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14341009 No.14341009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the spiritual and moral essence of leftism? What is the ultimate end goal? Just mediocrity?

>Fuck exploring space, fuck progress, fuck promoting beauty, strength, intelligence... Nope, can't do that. Gotta pander to the less fortunate first.

Is this literally it?

>> No.14341012


>> No.14341014
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Back to Bunkerchan

>> No.14341015

Shudra uprising over capitalist vaishya class

>> No.14341022

it's just empathy, psychopaths like you should be screened before birth and terminated

>> No.14341023

this, so much this

>> No.14341024

How very empathetic of you.

>> No.14341025

i miss cripplechan desu

>> No.14341027
File: 186 KB, 499x604, Stalin-icon-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know anything about communism mate? Literally all those things were present in the ussr.
First satellite, first man in space, social programs to encourage sport and culture across all society, etc.

>> No.14341033

It's the opposite, it's about to provide the basic needs for people so can pursue these higher goals and to create a culture where material wealth isn't the top priority for the individual (unlike in capitalism).

>> No.14341034

>Bunkerchananon makes a meme Thread

>All his buddies comment on it to show the superiority of leftism

Shrek is snapping you all right now >>14341014

>> No.14341035

Its relaunched as 8kun, it's still in process of transferring boards.

>> No.14341038
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Low IQ question, so low in fact that you should be able to figure it out just by accident

>> No.14341039

The Soviets were doing all of that shit while the West was busy worshipping the negro
And now Western Capitalist society is replacing everything with algorithms and streetshitters
Good job

>> No.14341043

yes it is actually, much more humane for everyone involved to just snuff the likes of you before you can do any damage

>> No.14341045


>> No.14341048

This is a pretty hilarious joke desu, shame it'll fly over this thread's collective heads.

>> No.14341092

The USSR was a shithole by almost any objective metric we can think of.
Their space achievements are mostly thanks to militarism and they came at the cost of poverty for the population.

But you do make some good points. They did promote some positive values too.

Still, I don't think the USSR is representative of contemporary mainstream leftism.

>provide the basic needs
That's very vague. And arguably most of the 1st world countries have the basic needs covered. (The US might be an exception.)
People could live off welfare bucks and paint pictures or play guitar all day if they lowered their standards a little bit.
But that's not good enough for leftists, is it? They seem obsessed over inequality. As long as someone has more money or they think is better off in some way, it's a problem that needs to be addressed.

>> No.14341097

I can understand a genuine struggle for power. And sure enough the political actors who call themselves "leftist" or "socialist" are power hungry maniacs.

But let's say they succeed. Then what? They'll be a new top dog and the cycle continues?

>> No.14341117

Supporting your worst detrimental tendencies and painting them as 'the fight for the utopia'. Echochambering since the XIX century.

>> No.14341122

>>Fuck exploring space,
not even trying with these threads anymore

>> No.14341127

Friendly reminder to report offtopic threads to keep the quality of this board, specially now that the closing of cripplechan has brought an influx of low-quality posters seeking to politicize this board.

>> No.14341228

Capitalists plan the obsolescence of their products to increase sales. Think about that for a moment. They design products that are meant to fall apart quickly. That's supply side economics.

>> No.14341261

>Capitalists plan the obsolescence of their products to increase sales. Think about that for a moment.
I thought about it. It sucks.

But at the end of the day, it still results in a better outcome than central planning economy.

>> No.14341268

Wouldn't a centrally planned economy work best in cases of extreme scarcity of resources like a fledgling space colony? In theory of course.

>> No.14341298

What works best is slavery under the guise of duty, such as "fighting for your country", a state of emergency only works if everyone believes it's necessary because otherwise they and all they know will get killed or worse.

>> No.14341303


>> No.14341321
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>Fuck exploring space
Conservatives have been trying to gut NASA for decades now. They talk about space exploration but have ALWAYS been against actually perusing it because of "muh tax dollars"
>fuck progress
yeah leftists are so anti progress, which is why they base their morality off bronze age mythology and try to drag us back into some idealized version of 1980's Reaganomics, oh wait that's republicans
>fuck promoting beauty, strength, intelligence
Yes republicans love those characteristics, which is why they elected a fat, ugly, weak, pussy ass, actually mentally retarded orange faggot as president.
>Gotta pander to the less fortunate first.
You mean like uneducated rednecks who smoke meth and can't afford health insurance yet still vote for boot-licking, billionaire dick sicking republicans election after election?

>> No.14341613

better outcome for who?

>> No.14341686

For most people. Central planning resulted in poverty and people migrating to countries with free-ish market economies.

>> No.14341704
File: 84 KB, 640x480, 9EC1B2CB-DD01-48A4-B579-34EEC8EF5269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the ultimate end goal?
Freedom and justice for all

>> No.14341716

>What is the spiritual and moral essence of leftism?
"muh liberation from oppression"

>> No.14341722

Like the freedom to be wealthier than other people?

>> No.14341725

>implying repiblicucks are not just the leftwing of yesteryear
Both american parties are fundamentally liberal.

>> No.14341729

Implying there’s no oppression?

>> No.14341736

oppression is a state of mind more than anything
Just like being a tranny.
Its a mental construct

>> No.14341797
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It is just Spiteful Mutants at work. They are self destructive and want to destroy all around them.

>> No.14341811

That’s the trick the bourgeois played on us all, comrade.
Boot licking tranny chaser

>> No.14341824

Die bitch.

>> No.14341830



>> No.14341842


>> No.14341856

Central planning is the basis for how every successful company runs. If you walked into a boardroom and recommended making tons of redundant departments focused on the same thing and argued that the competition between them would be more efficient overall than just having one department, you'd be laughed out of the room.

>> No.14341874

We manufacture our own suffering when we allow others to define us as oppressed. The left is composed of Spiteful Mutants and their miserable dupes, and needs to keep people around them miserable. Misery loves company.
Try reading this.

>> No.14341901
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Human society is not a business or a government. To try to control people as if they were is what leads to things like the 100 million+ deaths due to socialism.

>> No.14341947
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I’m quite happy with Epicureanism.
You ought to know a little more about this modern world before falling for this propaganda. Read this

>> No.14341950
File: 20 KB, 317x475, 31280032._SY475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. And uncle Ted proved it in the first chapter of 'Anti-Tech Revolution'

>> No.14341960

Yeah, it really seems pretty obvious when you think about it. I read that when they published it in the papers, and remember thinking that he made sense in his diagnosis.

>> No.14341971

It's about elevating the less fortunate but strangely this only ever manifests itself as using state power to forcibly take things from the successful. Everyone gets dragged down to the same level because success can only come at the expense of someone else, therefore everyone has to live in equal squalor and be equally unproductive.

>> No.14342005

Yeah, I read him back when I was 16 and was impressed. I still like him.
But now that I am in my late 50s and have worked several jobs, lived abroad, been in numerous relationships and been married for twenty years, I have changed quite a bit. Buddhism makes the most sense to me now, but of course that may change with time as well. Indeed, I can assure you that you, too, will think differently about things in a few decades, as any intelligent person would. You actually remind me of myself when I was in my twenties! :-)

>> No.14342045
File: 69 KB, 995x796, 4D76072E-2FF6-443F-A63A-D6147A05D2B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddhism is giving up. I may grow so tired as to be useless, but I will always want what’s best for the future I will not see.

>> No.14342091


Communism is tyranny by the genetically unfortunate (soja's, negros, ugly women) to force everyone to be as lame as them.

>> No.14342094

I love mcdonalds

>> No.14342098


Kys ugly buttertranny


>> No.14342099

>Fuck exploring space
Sperg-tastic post. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin

>> No.14342105
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Animus or Anima possession.

>> No.14342107


They lost and collapsed faggot

>> No.14342127

>I get my news from cold war era propagandists
State authoritarian socialism or Marxist-Leninism, aka Tankies, are not communism


>> No.14342154

based except the eugenics

>> No.14342272
File: 27 KB, 220x321, 220px-Marx6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What this reveals, on the other side, is the foolishness of those socialists (namely the French, who want to depict socialism as the realization of the ideals of bourgeois society articulated by the French revolution) who demonstrate that exchange and exchange value etc. are originally (in time) or essentially (in their adequate form) a system of universal freedom and equality, but that they have been perverted by money, capital, etc. Or, also, that history has so far failed in every attempt to implement them in their true manner, but that they have now, like Proudhon, discovered e.g. the real Jacob, and intent now to supply the genuine history of these relations in place of the fake. The proper reply to them is: that exchange value or, more precisely, the money system is in fact the system of equality and freedom, and that the disturbances which they encounter in the further development of the system are disturbances inherent in it, are merely the realization of equality and freedom, which prove to be inequality and unfreedom.

>> No.14342314

The most revealing thing for me when it comes to commies is they will talk about helping the less fortunate and simultaneously shit on Christianity. That meme where the bugman supposes he'll be a card-carrying member of the party when communism comes is the essence of everyone that believes in this ideology.