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14282473 No.14282473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the evolutionary advantage of women, why cant we just reproduce asexually

>> No.14282485

Women stop people like you from spreading their genes

>> No.14282490

What is the evolutionary advantage of men? There is no advantage for women, but men can have greater variations in their phenotype and strengths, the man with the best characteristics for a certain environment will succeed over his natural opposite.

>> No.14282492

based femoid genekeeper

>> No.14282495


>> No.14282498

What if i get an asian waifu, what then?

>> No.14282499
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They´re pretty cute, and are great cuddlers.

>> No.14282505

this is why you shouldn't have zero-content shit like "based" lying around. someone can pick it up and poke you with it.

>> No.14282514

>Hello, Yikes Department?

>> No.14282519

evolution and biology is amoral
traits or characteristics that successfully (or more successfully) propagate through time do not and will not necessarily fit what we currently define as moral, ethical, or "best"
>"but hypergamy and branch-swinging is natural!"
>and it may have been the best course of action (for the species) thousands of years ago, but it currently seems to, arguably, not be in the best interest of "society"

>> No.14282534

bio 101 here, higher genetic variance for evolutionary advantages & bacterial immunities

>> No.14282537

thanks for trying to cheer me up but you just reminded me that 'yikes' also exists

>> No.14282554

if womens biological purpose is to stop misogynerds from breeding then why do we still have misogynerds checkmate foids

>> No.14282555


Well played my dude


>> No.14282681

feminine benises

>> No.14282688

They create those people though, and could be their failed parenting that causes it

>> No.14282729

>out-grouping women into their own identity instead of just seeing them as other people

>> No.14282738
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but women don't always make the right choice

>> No.14282743

women are the default dumbass. if we reproduced asexually we'd all be women

>> No.14282754

>women are the default
Nope. I don't subscribe to shitty Darwinian metaphysics, so don't bother with that. In the beginning there was man.

>> No.14282765

Yes they do

>> No.14282919

no it's like this
X: femboys, twinks, androgynous
XX: Female
XY: Male
anything more than two chromosomes: retard

>> No.14283025
File: 925 KB, 960x720, EF93C341-A3C4-4377-9107-3C962DC1A2BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is quite a bit beyond Darwin.
You know the “y” chromosome is just a deformed “X” chromosome?

>> No.14283118

What's the evolutionary advantage of food, why cant we just eat without meals?


>> No.14283125 [DELETED] 

what are these fucking name changes, i meant s o y l e n t.jpeg. you fucks

>> No.14283155

>only perception of parenting is the nuear family
Oh no no no

>> No.14283157

He means human not insectoid women

>> No.14283164

To make my cock hard

>> No.14283170


>> No.14283186

no, multi-generational extended families are the only perception of proper parenting. anything less is objectively inferior.

>> No.14283196

the y chromosome is literally the only chromosome we can do without, checkmate incels

>> No.14283206
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Women are closer to an asexual being than men are. It would be a fair amount easier to modify the functioning of a woman's reproductive organs to facilitate asexual reproduction than it would be for men.

What's interesting is that women are also the default form of the human. The process of a fetus developing into a male is reliant on a specific "switch" being active during gestation. If the hormone that activates this switch is interrupted, the fetus will stop developing male features. This is how most XY intersex people come about.

Essentially, imagine a button. You have to keep this button held down, otherwise it will pop back up to a "default" state. If the button isn't held down, you get a girl.

I'm personally interested in life that has more than 2 sexes. Fungal reproduction is exceptionally interesting.

>> No.14283227

Shame Ella is absolutely horrid at faking orgasms. It's JAV-tier acting.

>> No.14283233


>> No.14283266
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>> No.14283360


>> No.14283380
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Non witty answer: game theory and entropy. Ancestral gene exchange is a vastly more accelerated form of lateral gene transfer. In the past organisms would bump into each other and exchange tiny snippets of dna, this wasn’t very effective because you had no idea how useful the dna you received was and you could only trade small amounts randomly at a time. Genetic exchange over descent on the other hand is literally a 50:50 exchange with a stranger whom you could further evolve to select for and you could rapidly produce multiple sequential organisms each with varying fitness. This rapidly accelerated genetic modification and subsequently evolution. Unfortunately it was a deal with the devil because more complex life invariably needs a “gestation chamber” and one of the two cell types would have to be specialised in this role. Multiply this factor by several orders of magnitude and you end up with a highly evolved complex species in which literally HALF the entire population are psychopathic midwits who are pathologically self destructive as a side effect of reward hacking and will literally sabotage all attempts at cooperation out a misplaced feeling that doing so improves their offsprings odds. With technology however this arrangement will eventually be made obsolete.

>> No.14283452


>> No.14283601


>> No.14283610

>With technology however this arrangement will eventually be made obsolete.

Sexbots and pseudo-wombs will be outlawed as soon as they become commercially viable.

>> No.14283625

Implying the state doesn't want new taxpayers born

>> No.14283632

latent epigenetics unfortunately
even if a chad manifests from a gene pool that does not guarantee his offspring will be like him, it just raises the chance

>> No.14283647

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14283652

I don’t think you understand, game theory is non negotiable. If something is advantageous or disrupts a standing equilibrium then it will result in conflict. If we model men and women as abstract concepts, they are in a stalemate because they are codependent for reproduction. You may have heard about skin cells from a woman being used to generate sperm but the methodology was flawed and it was more a proof of concept. We’re a few decades away from an event that is literally unprecedented, something that has never happened in the history of any mammal, independent reproduction. It may take decades to catch on, but the writing is on the wall. A system with two parts in equilibrium where one half is no longer necessary will not remain in equilibrium.

>> No.14283654

I'd deform your X chromosome if you know what I mean

>> No.14283688

Because having a diverse gene pool is an asset in a dangerous environment, i.e. most of human history. That doesn't happen in asexual reproduction. This is basic shit, guys.

>> No.14283719

>be part of species that thrives on gene diversity
>still don't make the cut

>> No.14283750

>why cant we just reproduce asexually
It's nature's way of trying to make sure that A) we as a species continue to procreate (if one half wasn't constantly trying to rape the other, people would have better things to do than reproduce), and B) we don't overpopulate in relation to our surroundings (a decision must be made to mate and reproduce). Unfortunately, the latter is basically futile, as we've already overpopulated.

Back to your trailer, JR.

>> No.14283758

Is this that one transgender woman?

>> No.14283766

A single japanese waifu has more soul than your entire lineage

>> No.14283808

No but men do .. that's why they pay attention to us in the first place. We need chaos to make order

>> No.14283819

Holy fucking kek

>> No.14283821


>> No.14283827

Thoroughly entertaining post, nicely written anon. I agree with the other fellas point though, dont overlook the political implications of sexbots; they will be either outlawed, or used by corporate manufacturers to gather genetic information from owners who routinely coom in them. Would you trust a corporate product to gestate your son? Who knows what kind of fucked up weird developmental shit artificial wombs can do to an infant, if programmed to by the company and the political interests that back it... it won't be so simple, just like voice activated house servants weren't as simple as Asimov depicted them. What we really got was CIA sponsored cloud connected spying devices that can google shit for us and turn our lights on and off.

>> No.14283845

One gender requires a lot of resources to sustain itself and they are strong and useful
The other gender requires much fewer resources and they are useless baby factories

Simple really

>> No.14283896

Women have a genetically rich X chromosome while men get a genetically poor y chromosome. Men tend to express mutations more than women, and therefore tend to have more deviation in phenotype. This is why there are more genius and idiot men, while women have a slightly higher average IQ and produce less geniuses and idiots.

Men are supposed to be selected against in our species. You are an experiment of natural selection, and have to demonstrate that your genetic material is 'fit'. If you are ugly, or stupid, or small, or creepy, too violent etc you typically get removed from the genepool.

Just remember that nature is not perfect. Sometimes traits are selected for dominance that leads to extinction (think of the cold blooded, massive dinosaurs vs the proto-rodents we evolved from.)