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14320428 No.14320428 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will help me understand why women become desperate to settle down in their late 20s - early 30s?

>> No.14320433
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>sorry ma'am, but my heart belongs to Christ

>> No.14320441

Women want marriage and children, don’t believe the incels on pol

>> No.14320442

Because they spend their teens and early 20's sucking an endless series of cocks and now they want a man whose bank account they can drain. There, I saved you from reading a book.

>> No.14320443

Because men in their early 20's aren't mature enough to raise a family so they have to wait a whole decade.

>> No.14320447

Sometimes you find someone who works so well with you that you just do it. Also, most normal people get married in their late 20's, early 30's. It's not called desperation. It's called being an adult.

>> No.14320452
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>> No.14320453

Here Is an all-time great article on it that not only hit the nail on the head but also forsaw how bad it would get


>> No.14320466

>The women I know in their early 30s are just delusional,'' he says. ''I sometimes seduce them and sleep with them just because I know how to play them so well. It's just too easy. They're tired of the cock carousel and they see a guy like me as the perfect beta to settle down with before their eggs dry out … when I get tired of them I just delete their numbers from my cell phone and stop taking their calls … It doesn't really hurt them that much: at this point they're used to pump & dump!''

>It's easy to dismiss such bile but Greenlander's analysis is echoed by many Australian singles, both male and female.

>> No.14320476
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The true reason is evolutionary psychological. Female reproductive viability sharply declines with age, terminating at menopause. Males typically prefer generally younger female partners for the same reason; their enhanced reproductive viability.

Even if the cultural norms have changed and women are less pressured to have children and restricted by their reproductive role, the instincts surrounding it still influence their behavior.

>> No.14320481

Not that guy, but it's true. I had none of my shit together when I was in my early 20's. I didn't get married till I was 29.

>> No.14320484


Broken link sorry

>> No.14320485

Prove me wrong. Do you have any friends right now who aren't playing video games or watching anime? At their age, their grandparents would have already been married with at least ONE child.

>> No.14320488

Fuck this site, it’s smhu

>> No.14320493

All my friends are in their 30s and they all had kids, except one dude who did the military and got cancer

>> No.14320507

>Do you have any friends right now

>> No.14320509

Many do, and the ones who don't are usually better off not having children in the first place (something which I think they'd agree with). Kids are a huge commitment, so if you're not going to put in the effort to give them a good upbringing, then don't bother-- That's better than bringing up a child in a broken home.

>> No.14320526

>Implying women in their early 20's don't date men in their 30's.

>> No.14320539

>become desperate to settle down in their late 20s - early 30s

>> No.14320579
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Chaste and breadpilled.

>> No.14321042
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Do you have any friends who aren't watching netflix all day and reading inspirational quotes with sunset backdrops?

Honestly, you can criticize video games all you want, but don't pretend the average girl is doing anything more worthwhile in her spare time.

Finding one who knows what the inside of a book looks like is a Christmas miracle and yes that includes lib arts majors.

None of them fucking read they just spend all their time drinking starbucks and wishing they lived in an English manor house

>> No.14321060

What's the rush to settle down ASAP? The stats show that the younger a pair meets, the more likely they are to split up because they want to try being with another person

>> No.14321077

>did the military and got cancer

>> No.14321091

>shaking my head university

>> No.14321146

Women in the early 20s date older men to begin with. It's actually because women in the early 20s aren't mature enough to raise a family and because they've been fed propaganda that makes them think they don't want a family. Although they don't have many good options for men at that either, it's not men's decision. When they get older, barring unique exceptions, they realise it was a big mistake. Both men and women have a drive to create and raise children, it's unhealthy and potentially maddening to deny it for corporate prolefeed.

>> No.14321162

Not true. When you've been with a lot of people you're inclined to drop one and find another. When you've only been with the one, there's no precedent to do so. imo this is just like the consumerist culture in general, pick and choose, nothing has longevity and there's no point in putting effort in.

If not, post them stats you speak of.

>> No.14322110
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I have been trying to redpill my gf about this slightly, but it seems the brainwashing of "you're worth it" is overpowering the ability to think critically.
The thing about it is the more i would get her to realize or think about this stuff, the more she really should find another man, someone in his 30's that has it all figured out and wants to start a family with a young girl in her prime (23). My career gains will come in my 30's since i started uni late. Trying to act just for a woman you care about is really a strange endeavour since they have noone else even speaking about this stuff. Retarded friends screaming "yas queen" and drinking wine every week does not matter to a girl since they dont function outside a group. Sorry about rant, thanks for reading my diary.

>> No.14322134


>> No.14322795

Women realize that, after years of whoring around, their biological clocks are running out of time and become desperate to settle down. Simple as.

>> No.14322995
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Intrinsic biology. It is the way women are designed. They hit the wall at about 30. Plus after that age their babies tend to be potato kids like that poor Greta kid, not bright and easily manipulated. So no sane man looking to start a senpai will bother if a late teen/early 20s chick is available.

>> No.14323028

read MacKinnon incel

>> No.14323053


>> No.14323090
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>> No.14323108
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>> No.14323139


>> No.14323155

Based stonetoss

>> No.14323194

nazi comic, please remove

>> No.14323480
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>> No.14323571
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>> No.14323577

>comic that made me think, and question the inconsistency of my ideas

>> No.14323587


>> No.14323592

This did make me think, and realise how inconsistent my ideas are.

>> No.14323606

Greta is falling apart...

>> No.14323611


>> No.14323623
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>> No.14323624

Think about it logically.

>> No.14323628

w-why does the x axis start at 10

>> No.14323629


Oh my...poor fucking bastard.

Sometimes ignorance's a bliss

>> No.14323645

Young people are fucking morons and what exotic people over stable people. There isn’t really much this guy could do in this situation apart from sit back and have his daughter learn the hard way.

>> No.14323661

They don't, unless they have daddy issues. Typically, they date immature 25 year olds (since, let's be honest, you should be married by then), and guys in their 30s just look too old to them.

>> No.14323667

here's a short video that will answer all your questions:

>> No.14323675

hell anon they used to marry 'em off at 9

>> No.14323676

>Not having your marriage arranged before your conception

>> No.14323680

fucking woke

>> No.14323685
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>> No.14323692


>> No.14323694

>fear of missing out
Women really fall for the ads hard, don't they?

>> No.14323698

Women are not fully adults

>> No.14323704

People are really easily manipulated—men and women.

>> No.14323712


>> No.14323724

the fact that an ocean of money and the finest minds of science and business have devoted their entire lives to manipulating people for well over a century suggests it isn't easy to do at all

>> No.14323732

>being so far detached from real life that your only idea on how women live comes from 4chan gossip

Women aren't the part animals that sleep around every week that 4chan seem to imply. You guys need to get out more and meet real people

>> No.14323743

>femoid comedy
what a cringefest

>> No.14323763

Good 70% of extraverted women in 80-100 IQ bracket do so in developing + developed countries. It's just that /pol9k/ loves to generalize and cherrypick all the shocking articles/studies/stories about this group and acting as if it represents the entire female population.

Pop culture, all of media and so on is obviously targeting this exact group with its message (they're the most profitable customers), which certainly doesn't help in perceiving reality right, but it's still the case: on such scale, no generalization is helpful whatsoever. Believing that all women are like this causes paranoia and anxiety in young men. It's harmful and certainly messes up with their mental health.

>> No.14323765


>> No.14323766

Well at this point they've refined the methods so much they've probably got cheat sheets printed now.

>> No.14323768

On the contrary: it suggests it's quite profitable.

>> No.14323773

I don't see how that refutes the point made?

>> No.14323787

human attention is a moving target, anon. it adapts to scientific advertising techniques like drug resistant bacteria. ever notice how most ads currently on tv are either post-ironic or post-post-ironic?

>> No.14323789

>go to work
>hear women talking about going to bars and clubs on weekends every other day
so what do you think they do on those late night escapades? they play checkers with the guys they meet?

>> No.14323795

The only good post itt

>> No.14323797

see >>14323763. Eavesdropping on normie turbothots that you work with will quickly mess up your ability to measure things.

>> No.14323801

>normie turbothots
that's most young women bro

>> No.14323810

Nobody forces you to date and marry one of them. Again, there are plenty of above the curve IQ/introverted + neurotic (in MBTI terms) females out there.

>> No.14323815


>> No.14323827

University labs. They don't date.

>> No.14323830

Economics lmao
They can live in poverty or suck a dude's dick 3 times a year

>> No.14323838

I think that has more to do with style over method. I really do think they've refined a few mechanisms that have consistent affects on people, like the mice that were given buttons to slam dopamine into their systems through electrodes put into the brain. Just a mechanical hijacking of our existence.

>> No.14323842

I'm fucked then. I guess I should just settle for the Irish druggie down the road.

>> No.14323848

Postgrad courses at good unis (and I'm not talking about useless majors like English or Sociology, unless you're not an Anglo, in such case you might find them anywhere). High tier publishing houses. Non-government organizations (again, as an Anglo you might only find filth working at NGO-s, but that's the burden of being an Anglo). Public administration. Private companies of any kind as long as they aren't soulless cutting-edge big tech.

>> No.14323865
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You're either joking or delusional if you think 99% of people under 30 can afford to raise children

>> No.14323866

If she's a virgin, I'm William Shakespeare.

>> No.14323877

Just don't get into debt. It's not hard if you have a good family and help each other out.

>> No.14323882

good advice that almost no one is following

>> No.14323901

I've fucked them too. They still don't date.

>> No.14323905

If it were difficult, we wouldn't see so many advertisements.
Let me put it this way: the engine is already built, put in a car, and on the road. They're just trying to up the fuel efficiency for next year.

>> No.14323919

I am.

>> No.14323930

i agree. advertising only goes so far. it still feeds off an already present desire or drive. advertising doesnt manufacture something out of nothing.
if advertising really was that manipulative, niggas wouldnt be starving in Africa.
or was that ad for beat up dogs and shit.

>> No.14323948

>Personal saving less than 1%
What is wrong with Americans?

>> No.14323963

As a 25 year old in non-An*lo country who maintains close friendships with plenty of women, I can tell you that virgins exist. Two fairly attractive women within my social circles are virgins, and no, they don't come from orthodox background, just somewhat conservative middle class families. One other woman I know is bisexual and only had sexual intercourses with her girlfriend till the age of 22, when her first male partner manipulated her into sleeping with him.

I also know a case of two best friends who are both roughly 5.5/10 in terms of pure looks, and while one of them sluts herself to the maximum to gain validation, the other one copes with the fact that she isn't too attractive by avoiding contact with males to minimum. The first girl is what all of /r9k/ believes all of women are (because, sure, despite her mediocre looks you could take a screenshot of her Tinder and see 50+ matches), but the second one could be real wife material if she took care of herself and ate less, because honestly she isn't a brainlet bugwoman.

I also know a girl with roughly 100+ partners, and trust me, her influence of her friends isn't strong enough to even stand her. Her ridiculous body count actually angers them.

>> No.14323977

>her influence of her friends isn't strong enough to even stand her
Eh. What I meant is: her influence on her friends isn't strong enough to make them stand her.

>> No.14324003

>the fact that an ocean of money and the finest minds of science and business have devoted their entire lives to manipulating people for well over a century suggests it isn't easy to do at all

It's the opposite. It's so easy to do that different interests are all vying to manipulate people more than or over the next guy. The fact that McDonald's spends billions on advertising alone doesn't mean that people aren't manipulated by its advertising. It just means they're trying to keep above all the money and advertising coming from their competitors.

>> No.14324013

>if advertising really was that manipulative, niggas wouldnt be starving in Africa.

The agencies who do those commercials pocket most of the money. It never reaches Africa. The more you know.

>> No.14324107

She'll be all right. All she needs to do is go to the nearest bar and snag a white knight liberal bugman who will basically pay for all her things while she resents his entire existence.

>> No.14324220
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>Men are Polyamorous
>Women are Hypergamorous
Literally don't invest 100% in any woman and just focus on yourself

>> No.14324302

But if I want a wife and kids in 2019?

>> No.14324315

I have never been to an English-speaking country. Is 'kids' a word now? Do people still use 'children' in colloquial speech?

>> No.14324323

Welcome to the Kali Yuga - There are no nice things like that anymore

You'd probably either get the 0.01% girl in the West, a better chance in the Eastern Europe or SEA but they're much more aggressively materialistic, or just wait for artifical wombs and a sexbot

Shit sucks, but that's the state of play atm

>> No.14324374

Thats just the odd 18-23 year old. I never hear someone over that age talk about going to clubs

>> No.14324385

I have been to America, from what I saw they still use "children".

>> No.14324412

buy a sex doll and adopt a kid.

>> No.14324438

i wonder how many of these threads are made on this website on average per day. year after year, it's relenteless d e s u

>> No.14324513

i dont get it. a sandwich? wtf is this meem

>> No.14324606

Wow, it's almost as if women play an integral part of society or something, retard.

>> No.14324612

everyone deserves to live a fulfilling family life and not to be enslaved by capitalism into misery

>> No.14324651

yes? what does that have to do with hating women all day, day in day out?

>> No.14324661

Where the hell do you live? I'm in the Midwest and every girl I see is like I described.

>> No.14324674

Guess the midwest really is that boring

>> No.14324736

These people just sounds like churned out technician of the globohomo order .

>> No.14324780

am i the only one who finds the one on the right more attractive? or do i just have a mommy fetish?

>> No.14324907

Right looks fine. You’ve got a distorted view of attraction if you think right looks ugly. She’s okay in left too, but she looks too glitzy and not natural enough.

>> No.14325288

Just date down a couple of income brackets.

>> No.14325312

As long as the woman is conscious about politics, she won't willingly participate in the truly executive branch of the industry-media complex. Remember, we're talking about 110+ IQ women here.

>> No.14325345

Maybe but so many even smart people absorb reality by osmosis without questioning it.

>> No.14325451
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I'm 100% sure that you are a woman, and nobody here believe in your gender's lies.

>> No.14325574
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>> No.14325593

Then she's nothing with no real use and can be made into fertilizer.

>> No.14325601

>not an incubator
lol keep coping redditor

>> No.14325706

Which country is this, anon?

>> No.14326423

Kids and children are interchangeable

>> No.14326435

I love women

>> No.14326446


>> No.14326450

Me too, wish I had one.

>> No.14326610

Thank's, just broke up with my gf.

>> No.14326902

It gets old real quick, anon.

>> No.14326913

I know. I had one before and it became mkserable. But it's been a long time and I'm lonely. And there is a particular woman I really want to be with.

>> No.14326934

Any farmer’s almanac from the past millennia would do. Women settle down early because it’s easier to raise and set up a home for a child when you’re younger.