreet thing seemed to veer close towards it but fizzled out

>> No.14432171
File: 3.83 MB, 700x488, vulcan1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it has to be true of someone after all, and only about eleven percent of the world population at that. Such a small group that have made such an amazing impact on world history! It must be true, culture IS downstream of biology.
I used to hate the idea as being NOT FAIR, but when one becomes older and wiser one learns that facts do not care about your feelings and that the world and indeed the universe are intrinsically unfair. And after all, as post modernists we know that there is no God and no objective morality, so why not just be a good Darwinian and care for your genetic heritage and future, i.e. your family and ultimately by extension your race?
Anything I leave behind me that is used by anyone other than my direct or indirect descendants is a waste of my time. I would rather see it destroyed rather than pass on advantage to others whose agendas may be inimical to my own group's.

>> No.14432177

americans today don't just lick boots, they get fucked in the ass and ask for seconds.
if you must have a government, at least have one that give a shit about the people.
an anarchy will never have the cohesion and strength of an authoritarian state and will be wiped out easily from within or outside forces.

>> No.14432180

At least you know that your pipe-dream of an American fascist state will never come to pass. Enjoy being miserable because of this fact until either you die, or grow out of your teenage edgelord phase. The rest of the adult world will be waiting for you when you do.

>> No.14432181

From a Darwinian perspective your genes are basically manipulating the good/bad feelings of the organism that you are for their own end. Your genes are like a slavemaster that doesn't give a shit about you except to keep you alive and motivated to procreate.

>> No.14432183
File: 45 KB, 262x389, The_Authoritarian_Personality_(first_edition).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an OK book, from 1950, where it could survey real nazi supporters.

The general gist is that they see people not as individuals but as categories, and can't even describe the personality of their own parents or loved ones.

There was a good leftypol analysis of it but you'll have to search for that thread yourself. It talked about how Trump fits some of the descriptions.

>> No.14432187

That isn't a Darwinian perspective, that's the perspective of 19th century popsci evolution. Even Dawkins isn't THAT dumb.

>> No.14432196

>The general gist is that they see people not as individuals but as categories, and can't even describe the personality of their own parents or loved ones.
lol, only a low test soiboi would think that was a bad thing

>> No.14432198

>The general gist is that they see people not as individuals but as categories, and can't even describe the personality of their own parents or loved ones.
Sounds pretty sensible to me. Individualism is delusion.

>> No.14432199

That is exactly Dawkins' perspective of 'selfish genes', of genes as being the unit of selection and replication, rather than organisms.

>> No.14432213

Every haplogroup has been traced back to Africa in the recent past (~40,000 years)

>> No.14432217
File: 22 KB, 640x550, la_luz_extinguido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

africa is a bigass continent you fucking retard
even in africa today among all then niggers there are a bajillion ethnic groups.

and yes, they all look fucking different.but you're a racist that can't tell them apart.

>> No.14432223

insofar as both are extensions of democracy and individual rights and atomization, yes. I'm not ascribing a morality to it or suggesting they all have similar weight

>> No.14432227

yeah, it's not even jews which is the real problem. a lot of it is old world money and HUGE pension funds which are basically holding the boomers retirement hostage - any radical change in the next 10 years and they can collapse the dollar and all the boomers die paupers. then starting in the 2030s when the gen x'ers retire it's the same story, the social security system is one of the largest frauds ever implemented on a human population, rob the future to pay the present and enslave everyone.

people have been trying to explain the banking stuff forever, it's just super dry and boring. it needs to be made into an anime or manga or something. a lack of proper education in basic economics makes most people think you're crazy when you tell them dead bankers from the 1920s created a superstructure which is now ruling the world, and there is no head you can cut or person you can blame it's just a giant mess of financialization and every president republican or democrat made it worse than the guy before him.

really lincoln was the fucking problem, that fucking tyrant suspended habeas corpus and opened the door to international pressure and loans in order to hold the nation together, if he had just waited the south would have abolished slavery by the 1900s and integrated blacks gradually rather than the double disaster that was the civil war and the displacement of freed blacks who then became chattel slaves anyway to northern interests.

you can't teach this shit because automatically lincoln is associated with freeing slaves and criticism of him is being racist. nixon? oh hes the watergate guy - WRONG hes the petrodollar guy who blew up the military budget by removing gold backing from the us dollar - regan oh he's the guy with the cold war stuff - NO he fucking started the deregulation that would turn under financialization with clinton who was a fucking fabian socialist and this whole left right thing is a scam to return you to serfdom....

but you lose people long before you get there. it's a failure of american institutions to educate a serious intellectual elite which can offer valid historical and contextual critique of america and offer solutions that are well thought out and constructive. and HERE is where the jews are blamed, and rightly so because they just saw their entry into american elites as a chance to squeeze the berry and not water the plant at all.

>> No.14432229

Looks like I struck a nerve

>> No.14432240

>culture IS downstream of biology
How do you explain human biology being unchanged for thousands of years yet culture has changed dramatically

>> No.14432243

What books discuss this stuff?

>> No.14432252

buddy america is a fascist state already, it's just not looking out for your best interests, it's corporate fascism for the elect few who become lifers and are mined for their intellect at megacorporations and federal agencies who feed, clothe and soon house them. and they marry their co-workers, and their children will work there, and it will continue until it's clear you go along to get along or you take your chances in the wilderness with all the other peasants and miscreants.

>> No.14432266

> implying the right doesn't say the same

I'd say the right even uses this rethoric more frequently than any other political group.

>> No.14432298

>america is a fascist state already
>the most dominant cultural and political forces are basically social libertarians who think every form of vice should be legal and encouraged

>> No.14432306

>the most dominant cultural and political forces are basically social libertarians who think every form of vice should be legal and encouraged
The Nazis were drug addicts and homos. Vice has nothing to do with fascism lol. Also what is butterflys real trip nowadays?

>> No.14432307

"Biological changes" is a totally vague term regardless of what this article demonstrates. Is lengthening life spans not under this umbrella? Increasing height?
>b-but that is environmental
Nice to know that you don't understand evolution or genetics in general.

>> No.14432313

Uh that article is not related to your claim. How is Protestantism for instance downstream of biology?

>> No.14432339


They are not really social libertarians, they are just trying to psychologically weaken the working class

>> No.14432346

>Looks like I struck a nerve
or you just posted a retarded opinion. go back to rddit.

>> No.14432361

I just disagreed with the negative characterizing of a healthy social attitude.

>> No.14432373

>humans acquire, invent, and share survival techniques & mental orientations that end up impacting the lives of those still alive after they die
>many of these involve maintaining & extracting biological matter for the purpose of biological survival
>this is somehow not a contingency of biology

>> No.14432378

a lot of fringe and marginalized stuff, it's basically outsider history at this point given how reject it has been even in critical review, ignore it and hope it goes away has been the de facto position since the 1960s. you can jump in through these things, but be careful*....


civil war

the future
>The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab


it's really hard to know where to start. pick any famous political person from the past 100 years who you vaguely have heard of and read some of their biographies. the causes of the two world wars were largely a pseudo-scientific attempt at culling the german patriotic and racial consciousness so that the european mainland could be integrated into a eurasian economic zone with china as the growth engine for centuries to come, people were writing about this shit in the 1800s under various covers of woo. it's essentially the REAL communist project, which is a return to a type of condition you had during the middle ages with a central religious authority that superseded all others and would manage various kingdoms and principalities from a central location, with an uninformed uneducated superstitious mass of people and useful idiot puppet leaders who gained their authority through the central body which ran on arcane mystery and divinity.

you would have to get deep into the weeds of 19th century occult lore to get much further. various catholic orders baited intellectual weirdos with 'sacred forbidden texts' and 'the real knowledge' and in return some of these people took the bait and created the intellectual superstructure for utopia, inverted the catholic faith (as was hoped they would do), started channeling demons and devils and revitalized the dying tradition of christendom - replacing it with economic and ideological colonialism. this ties into the united nations through theosophy, but also libertarianism through ayn rand and ufology through charles fort and early science fiction.

the best way i can explain it to you is imagine a dictionary, now imagine you learn how to speak by reading it. now imagine i just remove the words i dont like. THIS is how 'thinking'* is taught to people, and education was a largely catholic project until the 1800s when they had fed the baby bird sufficiently so it could start flapping wings. the anti-intellectual streak you detect in americanism is this rejection of dogma and catholic manipulation in favor of practical self-education based on immediate needs, self-starter, self-learner, individualism due to necessitism.

>*controlling primary historic sources with favorable translations means the entire western cannon is polluted with authoritarian christianity and a secret desire to be ruled by a dictator

>> No.14432386

You're implying the exact opposite of what you claimed man. Seriously, re-read your posts.

>> No.14432399

It wasn't the brightest idea on your end to use the book which even Adorno's fans will admit to be his weakest work by far.

>> No.14432400

biological entities pursuing their own interests against other biological entities whom they perceive as stifling their capacity for growth
this one was too easy, you should have brought up cathars or jainists if you really wanted to pose a tough one

>> No.14432403


(((They))) are trying to psychologically weaken Christians

>> No.14432412

that wasnt my post but it doesnt contradict what he said at all

>> No.14432419

>humans acquire, invent, and share survival techniques & mental orientations that end up impacting the lives of those still alive after they die
This is biology being downstream from culture.

>> No.14432440

>In theory conservativism means "slow, careful progress."
That's one idea. It could also be the conservation of eternal principles.
>In American reality however things have shifted so far to the right
no...just no. When someone says things have shifted so far X that's how you know they have no idea what they're talking about. It's clear to everyone that far to the X just means perceptually illiberal. America is a liberal state. Everything American consevatives believe they believe through liberal/enlightenment ideas, if they even believe anything.

>> No.14432442

it's clear you're an intellectual lightweight, watch some jonathan bowden on youtube he explains to brainlets what 'right-wing' is, then you can stop straw manning ghosts and engage with the very reasons you seek to engage in and resolve conflict, the desire inside you to dominate, to be right, to be true etc.

until you appreciate the tradition you oppose your ignorance is running on parallel tracks, raising arguments that aren't even relevant to the claims your opponents make. sit in your little mental box and tilt at windmills if it pleases you, or maybe display some christian charity and create an empathic bridge to better understand that to which you gag or salivate on reflex like well trained pet.

>> No.14432444

no it's not, it's explicitly the opposite. biology being downstream from culture idea dismisses humans' acquisition of technics as not part of human biological imperative when it definitely is. at best you could make the case that there is an interplay between biology and this 'culture' abstraction, but definitely not that biology is downstream from culture.

>> No.14432501
File: 54 KB, 1080x1007, 7DA51E37-5669-455E-8734-95741EEB94F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frame every question as a positive statement
>surprised when people who defer to authority say yes

This study was poorly done and no serious social scientist uses the F-scale. If you’re going to be a shitlib at least use the updated RWA scale so it can’t be dismissed outright. If leftypol is still 70 years behind on their understanding of their own theory then the right is doing just fine

>> No.14432515

>when it definitely is
You haven't substantiated this at all. How is Protestantism biologically imperative?
>definitely not that biology is downstream from culture
I didn't say that.

>> No.14432540

>burke who was in favour of Catholic emancipation, compromising with the American colonists, and protecting Bengali farmers oppressed by the East India company was all about protecting entrenched privilege because he thought guillotining every French nobleman was a bridge too far

>> No.14432545

biology and culture are in a very complex feedback loop

>> No.14432567

or is just the same thing and dishonest actors are using a false distinction to keep dualism as a mode of thinking alive, to avoid nasty questions about nuance and context. because murder is killing if you have no experience with either, and thinking is reading just the same.

>> No.14432596

I recommend the 10 000 year explosion and Biohistory for an introduction to this interplay between culture and genetics

>> No.14432612

Trump might like jews but that doesnt mean he doesn't sit beside Mussolini across Hitler on the right wing table.

>> No.14432623

>You haven't substantiated this at all.
find a substantial example to the contrary.
>How is Protestantism biologically imperative?
no one would claim that it is and you are seriously retarded if you can't see the implicit connection between complex group behavior among humans and the biological ends they serve: but it is emergent from a clash of biological entities and survives as an institution that forms communities which provide moral heuristics and material security among other things.

>> No.14432632
File: 101 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find a substantial example to the contrary.
>blah blah you are seriously retarded blah blah
I accept your concession.

>> No.14432656

Hitler and Mussolini were both leftists. Mussolini was a fucking leader in the Italian socialist party.

>> No.14432661

commies are the biggest bootlickers

>> No.14432663

you haven't put forward anything i haven't answered, sorry i may have hurt your feelings in the process, you pathetic manbaby

>> No.14432671

No you haven't. You claimed that culture is downstream from biology. Protestantism is a cultural force. I asked you:
>How is Protestantism biologically imperative?
You replied by calling me a retard. You really aren't as smart as you think dude.

>> No.14432689

oh, so your brain just stops processing info when you're insulted and you didn't read the rest of the line. definitely not a retarded fragile manbaby.
i literally posted it TWICE (>>14432400 )
and you're still scratching your head about what my answer to this is.

>> No.14432714

Guy, you started that line with:
>no one would claim that it is
Also again you seem to imply the exact opposite of what you mean
>biological entities pursuing their own interests
Where the interest here is a religious sect- i.e. entirely cultural.

>> No.14432776

you have zero capacity for nuance whatsoever so let me spell it out for you very simply.
protestantism AS SUCH is not a biological imperative, ie an organism is not hard-wired to produce protestantism. protestantism is not the end-goal of an organism. the end-goal is growth, survival, reproduction, etc, whether the human subject understands this explicitly or not is irrelevant.
the reason protestantism arose was fundamentally a drive for growth and control of resources. the reason it survived after the fact was that the moral heuristics it provided and consensus communities that formed around it did. to say none of this has to do with biology is completely insane, like you would have to be some non-biological AI trying to farm data about biological entities by asking these obtuse questions for your naivete on these questions to make any sense at all.

>> No.14432800

>the reason protestantism arose was fundamentally a drive for growth and control of resources
Between whom? Protestantism gave rise to conflict over resources, not the other way around. I'm getting tired reading this inane nonsense, please substantiate this or just go away.

>> No.14432828


along with Netanyahu and most of the zionists

>> No.14432834

legit lol

>> No.14432861

>it wasn't the bloated corrupt oligarchy's fault that their vassals felt stifled by their rule
please man this is bordering on parody

>> No.14432893

Nothing, that's what I thought. Saged.

>> No.14432924

except you don't actually have a counterargument and aren't offering any substance at all, protestantism gave rise to conflict over resources because it was fundamentally a drive for control of minds->land->resources against an institution that was trying to keep these things for itself. please man you are just embarassingly stupid.

>> No.14432958

Pro tip: European society was flourishing at Luther’s time so your insipid idea that resource scarcity led to Protestantism is a joke. You do not know history. Substantiate your claims instead of hurling insults like a baby.

>> No.14432972

not scarcity, control.

>> No.14432974

What other brilliant gems will you come up with next?
>Resource scarcity led to Shakespeare because he had to write to buy food
What a joke. You’re a joke. Hear me? You’re a joke my man.

>> No.14432989

Oh excuse me, control. Yeah I am sure that Romeo and Juliet was written to control the rabble. Buffoon.

>> No.14432992

art is a mating call and is definitely contingent on biology.
i also haven't used the word 'scarcity' once you fucking mongoloid lol.

>> No.14432996

Yeah man, the power struggle between the Emperor and lower German nobility had absolutely nothing to do with the spread of Protestantism. It all came from the genes.

>> No.14433009

>Yeah man, the power struggle between the Emperor and lower German nobility had absolutely nothing to do with the spread of Protestantism. It all came from the genes.
this dualism is the fault in your thinking, you don't perceive any interplay between any of these forces at all for some reason

>> No.14433024

Best series of posts I have seen on lit in months.

>> No.14433026

>art is a mating call
Thousands of years of religiously inspired paintings disprove you.

>> No.14433030

>carroll Quigley
I love this guy. I've read Evolution of civilizations and Tragedy and Hope multiple times each. Such a clear thinker apart from a few biases.

anyway thanks for recs, Ill check them out

>> No.14433048

no they don't. people produce those works to gain status in their communities.

>> No.14433054

Status is arbitrarily defined by culture and is not rooted in biology. Checkmate.

>> No.14433065

culture is not arbitrary, and is a contingency of biology, like we established previously, or at least you didn't refute me satisfactorily, whether you still believe it or not.
i honestly can't tell if i'm arguing against a postmodernist or a religitard anymore, either way your iq is definitely not over 100.

>> No.14433539

We didn’t establish anything other than you are ignorant of history, brainlet.

>> No.14433583

we weren't debating historical facts, we were debating teleology. i think humans (which are biological entities) precede culture; that the essence of culture is people, and i gave you the reasons why. you think culture precedes people, gave no reasons why, which is the same as thinking culture can exist without people.

>> No.14433585

>which is why a neoliberal economist like Hayek and a moronic populist like Palin are less different than you think.

Except this is the same kind of fantasy that left-wingers tell themselves when right-wing populists institute left-wing economic policies, namely that it's all a sham and soon the neo-liberal politics is gonna rear it's head again.

Thing is, the defenders of neo-liberalism these days is the mainstream left-wing, not the right, which is why left-wing parties are being destroyed in elections in the entire Western world.

Soon there's not going to be a left-wing party anywhere, and the tomb is going to read "Cared more about Raytheon and Amazon going in the Pride parade than their own citizen's paychecks and working conditions. RIP."

>> No.14433616

This is both a backpedal and a cope. You’re not even technically correct. There are no Aztecs yet we know about their culture. You seem to fundamentally have problems with history, and for a materialist that is embarrassing.
>right-wing populists institute left-wing economic policies
Name one time this happened.

>> No.14433628

>Name one time this happened.

The last like 5 years in Poland for starters. Law and Justice are literally giving single moms money for free.

>> No.14433643

>This is both a backpedal and a cope.
no it's not, i'm reasserting the same basic points i've been making this whole time, just calling things something doesn't make them those somethings.
>You’re not even technically correct. There are no Aztecs yet we know about their culture.
this very imprecise and a deliberate misconstrual. who remembers the aztecs? the fucking tapirs? no, people do, and that still doesn't even mean that 'aztec culture' exists today anyway.

>> No.14433649

>Law and Justice are literally giving single moms money for free.
I love that this happens everywhere now. Taxes are LITERALLY cuckoldry

>> No.14433687

>just calling things something doesn't make them those somethings.
That’s all you have been doing.
>how is art downstream from biology
>because people paint for status and thus get more resources
>how is status defined if not by culture?
And this is where you sperged out.
>no, people do
Cringed hard.

>> No.14433693

How is welfare left wing?

>> No.14433709

In a welfare state, the kid of the single mom will be paying for your pension. Do make an effort to think without conceptualizing everything in pornographic terms.

>> No.14433732

so what is the argument here? i assume you're conceding, because this whole time you haven't actually asserted anything but a quasi-creationist view of man where god=culture, which is easy to blow away as dust.

>> No.14433734

Well it's certainly not right-wing, because the right-wing have been trying their best to destroy welfarism the last 50 years.

>> No.14433754

This post sums it up well. It does, however, talk about Hitler, at least in the latest edition. Hitler and Ayn Rand are compared in beliefs/rhetoric, which is super amusing and illuminating.

>> No.14433766

weird, because objectivism was an attempt at an atomization of man with the complete opposite values of national socialism. but rand definitely believed that there were stark qualitative differences between people and the things they produced, which is probably enough for some superficial comparison to be made between them.

>> No.14433785

That culture is not downstream from biology. This is painfully obvious as you have been totally unable to reconcile this position with religious movements or art. Again, how do you explain largely unchanged biology with dramatic cultural shifts? You can’t because you fundamentally have a problem with history.

>> No.14433799
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1525655190720s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ok, so you just haven't read a single thing i've posted. thanks for the chat, retard.

>> No.14433804

I replied to every one of your posts sperg.
Figures. Back to pol now.

>> No.14433945
File: 276 KB, 864x743, 1CA29CD3-28C3-46C6-A723-171D090CADD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a nation to rise it must eliminate its inferior elements. Look to China and Islamic countries in the way they deal with drug addicts, homosexuals, deviants and troublesome races. Now, compare it to the white man’s past when he rode the seas across an empire where the sun never sets.
How Olympus hashtags fallen. The greatest and most moral goal set by our Hebrew ’benefactors’ is to destroy ourselves. May he who holds the biggest stick to his own head win.

>> No.14433960

Fucking autocorrect
How in fucks name do I turn it off for when it wants a more common word when I’m trying to use a less common one.

>> No.14433969

Ok, so was your grandfather my grandfather?

Was his grandfather my grandfather's grandfather? Did you even think that post through?

>> No.14434004

Is this a meme?
Evolution is pretty much the best theory for how animals change and adapt over time, just saying it's only a theory doesn't disprove it. Half of science is ''only theory".

What sort of bs non argument is this?

Also racisism is only a buzzword now, nobody identifies as racist but most people are. People will always discriminate against people based on what they look like it's very much in our DNA. It's probably more moral to judge people on their actions however it's too hard to understand most people's actions and that's only the ones we see.

You want to feel as you're in a higher moral class to a racist but you're not. The only reason this book exists is to undermine people who don't agree with what society is doing to them and this undermining will always lead to violence.

Most "racist" people (and let's be clear you mean white people) are non violent but younger generations growing up will unknowingly pick a side along the lines you have divided and end up extremists as they feel that their children and lineage are at stake when all it really is the skin colour.

Everyone is capable of discrimination and racisism, shaming white people will lead to revolt.

>> No.14434021

Biology X interacts with environment Y producing culture Z. Culture Z changes environment Y over time. Unchanged biology X interacts with new environment Y producing new culture Z. Loop.

>> No.14434024


>> No.14434025

china is much cooler about trans people than most american states (allowed surgery and gender change after 20yo, allowed to marry opposite gender where gay marriage is still illegal)

>> No.14434664

>Is this book good for understanding the way their minds work?
I'm a blue collar tradesman from a trailer park in the midwest. Feel free to call me names. But if you want to know what we really think here it is: We want to be left alone. We don't want to see faggot shit and foreigners everywhere. There is nothing inherently wrong or immoral with a heterogeneous community, so stop telling us that we are immoral and stupid for desiring it.
The mainstream american right wing feels as if they are experiencing a subtle and passive domicide. This is why there is a growing far-right movement and why it's gaining A LOT of sympathy.
I haven't read the book you posted, but if the recognition of this isn't covered then it's not adequate and definitely not an actual examination of the phenomena. The other thing is that even if an author does recognize this phenomena, they usually attempt to discredit or invalidate the resentment rather than recognizing valid aspects of it (looking at you, Haidt).

Domicide: The Global Destruction Of Home
by Douglas Porteous, Sandra E. Smith would give you a better understanding of the situation, if you're capable of extrapolating general ideas.

>> No.14435124

Globalism is the opposite of "emancipatory movement"

>> No.14435576

More evidence that when you say globalism, everyone just assumes you mean either neoliberalism or "(((globalism)))"