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/lit/ - Literature

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14246412 No.14246412 [Reply] [Original]

>There are anons on this board that have not read a single word of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripedes, Hesiod, Aristophones, Herodotus, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Wyatt, Sidney, Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Camoes, Bacon, Novalis, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Goethe, Bunyan, Addison, Milton, Johnson, Emerson, Burke, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Moliere, Montaigne, Schiller, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, Auerbach, George Eliot, Crane, Stevens, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Manzoni, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Leopardi, Faulkner, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno. Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bely, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Huysmans, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Celine, Marquez, Gide, Camus, Conrad, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Auden, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Laxness, Svevo, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Schulz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Perec, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, Pynchon, Ishiguro, Coetzee, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Munro, Carson, Handke, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

Explain yourselves

>> No.14246414

I'm not reading that

>> No.14246420

>the fact that there are anons on this board that have not read a single word of Homer, Pindar, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Euripedes, Hesiod, Aristophones, Herodotus, Sappho, Plutarch, Ovid, Virgil, Lucretius, Arisoto, Horace, St. Augustine, Marcus Aurelius, Rabelais, Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Luther, Cervantes, Chaucer, Sterne, Burton, Browne, Wyatt, Sidney, Shelley, Tennyson, Donne, Pope, Dryden, Camoes, Bacon, Novalis, Pascal, Lichtenberg, Dickinson, Shakespeare, Dickens, Marlowe, Diderot, Jonson, Goethe, Bunyan, Addison, Milton, Johnson, Emerson, Burke, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Wollstonecraft, Racine, Baudelaire, Valery, Rimbaud, Moliere, Montaigne, Schiller, Voltaire, Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Stendhal, Nerval, Flaubert, Mallarme, Malraux, Chateaubriand, Artaud, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Byron, Keats, Arnold, Pater, Carroll, William James, Henry James, Melville, Dewey, Bergson, Whitehead, Auerbach, George Eliot, Crane, Stevens, Trakl, Rilke, Celan, Montale, Neruda, Lorca, Manzoni, Murdoch, Wharton, Wilde, Leopardi, Faulkner, Passos, Nietzsche, Marx, Adorno. Hamsun, Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov, Bely, Camoes, Pessoa, Queiroz, Saramago, Paz, Borges, Huysmans, Cortazar, Lima, Donoso, de Assis, Celine, Marquez, Gide, Camus, Conrad, Lawrence, Forster, Hrabal, Swift, Bronte, Woolf, Roussel, Beckett, Proust, Nabokov, Joyce, O'Brien, Yeats, Waugh, Auden, Mann, Musil, Broch, Zweig, Laxness, Svevo, Llosa, Walser, Kafka, Schulz, Boll, Grass, Canetti, Pavese, Robbe-Grillet, Perec, Calvino, Bernhard, Gass, Gaddis, Vollmann, Vidal, Hawkes, Pynchon, Ishiguro, Coetzee, Benjamin, Barthes, Pasternak, Derrida, Deleuze, Bateson, Foucault, Mcluhan, Eichenbaum, Munro, Carson, Handke, Patrick White, Alfau, Marias, Enard, Claude Simon, Markson, Lowry, Bellow, Dara

>> No.14246447

>he didn't differentiate mary shelley and percy shelley
Fucking pseud

>> No.14246525

it's over for OP.

>> No.14246527

based jew with connections in the publishing industry

>> No.14246537

where do I start with him?

>> No.14246552

>implying I need people to think for me

>> No.14246563

OP is also missing several key american authors such as fitzgerald, twain, hawthorne, and thoreau
He also failed to include too many poets to count(no pound no whitman no elliot no kipling no frost fuck sake OP pick up a book) I bet he hasn't ever read Tobias Smollet yet
Overall shit list OP you need to read more

>> No.14246597

>the fact that...
End the sentence godammit.

>> No.14246656


>> No.14246662

>There are anons on this board who have no significant personality or literary interest formed apart from the checklist-making npc syllabi of intellectually irrelevant and literally forgotten academic pseuds
Really should spend more time reading than shitposting anon

>> No.14247300


>> No.14247454

Step 1:
Complete works of Horace
Step 2:
Flip to page 1 of that and start reading bub

>> No.14247462

>There are anons on this board that have read Parmenides, Whitehead, Guenon, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Mainlander, Schmitt, Scheler, Shestov, Plotinus, Sorel, Hume, Berdyaev, Steiner, Lamarck, Ilyin, Spengler, Kaczynski, Ellul, Michelstaedter, Berkeley, Shakespeare, Orwell, Huxley, Tolstoy, Frege, Benjamin, Husserl, Wittgenstein, Russell, Fichte, Schopenhauer, Kant, Seneca, Schelling, Boehme, Hegel, Marx, Thales, Schiller, Laozi, Sun Tzu, Deleuze, Hitler, Speer, Bismarck, Bergson, Solovyov, Dugin, Land, Stirner, Weininger, Weber, Derrida, Plato, Socrates, Aquinas, Hippocrates, Dante, Pareto, Maistre, Newton, Scotus, Augustine, Heraclitus, Spinoza, Aristotle, Pascal, Occam, Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau, Kripke, Searle, Confucius, Zeno, Aurelius, Pythagoras, Ibn Sina, Ibn Arabi, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Athanasius, Origen, Descartes, Laplace, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Putnam, Oakeshott, Gramsci, Tolkien, Gasset, Baudrillard, Lacan, Zizek, Lyotard, Taleb

>> No.14247477

Too much philosophy and a lot of them don't matter.

>> No.14247502

It's good to shame and humiliate the people on this board who don't read.

>> No.14247529

I am just not drawn to the same literature as you.

>> No.14248125


>> No.14248174
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>> No.14248196

You left out Aquinas, one of the only guys who matters.

>> No.14248211

He is basically just Aristotle but christcuck flavored

>> No.14248212
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>no Eco

>> No.14248343

Le Aquinas "Baptised Aristole" xD

>> No.14248618


>> No.14248867


>> No.14249796

retroactively refuted by Parmenides and Guenon

>> No.14249813

kiddie philosophy taught in 101 courses that has been refuted by modern physics and mathematics
A pseudointellectual rhetoritician with a bad reading in comparative religion. He was the Jordan Peterson of his time. There is nothing of value in his work and you should probably just read theory.

>> No.14250971

Plato was A pseudointellectual rhetoritician with a bad reading in comparative religion. He was the Jordan Peterson of his time. There is nothing of value in his work and you should probably just read theory.

>> No.14250981

I agree

>> No.14250987

Fucking based. This is exactly right.

>> No.14250988

You almost got me OP, sadly I've read a couple of those.

>> No.14251153

philosophy is dumb as shit come up with your own thoughts who cares about some old ass ugly man from whatever bce