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File: 897 KB, 1366x768, Roger Scruton with second wife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14292250 No.14292250 [Reply] [Original]

He seems like quite a chad, both philosophically and personally speaking. Pic related is him with his second wife.

>> No.14292255

Quite the romantic story too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoybTk6TEX4

>> No.14292518

Jordan Peterson tier

>> No.14292674

Patrician taste.

>> No.14292684

Great taste but he can't write for shit, and he can't give a convincing explanation for anything he says, far as I've read. Unfortunate that he's so popular because there are far better conservative intellectuals.

>> No.14292723

His writing about film is D tier.

>> No.14292833

Where are his writings about film cant find them?

>> No.14292902

>better conservative intellectuals
Name em'

>> No.14293379

more like 'rugged scrotum' hahahaha

>> No.14293824

dumb anglo. peterson for boomers

>> No.14293835

Depends on what you want to read about. Start with Spengler and Evola's Grail Mystery. Scruton just shitposts about >muh beauty but can't find the gumption to say what beauty is. Any Neoplatonist can finish that thought for him in a manner more satisfying than just pointing at a painting on the BBC and saying "this is more beautiful than ugly modern art." Yes Rodger we know.

>> No.14293851

What about his Aesthethics, is there something good?

>> No.14294496

Does it make a difference whether or not he describes the description of beauty as you expect him to?

>> No.14294510
File: 9 KB, 200x155, Pepe wondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

song at start of video?

check em.

>> No.14294517

dumb anglo

>> No.14294547

Why does everyone hate on Scruton?

>> No.14294551


>> No.14294561

watch and refer to>>14292255

>> No.14294730

His beliefs are dumb and he has terrible justifications for them. It's amazing he even has a degree.

>> No.14294771

He's not doing too well lads

>> No.14294772


>> No.14294781

Oh fuck, who goes bald this late in life?

>> No.14294784

He has cancer

>> No.14294787

Watch the documentary the first poster above posted every single one of his arguments for God are laughable even for a theist. A 10 year old can do a better job. Also the akes money from tobacco companies without telling anyone and then writes articles for them saying how smoking is good lol

>> No.14294916

only brainlets see something wrong with it.

>> No.14295181

Because we've read/listened to Bowden. Scruton is utterly dull in comparison.

>> No.14295205

He's a stupid boomer shilling for Christianity and shitty aesthetics.

>> No.14295207

I watched his Why Beauty matters tv program, was extremely lazy brainlet Shit', basically "i don't like Bauhaus and brutalism", without any argument other than "looks bad to me" whatsoever.

>> No.14295314


>> No.14295335

Okay athicuck.

>> No.14295350

>imagine not knowing what beauty is

>> No.14295584

Hmmm....Yes....A can of shit.

>> No.14296339


>> No.14296540


>> No.14296548


>> No.14296555


>> No.14296563


>> No.14296568


>> No.14296574


>> No.14296607


>> No.14296614


>> No.14296619


>> No.14296625


>> No.14296628


>> No.14296660
File: 12 KB, 474x266, flanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14296663


>> No.14296674


and Scruton is a fucking bore I don't know why anyone listens to him. if that's the standard for being a conservative intellectual then the right needs to step up its game.

>> No.14296756


>> No.14296759


>> No.14296767


>> No.14296775


>> No.14296778


>> No.14296789
File: 14 KB, 300x250, disgust pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14297217

>second wife
Dropped. I thought this guy was supposed to be a conservative.