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File: 2.41 MB, 2976x3968, British_Normality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14301329 No.14301329 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any novels that accurately depict life in modern Britain?

I'm talking about highstreets lined with charity shops, Paki ghettos, student debt, anxiety disorders, retail jobs, ethnic takeover, housing developments, social media, anal sex, tiny rented rooms, childless women, hermit men, Megabus, doxxing, diversity quotas, video games, autism, homeless in tents, steel-and-glass office buildings, porn addiction, post-graduation meal in Harvester, dating apps, veganism, climate change, tranny rights, online streaming, BPD, zero hour jobs, e-celebs, black crime rates, retired boomers, the housing crisis, overpopulation, far-right lads, "neoliberalism", yoga classes, automation, moving to London, viral trends.

>> No.14301340

Check out Mark Fishers writings

>> No.14301345

The Last Binge Ever by LondonFrog.

>> No.14301347

>anal sex
Whats the deal with anal sex and Britain?

>> No.14301352

that could take place in any large city in the West, LF barely interacts with his environment beyond noting the existence of stacies

>> No.14301367

Any specific suggestion?

I own K-Punk (his collected writings) but most of the essays I've read so far are movie reviews.

This essay is kino though: https://theoccupiedtimes.org/?p=12841

>> No.14301374

It's the new norm among the porn generation. Anal fissures are now commonplace.

>> No.14301377
File: 119 KB, 679x768, 1563933531874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not living the transgressive lifestyle and having anal sex with your British Indian GF
Its like you want to be miserable

>> No.14301391

You got a source on that?

>> No.14301419




>> No.14301457

write it anon

>> No.14301476

Doesn't say anything about anal fissures. Guess you made that part up

>> No.14301505

there's nothing i want more in literature than a british equivalent of houllebecq, one who could tackle all the things in op in a well-written way (i.e. not "muh jews and niggers" greentexts). i don't think they're ever gonna let one through though, british literature seems so high-strung and sensitive, probably because they all know deep down they've fucked up massively and you can't go home again

>> No.14301523

>"Bastian Seidel, a Tasmanian doctor, told the ABC he has seen how those copying behaviour they’ve seen on porn videos can go dangerously wrong. He said: “We have seen anal fissures more and more. I’ve seen that more in women, so that’s caused by men having anal sex with women.”"


>"It’s time to state the obvious: Americans ― yep, even teens and college-age kids! ― are having anal sex. A 2017 survey of over 3,000 sexually active millennials found that 35% of women and 15% of men are engaging in anal sex at least some of the time. [...] On a recent episode of the podcast “Next Question With Katie Couric,” which focused on teen sex, Couric said she spoke with a doctor who claimed more young people are coming in with anal fissures ― something health providers didn’t have to treat in such large numbers in the past."


>> No.14301530

Ime it definitely isn't. The amount of 20 y.o. women that have never been fucked in the ass before I came along is insane now compared to when I was 20.

>> No.14301576

I share your sentiment, but the question is what kind of person this Houellebecqian writer will be. Already we've had young writer Joe Stretch described as the British Houellebecq, but I think his publishers / reviewers did him a disservice with that by piling on too much pressure when he was still in his mid-20s - there's the shock value but not the kind of simmering contempt and sweeping sociological assertions we find in Houellebecq. I doubt we'll get something like that from the kind of "gritty" white working class writers like Irvine Welsh, as it's too invested in harrowing descriptions and is more focused on the dark narrative itself rather than describing things in a meta or detached manner. And the white upper-middle class, privately educated types (like Houellebecq) don't seem to have it in them and aren't likely to get anything past the left-leaning gatekeepers who are either middle-class white feminist types or far-left minorities. The only way I can see a novel like this being written is by someone from the middle or upper-middle class who have made something of a name for themselves in left-wing critical circles, who then turns rogue (like Houellebecq did, starting off in left-wing circles who later banished him) and critiques those he has first-hand experience dealing with, while also attacking mass immigration and neoliberalism in a clever, articulate manner which shows ability to construct a plausible narrative etc. I sincerely think it'll be someone with leftist credentials, and some subcultural clout, who will risk their reputation by writing something which isn't necessarily "right wing" but is a kind of widespread condemnation of things as they are.

>> No.14301622

I am making an effort to write something like this at the moment. It's structured like a triptych with the main 'panel' being set in Manchester. I haven't been to Manchester but I grew up in Glasgow and they are pretty similar (cradle to both industry and famous musicians)
This is a sample of what I am going for
justpaste it/74u6j

>> No.14301636

Capital by John Lanchester

>> No.14301657

Nice one. Thoughts on what the book achieves?

Stick it in pastebin lad, can't read that link.

>> No.14301700

Houellebecq came from a working class household and went to public education, though.

>> No.14301728

good reply anon, thank you
>I sincerely think it'll be someone with leftist credentials, and some subcultural clout, who will risk their reputation by writing something which isn't necessarily "right wing" but is a kind of widespread condemnation of things as they are.
perhaps you're right. seems difficult though, unless you're willing to risk it all. what was the name of that famous female author who wrote some dystopian novel recently and got in trouble for like three fucking lines about islam or whatever

>> No.14301741

People in other countries will never understand this feel. England is so grey and so drab, the norf meme is not a joke, it's a real metaphysical evil reality. How the fuck did it get like this.

>> No.14301758

Idk but I've been meaning to read The Strange Death of Europe

>> No.14301763

britain is the most miserable place on the planet if you don't have money, classism is very prevelant here

>> No.14301798

Nope. Small countries breed small psychologies and any real radical will be crushed by reactionary leftwing media/publishing that controls literature.

>> No.14301800

Better link


>> No.14301865

Looks comfy to me.

>> No.14301875

Just means we need to teach people the dangers of inserting unsafe objects into their anus. Anal sex is safe if done right

>> No.14301886

Whats the norf meme?

>> No.14302129

Its like the caveman meme but with red shirts

>> No.14302151
File: 574 KB, 1715x1029, 1574736800971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14302158

That looks like Children of Men lol wtf

>> No.14302183

children of men was a documentary anon

>> No.14302205

there are african war zones that are more attractive and tempting to live in than britain in the '80s

>> No.14302228

this is belfast

>> No.14302232

Yeah but its not far off from norf cities

>> No.14302429

honestly not a bad aesthetic. if I have to live in a shitty world, let it be this one.

>> No.14302790

this is a fucking AI post, I have seen it before. Or else OP is an absolute mongo that reposts bullshit from years ago to get yous from newfags.

>> No.14302803


>> No.14302916

You're a fucking degenerate. The anus is not a sexual organ.

>> No.14303262

His mother was a trained nurse (granted she wasn't wealthy) and his father was somewhat wealthy, even purchased an apartment for him in Paris. And as mentioned he then went to public school, and even found his job after years of unemployment due to his friends from the higher classes. He's based, but his background isn't that of Celine.

>> No.14303264

>that famous female author

Hmmm, no idea. Sounds interesting though.

>> No.14303289

>35% of women and 15% of men
Does this mean that, according to this study, 15% of British men are taking it up the ass at least occasionally? That seems like a high number to me considering gays are a tiny portion of the male population and the majority of straight guys are pretty vocal about not wanting anything up their asses. If it's not saying 15% of guys are taking it through the back door, then it means that there is a minority of the male population who are going around sticking it in multiple women's butts each. Either way, these statistics are fascinating.

>> No.14303323

Maybe I'm misinterpreting but I think it says that 15% of men are fucking 35% of women in the ass. 15% sounds way too high to mean men engaging in acts where they are the ones being penetrated.

>> No.14303349

It obviously means that 15% of men are arse fucking 35% of women. Anal sex is absolutely normal these days.

>> No.14303350

>The anus is not a sexual organ.

A man's prostate is in his ass.

>> No.14303355
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15% of men are arse fucking 35% of women

Extension du domaine de la lutte, indeed.

>> No.14303376
File: 23 KB, 576x864, UKCensusInfographic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books on this issue?

>> No.14303380

Why is this an issue?

>> No.14303383

Why wouldn't it be an issue? Anything can be an issue.

>> No.14303417


>> No.14303426

>I haven't been to Manchester
Get on a train you lazy cunt.

>> No.14303436

2011 census records a national score of 87% "white/white british", so I can only assume this table shows only the White British category and not the people who said "white english/scottish/welsh". That, or its an invention.

>> No.14303447
File: 180 KB, 1024x865, BritishFuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the census records, normie.

Also in 2011 it was 81%

>> No.14303473

It's payback. Colonize the shitters and soon they will colonize you. They should have been left alone.

>> No.14303512


And the left side of the table you posts only confirms exactly what I said: that the figure you quoted upthread for White British does not include any "white Irish" or "white Other" information.

>> No.14303522

Do you think White Irish are at all a sizeable population? And white other basically means eastern european outside of London, i.e. Romanians, Bulgarians etc.

White British is 81% as of 2011, and considering that white british birth rates are the lowest of any ethnic group it's probably down to about 74% by 2021.

>> No.14303535

>a lot of chinese and mixed mulattoes (best of both)
>no africans
damn didn't know Cambridge was based and had a lot of waifu material

>> No.14303541

White Irish is visibly very low, but I imagine a share of the "other" category is Scottish/Welsh Nationalists. Eastern Europe too though, for sure. London itself has enough Polish people. The question is always how people self-identify. How many actually British people object to the word British, how many foreign people have chosen White/Other, and how many just Other?

>> No.14303546

You want criticism on that?

>> No.14303565


I reckon if Douglas Murray wrote a novel he might be able to come close. Probably knows a lot about anal sex as well

>> No.14303566

Irish is the one of the biggest immigrant groups in the UK, about the same size as the Polish or Pakistani population

>> No.14303568
File: 59 KB, 220x473, 2011_UK_census_ethnic_group_question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just check the census form and see for yourself?

All British regions are included under White British.

>> No.14303569

lol. But he won't be able to write a novel of any worth. He's chosen non-fiction as his thing, and were he to try fiction it would be too heavy-handed in its efforts to tackle political issues.

>> No.14303576

>this bad in 2011

Fuck I can't wait for 2021 the stats are gonna be a riot.

>> No.14303580

>implying the exact same thing isn't happening in nobody 'colonists' like Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Germany etc.

It actually has a lot less to do with the past than you might think. We overcomplicate and overthink all this but for those making the statistics shift, it's just a matter of moving somewhere better where they get pampered for existing.

>> No.14303585

>Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Germany etc.
All had colonies, especially Italy, and even more especially Germany who were just about the most brutal of the lot

>> No.14303588

Where did Denmark colonise?

>> No.14303592

Browse /britfeel/.

>> No.14303594

Africa, Asia, The Americas, same as most other places
In any case, its not a tit-for-tat thing. The third world was made poor and Europe was made rich by European Imperialism, now the people can move they will, it's not a conscious revenge thing

>> No.14303614

The Caribbeans I think like one island and Greenland. Clearly, getting a million sub-Saharan Africans and Middle Easterners is well overdue for their crimes.
>especially Italy
Libya where they did nothing of note other than build up infrastructure n shit? And Ethiopia which they owned for less than a decade? It's more like a regular conquest really, one they screwed up pretty bad too.

>Germany who were just about the most brutal of the lot
Now you're just talking shite and being resentful about something you have no idea of, their rulership in China and the Pacific isn't even a memory and older generations of Africans who lived under them celebrated their rule.

This confirms that you're just talking shite I guess. Please do tell me about the great genocides the forefathers of the Danish, Swedish, Italian and German people did that makes it just to have their countries flooded with shit on two legs.

A couple of big name monarchs got rich, so millions of illegals flooding the lands of people who didn't even partake is "payback" and everything would've been fine if they were left alone? C'mon.

>> No.14303622

Deano worked his way through his 20 chicken nuggets, with Coke Zero since he was on a diet. Feeling good about life since his cheeky £20 win on a £1 scratch card, he even gave the beggar outside Maccies the 20p coin he’d scratched the golden ticket off with. Normally he’d not even acknowledge the benefit scrounger pretending to be homeless for a litre of cider or some spice but this really was a new less-mean Dean.
While he scraped a nugget around the last of his sweet curry sauce, Deano overhead two blokes, both looking like pissheads, who were probably mates with the 20p richer tramp outside, who were shouting about someone the one with less teeth had knocked out the other day. Both were swearing like fuck and Deano noticed that two kids were sat right near them with a sour-faced mother. Maybe she was too worried about confronting them, Deano wondered whether he should tell them to pack it in. After he finished the nuggets he thought.
Getting psyched up Deano eventually walked over, ready to square up to them if needed, but just before he did he heard that the mother and kids were jabbering away in polish and he thought “fuck em” and walked on his way back home to the missus.

>> No.14303626

>The third world was made poor and Europe was made rich by European Imperialism
It was much richer than the third world before any imperialism took place.
Why would you post such obvious nonsense?

Let's not go into these dumb moralizing arguments ("payback" "they deserve it"), because they ultimately miss the point.
People want to move from shittier to nicer places, it's as simple as that. It has always been this way and everyone has been doing it, whites, blacks, whoever.

>> No.14303644
File: 112 KB, 976x480, alasdair-gray-cowcaddens-streetscape-in-the-fifties-1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why set it in Manchester and not Glasgow? I've been living in Glasgow for the last two years and this place seems to have a very tragic and unique /britfeel/ to it that I find quite poetic

>> No.14303647

This, we ain't seen nothing yet

>> No.14303662

It seems weird to think of England in 2019 as a 'nicer place'.

>> No.14303667

Writing good fiction is much harder than writing good nonfiction.

>> No.14303669

Nice one.

>> No.14303692


Nailed it

>> No.14303694

What's the literary equivalent of this video?


>> No.14303697

>White: Gypsy

>> No.14303701


>> No.14303737

It is a first draft so it might not be a waste of your effort but if there is anything you'd really like to pick on go ahead

>> No.14303751

>Now you're just talking shite
I thought it was a /lit/ prerequisite to have read the Pynchon stuff on German West Africa.

> isn't even a memory
in Qingdao it is, albeit not a negative one

>> No.14303759

Not him but it's a bit cringe. The mocking of the homeless man is a but cuntey, and the bulging eyed expression of the guy in the first passage seems too hammy. Life is miserable remember, and most people know it in some way. Having them react like dumb plebs to the edgy protagonist is too simplistic unless you're going for a ACOD angle. I don't sense any intensity or conviction behind the work as a whole to be honest, more of a creative experiment in illustrating a world where normies are just dumb automatons who react stupidly etc.

>> No.14303777

Fair point, the main character is meant to be narrow-minded (hence the cuntiness) but I could tone it down a bit.
I don't think you can make a judgement about the work as whole from a section 500 words, a section I selected to match the tone of this thread. if you'd like to read more I could paste more, otherwise thanks for the feedback I appreciate it.

>> No.14303782

Check out Martin Amis, especially London fields. "The information" is good too

>> No.14303784

Would Deano buy scratch cards? I dunno, I wonder if it fits the archetype which is less chav and more materialist, rootless NPC, enamoured with gadgets and 'progress' but apolitical. He'd definitely buy a new build home using Help to Buy, and there'd be a problem with the render which he'd complain the Persimmon Homes about over the phone during his lunch breaks at the business park.
What's Deano's missus called? Holly? Emma? Leanne?

Think my next programming project is to make a britfeel copypasta generator in he vein of the OP.

>> No.14303787
File: 11 KB, 562x154, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tone it down for instance by adding this last line

>> No.14303792

Deano uses betting apps.

>> No.14303793

On a technical level, take a look at sentences like the ones starting "That'll teach her..", "There was comfort...", "But this coincidence.." because you have a bit of a tendency to over-develop instead of starting a new sentence.

On a theme level, I'm not sure this hypnotic advert thing is quite right. Feels a little Aldous Huxley for a 21st century book. I think the way people consume adverts now is with a sort of knowing irony which doesn't actually stop them from being affected. Everyone doing media studies flavour shit in English class, being self aware and telling themselves that they're analysts of what they're consuming. Characters flatly parroting slogans without even noticing it just doesn't feel true to how the trick works.

>> No.14303795

It's important to the story that it takes place where the first industrial city was created because it has a theme of primitivist theme running through it, and also I want to discuss the juxtaposition between the 'young-girl' ideology mentality (google young girl by tiqqun, if you don't know what I am talking about) of Ariana grande versus the wabhabist ideals of the islamic terrorists who bombed her concert.

>> No.14303796

Definitely does an accumulator on the footie at Ladbrokes

>> No.14303808


Deano doesn't buy scratchcards unless he has enough change left when he nips to the paki shop.

>> No.14303813

>It was much richer than the third world before any imperialism took place.

>> No.14303825
File: 42 KB, 680x684, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nonwhite Londoner bong
>tfw disgusted by everything around me

>> No.14303843
File: 210 KB, 1225x735, 5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain was permanently fucked during the industrialization and urbanization around 1700-1800.

On the surface, people still looked decent even in the 1970s (pic related), but it was already on a downward trajectory.

>> No.14304120

working on it OP

being on the dole at 27 in blackpool does strange things to your imagination. I’ve seen firsthand how junkies here live it’s an entirely different world.

>> No.14304130

based. keep it up anon

>> No.14304150

>young-girl by tiqqun
this is actually interesting, cheers

>> No.14304205

Junkies are the same everywhere. I used to score crack in Oxford and it's all happening in and amongst all the gleaming spire Harry Potter shit.

>> No.14304219

went to KFC in oxford it was full of crackheads

>> No.14304231

European bugerpunk imagery

>> No.14304328

>were sat
why do Brits can't into english?

>> No.14304505

It's not a book but Bait (2019) fits into the grimness and despair of modern Britain category pretty well.

>> No.14304632

What will the great Deano novel be about?

>> No.14304696

You do not want to live in Belfast, frens. A nightmarish place that never washed away its sins.

>> No.14304773

The moral fable of Deano, a Barratt homes employee who awakes one night after an evening of heavy drinking on a desolate patch of former greenbelt land, the last of its sort in his entire region, which he successfully petitioned to build several thousand homes on. Unaware of how he got there, and unsure where his friends Spudsy, Gazza, Jay-C and Mohamed have gone, he walks in a haze across field after deforested and denuded field now covered with building materials and unoccupied portacabins, looking for any light in the distance that might provide him guidance. He smiles at first, recalling how he singlehandedly overturned the wishes of hundreds of local citizens who opposed the housing plans. He begins to sing a Jason Derulo song loudly, as though daring the darkness and cold wind to try its best to dampen his spirits. Finding no light however despite walking for miles, and feeling the cold against his bare ankles and the drizzle freezing his custom-fitted shirt, he finally crawls into a concrete cylinder lying on its side. A plastic warning sign hangs above it, but in the dim light he can only make out the final line "....all ye who enter." Shivering and afraid, he finally hears footsteps across the boggy earth outside the opposite end of the cylinder and then sees a flame appear at the cylinder's end. "S-spudsy?" he asks. "M-mo?" He crawls on hand and knees towards the light, the concrete shredding his knees which poke out between the stylishly torn knees of his skin-tight jeans. The light disappears as he reaches the other end of the cylinder, and he emerges to complete silence. But there again is that light a few feet away, and rushing to it he finds a man kneeling on one knee and, with closed eyes, lending his nose to the single flower which appears to be growing from the ground flattened by Barratt's army of machines. "Lost are we mate?" Deano laughs. "Well no worries, I'm in charge of this whole development. I'll get us out of here." The elderly man seems to smile as he stands and removes a pipe from his pocket. Deano begins to chuckle nervously as he watches the man raise the pipe to his mouth and search his pocket for a match. "B-bit bent innit, smokin' pipes and what. Ain't crack is it? I'm a vape man meeself." The elderly man, dressed in a smart tweed suit, finally lights his pipe and, after emitting a single smoke ring which drifts up curiously untouched by the gale and rain, says "I played in these fields once upon a time. A very long time ago in fact, though it seems like yesterday if truth be told. Ah yes, I still recall the strong oak in which many a summer eve was spent awaiting the starry night sky." Deano raises an eyebrow and looks from side to side, as if share with an invisible friend standing on either side what a weirdo this old man is. "Anyways mate, have a good one yeah? And don't stick around too long, security don't like trespassers" Deano strides away, filling his lungs so as to begin singing a song, but

>> No.14304785

sounds like a line from a book

>> No.14304945

Based post.

How the fuck can you live on such a tiny rock of a country and not travel what is a couple of hours on train to such a major city? Kys my man.

>> No.14304950


>> No.14304974


>> No.14304978

Why do you guys obsess over racial identity so much? Its just a social construct that doesn't really determine much except what you look like

>> No.14305025
File: 904 KB, 1105x1179, 1557446995726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel bad for all you dudes missing out on all the great anal sex being had these days

>> No.14305929

Why do people from the past always look more attractive and healthy?

>> No.14306034
File: 11 KB, 403x460, us-trends-graph3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, they weren't as fat and they didn't sit on their ass all day.

>> No.14306141

b-but poo on dick

>> No.14306154

Are you American? Its the weight difference

>> No.14307496


>> No.14307503

>Both were swearing like fuck

>> No.14307512

>Why do people from the past always look more attractive and healthy?

Because they were.

>> No.14307528

Charles Dickinson. Metaphorically, of course.

>> No.14307627

I live in Australia, when did I say I still live in the UK retard

>> No.14308421
File: 25 KB, 398x417, 1544347085974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks pal, that's a bolster for a drunkard on a Saturday night on his capability on his writing capabilities.