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/lit/ - Literature

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14413785 No.14413785 [Reply] [Original]

>oh you haven't yet read that copy of Beloved by Toni Morrison I lent you? that's okay anon...

>> No.14413789 [DELETED] 

i do not read books by women and especially not by niggers and double especially not by nigger women

>> No.14413794

>t. low test

>> No.14413799

I love that dress.

>> No.14413805

>high test is reading books by women
exactly how gay are you exactly

>> No.14413809
File: 119 KB, 500x500, you me sex now.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna find out?

>> No.14413812

that would be a grave sin, anon
please think of your immortal soul before suggesting such depraved things

>> No.14413813
File: 191 KB, 680x760, 834 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I regret to inform you that I am just not interested in this book, and I must return it to you. I wish I were the kind of person who could read anything, "give anything a chance," but I'm not. I need to have a genuine interest in the underlying philosophical content or world historical tensions that the author's vision brings to light. I often prefer polyphonous novels for this reason. I know you will probably say I'm being closed-minded by simply assuming that Toni Morrison has nothing to offer me, that there is no chance of Morrison surprising me and radically changing my mind. But please, believe me when I say that I have given this a lot of thought, and I am simply not interested in the literary traditions, and especially not the ideas, which I believe Morrison represents. I would be glad to read something together that captures some interest which we both share, for example as a fascist I am quite interested in Afro-nationalism. Either way, if we are to continue being friends, I must alert you that I love to say nigger all the time, even when it's not for racist reasons, although some of the time it is for normal racist reasons too. You are free to say anything you like as well, of course.

>> No.14413831


The biggest flaw in this post is that it assumes that you will ever talk to a women.

>> No.14413833
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>> No.14413847

Post your feet, please, mlady

>> No.14413856
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>t. pic related

>> No.14413860
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>> No.14413870


Really weird samefag but I'm not surprised at all. This is how you spend your Christmas? lmao.

>> No.14413871

I celebrate Kwanza, you bigot.

>> No.14413873

high test is disregarding the author's identity when evaluating their work

>> No.14413874

I like it too. A bit loud for my own taste, but it looks very nice. Isn't it a blouse, though?

>> No.14413883

me on the left

>> No.14413886

I suppose that it could be either. But I just imagined it as a dress for whatever reason.

>> No.14413897

I love you nareesha but could you please wash your vagina more regularly

>> No.14413908

>wash your vagina
that's literally the best way of getting an infection

>> No.14413925

Ok but it really smells. Like erection killing smell

>> No.14414046

all my bitches read paul mosley and Paul Beatty

>> No.14414057

>paul mosley
*walter mosley

>> No.14414058

>walter mosley
*oswald mosley

>> No.14414062

>oswald mosley
*oswald andrade

>> No.14414063

you sound gay. smelly pussy is a delicacy.

>> No.14414065

>not hair

>> No.14414077
File: 144 KB, 800x800, s9NR21p.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have smelt but one pussy in my life and i cant even remember it. pussy ought to smell. its what they say about publicity, bad publicity is better than none. smelly pussy is better than no smell. imagine the smells of hundreds of pussys, each unique, and being able to recall the girl that made each one. having a library of pussy smells. imagine walking past a sewer drain and getting a smell and it reminds you of Alice from Provo, or walking past the guy selling raw meats at a grocery store and recalling, like Severian, a jarring memory that stops you in your tracks, of Shaniqua from the Oceanside strip club two winters ago

Just imagine the smells

>> No.14414079

this is what we call a true heterosexual male specimen

>> No.14414106

>unaware that beloved is about phantasmic intergenerational racial memory and its futility under the industrialization’s amnesia to history
fascists do it to themselves

>> No.14414114
File: 1001 KB, 1125x1363, 1575250703743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I want a black gf to obliterate my dick with her hip gyrations