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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 306 KB, 1720x1227, coffee black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14278210 No.14278210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As in it's terrible, but people pretend to like it to seem "cool"?

>> No.14278222


>> No.14278236

What's with Americans and hating people who like their coffee black? I haven't heard anyone in the Old World sperg out this hard over something so inconsequential as how somebody likes their coffee.

>> No.14278238

Faulkner instead of Hemingway
Shakespeare -yeah i said that-
Joyce -this one hurts me but its true-
Kafka -same as joyce-
Henry James

>> No.14278244

>As in it's terrible, but people pretend to like it to seem "cool"?

coffee in general 2 b h
ESPECIALLY st*rb*cks

>> No.14278252

It doesn't even taste that different, just a bit more bitter

>> No.14278253

It’s lower in calories and tastes better. What’s the joke here?

>> No.14278261

amerigroids are basically entrained to consume as much sugar and corn syrup as possible. they've biologically mutated to thrive off it. i'd reckon a black coffee would send the average amerigoblin into shock or cardiac arrest. of course they'd be upset about it. black coffee could literally kill them.

>> No.14278266

WAAAAA black coffee too yucky for me I need yummy milky WAAAAA

>> No.14278270

Americans should not discuss anything, let alone anything related to some 'taste' of a cup of coffee or the shape of the shit they just took. Go to Italy and order a cup of espresso and tell me you can't tell the difference from what ever shit you indulge in

>> No.14278272

coffee with milk is the patrician choice

>> No.14278292

Because Americans who drink their coffee black love to tell everyone and imagine themselves some sort of no-nonsense-badass, while Europeans just drink it and don't sperg out over it

>> No.14278307

Finnegans Wake
Postmodern literature
Jane Austen
Virginia Woolf
The Bronte sisters

Not bad, but used more as a fashion accessory than actual literature :

Decadent/Symbolist poets (Verlaine, Mallarmé, and Rimbaud, specifically)
Zen/Mahayana Buddhist scripture
Hindu scriptures, especially the Gita
Tao Te Ching

>> No.14278308

>coffee with milk is the patrician choice
This. I can only drink coffee either black or with whole milk.

>> No.14278345

> Americans who drink their coffee black love to tell everyone and imagine themselves some sort of no-nonsense-badass,

No, they don't.

>> No.14278366

Yeah, they do

>> No.14278370

Kill yourself

>> No.14278372

>the Gita
maybe you don't like literature anon

>> No.14278375

Shit meme made by redditors larping as non-redditors

>> No.14278383

No, I don't.

>> No.14278395


First half was correct (except for Finnegan's Wake), second half is retarded

>> No.14278484

You're talking about the cradle of consumerism.

>> No.14278487

Only gays and women get flavored coffees

>> No.14278493

>Finnegan's Wake
How is a 19th C Irish dance hall tune anything to do with literature anon?

>> No.14278503

You were only right about Bukowski and Finnegans Wake, rest of your list, total bullshit.

>> No.14278524

What kind of psycho can't drink black coffee? Maybe you just don't like coffee, go buy a Coke or something.

>> No.14278528

euro here. people constantly sperg out about how i like black coffee. even if i get an americano or an espresso or some shit they ask me if i want to put milk in it.

>> No.14278532

>drinking coffee at all
eat roasted beans by the handful instead if you're not an absolute faggot
brewing wastes precious caffeine and time, eating only about 8-10 beans has the same amount of caffeine as a brewed cup of coffee
just buy a bag of roasted whole beans and start small, once you've gone down this path you'll realize how much better it is than that watered down garbage

>> No.14278546

its literally like buying a cocktail at a bar, but no one freaks out if you drink beer or liqueur

>> No.14278549

This is a fucking stupid thread.

However, I am fucking retard so I will participate. People who refuse to read fiction of any kind are basically the black coffee gags of books.

>> No.14278550

This is the most autistic thing I've read on /lit/ all day. Well done faggot.

>> No.14278561

munching on coffee beans is actually kino. theyre like little nuts but coffee flavoured and maybe a bit chalkier

>> No.14278565

>There are grown men who read nothing but tranny YA novels about the nigerian immigrant experence
>This guy chooses non-fiction readers to make fun off

wew lad

>> No.14278570

>>There are grown men who read nothing but tranny YA novels about the nigerian immigrant experence
>>This guy chooses non-fiction readers to make fun off

>> No.14278581
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>> No.14278604

You're utterly retarded--perhaps even more than I am-- if you don't see why I said that. Drinking black coffee exclusively is understood as a performative form of self denial. People who refuse to read fiction adamantly are doing basically the same thing by denying themselves anything made for pleasure.

The first type of person you described is indeed retarded, and might be analogous to the types that exclusively drink onions lattes with stevia rather than sugar. Or whatever other needlessly complex and different drink. But you are a fag and I hate you for being obtuse.

>> No.14278619

while americans may be physically obese, europeans are spiritually obese, their idea of culture is satisfying every gustatory taste, legalizing designer drugs, either avoiding work or only working for the state or some beneficiary of the state, using music for niche narcissistic satisfactions rather than for cultural and religious unity, sampling every sexual fetish, turning cultures and mental illnesses alike into safe combination museum-cafes while chopping and melting your own continent into neat economic zones and cultural safe spaces so your vampire elites don't get bored of the lego bin of fine sausages they've built on the blood and toil of the rest of the world

>> No.14278633

You literally just described America.

>> No.14278656

Pretty good apart from the blood and toil part. The rest of the world would be subsistence farmers if it wasn't for Europe.

Also most big cities in the US are just off-brand versions of European cities. So a lot of that is true for the US.

>> No.14278670

wtf, what's non-black coffee?

>> No.14278672

Coffee mixed with anything

>> No.14278680

don't I, yes

>> No.14278681

>most big cities in the US are just off-brand versions of European cities.

that's because a bunch of urbanite europeans moved here and fucked everything up for the pioneers and natives

>> No.14278682

is Americano black?

>> No.14278683

itt: /lit/izens arguing over their love of the Big Black Coffee

>> No.14278699

If you don't add in any sugar, cream or milk, yes. "Americano" just means watery shitty coffee.

>> No.14278706

I think espresso is kind of a separate thing, personally. When I was a barista I noticed that if the espresso machine was having an issue the regulars would always get black coffee though. So take from that what you will.

>> No.14278709

It's like Europeans and ketchup.

>> No.14278711

Did you just describe espresso as "shitty coffee?" I'm not offended, but I do think that's a weird thing to say.

>> No.14278723

I meant to say the regulars who got americanos would always get black coffees if the machine was down.

>> No.14278729
File: 69 KB, 720x720, 2iiivbyeejgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when a brit calls every american "Yank"

>> No.14278736

I'm not sure what you're implying. I'm also American

>> No.14278750

>Americans who drink their coffee black love to tell everyone and imagine themselves some sort of no-nonsense-badass

I'm an American who's lived over three decades in five different states and I have never, ever seen this. Are you sure you're not just imagining it out of something like insecurity?

>> No.14278775

i don't even drink coffee but i don't get how people think a coffee with 5 things of cream and 4 packets of sugar is even still coffee at that point. as if relying on caffeine to wake up in the morning weren't unhealthy enough. there's like a whole normie coffee hierarchy where you're not cool if you don't drink a certain kind of coffee in a certain way that always repulsed me to the point of never even wanting to try the stuff.

>> No.14278783

No americans care. At most its a little quirk that would induce a minutes worth of small talk.

>> No.14278851

Black coffee is tasty... Drinkin' sum rn..

>> No.14278864

Black coffee is good. Beer is good. Acquired tastes exist and are real things.

>> No.14278868

It cracks me up seeing people put 6 creams and sugars in their coffee
Just order a latte at that point it tastes way better

>> No.14278875

>even if i get an americano or an espresso or some shit they ask me if i want to put milk in it.
like on top of the milk it's made with?

>> No.14278882

this, milk is one thing but who the fuck was the person that tried coffee and said "this is good, but it could use some sugar"
fucking disgusting

>> No.14278940

Coffee that doesn't mug you

>> No.14279065

ive found its either the people whose father drank it black so they feel compelled to uphold a code or they are coffee snobs who really care about whether you douse your coffee in lots of cream etc

>> No.14279217
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It's interesting to me that the ability to see every weird niche deviant wacko thing people are not only interested in but enthralled by over the internet does not convince people that I might possibly enjoy bitter tastes on occasion. A handful of cranberries, black coffee, a cold beer, all wonderful things I can sincerely enjoy. I hope everyone else can too.

>> No.14279303

/lit/, i have a bottle of cold brew concentrate i drink out of every morning before class to function. your thoughts?

what if i don't just refrain from reading genre fiction but also fictional literature? i'd like to consider myself more of a soulless husk than a black coffee loser

>> No.14279366
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>> No.14279380

thanks frog

>> No.14279407

Honestly you hit the big thing for me which is calories. I certainly like the taste of milky sugary coffee more, but I don't want my coffee to have 400+ fucking calories.

>> No.14279418

It tastes nice faggot
You don’t just have burnt out dopamine receptors, you have burnt out sweet taste buds and can’t stand drinks that aren’t full of sugar or milk
We need a word for this besides American

>> No.14279476

Black coffee tastes like butthole. Give me cream and sweetness.

>> No.14279664

An Americano isn't espresso, dumb-dumb.

>> No.14280091

It's literally espresso+water.

>> No.14280166

==> water=0

>> No.14280173

You probably aren't hanging around the right type of american. Think of a braggart boomer MAGApede
>Jane Austen
>Virginia Woolf
>The Bronte sisters
you just went full retard

>> No.14280186

Wtf is this meme. Lel. Black coffe consumption oppression when?

>> No.14280233

>ordering a black coffee
>at fucking starbucks
what the fuck, when you go to a specialty café you order a black coffee. Or just get a shot of espresso from a streetside kiosk when you're in hurry. When you go to Starbucks, you should order some gay sweet shit, like a pumpkin spice latte, or, better yet, you should never come there.

>> No.14280245

Explain to me why those women are not just artificially propped up because they happened to be able to write with a pussy between their legs.

>> No.14280253

>Jane Austen
Wrote some of the best romantic dramas. Not necessarily deep, but enjoyable
Hard to articulate her greatness
>Charlotte Bronte
Wrote decent novels. Boring at times, though fine
>Other Brontes
Never read anything by them

>> No.14280282

if you cut off all of christian god and russia gud country bullshit then it's as good as they say

>> No.14280288


>> No.14280426

youre probably thinking of lattes or whatever other espresso drinks there are. espresso doesnt necessarily have milk in it and an americano is just espresso and extra water.
cold brew is good but a lot of those concentrate brands are straight up dookie water bullshit. what brand do you like? grady's is the only one ive had so far that was worth a damn

>> No.14280470

Who is it?
Some guy
Come to the dark side, we have candy
Yes but do you have coffee?
Sure we have coffee, how do you take it?
Black, like my soul
He likes his coffee black like his soul
He drinks it scorching hot like a fucking psycho
He like coffee a lot
And he like his coffee now
Fifty cups of coffee and you know it's on
Bang, mother, fucker! Bang!)
Yaa, it's a [?]
(Don't [?])
Kick you in the mother fuckin poes make you blackout
(Celebrity fuck point rap is [?])
Yaa, [?]
(Step the fuck back you whack motherfucker)
Like Kanye Kardashian, yo
I like rats and coffee and weed and sing whatever the fuck I want to the beat
(And I like Yachts and money and speed and drivin' like a poes down the motherfuckin' street
And all I wanna do is zoom zoom zoom)
Bass pump in the trunk boom boom boom
(Pitch-black windows)
You wanna see me but you can't
Sippin' on champange
(Puffin' on a blunt)
So, how do you feel now that you have your new dark powers?
(Aah, feel pretty good, not eh, not scared at all, that just feel kind of, I feel kind of invincible)
(I non-stop motherfucker
I'm too ill to chill)
Too dope to cope
(Too lit to quit)
You fuck with peanut butter and jelly
She talks shit
My foot kicks your ass
(My fists split your lip)
My mommy she shut me up with duct tape
Now I get paid for talking all day
(Fuck [?])
Aw fucks sakes, who ate my last cupcake?
(I love coffee but not a fuck, when I drink Starbucks, cause Starbucks sucks)
Yaa, daai shit doos is kak
Fok it, i can't think, I need more coffee
(No more milk or sugar because)
He likes his coffee black like his soul
He drinks it scorching hot like a fucking psycho
He like coffee a lot
And he like his coffee now
Fifty cups of coffee and you know it's on
But sometimes I get sad and I cut myself...
A piece of cake
Yo cuz, I get the mother fuckin' munchiessssssss
Oh mother fucker I need some one to eattttttttttttt
Flesh so yummy, bones so nice and crunchyyyyyyyy
Hehehe I dare you to fuck with meeeee
Aah, aren't you just such a cute little lollipop?
*pop* Triple dipped in psycho

>> No.14280528
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>Black Coffee? As if. I want a mocha onions cream late with extra chocolate, please give it multiple pumps. Extra whipped cream too.

>> No.14280547

I enjoyed reading this, but it's nonsense, Anon.

>> No.14280548

hmmm maybe i will do this.

>> No.14280836

my girlfriend goes to starbucks and i dont like desserts in a cup. if its not filter coffee its tea

>> No.14280972

good prose, bad take (not terrible, there is something to what you say)

>> No.14281158

Are you retarded?

>> No.14281239

You can't get good coffee outside of Italy, France and close by coutries like Croatia, Slovenia, parts of Switzerland. When you venture to Germany, Scandinavia, Benelux, UK etc. their coffee is disgusting, they actually drink filter coffee like it's real coffee. You order coffe and they give you that shit lol. I can't even imagine how bad American coffee must be.

>> No.14281289

Be efficient, skip drinking the coffee at all and just take a caffeine pill for the same content of what really matters.

>> No.14281291

Starbucks ran an ad campaign that went something like "what does your coffee order say about you"
It is identity seeking via consumerism, in the same way teenagers do with music.

>> No.14281325

Everything from Neetchsze

>> No.14281327

infinite jest

>> No.14281508

>milk in coffee
>a beverage in your beverage
I fucking shiggy. The only way to enjoy coffee is black, preferably a light roast

>> No.14281514

I only drink green tea. Coffeeheads are no better than junkies.

>> No.14281518


>> No.14281583
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>> No.14281596

Not reading literature from countries you dislike
Refusing to read translations
Refusing to read any fiction at all

>> No.14281626


>> No.14281698

based. i sometimes drink it black, but for the most part 2/3 of the cup is milk - i lovw milk but feel weird drinking it straight