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14373158 No.14373158 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when socialism was destroyed?
>4.33/5 on goodreads

>> No.14373199
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Where were you when Socialism was destroyed?

>> No.14373202

Self-selection bias. We can take it for granted that pseuds reading Paul's ghostwritten crap are going to drive the rating up.

>> No.14373223

> People who like an author give him positive reviews

Amazing insight.

>> No.14373230

>Das Kapital has a considerably worse rating
Amazing insight. Admit it, socialism is (as a direct result of this book) entirely bunk.

>> No.14373235 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14373246

Do you really need a whole book to say that history has proven that Marx's vision of an egalitarian utopia is unattainable, inevitably creating an oligarchy more oppressive to the proletariat than the bourgeoisie it vilifies?

>> No.14373253 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14373261

Capitalism killed the planet and all life on it. Keep deluding yourselves. Dance in the twilight of civilization!

>> No.14373267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14373504
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>> No.14373537

Socialism will be implemented, and it will create a "brave new world"-like dystopia that will sadly exterminate the white race.

>> No.14373538

Meager acreage to compare to the destruction of a planet.

>> No.14373558

>socialism will be implemented
Not in America. We'll get to fascism and then the climate will collapse and sweep everything away.

>> No.14373568

>egalitarian utopia
The absolute state of some people

>> No.14373575

We are already into fascism.
The whole developed world is.
Look capitalism don't have redistribution, the social state and thus don't have central banking.
Well, fascism does!
America was one of the last one to join the club, at the start of the century with your Fed.
Now, to prevent the crash, we ll go into socialism.
It's just the next phase, dude.

>> No.14373604

Laissez faire capitalism doesn't constitute freedom.

>> No.14373827

Yea, it does.
At least financially, cause you don'0t have a central bank that can devalue your currency.
While that, collectively, can be good (for a while), fucks the individuals up.
Let's say that you work for 10 years breaking your back in the fields to get enough money to buy a house.
Let's say you need 10'000 whatever to do that, okay?
What happens when your money is devalued and with 10'000 you can buy half the house you could before?
Hell, what happens if you need 10'000 to buy bread?
This happened cause the currency that you use make you a slave of the central banker. He decide if fucking you or not.
He is your master.
Capitalism, being the only system where it's possible to have hard money not subjected to inflation (no redistribution cause the government is enslaved and can't devalue a store of value), makes you legit free.

>> No.14373830

I flat out refuse to read a post formatted like this

>> No.14373986

Then why confront what i said before, if you need to hide yourself behind your pride to not answer?
I mean, if you aren't in for a discussion, why even respond?

>> No.14373994

You mean that thing the USSR did before asserting itself as the alternate world power?

>> No.14373999

>Marx's vision of an egalitarian utopia

It's amazing how can people say these things without blushing.

>> No.14374022

If the Russians had rejected socialism, now they ll be the world Aegemon instead of the USA.

>> No.14374035

Well, yes, comunism was the original psy-op, created to take down Russia.
BUT, they found out that in the end, it had some good sides to it.
And hell, now we CAN implement it.
We just need capitalism to build 5G and create smart cities.
After that, will the messes of people in the cities care if the means of productions are publically owned?

>> No.14374050

masses* of people.

>> No.14374993

How the fuck else is a stateless, classless society supposed to work other than egalitarianism? I mean aside from "lol it doesn't work"

>> No.14375058

Social hierarchy will be developed through Intellectual accolades since such a society would make it's decisions based on what is closest to the truth and would only follow those closest to it.

>> No.14375104

When I was a younger man I'd have unironically enjoyed that.

That's before I realized how harmful 3rd world immigration was. Fuck any ideology, left or right that wants to open the borders.

>> No.14375135

Yeah and they just became the new oppressors, just like I said

>> No.14375175

It's not oppression when the authority is just.

>> No.14375190
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>Marxists strive for the Truth

>> No.14375196

Everyone says that until it turns on them too

>> No.14375772

>120 ratings
surely, a book to change nations

>> No.14375863

it's not so black and white.

>> No.14375865

isn't it ironic that marx should have been retroactively refuted by rand paul of all people, i certainly didn't see that coming

>> No.14375876

So basically a Philip K. Dick novel? Fucking based!

>> No.14376033

The problem is that people don’t work hard for the common good. See Tragedy of the Commons.

>> No.14376059

Ironically, the tragedy of the commons was originally a defense of private property, since a private owner will look after his land while (it's argued) a collective will deplete the commons because everybody else is doing it. But then it turns out that everything is a commons, so private property just makes people feel self-righteous about depleting the world.

>> No.14377287
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>Rand Paul

>> No.14377292

So credentialism?

>> No.14377508

You can't see it but I am rolling my eyes at your alarmism, lemme guess, you think nuclear winter is a thing too?

>> No.14377697

tfw you're named after some old busted Russian cunt