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/lit/ - Literature

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14389906 No.14389906 [Reply] [Original]

There are like 20 guenon threads up.

>> No.14389916

Yeah, that's not enough. Start making more.

>> No.14389922

It’s spamming/flooding and against the rules.
No need to start a thread on it.

>> No.14389933

The only cure is Nick Land posting

>> No.14389937

I know, it's fucking based

>> No.14389948

>start browsing here in 2014
>quite pseudy, but good, mostly literature discussion
>now 2019
>half the catalogue is philosophy, and not even normal philosophy but either extremists or very strange mystics
>literature discussion is 90% Dostoevsky, and those threads consist of atheists arguing with religious people or some vague form of theist or deist
>the sci-fi and fantasy threads are still cringe

What happened?

>> No.14389955

Anonymous trolls from non-reader pages.

>> No.14389960

I know. It's really annoying.

>> No.14389962

The Alt Right

>> No.14390137


>> No.14391020

seguro plz

>> No.14391028


>> No.14391055

Buttershit is a TERF

>> No.14391067


>> No.14391083

i feel like this is just a rerun of the evola craze of yesteryear

>> No.14391090

seems like this mystic frenchman has a resident prisoner he whips day in and day out. do you smell splattered brains and melted glue? this is what happens when those undivorced from the political entertainment armament are left craving for a symbolic reflection readily available to use as a disposable silhouette. a schema they have been conditioned to operate by, as the fuel that was used to develop their faculties.

>> No.14391145

Except all at once.

>> No.14391217

that might just mean we’ll get rid of it even sooner, so i’m all for it

>> No.14391270

>ban all religions threads because I don't like them

You want to ban everything you don't like else while you're at it? Might as well start with a list of what you don't want banned, it will be shorter

>> No.14391345

didn’t say i wanted anything banned, just that it will go away with overexposure. thanks for confirming that offtopicfags are paranoid little shits though

and yeah threads on religion, philosophy, self-help, politics etc need to fuck off in general, either to /his/, /pol/ or boards of their own. this board needs a purge worthy of papa stalin

>> No.14391352


whiteheadfags showing their true colors

>> No.14391895

There is literally nothing wrong with guenonposting

>> No.14391928
File: 158 KB, 555x849, Catalogemenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will achieve Catalog Oneness first?

>> No.14391963

>just started poking around here after not using this website for 2 years
>everyone is either moaning about how much worse /lit/ has gotten or circlejerking about some frog retard nobody's ever heard of

never change boys

>> No.14392662

>nobody's ever heard of him
>whole board obsessed with him


>> No.14393388


>> No.14393397

That Guenonfag even edited Wikipedia

>> No.14393404

is anyone else here taking the accelerationist approach and just spamming guenon as much as possible so the moderators are forced to take action sooner, or is it just me?

>> No.14393408
File: 1.16 MB, 800x1185, 1574005233822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to ignore all pseudointellectual rhetoriticians and instead go and read the complete works of Śaṅkarācārya, Guénon, al-Ġazālī, Plotinus, Abhinavagupta, Ibn ʿArabi, Jñāneśvar, Plato, Böhme, Kabīr, Ismāʿīl Ḥaḳḳī al-Brūsawī, Ānandavardhana, Iamblichus, Najmuddīn-e Kubrā, Palamas, Dattatreya, Gauḍapāda, Dölpopa, Han Yu, Mulla Sadrā, Coomaraswamy, Vaśiṣṭha, Bonaventure, Sanā'ī, Vyāsa, Ya'qūb al-Sijistānī, Vidyāraṇya, Longchenpa, Kṣemarāja, Damascius, Gurū Nānak, Baba Afzal, Śrīharṣa, Laozi, Matsyendranātha, Porphyry, Jāmī, Meister Eckhart, Madhusūdana Sarasvatī, Zhuangzi, ibn Khaldūn, Syrianus, Frithjof Schuon, Asaṅga, Bhaṭṭa Kallaṭa, Suhrawardī, van Ruysbroec, Kūkai, Jean Borella, Bādarāyaṇa, Clement of Alexandria, Vālmīki, Nṛsimhāshrama, Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, Gorakhnath, Eriugena, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Chitsukha, Qūnawī, Somananda, Rangjung Dorje, Patañjali, Namdev, Aṭṭār, Rāmānujā, Shao Yong, Uždavinys and Ibn Bājja

>> No.14393588
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>tfw you bought a bunch of Guenon books in 2017 but only read two of them and then moved on

>> No.14393674
File: 31 KB, 1024x625, 1576950525188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a matter of life and death you limp wristed bookworm, all boards are conscripted and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.14393706


>> No.14393719

Storefront, incels, christcucks and a new generation of children coming from YouTube. Massive YouTubers like PewDiePie have been making millions off browsing and reading 4chan threads in a quirky voice for the past few years

>> No.14393794

cute cat, also fuck guenon

>> No.14394374


>> No.14394996


>> No.14395012
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I don't even know if this is true or not

Also those usernames

>> No.14395390

>start browsing here in 2014
>>quite pseudy, but good, mostly literature discussion
2014 was full leftypol and nothing but sissyfag "i'll never get published rate my gay prose poetry threads" /lit/ was one of the worst boards.

>> No.14395402

Actually lol'ing when I scroll down the catalogue. It has transitioned from annoying to absurd and hilarious. I haven't seen such a complete spamming of a board like this for years.

>> No.14395412

It is over 40 at this point.

>> No.14395413

this is all facts.

>What happened?
You already know what happened. 4chan has been on the forefront of culture since its inception. You are witness to the reaction against the globalist agenda, who in the past had approved only certain kinds of (useless and easily controlled) types of media. The aforementioned Cafe Nervosa tier poetry and intellectual posturing. Now the publishing world has moved to full strength madness: black is white, up is down, men are women, and if you disagree you are destroyed. You are seeing the return of Christ in man's hour of need.

>> No.14396314

bump for Christ

>> No.14396336

A guenonthread died for this

>> No.14396341

I think a Guenon General would solve the spamming and make everyone happy.


>> No.14396342

It's probably unironically the Russians. The Cold War never ended. Touche Russians, you got us good, now prepare to die.

>> No.14396357

>I think a Guenon General would solve the spamming and make everyone happy.
you clearly haven't been on trad generals, guenonfag was the death of those threads which actually had lively discussion before he tapped into his schizophrenia. Guenon general is just trad general with an increased veneration of geunon, it won't last as long as he posts.

>> No.14396400

t. shizofag accusing everyone else of what he himself did

>> No.14396480

That's a good start.

As you wish.

>> No.14397691


>> No.14397777
File: 142 KB, 660x339, POO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come indians have such great insight into philosophy, but still can't poo in the loo?

>> No.14398873

nothing personnel

>> No.14399866


>> No.14401072

Newfag here, why do mods let this anon always ruin the board? Seems like nobody here likes them being around and I've never seen it really post about books. Or anything really.

>> No.14402514

Only 20?