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14271089 No.14271089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14271097

Cade ;DDDD

>> No.14271101

catman nananananana

>> No.14271103

Katmandu incarnate.

>> No.14271107

nohare cak face

>> No.14271108

"Just shave it, bro. You'll get loads of pussy."

>> No.14271133

>Today, OP was a faggot. This is not out of the ordinary of course. Many times I return home to see him surrounded by penises and covered in ejaculate, but today was rather extraordinary.

>> No.14272094

Lmao nicely done

>> No.14272102

god i wish that were me

>> No.14272103

Extremely based

>> No.14272124

The scent of young pussy was still fresh on my upper lip.

>> No.14272245

The cat is the hat

>> No.14272252

It was inevitable

>> No.14272365
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>> No.14272371

*crack* *sip* *aaahhhh*

Now this brings me back. Back to the days of NeoGAF when Devolution made everything an insufferable feminist cause célèbre, back to when lisztomania and harlem shake memes flooded the internet, back to when the San Fransisco Giants seemed unbeatable. The internet could still be fun then, sometimes. But the catbeard avatar was a harbinger of things to come for the greater internet and for life in general. Obama was the quirky dorky dad president, Jon Stewart was considered an intellectual somehow, Vampire Weekend was cool and there was a sense of potential, an idea that each of us could work towards something individually and we would get somewhere together. The rumblings were there though. People getting their entire identity from a hobby or consumer good, people trying to liberate oppressed genders, and where was his long form birth certificate, I'd like to know? Looking back the writing was on the wall. Tiki torch polo shirt doughboys, shrieking harpy genderspecials, "nazbol" and chapo trap house are all the direct descendents of that catbeard, and we are all being smothered under the weight of their collective sanctimony.

>> No.14272660
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>> No.14272677

>using the word "ordinary" twice

>> No.14272683
