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/lit/ - Literature

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14372720 No.14372720 [Reply] [Original]

Bad news, friends. Because of the closeness to the holidays and a snag with regard to the ISBN vs. ISSN, the winter edition of the quarterly will not be available until the second week of January. I will still be shipping via amazon, but it will be delayed.

My apologies for not keeping the deadline.

In the meantime, submissions are open for the Spring 2020 edition. We will accept submissions until 31st of January, after which we will be assessing and determining what's accepted. For those who don't know, here are the criteria:

"Poetry: ideally, not more than a page in length and showing dedication to coherence and lucidity.

Essays: must cover politics, history, social topics, or literary criticism. We would also consider a book or film review if it is done in the context of the aforementioned realms (politics, history, etc.). We are looking for coherent, well-developed ideas (rather than just drive-by rants and opinion pieces without elaboration or supporting evidence). These should be between 1200-3500 words, though that isn't a strict range.

Letter to the Editor: this should be under 1000 words and can basically be commentary on something you've read in the quarterly, OR on a current issue in the world of politics or sociology. We'll judge it the same way we judge our essays, but perhaps with a little more leeway for satire or partisan politics if it's done in a stylistically creative and engaging manner.

Short fiction: should be serious or satirical. Sorry, no genre fiction like fantasy, sci-fi, etc. Flash fiction is typically under a page in length (there is a specific word count we use to determine, but I can't disclose it). Normal short fiction can be up to 5000 words. But again, this isn't a strict limit. We want to see creative, well-written stories that are engaging, emotive, relatable, and plausible."

all inquiries to litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14373033


>> No.14373049

how do i buy this shit

>> No.14373058

what's with the nu-male metrosexual drawing

>> No.14373152


>> No.14373206

I'll provide an amazon link in early January or you can email me to request a copy.
It's made up as a joke for one of the "worst covers" threads.
How does that work? When it's done, I can include it in that database?

>> No.14373353

how many copies will be printed?
will the first edition also be available on amazon?

>> No.14373364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14373409

First edition, we're all out but if people keep requesting them, I can do another run in the new year.
The second edition, I'm thinking between 150 and 200 copies

>> No.14373460
File: 331 KB, 703x704, A2AE51EC-5C3B-4D7C-AF7C-0CB852E12790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, no genre fiction like fantasy, sci-fi, etc.

>> No.14373732

Who leaked the cover of the third edition?

>> No.14373785

You’ll only accept submissions in English or will there eventually be a corner for different languages, possibly a different one every quarter?

>> No.14373867

Unfortunately, only English. My editing partner speak French, but I can only see myself accepting poetry if anything.

>> No.14373889

what a dogshit idea

>> No.14374036

>no genre fiction
What fiction does not belong to a genre?

>> No.14374060

What genre does hamlet fit in

>> No.14374096


>> No.14374185


>> No.14374196


>> No.14374203

Literally any story with an unhappy ending is a tragedy

>> No.14374217

So you agree that all fiction has a genre?

>> No.14374259

I honestly think the spring edition should be pushed war farther back because if the Winter edition is more successful then you should reevaluate your prices and maybe even get it some academic merit. If it goes well then surely time should be spent on improving the quality of the content and physical nature of the book itself. Its probably not just me but a lot of people holding back their work to see how this one goes. Anyways I got in this winter edition and hope it comes out well, and a little earlier for a late Christmas gift if possible. Gl my man

>> No.14374452

I mean sci-fi, fantasy, YA. I suppose I'll consider anything, but it has to have strong literary features too.
Thanks, I hear you. I'm gonna ask for some feedback after the second one's out. Like whether keeping it as a book format, or make it more like a magazine, for example.

>> No.14374465

Why do the covers for this thing always look so bad?

I always think you guys are shitposting.

>> No.14374665

I'm open to suggestions. What kind of thing would you like for the cover design?

>> No.14374764

Why is the website down?

>> No.14374771

Not sure, it was another anon who set it up. Gonna re-evaluate in the new year for a long-term solution.

>> No.14374775


>> No.14374794

Not the anon you replied to, but you should use an image displaying plain text. Something clear and distinct. That way anyone who sees it on the catalog knows what it is.

>> No.14374816

The goal of this publication is to expose aspiring writers correct? If a graphic is necessary why not pen and paper? Otherwise I support >>14374794, simply title it.

>> No.14374827

Webmaster anon here, it went down because the period I paid for ended and GoDaddy is a shitty platform and I'd rather remake a proper website with Wordpress or something. I do want to remake it but I have been very busy with the gf to do anything of a literary nature. I'll have time between Christmas and New Year's, though, so I might be able to get it done then.
If you have any thoughts or are looking to do something yourself let me know, otherwise I think you know what you can expect from me.

>> No.14374934

you do realize op's pic related is not the cover

>> No.14374966

The first cover was an original creation of a friend of mine. Second one follows a similar theme, but with a different design. For the third one and beyond, I'm thinking a standard header/banner with the title, volume, and subtitle, then an exploitable design/template to display the contributors names and feature works.
Yeah, no new ideas yet. I'm trying to simplify to printing process first, then get a cheap site to host info and links instead of just on this board. Depending on how the second issue goes could determine what I pursue with the website.

>> No.14376141


>> No.14377261


>> No.14377606
File: 185 KB, 680x700, 109856563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not only will i have a thing in the winter edition, but it will also be the best thing in it
looking forward to all the compliments you're gonna give me bros

>> No.14378317

You are cute!

>> No.14378353

This will be me but in spring. I'm going to use this as an excuse to write an essay I've always wanted to write.

>> No.14379431


>> No.14380459

Excited. Hope I end up being proud to be included in this Winter edition. I'm worried about being beside other anon's work, for reputation and petty credibility reasons.

t. prospective grad student and academic

>> No.14381044

Y-you didn't go by your real name that you'd use in academic publication, d-d-did you anon?

>> No.14381187

I'm in this and my work literally uses both the terms faggot and kike, although in a 3rd person, definitional sense.

You're fucked. I'm actually proud of this essay and I couldn't use it at all for my recent applications to university. I'm certainly published under a pseudonym.

Gonna try to get in the next edition, too. Fucker.

But it's worth being published next to. My writing is good.

>> No.14381197
File: 98 KB, 990x660, novelidea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's meant by plausible?

>> No.14381221

I dunno if it's really going to be a big deal. No one interested in my work is going to pay to read this stuff, or get a copy.

>> No.14381431

Aw ye. I'll be published right by you, my niggy.

>> No.14381586

Going forward, I'm hoping to have more non-fiction contributions, but we are not a partisan publication. If your essay is solid, cohesive, relevant, and well-written over all, the topic/content will not be the cause of not getting printed.

>> No.14381607

Honestly I've seen this thread up for a day and didn't bother reading the op because the image rubbed me the wrong way so much

>> No.14381621

I sat upon an ivory throne
and browsed a website on my phone
alas, the splash did hit my rear
with no one around to lend an ear
so perchance I did reply
to a thread that caught my eye
here we stand, or rather sit
while I take the meanest shti

>> No.14381655
File: 126 KB, 458x333, 1563440842923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, maybe i'll write an essay comparing erasmus and machiavelli on the topic of honestas and utilitas in government. i assume you'll want a hook linking it to contemporary politics though, right?

>> No.14381686

Give this man a page in the next edition.

>> No.14381726

It's a satirical cover for C&P lol.
That would probably help. Also, make sure it's not too academic (like a university paper or something).

>> No.14381883

>It's a satirical cover for C&P lol.
this board is retarded.

>> No.14382065

and that's a good thing

>> No.14382179

I just want my comfy story to be published somewhere.

>> No.14382533

We do accept comfy, as long as it's well-written.

>> No.14382582

Would you accept an essay on anime and Plato's theory of Forms?

>> No.14383274

I used my real name. I fear no evil. - RJC

>> No.14384481

Meaning the plot and action doesn't rely on magic or curses.
We perhaps could, if it's not too strictly scholarly and has some sort of relevance to a current event or a literary work our readers would be familiar with. Philosophy is a tough one to judge.

>> No.14384482

This saddens me. Alas, I must wait.

>> No.14384494

That sounds fantastic. Hilarious and useful to this crowd.