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14248356 No.14248356 [Reply] [Original]

Is humanism the final red pill?

>> No.14248365

From what transcendent values does she define a better version of one's self?

>> No.14248400
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>> No.14248403


>> No.14248435

women in general are smarter than men, but women in academia are so fucking stupid jesus christ

>> No.14248436

good b8

>> No.14248581

>women in general are dumber than men, they are so fucking stupid jesus christ

>> No.14248584

My dick is the final red pill

>> No.14248588


>> No.14248595

>women in general [...] women [...] are so fucking stupid jesus christ
couldnt agree more

>> No.14248599

The concept of infinitely progressing is inherently ridiculous

>> No.14248614

We do not necessarily become biologically better versions of ourselves, we decay with time. Judging the meaning of life by biology and using neomaterialistic pseudoscience to justify one’s claims while ignoring all self-refuting implications is idiotic.

>> No.14248620

determinism is the final red pill

>> No.14248623

Too small a dosage to be of any real impact.

>> No.14248632

Is there anything fucking worse than "academic twitter"

How many fucking sad old thirtysomething bitches with second-rate PhDs are teaching at state schools and tweet-LARPing that they're public intellectuals with their dumbass opinions? Why are there so fucking many? How are people not catching on to how shallow academia is, if it could ever hire these idiot smoothbrain women in the first place? Why do they all write in the same way?

>Not only x, but y. You are z. Be the best o. Only time will tell. Short sentences. And but so.

Fuck off

>> No.14248640

Ew, no. Humanism was the first blue pill

>> No.14248643

Or I can just become worse because who gives a fuck

>> No.14248670

It’s because the bar doesn’t account or foster more than is required. I’ve had plenty of professors who are decent or even pretty good in their fields, but are still on babies first political pholilosophical position. It’s because the culture doesn’t doesn’t ask much of them besides parroting.

>> No.14248677

I wish people would stop using this retarded meme word

>> No.14248679

Secular humanism is bland, dogmatic, and scientistic
Religious humanism is the final redpill.

>> No.14248686

If thats the case, you were determined to believe this, and thus your "knowledge" is inauthentic and doesnt really constitute knowledge. This induces extreme skepticism which makes your proposition self refuting

>> No.14248692

Secular elitism is the final redpill.

>> No.14248710

What else do you think academics do?
They don't have anything else to do besides be salty while they grade tests and tell TAs to do their job for them.

>> No.14248719


>> No.14248732

No it isn't. Value is demonstrably intransitive.

>> No.14248736
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if by red pill you mean burn everything to the ground, then yes.

>> No.14248739

Nice rebuttal

>> No.14248741

I think we may agree but why?

>> No.14248745

you will never understand and the matter in my brain has decided against trying

>> No.14248746


>> No.14248758

i create my own meaning, as i create my own values. how is this humanistic? it's just my ego speaking.

>> No.14248775

Because when someone says "evidence" they really mean empirical induction and dont have the slightest concept that any form of reasoning exists outside of it
If everything is determined, so are your beliefs. They are wired into you. If all your beliefs are programmed into you, there is no way to know if they're actually true. That would mean you dont actually know anything, and thus can't know that you are determined

>> No.14248798

>Because when someone says "evidence" they really mean empirical induction and dont have the slightest concept that any form of reasoning exists outside of it
worse than that I think. they no concept for empirical evidence except as used in the natural sciences. Fedoras have no concept of historians for example evaluate types of evidence.

>> No.14248804

no deep ecology is

>> No.14248806

so are yours though

>> No.14248813

Humanism already died and was hijacked by Critical Theorists, which then led to the super nihilistic culture destroyers we have today. All that really remains is a mass herd of people clamoring for high government regulation, open hedonism, and endless entertainment until they are either purged or die of natural causes. Humanity is in decline, its the final era of human existence.

>> No.14248816

True. They dont really use the word evidence to mean much anything other than conformity to their beliefs. Near death experiences would actually constitute evidence (even if you suppose its weak evidence) but dont admit it as evidence anyway.
You cant know that. My point is that determinsm concludes with skepticism which is self refeuting

>> No.14248820

But it doesn't
whatever I have essays to write and we've had this conversation before

>> No.14248829

we can't be 100% sure about anything so what's your point

>> No.14248830
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I have no opinion about her tweet but I would ruin her asshole

>> No.14248838


>> No.14248849

Low IQ response

>> No.14248851

>Near death experiences would actually constitute evidence (even if you suppose its weak evidence) but dont admit it as evidence anyway
not to mention stuff like
which based on the (admittedly little) i've read seems like even stronger evidence

>> No.14248862

no you

>> No.14248942

People have died and come back (though not from brain death).

>> No.14248975

picrel is just protestantism

>> No.14248977
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Somebody in a another thread pointed out there are literally hundreds of "muh academia" historians on Twitter who spend hours every day posting nothing but marginalia for in the hope one of them goes viral on normie twitter, every fucking day, for years.

Legitimately depressing.

>> No.14249053

4chan is way more epic than twitter bro

>> No.14249090

Book recs for this feel?

>> No.14249100

that is not humanism, that is brainism.

>> No.14249118

humanism the final product of a capitalist society
whose chief philosophy boils down to "consume and let consume"

>> No.14249166

Unlike you

>> No.14249167

Anything "twitter" will always be terrible, but I suppose it's the fastest way to uncover the id of any group.

>> No.14249181

First-rate isn't any better. A bulldozer will be the final identity politics the academy confronts.

>> No.14249740


>> No.14250039
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That's not a refutation at all

>> No.14250054
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>implying transhumanism isn't the final red pill

>> No.14250064
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>There's no evidence of life after death


>> No.14250086


>> No.14250101

whos this guy

>> No.14250102

I find it ridiculous. If I were content with myself and my potential to be "better" in a mundane sense I wouldn't be the type of person who yearns for something beyond that.

>> No.14250127

It's for cowards

>> No.14250160

No, in fact it’s actually the very first blue pill one takes

>> No.14250586

Smarter than you maybe

>> No.14250595

>"Imagination over dogma, vulnerability over serenity, aspiration over obligation, comedy over tragedy, hope over experience, prophecy over memory, surprise over repetition, the personal over the impersonal, time over eternity, life over everything. ”
—Roberto Mangabeira Unger, The Self Awakened

Pragmatism is the final redpill, Unger blows out humanism in RotF

>> No.14250606
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Muh illuminati

>> No.14250618

>a better version of myself
What does this mean? Why should I care about improving? For what purpose am I improving? What if someone wants to become a better wife beater? Does that count?

>> No.14250669
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>"The Worst Has Always Already Happened"

>> No.14250709

ez lmfao I am the value. get yeeted.

>> No.14250716

>its another "science figures out some shit christians already said 1700 years ago" episode

>> No.14250728
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The modern world is obsessed with efficiency in every aspect of life.

>> No.14250918

Humanists are the most evil and destructive force the world has ever seen. No group of people in their naive materialistic lunacy have ever caused more irreparable damage to civilization than they.

>> No.14250980
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*blocks your path*

>> No.14251072

Most of the the it's egoism. But they don't even understand that, they think better objectively exist even tho they constantly deny objective truth

>> No.14251108
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It’s a cope like everything else.

>> No.14251123
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>Is humanism
Stoped reading there, whatever you asked the answer is no.

>> No.14251226
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>> No.14251249

>life after death ... [is] biologically implausible
Uh, what? Has she never heard of the concept of the soul? That has nothing to do with biology, whether it exists or not.

>> No.14251401


>> No.14251518
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>> No.14251529

do you know how to read

>> No.14251624

>every day you can become a better version of yourself
Literally impossible given that one day you will die so on that day you cannot be a better version of yourself. How embarrassing

>> No.14251632

Read what? What does biological plausibility have to do with life after death? Are you retarded?

>> No.14251646

Unless you believe that being dead is better than being alive. Which depending on your physical constitution, after a certain age it is. This rendering the statement consistent.

>> No.14251651

From becoming closer to the self that you want to be rather than coping with the one that you are right now.

>> No.14251660

At least you're honest about your dick size anon

>> No.14251679

>Unless you believe that being dead is better than being alive.
If that is true, then you should be killing yourself ASAP.

>> No.14251684

>t. never gonna be initiated

>> No.14251694

this but unironically

>> No.14251700

So if we kill that chick then humanism is proven incorrect, right?

>> No.14251722
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Was I unclear? You can keep improving yourself until the point comes that your body has degenerated sufficiently to make improvement, usefulness and enjoyment become impossible at that indeterminate point in time it is better to be dead rather than alive and one would be happy end it or expire.

>> No.14252603

humanist is literally the least based ideology there is

>t. irreligious liberal hippie

>> No.14252620

imagine having a phd and spouting this philistine shit

>> No.14252669
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>secular humanists exist and will continue to exist and there's nothing you can do about it
how to cope with this feel bros?

>> No.14252679

She doesn't. That the point tard

>> No.14252711

No. Tripping on acid doesn't give you the meaning of life. You PERSONALLY, beyond ANY doubt, encountering the cog-faeries of the cosmos, on you little lack of oxygen trip, doesn't mean fuck all. It means you are a gullible moron, if you decide to base the rest of your life on being stoned for quarter of an hour
And past lives? Seriously? I have to talked to people who have met fucking super sayajin
Are you all that fucking gullible?
If you decide to believe, rather than question, with reasonable doubt, there is NOTHING that you cannot fall prey to

>> No.14253000

>people who are wrong will die before they realise I was right

>> No.14253830
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>Expecting the unwashed masses to lead more meaningful and morally upstanding lives by attacking the evolved and time-tested system that helps them with that and replacing it with a nihilistic worldview that gets even smart people to think in retarded and unproductive ways

The final red pill is embracing the irrational things that work, not the things that require you to be rational (you aren't) to work.

>> No.14253931

Transcendent is a bullshit term. You don't need any to define being a "better person." I can track my weight. I can see how much better my art is than it was. I can see myself treating other people better. Presups and the like are sociopaths.

>> No.14253935

Based and dickpilled.

>> No.14253938
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>> No.14253942

Join 'em.

>> No.14253949

>any doubt
>reasonable doubt
Wew lad

>> No.14253955
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Yeah, but it's true.

>> No.14253960

Humanism is, paradoxically, one of the worst things the Faustian West has ever given to this world. It is complete bullshit, a destruction of everything sane, and a reduction of life to its most base element, the insipid masses. To view the insipid masses as anything but ignorant or depraved is madness. There is no special beauty in humanity exclusive to anything else in this universe. The worship of the human form, the worship of the human's mind, the worship of the human's capacity for anything whether good or bad, are all disgusting.

Every ancient culture, every ancient empire, worth a grain of salt, which was not ruled by whites unlike what Nordicist scum say, always had a low-key misanthropy. The misanthropy did not reach the point of Ligotti, but its undercurrents were always there in myths, historical recounting, poetry, etc.

All humanists, transhumanists, and so forth ought to be executed without exception. NW Europeans are to be blamed, to a certain extent, for plaguing this world for humanism. Humorously enough, having them retreat back into an insular ethnonationalist state that is isolated from the world stage is for the best for all of us at this point.

There is no true activism, true compassion, or true love from a humanist. The only beauty is in their deaths.

>> No.14254001

t. faggy edgelord Doomer with a superiority complex

>> No.14254008

I'm not a doomer, you retarded naive humanist buffoon.
>with a superiority complex
It is well-deserved compared to idiots like you.

>> No.14254012

Your whole mind is rotting from memes. You are becoming as shallow as a meme itself.

>> No.14254056

It must suck to have an ego inversely proportional to your penis size.

>> No.14254079

>bringing up penis size randomly
What? Are you a fucking nigger? Stop acting like a nigger, you fucking buffoon. I don't bother debating subhumans who are better off culled. Niggers are only good as experimental subjects in invasive scientific experiments.

>> No.14254125

>nigger nigger nigger
You must be autistic.

>> No.14254131

Only niggers bring up dick size randomly.

>> No.14254142

You should have said intelligence and you would have completely blown him out.

>> No.14254147

Then her statement is false for anyone who already is exactly the way they want to be.

>> No.14254158

I am far more intelligent than you'll ever. I am more academically successful and much more. I am just telling you human life has no intrinsic value. In fact, the lore of Dark Souls I is correct in that human beings are born from the darkness. You are creatures of the worst elements of Geist, which destroys all Leben, as Klages points out. You all deserve to die.

I, myself, am not a human being.

>> No.14254186

>If thats the case, you were determined to believe this, and thus your "knowledge" is inauthentic and doesnt really constitute knowledge. This induces extreme skepticism which makes your proposition self refuting
This is what introductory courses do to your brain.

>> No.14254207

You need psychiatric help you schizoid weeaboo.

>> No.14254225

>If thats the case, you were determined to believe this, and thus your "knowledge" is inauthentic and doesnt really constitute knowledge.
Because there aren't a million different fucking analyses of knowledge, including strictly causal ones that'd be perfectly compatible with hard determinism, right, freshman?

>> No.14254238

The lore of Dark Souls I is not really weeaboo'ish.

>> No.14254270

>"we must accept the objective truth that there is no god, we are nothing more then hairless apes."
>"also, all evils on our society are rooted in establishments such as religion governments, and ideologies. if we were to throw away these trappings we will become something far more then what we are now."

if anything is contradictory and insulting to my intelligence, its humanism.

>> No.14254288


When will /lit/ finally take the Enlightened Secular Optimistic Nihilism-pill?

>> No.14254304

I'm glad that's the only part you take issue with.

>> No.14254324

Only mentally ill poor white trash get (((psychiatric help))). Go take more of your meds, Jew-slave. No one takes your broken down race in USA seriously.

>> No.14254816

>rationalist who bases his beliefs on evidence

>> No.14254842

Women are smarter than men in general.
Men just have more outliers.

>> No.14254874

do you have any evidence for this? In terms of iq they are a bit dumber on average as adults

>> No.14255019

Death is the meaning of life, imagine that there is not death everything would be pointless solitude would replace death as the worst possible thing because none want to be no one forever. If you overcome the fear of death spooks like humanism become pointless and absurd

>> No.14255033

Humanism is the first and last bluepill

>> No.14255048

I didn't say he was wrong, but it didnt even really address my point. Hell, if all our thoughts are programmed we couldnt really know we exist. Does a computer have self awareness? Can it be programmed to?

>> No.14255059

Name three (3)

>> No.14255079

also, humanism is the reaffirmation of christinan theology of the afterlife but semimaterialist bullshit. ask these humanists why should i care about improving humanity, what should i care about niggers, fags, trannies? their response would be the same "to give kids and future generations a better world" isnt that just like afterlife?

>> No.14255094


>> No.14255174

I suppose I don't disagree necessary but her stupid fake hair makes me want to.

>> No.14255311

u serius?

>> No.14255351


based posts. anti-essentialist liberals who will be the first to tell you we're just naked apes when christians are nearby talking about humanity like 40K ideologues will never not be funny

>> No.14255395

This is all very retarded because this guy
... who originally raised this objection is a retarded retard. There are no analyses of knowledge that are distinctly *incompatible* with determinism, and this even includes the standard analysis of knowledge (justified true belief). The reason being that most deeper analyses of the two necessary conditions of justification and belief conceptualize those things as involuntary anyway. You do not actively *choose* to belief in the truth of any given proposition, but rather adopt a certain propositional disposition due to some *causal* factors.

I don't know why that retarded retard made a claim to the contrary, honestly. That was pretty retarded of him.

As for your request, if you really just want a list of three causal theories of knowledge, then I guess the most popular ones would be Nozick's truth-tracking, any flavor of the reliabilist analysis of knowledge (different versions of that, but they're all causal), and the standard causal analysis of knowledge (which is literally just "S knows p when S believes that p, p is true, and the fact that p caused S to believe that p").

>> No.14255580
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>the meaning of life

>> No.14255593
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It's not, but you have already transcended beyond this wench. Fuck the God-man, just b yourself

>> No.14255607

I hate pop philosophy so fucking much

>> No.14255639
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Had me until "every day, you can become a better version of yourself."

Killing the kafirs and giving to the poor for mansions in Jannah it is, brothers.

>> No.14255673

Why do any of those make you a better person if you have no transcendent anchor, etc, etc, you know you have faulty reasoning, come on

>> No.14255678

I.e. nobody. Everybody should keep striving to be a better them. It's not a reachable goal.

>> No.14255904

Don't believe in anything, just consume product then get excited for next product!