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14245834 No.14245834 [Reply] [Original]

So what the fuck is life about? You guys read philosophy and shit, you should know.

>> No.14245838

Pursuing beauty

>> No.14245844

Define 'pursuing'. Define 'beauty'.

>> No.14245845

The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters.

>> No.14245849
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>Spend millions of years where your entire day was dedicated to hunting for food, water and socialising
>Finally evolved to modern homo sapiens and min max life so hard you spend your entire day doing fuck all
>So much time on your hands you have to think up arbitrary, abstract goals just to fill the empty space
Life isn't about anything. If you want to live life to the fullest, go live in the woods or mountains like you were bred for billions of years to do. If you don't have the balls, then do whatever the fuck you like in the playpen they call society. None of it will satisfy you though. You'll be comfortable, but the only way to feel truly alive is surviving in the wilderness.

>> No.14245883

>just turn your brain off, dude
why are normies infiltrating our containment board?

>> No.14245892

Refute a single thing I said.

You can't. You're just butthurt because your ego has been attacked. You don't want to believe that it's all as simple as living in the woods. Get over yourself.

>> No.14245894
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A union between mortality and divinity. However, in terms of a Hegelian Synthesis, not a a simple ascension.

>> No.14245903

more like
>stop pretending your brain is on

>> No.14245916

you haven't said it, it's pasta

>> No.14245923

>If you want to live life to the fullest, go live in the woods or mountains like you were bred for billions of years to do.
How would that accomplish living life to its fullest?

>> No.14245937

Life is about imagining the possibility of happiness and seeing it slip away.

>> No.14245938

I wrote the original and posted every subsequent repost, refute it. Go ahead.

>> No.14245943

>How would that accomplish living life to its fullest?
Because it's literally what you were designed to do.

You wouldn't stick a monkey in a zoo and tell him "Yeah like figure it out here's a laptop and some glitter pens". You'd let him swing free in the jungles. Anything else is delusion and vanity. Society has nothing for you, NOTHING.

>> No.14245945

Experiencing as much of it as you can before you die

>> No.14245948

>does nothing to manifest it
>thinks entropy is it slipping away

>> No.14245950


You can't, because you're a fucking child who doesn't know anything, you just parrot what you read. Take this as a lesson to shut your mouth on topics you're ignorant on.

>> No.14245971

Your reduction of essential human existence to naked survival makes you lose sight of vistas that were opened by the course of civilizational progress. Once the baser needs were taken care of by more complex societal organization, it allowed for the surplus of human capabilities to be invested in intellectual endevaours giving rise to insights which exploded human world view to such a extent that many feel lost in the vastness we now occupy. Turning your back to the this new dimension in favour of Stone Age "comfort" is to deny the full potential of our being. Besides, the Pandora's box can't be closed, not by us and not in this moment. Therefore, you are left with a choice - are you going to childishly avert your eyes from the unfolding mystery or dig into it as far as your powers allow you?

>> No.14245993

holy onions

>> No.14245999

>Your reduction of essential human existence to naked survival makes you lose sight of vistas that were opened by the course of civilizational progress
There are none. It's an illusion, civilisation offers nothing but false hope and comfort. The entire system chugs along because people are too lazy and mentally weak to break free even though they'd be infinitely better off for doing so.
>baser needs
Your disgust with the most important natural processes in existence is sad, your needs are not "base", your abstract goals are
>intellectual endevaours
Complete and utter waste of life, every philosophy book ever written is a diagnosis of why civlisation is killing humanity slowly.
>Turning your back to the this new dimension
What dimension? Suicide rates shooting through the roof? Heart disease killing everyone else? War, poverty, mass starvation, genocide. All thanks to civilisation. And what do we recieve in return? A few shiny gadgets and an endless quest for meaning in the meaningless.
>Besides, the Pandora's box can't be closed, not by us and not in this moment
This is your ego talking again. "If I can't make everyone go with me, it's not worth going". You, personally, can leave right now and within 18 months possess the knowledge to survive that took millions of years to gather. But you won't, because you're a coward. You'd rather hide in comfort and ruminate on the nature of your flawed existence than have some humility and realise you're nothing but a clever ape.

>> No.14246015

Dissection of arguments is the lowest form of internet discussion. You won't sway a single opinion with that.

>> No.14246026

Sway an opinion?

I don't give a FUCK about you or your opinion faggot. I'm pointing out how fucking wrong you are and you can either accept it or go back to living in delusion. This isn't an argument, this is an intellectual spanking you cheeky little cunt.

>> No.14246035

Chimps in the wild almost never masturbate. They are too busy "living" - scouting the forest, looking what to eat, eating, grooming each other, fucking each other, playing with each other. Their males are happy to stake their claims, scout the forest, hunt in packs or defend their territory in packs. They are too busy with life to have a problem with it. Their males are busy "owning space" and their females are busy nurtiring the young and grooming, everyone is happy.
Now solitary chimps in empty cages, wow. They coom all the time, as they have nothing else to do in an empty cage. When cooming their brains out is no longer enough to escape the nightmare of captivity, eventually they go mad from oppressive boredom and start flinging shit and harming themselves.

Same thing why solitary confinement is considered a torture. Very few things make a man go nuts faster than solitary absense of stimuli (=solitary confinement in a cage), unless he is some Buddhist ultra-monk who had prepped himself for years. Many still lose their shit if the prepping was not enough while undergoing voluntary confinement.

Now, what how does that relate to your question? If you can ask yourself "what the fuck is life about", you are not living. Not quite. You are existing in captivity. Modern men are born into a semi-solitary confinement, and they instinctively understand that they are captive. They do not "own space", like their ancestors did. They don't own the flat they rent nor their parents' basement. They don't even own themselves, in any Turd World country a young man can be caged and forced to labour for the crime of not paying his taxes from his salary for his all-but-forced job.
Young man don't have fucking farms to own, nor cattle herds to own, no father's workshop to own nor crafts to learn and show off. Hence they think all the time "what is the purpose of life". This is a false question. The real question is "what is the purpose of THIS life I HAVE NOW"? Why, to slave away for the small caste of priviledged random persons to leech off your labour by taxing you while providing no services nor guarantees in return (hence leeching off). The second question would be "what SHOULD I do with my life to start LIKING it"? Why, start owning space, of course. But you have to do it smart, otherwise the cops will kill some gang member on their turf, you see.

>> No.14246071

First you say that civilzation offers only false hope and comfort and then you mention the horrors of modernity, disease, genocide, etc. The present then seems to be a far more challenging place to survive in, to conquer.

I am in no way disgusted by human nature. If my choice of the term "baser needs" implied so, let me change it to "biological imperatives".

I am not saying that everything brought about by progress is desirable. Some of it probably has the potential to eradicate life, but this is precisely the game I wish to see played, the one with the highest stakes possible. I would rather that humanity evaporates itself trying to control these new energies than for it to cast away the fire out of fear.

>> No.14246090

>The present then seems to be a far more challenging place to survive in, to conquer.
God you're fucking dumb. No, it's not. Hunting for a deer to feed your family for a month is not the same as cutting soda out of your diet you ignorant retard. These aren't challenges to overcome, they're horrors beyond the control of anyone or anything.
>but this is precisely the game I wish to see played, the one with the highest stakes possible
Well you're seeing it. Humanity is in a steep downward dive and sooner rather than later there'll be big BOOM and that'll be it.
>control these new energies
What in the everloving fuck are you on about?

What energies? Wasting our lives on bullshit like how to send metal into space so we can download porn at the speed of light?

>> No.14246094
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Eternal search for more.
Experience of awe.
Love, parents, family, children. Ancestors and descendants.
All various shapes of immortality.

>> No.14246102

finding the best mate and making as many babies as you can afford with them, eveything else is just a means to ge there. The greatest lie people have been telling themselves is that they're anything more than slightly more sophisticated apes.

>> No.14246108

A life worth living was merely survival then.
Now something worth living for, anything, is lost.

>> No.14246114

>A life worth living was merely survival then.
It's not "merely" survival. You, like most people, have this ignorant view that hunter gatherer life is this horrible, torturous existence of suffering and hunger and pain. It wasn't, people thrived. People felt alive. People were part of the natural order instead of banished from it.

>> No.14246115

That’s not what I mean at all. What I mean is that there are a series of things that you call happiness. You either attain them or you don’t. But when you do attain each one you realize it wasn’t really happiness. Or you fail in your attempts and it eludes you.

>> No.14246116

Again, you seem to be missing the point. I am not talking about individual struggles, although people in war-torn, poverty stricken areas probably suffer far more than in their pre-civilizational periods. The continuity of humanity itself is far more precarious in this age and you seem to agree with this.

The cynicism of your example shows that you feel superior to countless incredible human accomplishments. If you don't see anything inspiring anywhere, I hope that someday this changes

>> No.14246146

>I am not talking about individual struggles
There is nothing else. You're an individual, not a collective. You only have control over yourself.
>people in war-torn, poverty stricken areas probably suffer far more than in their pre-civilizational periods
War and poverty didn't exist before civilisation.
>The continuity of humanity itself is far more precarious in this age and you seem to agree with this.
So what? So what if we could all be nuked to death? Day to day that doesn't give your life any sense of meaning like surviving in the wilderness does.
>incredible human accomplishments
Vain struggles to replicate to thrill of true survival, nothing more. Pure narcissism.

>> No.14246153

Also, I would wish to add that our main point of disagreement seems to come from you believing that the more brutal aspects of modernity are unchangable. I don't see why this should be the case

>> No.14246159


>> No.14246166

I just wanna say that I usually hate smug midwit anime posters but this dude is absolutely, unequivocally right and you're all getting BTFO.

>> No.14246167

>come from you believing that the more brutal aspects of modernity are unchangable

I despise the supposed "benefits" of modernity the most. They've made us weak, removed all challenge from life. Intellectual pursuits and abstract goals like money or power don't replace the struggle.

>> No.14246172

Hmm how about.. no? :) work it out, that’s the pursuing

>> No.14246177

Absolutely correct. Daily reminder the "our natural condition was torture 24/7, goy" meme line is a leviathan psyop

>> No.14246191

Why did your Eden of hunter-gatherers loitering for millions of years gave birth to this hyperspeed clusterfuck of market crashes, vaccines, intercontinental ballistic projectiles and plastic asses?

>> No.14246195

If the benefits of civilization are self-evident, why was it imposed on these populations at gunpoint?

>> No.14246210

>So what the fuck is life about?
That's an incredibly vague question, since 'about', can be construed as having any number of meanings. But if you mean 'meaning' and 'purpose', then there is no objective meaning but even nihilists live with subjective meaning even as they deny it exists, subjective purpose can be inferred from that.

>> No.14246218

>One tribe is starving after a natural disaster so they venture out and kill another tribe and steal their shit
>Now they have a lot of shit and some new members
>So they go pick another fight and another one and another one
>By this point the land has recovered from the disaster but no one cares, they're too occupied with getting more shit
>Now when they roll up your choice is join or die
>Eventually they get too big to move as one people, so they make permanent settlements
>The permanent settlements fight for land and resources
And so on and so forth. Civilisation spawned not out of necessity or natural progression, but out of greed.

>> No.14246219

Never did I say they are self-evident. I only ask what's the point of turning back? Why do you wish for this? Is it a cope?

>> No.14246226

>removed all challenge from life
I don't think so. Not quite. A pig in a pen has no life challenges but to endure boredom while it is being fed and sheltered. Prepped for the slaughter.
One must understand the primordial forest has changed, and the wolves and bears of your now wear human skins and either tricked or forced your ancestors into, well, a pig pen. When you realize that point, everything in your life is a biggest challenge never before seen by your ancestors. Unless they were slaving away in the Third Dynasty of Ur or some other Chink Shithole.

Ain't as glamourous as being Conan the Cattle Herder, but most challenging nontheless.
>Intellectual pursuits and abstract goals like money or power don't replace the struggle.
So long as you stay in the pig pen getting fat for the slaughter day. FFS most of Americans and way too many Europeans are obese lardasses like the pigs they emulate.

>> No.14246240

>When you realize that point, everything in your life is a biggest challenge never before seen by your ancestors
No...it's not. It's a pathetic attempt to replicate the thrill of real survival. And no amount of pretty language will make it otherwise. Your wageslave life is not comparable to Sisyphus.

>> No.14246252

So, the fact that greed could have been the main driving force in particular tribal interactions, it makes the process unnatural? Greed is simply one of the catalizators of this rise to more complex social modes of organization, along with everything else that could motivate human beings.

>> No.14246253

>'s a pathetic attempt to replicate the thrill of real survival.
I dare you to own your turf before the cops come to remind the pig to get back into its pen because the turf is owned already. The wolves and tigers of yore didn't quite shot bullets at you on the backs of wheeled monsters, neither they tried to enslave and cage you instead of just eating you.
Society's obsession with criminals is the longing for a freer existence.
> And no amount of pretty language will make it otherwise
Bix nood muhfugga. The stupid Negro has a more authentic existence in the jungles of concrete than a wagie Whitey, more news at eleven.

>> No.14246266


>> No.14246270

It's about... living.

>> No.14246284
File: 85 KB, 500x493, milking-hours-big-honey-tm-honey-for-me-not-for-51142513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bee yourself!

>> No.14246287
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>tfw solitary chimp in an empty cage
I am become coom, the destroyer of meaning.

>> No.14246289
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1559079340586s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything you do is to distract yourself from reality.

No matter what you do, working, reading, creating. It's all just a big distraction. You yearn for something but you don't know what, you spend your whole life looking for it. Meaning, purpose, a reason to live. The truth has been staring you in the face all along. But you laugh at it, either because you think it's unrealistic or that you couldn't possibly abandon all your precious distractions. Society reinforces this derision, depicting those people who accept their true nature as insane or thrust into a situation they desperately wish to escape from. But you shouldn't give in to this mindset, you should be honest with yourself. Your answers lay out there in the wilderness, in the forests and the plains and the mountains. Any place civilisation has yet to grasp is your true home. We evolved for millions of years to survive in it, our bodies and minds yearn for it, but civilisation keeps you enslaved by your baser desires.

Let go of your vanity. Your life is unimportant, insignificant. Look at the countless people who have existed and exist today, millions upon millions who come into this world and leave it without you even being aware they exist. Let go of your desire to be acknowledged, to be known. Let go of your vain thoughts. You were raised on a steady diet of self obsession, the importance of the individual. It's a lie. There's nothing to be gained from it. All you have to do is let go.

Teach yourself how to survive there, and go.

>> No.14246301

At least you are not flinging shit nor biting your hands off. Not yet. There is still time!

>Your life is unimportant, insignificant.
Yours too? If yes, then fuck your unimportant insignificant opinion, man. If not, then how are you better?

>> No.14246329

I hate to be that guy but could it be that these calls for a return to nature are symptoms of sexual deprivation

>> No.14246330


>> No.14246336

>dude just go cum stop thinking so hard

Americans are a race of perennial children

>> No.14246342

Eventually the chimp can't coom himself out of his cage. He is still caged and no amount of free porn soothes his torture.
He starts flinging shit, that is mass murder spree, or starts biting its hands off, that is suicide or opioid rot.

>> No.14246346

Cumming is not necessary. Simply sharing a sexual experience with someone can have this reconnecting effect with reality you seem to seek

>> No.14246355

Plenty of people who get laid are still miserable moron

>> No.14246373
File: 59 KB, 1084x350, Dv-ULZLUcAAwv-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Simply sharing a sexual experience with someone
Masturbating against a piece of meat is still cooming. The orgasm of a secure and content woman in care and protection of a free man who owns the space they fuck in is unreachable to tinderbots. At all. Slaves don't make proper love, the coom each other indiscriminately like feral dogs in a pile of trash, ever afraid and insecure.
The Americal culture of whore-chasing is but a symptom of the slaves' inner emptiness no amount of tinder coom can ever fill.

>> No.14246379

I bet they are, but I am talking only about the possible unconscious reasons for this growing popularity of luddite, anti-modern sentiments. Never did I say that not having sex is the only reason why one can feel bad.

>> No.14246394

>but I am talking only about the possible unconscious reasons for this growing popularity of luddite, anti-modern sentiments
Civilisation and all it entails.

"Have sex" is the best you can come up with? Just leave the thread brainlet.

>> No.14246396

Sounds like you're the one coping and inventing contrived narratives

>> No.14246405

>the possible unconscious reasons for this growing popularity of luddite, anti-modern sentiments
So the modern society can't even let its members fuck in peace. What else? Sleep deprivation? Holodomor-tier starvation with 5-50 million dead?
A society whose members can't even procreate. Two rats in a sewer can procreate in peace, but not the modern man and woman? Do you even have a shread of understanding on how you imply by your post that modern society can't allow its members the very basest of actions after eating and sleeping?

>> No.14246408

Seems a bit jaded, don't you think? Your picture misses a lot of what makes up the human sexual behaviour. Where's the charm, humour, playfulness, desire?

>> No.14246423


It's not the entirety of civilization that is spouting Kaczynsky's whatever-his-name talking points or feeling crushed by modernity. I am only talking about a vocal minority.

>> No.14246425

>Where's the charm, humour, playfulness, desire
Between two caged chimps one PornHub away from Bronze Age Collapse-tier chimpout?
Women despise slaves, men despise whores (=slaves used for cooming, basically). There can be no love between a slave and a whore. In a society of slaves and whores the birth-rates plumment and their satisfaction with fuckings is non-existent.

>> No.14246429

The majority of civilisation barely has enough braincells to tie their shoelaces, they're simply incapable of identifying the cause of their own dissatisfaction. Their silence does not imply happiness.

>> No.14246449
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The smartphone in my pocket initiates a power relation between me and access to information. I was educated from the earliest years of my conscious of the hierarchical and yet only steadily progressive nature of social constructs, as a shadow of your age, growing along it. A co operation effort into which everyone on the planet is thrown into. Having to take place in the horror spectacle reality of today, not any way of refusal. Any kind of a rather subconscious yearning for living in nature is bypassed easily in childhood. There are no answers in the mountains for the doomed society-dependent modern times man. I think you can't conceptualize how maddening would be to live a hermit life, that is, if you manage to actually survive by yourself. A return to the old human way of living in a different relation to the divine dimension would do you better. And of course, without technology and without this life-sentence restriction of constantly being into, between or towards predetermined and predictable activities and also especially without being mentally assaulted if you can't keep the pace at all times. It is easier now than ever in the history of man to fall into a life of sadness, pure terror and vice reinforced by many factors such instant gratification made possible by recently manufactured man made devices, personal opposition to the general narrative, a lack of personal social adherence, and so on if you stop playing the rules of present time culture. The man who is not enjoying life as much as another big portion of people are, the spectacle's amused audience, will plunge into disaster his ego isn't prepared to tackle these systems, the man can be totally consumed. Because more and more things in our life are designed to break man's willpower. Metaphorically speaking, when man is put to the ground, he is done as such in sedentary fashion, both at work and home and if also his willpower to not go bollocks is gone I believe it is game over.

Bottom line is: You already are chucked into the cultural machine and any kind of wilderness escape or even urban hikikomori life approach will drive you mad. Second point, ego as a defense mechanism for the suffering is essential.

>> No.14246459

>Americal culture of whore-chasing
You're delusional of you think this behavior is primarily american, let alone cultural. It is universal.

>> No.14246479


Where the fuck do you people live? I see people enjoying life and each other everywhere. Hell, I may be in a bit of a rut currently, but even I occasionally hit my stride.

>> No.14246480

> I think you can't conceptualize how maddening would be to live a hermit life
Everyone here is already a digital hermit. What they want of "natural life" is a natural close-knit community that owns their lives and lands, knit by their common property and common blood. Not the anonymous mass of rootless serfs under digital surveillance toiling away for some invisible late Roman Empire oligarchs.

This is the Pax Americana you have built since WW2. You can't disown it.
The whole world goes to a brother for a quick coom and moves on. The PUA culture of faux-pimps chasing cheap whores with false pretenses is specifically American.

>> No.14246486

So take care of your garden + imagining sysiphus happy?

>> No.14246504

>Imagining things.
Hey, nigger! IMAGINE yourself HAPPY while you pick my cotton! *Whip cracks*

>> No.14246513

>The whole world goes to a brother for a quick coom
Based gay world.

>> No.14246519

>a natural close-knit community that owns their lives and lands, knit by their common property and common blood.

Where can we point out in history the moment the world stopped presenting itself to humans in this way? The French Revolution? Discovery of America? End of Italian Renaissance times? When was the last period in history where man lived life exactly like this? Anyway, this not being feasible anymore is a hard straight fact.

Would enjoy living in any time period, plague era included, as long as it is before the middle of the 18th century, the industrial reform times. A reform that took place mostly because of the population boom. Maybe all the good seats for life have been taken. We were born too late.

>> No.14246553

>this not being feasible anymore is a hard straight fact.
That is what they want you to believe. Or you would like to believe, because running away from the farmer can lead to a pre-planned Thanksgiving slaughter. The cage of a solitary chimp stays nontheless, now with digital surveillance and good chimp points straight from PRC AIs.

The anonymous tyrannies of faceless masses are as old as the Third Dynasty of Ur, and have collapsed as often. History goes in circles, life goes in cycles. If one got born a slave at the end of a cycle and wants freedom from servitude in a local slave camp, he'd be wise to relocate himself to the Sea Peoples fleets, the Germanic hordes, the Cossack hosts or whoever is the local free men of anarchy that will put the temples and palaces to the torch the time the cycle ends.
Seriously now, look up Agri Deserti. People were noping out of civilizations thousands of years ago already.

>> No.14246558

Obviously meant brothel, oops. Silly me and my Freudian slips.

>> No.14246586

Creating your own meaning until you die, which usually involves finding ways to either cope with or avoid the entrapment of others’ meaning and your own biological predispositions of survival and reproduction. This is a description, not a prescription. Do whatever the fuck you want for all I care.

>> No.14246626

Honestly whenever I look for meaning in life I look at the start of it all (Primordial atom and all)
Where I am and who I am right now is simply an accumulation of all things that have happened ever, be it fair or not.
So I just live my life, study what I want to, sometimes make selfish decisions, sometimes lie, sometimes do good, etc.
Just do you, nothing is in vain.

>> No.14246627

What seems to me is that all you faggots want some kind of a handout. Yes, shit is fucked in many aspects, but it won't get any better by indulging in golden era fantasies. You have access to an easily searchable, inexhaustible wealth of information, transportation systems that can almost teleport you around the globe when compared to previois times, communication infrastructure that can connect you with countless likeminded individuals. Earn your freedom, crybabies. Build the community you dream of. The main source of rot is not the ills of the modern world you talk about, it's your refusal to take responsibility for your surroundings. Go talk to your elderly neighbours, see if you can help them in some way. Get drunk on the streets and take a risk with that ho that caught your eye. What the fuck? This is a lit board. Don't you have any appreciation for the rich texture of the city surrounding you?

The thread was about the meaning of life. Have you even dared to look at it, feel it? Oh no, it' scary, let's all run back to our pipe dreams of primordial perfection. You fools, an insane dance of unthinkable proportions is filling everything to the brim with deepest ecstacies and sharpest soul-piercing horrors at this very instant, and you ask for something else? You were already given everything.

>> No.14246635


>> No.14246651

>I don't give a FUCK about you or your opinion faggot.
Not that guy but what you're obviously doing is posting for your own sake, to reinforce your own beliefs and perceptions in the face of a perspective that is very different than yours.

>> No.14246660

Five star post.
Even then I don't see anything inherently wrong with masturbation.

>> No.14246667
File: 35 KB, 673x505, 1sfqqtn0.wizardchan.SuperRage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up boomer. Fuck you. Fuck the elderly. I wish I was Richard Ramirez right now! The crash can't come soon enough. I can't wait until you die in a nursing home destitute and penniless

>> No.14246668


>> No.14246676

Yes, and?

>> No.14246695

Hahah, by all means, do something with these feelings you are harboring. I don't think you could ever pull a Ramirez, seeing that you are such a agreeable child. I only ask that you live your life.

>> No.14246697

Was this implied?
The point was that mere surving, as in living day to day—and whatever the fuck else you want that to supposedly mean—gave your life meaning, you didn't have to seek for a point, it was handed to you.

>> No.14246700

>You have access to an easily searchable, inexhaustible wealth of information
Which makes the insult even worse by comparing to how people lived before everyone and their mother became digital cotton pickers.
> transportation systems that can almost teleport you around the globe when compared to previois times
For what? People didn't have the need to move further than the next village over. What are you running away from even?
> Earn your freedom, crybabies
You hear me, niggers and thracians? Earn your freedom from the slave pen!

Technically, he is right. There were negroes that noped away from plantations and ran to the Indinas, whether the swamps of Florida or the mountains of Guyana, entire tribes of runaway negroes formed further from the colonial settlements. And then there was the Haitian Boogaloo and the Servile Wars and the Fall of Rome where slaves willingly allowed roaming bands of Germanic barbarians because why not, they were actually so much better than the Late Roman equivalent of Boomers.

>> No.14246732

Yes, earn your freedom, fight for it. Is there an alternative?

>> No.14246739

>Is there an alternative?
How about not being a melodramatic woman and just leaving civilisation?

Take your hero complex and shove it up your arse faggot.

>> No.14246746

I will, I hope you enjoy your solitude in the wilderness

>> No.14246783

> solitude in the wilderness
I always remember how in the Walden, Henry muses that he has had more guests and acquaintances while literally living in a shack in the woods than back in ~2k people town of Concord.
Nobody can survive on his own. So the people in the country network. They get to know each other very, very well pretty soon.

t. living in a town of 500 people relatively close to a ~15 million people strong black hole of a megapolis, with relatives spread over villages with like 50 people in them

>> No.14246803

Life is about life. From the biological point of view but , in that life begets life, and life feeds on life, also in the same speculative wondering that prompted your question. You are as a living being wondering what life is about, but in doing so you are making life about itself. This may at first glance seem like a cop out, obscurantist answer but if you mull over i it, all will make sense.

>> No.14247008

From my extensive readings I've come to the conclusion that life is about SEX and POWER.

>> No.14247020

what do you do about based boys like this guy?

>> No.14247059

This implies the static nature of man, but I believe that both of you would agree that the world is ever changing. This mere fact means that primitivism in its pure sense is rather fallacious there is no stasis of nature, a vague equilibrium at the very best. We are influenced by society and we influence it.

If you try to say that “evolution” hasn’t adapted to the modern setting, I’d agree in part, but you forget that man and nature are not two separate entities. Man is a product of nature so everything he does is a product of it as well, and those products flow back into the unity of everything we call nature. Just as when a new animal reaches a new continent either through human or non-human means.

Primitivism is a false perception of general equilibrium which only works in an arbitrarily defined system. Even still, it only works within a passing epicurean system.

>> No.14247070
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Someone fell for the Kaczynski meme

>> No.14247091

There are many cases of animals evolving to their own detriment. Evolution is not always beneficial.

>> No.14247101

technicity is a literal mind-virus and death spiral, man is not a part of nature he is hostile to it. even the aborigines upset their environments. it's bad

>> No.14247125

To be the gayest faggot

>> No.14247149
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> man is not a part of nature he is hostile to it.
So how come the hunter-gatherers lived for hundreds of thousands of years in tune with the ecosystem yet the modern men barely 200 years into the industrial revolution make the very air unbreathable?
Maybe it is not the man as is, but a specific type of human society.

>> No.14247182

Aristotle was right: Society.

>> No.14247205
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Not society, something else. Read Klages.

>> No.14247206

Correct. It's the fact that we live in an industrial society. We need to go back to agrarian life before the Romans started making helmets en masse and before the large scaled destruction of forests in Europe was occurring. We need to restore the green while simultaneously maintaining a healthy minimalist civilization.

>> No.14247222
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Every form developed to self-existent being, the whole freely co-ordinated: nothing but independently living parts…. In the system of a classic composition, the single parts, however firmly they may be rooted in the whole, maintain a certain independence. It is not the anarchy of primitive art: the part is conditioned by the whole, and yet does not cease to have its own life. For the spectator, that presupposes an articulation, a progress from part to part, which is a very different operation from perception as a whole.

>> No.14247232

I think existence itself is the point with "love" being the macguffin

Could be wrong but if NDE stories are to be believed that's what it is.

>> No.14247237

absolutely this

>> No.14247239

eating, sleeping, and fucking

>> No.14247246
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Life is about self actualization. Man can never be satisfied because man is a thing who is always attempting to be more than what he is. It is only in the fleeting moments of the pursuit of progression that man ever really feels satisfied.

>> No.14247249

doing philosophy

>> No.14247250

You see, using words HP Lovecraft used and mixing them with so Carl Sagan pep talk shit doesn't make you intelligent. Go do what you were made to do, let nature in as your only judge and executioner, let it tear you apart and make you whole again.

>> No.14247256


>> No.14247294

Why would continuing with your city-dwelling existence be more unnatural than returning to the woods

>> No.14247296

Don't stop, bereaving. Hold on to that fearing.

>> No.14247305

And hear the lamentation of the women!

>> No.14247326

Fucking based

>> No.14247336


>> No.14247341

Waking up.
Taking a good shit.
Showering a second time.
Driving to work with some europop beats.
Laughing it up with the boys all day building stuff and not being a neet.
Go home have a beer.
Prepare for the kids to do the same when they get old.
Enjoy the weekends.
Party and enjoy holidays.

>> No.14247363

Never said evolution was benificial, but the whole concept of primitivism depends on the idea that we evolved for a specific lifestyle, so I described the mechanism of evolution itself.
I don’t think you can justify this. Tell me what is the difference between natural and unnatural that is not an arbitrary line? I’d say the best one could say from a non-deist perception is the product of logical reasoning. But than I would ask you what is the difference between an adaptation for human level reasoning and an adaptation for bigger claws or a hive society? None. They are simply different tools for competitive advantage, logic, reasoning, and complex communication is simply a particularly advantageous and exponentially successful one.

I don’t believe you can argue otherwise without resorting to sentimentality, a product of the human mind in and of itself.

I would point you towards how dramatically grass changed the ecosystem for instance.

>> No.14247371


>> No.14247375

I wanna learn about chimp psychology now

>> No.14247403


>> No.14247409

They really like to walk down the street listening to rap music on headphones and singing along with it loudly

When they're in a group in a public place they will start howling and laughing at the slightest thing, doubling over laughing like "CCHK! CHHK! CCHK! CCHK!" and slapping their hands and stomping their feet

>> No.14247521

Hey Heidegger

>> No.14247538

Jane Goodall. She has fantastic books on chimp psychology

>> No.14247547

That's some major cringe. Why would you ever want to go back to "pure" natural living? I agree the modern world is shit, and maybe an earlier time would be ideal. Something like the middle ages, early classical era, etc. You could make arguments for these. I don't see any good argument for returning to living like chimps. Nature is a cruel mistress and the planet is inherently evil. Life is shit without civilization. We're the ones that made life worth living, created things worth dying for and admiring. Fuck chimps, and fuck you.


>> No.14247608

b a s e d & s t e e l p i l l e d

>> No.14247629

Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV

>> No.14247630


>Everyone here is already a digital hermit. What they want of "natural life" is a natural close-knit community that owns their lives and lands, knit by their common property and common blood. Not the anonymous mass of rootless serfs under digital surveillance toiling away for some invisible late Roman Empire oligarchs.

Fucking this. To me it's not so complicated. The above is exactly what I want, and it's exactly what I can't get.

>> No.14247653

Plenty of people still live in traditional villages (India, Africa, poor parts of Asia, Russia). I think traditional life gets uprooted by capitalism because it offers another dynamic of surviving that doesn't depend on close knit tribal ties.

>> No.14247667

Very based post.

>> No.14247692

Civilization is murder for humanity's sake. I'm good either way.

>> No.14247695

Personally, I would just prefer small-knit tribal communities. Whether that's in the woods gathering food and living in makeshift temporary shelters or small agrarian villages, whatever. I find agrarian villages surrounded by nature more comfy though.

>> No.14247785

>Day to day that doesn't give your life any sense of meaning like surviving in the wilderness does.
That’s entirely subjective. There are plenty of people who feel content with creating a family and setting up a comfortable future. Even if that future needs to be secured through accumulation of wealth, some can still find it satisfying.
Not everyone needs the thrill of going toe-to-toe with a boar to feel satisfied with their lives, and although the lack of fighting for survival may have made us “soft”, that has no bearing on our potential for joy.

If you believed half of what you preached you would fly down to Canada and attempt surviving in the deep wilderness, and you sure as hell wouldn’t spend your time arguing on 4chan through a computer.

>> No.14247820

tribal communities bro... we have none of that

>> No.14247851

Closest I have is unironically 4chan and playing Squad

>> No.14247854

same and it's pathetic

>> No.14248093


>> No.14248104

very upset

>> No.14248112

We're not alone. Most people today experience a similar feeling. School -> work -> home. Normal people are like us 5 days a week. That's why they always rave about the weekend. It's when they go degenerate mode to cope with being slaves for the rest of the week.

>> No.14248142

Define define

>> No.14248180
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To love pain

>> No.14248185

You go have fun sucking on flimsy brassica weeds and fucking a hole in the ground while i'm over here munching my selectively enhanced crop of gofuckyourself.

>> No.14248279

>Why would you ever want to go back to "pure" natural living?
Because the cycle has repeated itself over and over. Modern not-Chimps are bombarded with so much porn the river Tiber would flow with coom if the emperors ever had such a terrific male pacifier, a circus par excellence.
Eventually the serotonine tolerance sets in and no amount of cooming to the wildest weirdest porn obtainable will be enough to soothe the chimp. First he starts flinging shit, that is behaving erratically with fuck all attitude because his chimp psyche is failing from all the psychological torture he has endured - that is the weirdos doing mass shootings stuff. When the psyche fails, the chimp-out ensues. This Pax Americana is heading full speed to a Bronze Age Collapse-tier chimpout that will make the WW2 seem a kiddie party. Or such utter debasement of slaves that all the tyrannies in history from the Third Dynasty of Ur to modern PRC will pale.
Either way I'd much rather wait it out innawoods tending to my cabbages, the less they know of me the better. I have some quite remote and forgotten properties in mind.
> Nature is a cruel mistress and the planet is inherently evil.
Why hello, my dear pointy nosed urbanite. Goodbye.
>Life is shit without civilization
If you say so. Personally I don't give a shit about you, the more real estate will be left for my clan the better.

Supposedly you can get a close enough feel inna small town, like I bear my existence currently. But ever since Waco you know the digital gulag will come knocking to our Smallville.
This is why they had the Agri Deserti. The people would just abandon the fields and towns and run the fuck away from Roman cities, often joining the roaming Germanic hordes or better yet inviting one to protect them from Roman state predators. The Agri Deserti still overgrew with thick forests since century V, and would not be recultivated again till century XI

>traditional villages
Anon, the only traditional villages in Russia are of the Starovery cultists deep in the Siberian taiga, who probably don't know there has been a communist revolution or the world wars and neither they care much. All the easily reachable villages were turned into kolkhoz slave labor farms, and even before that decimated and robbed by the "commitees of the poor" Kombedy and basically regular robbings of "prodrazverstka" squads who took your food away at gunpoint. I'd imagine Chinese, Vietnamese and likewise villages to be just as looted and cursed shitholes under tight control of local urbanite scum.
>I think traditional life gets uprooted by capitalism because it offers another dynamic of surviving that doesn't depend on close knit tribal ties.
Nobody wants to be left out of family ties and friends. Nobody in their sane minds. It forces them into poverty by the advent of mechanzied agriculture, the traditional farmer just can't compete hence is forced out of business and into the cities.

>> No.14248290

Suffering is inevitable. We are machines made to suffer. The only thing you can do is find meaning in suffering, and through that meaning, have something worth suffering for.

>> No.14248335
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Proliferation. Even your useless pretentious banter here is just a rudimentary excess of previous generations of men trying to get laid.

>> No.14248367

>If you say so. Personally I don't give a shit about you, the more real estate will be left for my clan the better.
So you want to rebuild civilization in your image after the collapse? I'm glad we agree.

>Why hello, my dear pointy nosed urbanite. Goodbye.
I'm just saying how it is in the jungle. We need civilization, at least a bare bones level of it. I'm not an urbanite.

>> No.14248757 [DELETED] 
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>dude limit yourself
>make up a game. pretend its minecraft
There is a frontier for human progress to return to God. We are straying from that path and no amount of techno luxury will help. We are robbed spiritually. If people are going to eat up shit television and anime told you about romantic revisions of primitive life then it's safe to say that we're never going to achieve unity with God

tl;dr Start with the Greeks

>> No.14248768

>man is not a part of nature
Man and technology is an extension of nature idiot. We don't have to take the industrial capitaist hellscape path tho if we were just less materialistic and less christian

>> No.14248825

Living, until it isn’t.

>> No.14248949

>Anon, the only traditional villages in Russia are of the Starovery cultists deep in the Siberian taiga

Yeah, I just threw Russia out there because I figure there might still be some remote parts that are for the most part out of touch with civilization. What you wrote about their decimation is interesting.

>I think traditional life gets uprooted by capitalism because it offers another dynamic of surviving that doesn't depend on close knit tribal ties.

Agreed, I think what Capitalism does to tribal ties is shit.

>> No.14249234


We are trapped in the contour of language. There's simply no going back. Instead we make new struggles and new modes of thinking through new bodies and higher mental capacity. It's all possible through reason and a reconcilation of subjective (spirituality) and objectivity (nature's competitiveness)

>> No.14249298

This is literally how a Youtube atheist analysizes his opponents arguments

>> No.14249318

Look at this coat-tailer. Those are not your (You)s

>> No.14249346

You're still crying 12 hours later?

Get a grip.

>> No.14249354

are you suggesting you've been watching the same thread for 12 hours?

p sad anon.

>> No.14249365

to consooooooooom

>> No.14249370

What are you on about? I'm trying to convince them that they are wrong on discarding the guy's statement. Maybe I'm wrong for replying to low effort shit like 'onions'
That's not me retard your analysis is just putrid dogshit and you obviously don't read books aside from ISAIF which is literally the shortest fucking book in existence.

>> No.14249382

No, I'm capable of basic arithmetic and can calculate the difference between 12pm and 12am is 12 hours

>That's not me retard
I totally believe you.

>> No.14249393

>I totally believe you
How about we both post our penises with a timestap

>> No.14249478
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pleasing yourself

>> No.14249506
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this post is turning librarians' heads

>> No.14249515
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>Let go of your desire

now that the ketchup is out of the bottle, good luck getting it all back in

>> No.14249518

If you actually live your life instead of closing yourself off, you will eventually find your answer.

>> No.14249619

Where's the incentive for people to suffer when they have the knowledge that they could simply take the easier way around i.e. Agriculture? It doesn't make any sense idiot unless you're mentally ill

>> No.14249667

closing yourself off is still living life. given it is not a way of accumulating a big sum of experiences and stimuli indeed but the intensity of living cannot be determined in favor of one way or another based on just quantity of experience, engaging, interpersonal relations. and even if it was, it is not a defining, golden standard for what existence should be. assuming you consider figuring 'what living life is about' as merely being satisfied with what you gather in your mind, and what you gather effectively is this intensity of living your life which can be defined as a product of all that 'being out there' meant for any individual along the way in life, then only gathering a multitude of stages of living is not sufficient for you to consider you'd figured anything out. the stance of 'im overcome with the complexity of life' isnt the SINGLE way, but one of many expressions of what life is about: same as closing off.

>> No.14249727

to continue, intensity of live which is a factor of satisfaction and fulfillment can be acquired by all men, solitary or not. a year of ascetic life for a monk (someone who, by own mind-construction, becomes a receiver of a higher stimuli of intensity by just being solitary) can equal to 3,5,10 years of the common fruitful-in-experience life. its about how you perceive the living, according to what way of living. and people were meant to find that intensity in so many paths. I see the 'out' against 'in' problem as a dilemma of choosing a method for acquiring The Objective, not as the objective of living in itself. (in this case, 'out' will always benefit more than 'in', regarding of individual character, personality, mind ideal, dreams, hopes)

>> No.14249738

regardless* of individual character etc

>> No.14249753
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>hunter gatherer
>entire day hunting for food

Wrong, hunter gatherers actually worked less than current day wagecucks. Things only started being shit from the invention of agriculture onwards.

>> No.14249761


>> No.14249933


Even in our Hunter-Gatherer state, we used to do art, music, story-telling, rituals and group unity.

Life was never survival alone. Civilization didn't create these things and these needs, it simply refined it.

>> No.14249937


War existed before civilization.

It was called raiding.

>> No.14249942


good posts

>> No.14249973

the Glory of your creator. God.

>> No.14249993

This board has been absolute garbage ever since r9k broke

>> No.14250016

>naked survival
He's not though. In fact, hunter-gatherers didn't care about nonsense 'conclusions' and 'optimal living'. They were far more capable of genuine thought and art. You only replied to him because you're a slave to whatever buzzword is fed to you, namely 'progress'.

>> No.14250036
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Surviving past the Singularity and becoming a god.

>> No.14250774

>Says normie
>accuses others for being normalfags
oh the irony

>> No.14250782


Live a life of study and prayer or marriage and children. In either case, love and forgive.

>> No.14250787

>this advice
>requesting sauce on nudes
bruh what the fuck

>> No.14250815

>implying there is anything wrong with having an eye for beauty

>> No.14250914

>they could simply take the easier way around i.e. Agriculture
Lol no. Nope. It was NOT EASY. Hunting and fishing and gathering plants was SO MUCH easier than agriculture.
The modern agro you have is a result of twelve millenia of selection. Twelve fucking millenia, with all and every edible plant from every continent scouted for and transported to the farmer and selected for centuries to thousands of years to reach desirable qualities. That's just having something nutritious to waste your time on for months.
I'm not even talking about plowing before the tractors. They didn't call it back-breaking labor for nothing. It was also very exploitative, in a way that quickly degenerated the topsoil into an infertile desert you had to leave fallow for 20 years or so to regenerate, because plowing the soil is very wasteful long term - yet you had no choice with pre-modern cultivars to feed ten to twenty times more people that hunter-gatherers leisurely did by working/excercising 4 hours a day tops.

Luckily modern agriculture has provided many cultivars and techniques to reach adequate harvests with less than 12 hours of labor a day. The sustainable agriculture, or opportunistic agriculture 2.0 so to say, the one the injuns already practiced in North America but so much better.
The trick is - it still can't feed as many people and is slow, if productive. Modern population bloat is sustainable only by pumping so much nitrogen inna soil it makes the ponds acidic, and then you can return micronutrients to depleted overexploited soil. Lo and behold, the modern lardass who HAS to eat 3-5 times more food to get the same level of iodine, selenium, magnesium etc. - it is not like he has accurate chemical sensors to know what and how much he lacks, he just eats until the urge is gone.

Being an obese lardass is as much a symptom of a famine as being a walking skeleton is. I'd call that semi-famine, like semi-solitary confinement. You CAN eat - it is just that it doesn't nourish you enough to sate, just enough to make you walk and toil; might as well not eat food at all instead of gorging on something that looks like food but is like only half as nutritious.
Same as you CAN talk with strangers - it is just that you are not allowed to make meaningful enough connections, just to postopone the chimpout stage enough for you to walk and toil; might as well talk to pasta or chat-bots.

>It doesn't make any sense idiot unless you're mentally ill
I am not an anprim. Just a country person fed up with industrialized agriculture so fucking much. I have seen too many a dust storm after a recent plowing and have had to many wells poisoned from insane amount of fertilizer pumped into the ground, only to feed niggers on welfare and basedcucks on GMOnsters. Farmers are forced to be all but wagecucks to the Big Agro, there is no craft nor pride nor ownership, just waging chemical warfare on your land.

>> No.14250978

>What you wrote about their decimation is interesting.
This is our future we're headed to. They say St.Petersburg and Moscow were pro-communism. They were not. I like to remember their fate as a most recent example of total civilization collapse. In 1916 St.Pete had over 2.5 million people (a bit over Manhattan same time, or 20% over Chicago), and Moscow had a bit over 2 million, again about Chicago size same time. After the Civil War St.Pete had barely 750 thousand left and Moscow around a million people. 70% dead or exiled in St. Pete, and half the Moscow died or ran away. And those who stayed were at best semi-starved bandits on the ruins of the previous civilization, and survived on robbing the villagers of their food at gunpoint.

Imagine the NYC falling from ~20 million people to barely 5 million niggers on smoking ruins in barely 5 years, that survive only on raiding Virginia for food and export only what we would call international terrorism. Hence I look for properties as far removed as possible from any urban centres. Fuck the modern cities, call me when they start building artisanal centres of 10 thousand people again.

>> No.14251024
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no you see, it is to consume.

>> No.14251029

for example consooom this nice song (download the hq mp3 from valve): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTWMXyOlWDQ

>> No.14251039

Raiding isn't war

That's like saying getting mugged is war

>> No.14251062

>So what the fuck is life about?
You need to stop asking this or else you'll never know.

>> No.14251102

Fun thread.

>> No.14251119

You have to work very, very hard in some cases to realize that you will never, ever know.

>> No.14251124

>You have to work very, very hard in some cases to realize that you will never, ever know.

>> No.14251171

Life is about preparing for death

>> No.14251183

Define "Define define"

>> No.14251189 [DELETED] 

Thanks for the insight

>> No.14251198

>You need to stop asking this

Death is a big waking call. I like to visit cemetaries for this reason. You can find forgotten tombstones a couple hundred years old, that almost turned to rubble, with barely legible names and dates. And think on how these people passed and what was their contribution to our time.

>> No.14251268

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.14251282

I am pretty sure some verbose and obtuse Frenchman has stated the same themes in some willy-nilly philosophizing book. That the modern society is some semi- it might as well be semi-society that is semi-real.

Semi-solitude is having thousands of random people over the Internet to chat, yet receiving like one half the friendly talk with the neighbor 100 years ago from 1000 randos. So you are basically alone, frantically searching for a sliver of intimacy.
Semi-starvation is having thousands of fruits, nuts, grains and meats to order from all over the world, yet receiving like one half the nutrients of a simple meal of local products 100 years ago. So you are basically starving, frantically eating more and more "empty" foods or else subsisting on more vitamin&micronutrients pills your grand-grandma ever collected berries in her life.
Semi-servitude is supposedly having your rights protected by the serving policemen and acknowledged by locals, yet having all the king's guards Ruby Ridge or even Waco you to pieces if you MIGHT stray one step away from the arbitrary norm. So you are basically enserfed to pay taxes on properties you do not own (try not to pay taxes for "leasing" them) for "protection", and might be arbitrarily killed regardless. A freeman of the Middle Ages was free because he paid no taxes, none.
Semi-freedom of conscience is supposedly having the option to choose any religion to follow or none at all, yet just dare to voice a politically incorrect opinion agains the One and Only True Dogma. They won't even burn you at the stake, they will roast you psychologically and totally ostracize you like the heretic you are, or better cage you for daring to touch the Founding Myth of the Six Million or the Sacred Negro. At least the inquisitor actually conducted an inquisition, that is an investigation into a heresy charge, and they had like 80% rate of not-guilty.
Don't let me started on semi-masculinity. The moment you proclaim your ownership of a woman or a land you want your family to tend and use, you get caged. Not being a slave is illegal. Slaves own nothing, not even themselves.

How would we call such a society? That PRETENDS to be leisurely and secure and rich, but THE REVERSE?

>> No.14251305


>> No.14251316

Putting balls in holes and getting a hobby other than vidya and watching someone get cummed on

>> No.14251318

How homo sapiens evolved, how thing are, can never tell us how to achieve meaningful living, how we ought to live.

>> No.14251336

You're a fucking idiot.

A horse doesn't sit around all day pondering what its purpose is, why should you? "m-m-muh superior intellect tho!". Yeah and what good is it when a fucking horse is more content and at peace than you are?

>> No.14251339

>How homo sapiens evolved, how thing are, can never tell us how to achieve meaningful living,
because... why exactly? The opioid epidemic, the ever rising rates of suicide, the mass shootings, the nignog riots, the spy probes in your PC and mobile observing you 24/7 lest you go chimp out from all the abundance and happines you have been provided.
The women fail to procreate civilization because they hate what they see and where they live. Oh, also the rising rates of female depression and alcoholism in a supposedly extremely yasss queen culture.

Women are very simple-minded creatures. They can't lie to themselves as eloquently as men can. If not for the yasss queen cheering we'd probably see the entirety of Western womanhood suiciding themselves out of existence, alike to all the men chimping out if not for the free porn from every device.

>> No.14251340
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Life is about black friday. I FUCKING LOVE BLACK FRIDAY. It sure is nice to live in a big city, and have enough disposable income to waste of trinkets that go on sale! so much frickin hustle and bustle on BLACK FRIDAY. love that energy. im going to get an early start this year. the sales start at 5:00pm today, and I'm going to need to excuse myself to buy a few neat-o items online. but im gonna head out at about 12:00, stores open at 2:00, so gotta get in line early. best part about black friday my dudes is telling every single person you know what you got come monday. THE DEALS ARE OUT THERE. you just gotta look. glad to add my small share to the multi bajillion GDP increase from black friday. stay safe out there dudes and dudettes, my friend got his ass trampled last year. he was cool though, didn't press charges, so mighty nice of him for keeping with the black friday spirit.

>> No.14251354

live fast
get ass
smoke grass


>> No.14251406


>> No.14251469

>What seems to me is that all you faggots want some kind of a handout
It seems to you what you would like to see.
Imaginary losers that make you sleep better at night after a hard day of serfdom.
To each, his dreams.

>> No.14251505

I can't wait to die, I'll wait to die.

>> No.14251509

>Putting balls in holes
like playing pool?

>> No.14251530

>So what the fuck is life about?
What is heat about?
What is water about?
What are stars about?

>> No.14251565


>> No.14251575

Fapping for lolis.

>> No.14251960

The texture of the city is that of shit, the girl at the bar is a worthless who're, your elderly neighbours are feckless charlatans. You are a hog lecturing to the battery chickens how great your pen is. What we want is immaterial.

McFuckin kys

>> No.14251961


Sounds boing, i'm content with dying.

>> No.14251971

What's baffling is there are people literally like this, the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.14251978

I had an epiphany the other day: why are there so many lesbians in prison? Answer: because there are no men. Why are there so many lesbians in society? Because there are no men. I feel like if I were to be my authentic self, I would be quickly killed.

>> No.14252025

>How would we call such a society? That PRETENDS to be leisurely and secure and rich, but THE REVERSE?

I read once that people's highest virtues are those which they lack. We prize our freedom specifically because we don't have it

>> No.14252047

There are little to no women either. Like I wrote previously, a whore is a female slave. Her slavery is to have her feminity exploited as coom dump for shekels, like man's slavery is to have his masculinity exploited like a burden animal.
Any woman that is not a wife of an ruling class male is to be turned into a sow that procreates new slaves. A single mother that functionally becomes a sow that breeds new pigs to slaughter. Like any sow, she receives more fodder and a warmer shed, all paid for by the last pig to be butchered.
The "slut walks" are loyalty parades, signalling these women's readiness to serve as safety valves and slave breeders. But even then, the ruling class can import slaves from Turd World shitholes, so they are just that - safety valves on hormonal pills. The state may even pimp her out to you for your already meagre salary, or better yet make you her personal slave via alimony.
A woman is always owned by somebody. In a sane society, she is owned by her father or any other closest male relative, before being given to her future husband. Any other arrangement amounts to pimping. So the slut walks expose their loyalty to the Pimp-State.
>I feel like if I were to be my authentic self, I would be quickly killed.
So you have to do it smart. it is not like you have any other option. Gradually relocate yourself to places and spaces where you have less of a threat of being declared a domestic incel terrorists with a cavalcade of helicopters in pursuit, or whatever the bad slave is called now.

>> No.14252061

You are but a conscious light observing its universe. Chances are, if you die a slave in a pit, you'll get the second round right there. If you don't like what you see or feel, maybe you should actively try to make it better for you.

>> No.14252072


>> No.14252127

Good post, this is turning into quite a decent thread

>> No.14252139
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>One smug anime girl poster derails a thread into a 200+ reply Ted Kaczynski circle jerk

>> No.14252281

Nobody in the entire thread disproved anything of >>14245849. Nothing at all. I dare you to counter his post with a single argument (you can't).
Calling things you don't like with mean words is not an argument.

>> No.14252294

What a fucking retard, unironically kys.

>> No.14252413

>myth of sysiphus
>suffering the absurdity of life with a smile
>choosing whatever meaning knowing is absurd, that in any moment the stone will roll down again
which one is it /lit/?

>> No.14252450

Cope, slave. Cope.

>> No.14252462
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Carpe YOLO!

>> No.14252501

>le ebin office may may
>look at me so astute and meta

Fuckin kys

>> No.14252523

>If you don't have the balls, then do whatever the fuck you like
I fucking hate this notion. It's like a dare by a dumbass bully. No, I don't give a shit about your dare, fuck you and your low IQ shenanigans lmao.

>> No.14252558


>> No.14252584

Objectively an idiot. Congratulations, eat a pretzel with your helpless offspring (hopefully they die before you! fingers crossed!)

>> No.14252591

*you die before they do
>out of sight, out of mind
top kek, parents

>> No.14254065

You can't even spell your answer right. What a tool. And a coward to boot.

>> No.14254080

Your points are based into humans being born as two categories, born to rule and born to be ruled and I'm not talking about mentality but an actual biological difference like women and men, do you accept it?

>> No.14254094

He's right, though. All thought can do is granularize once taken out of the state of nature. Smarter people than me have talked about this.

I'm sorry, but if you've lived in an American city all your life and have never expanded your mental horizons in spite of it, you don't know anything about reality.

>> No.14254175

Does not follow. Cowardice makes one more easily enslaved, but I don't think it makes one inherently servile. People are made slaves via conditioning, not born. If some are more timid than others by genes, well, it is but an exploitable quality. Point in case - Ancient Greek freemen citizens were demoted to slavery after any failed war a-ok.
And if you think there are some unbreakable ultra-chads by birth, the Soviet torture rooms will gladly maul them down into sobbing ass bitch, a question of time.
The only winning move in a slaver society is to burn one down, like they did with the Bronze Age tyrannies, the Roman tyranny, the Caliphate and whatever other slavery bazed decadent hierarchy, or run away to the countryside free men.

SUPPOSEDLY slaves can be bred, but it would require a long lasting selection program with rigid controls. It takes at least 14 years for the second generation to give birth to the third, not 16 months like with dogs. It takes the time of 10 generations of dogs to breed a generation of people, extrapolate how long a slave sub-species breeding program will take.

>> No.14254290
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You don't say, wagie. You are such a good chimp boi.

>> No.14254296

Stfu, you dumb steppe nigger. You're incapable of any real insight or original thoughts.

>> No.14254316

Ad hominem is not an argument

>> No.14254319

There are A LOT of idiots like you, but I lack the energy and vigor to constantly engage imbeciles like you. At this point, I am tired of arguing and only wish for your deaths.

>> No.14254395

This is why you save your argument and merely copypaste it. Like the smug anime anon does.
But you won't. Because you have no argument. Calling people idiots is not an argument, it is seething.

>> No.14254477


>> No.14254492

Women and ideology are all that matters in this life. You will never be truly satisfied until you have attracted the most beautiful of women, The one that fits the descriptions of bilogoical perfection. Then when you have done that or, during your pursit of her, You have to make as much money as possible, There is no other option. You could kill yourself though an honorable exist. I have this fucking boring liife, i'm broke, i feel a sense of impending doom I'm 22 and i can't. I don't know God damn it I wish i had family and friends. I think we should distract ourselves by reading books, gaining enough knowalege to shape reality around us, leave an impact however small or major.

>> No.14254500

I used to engage in much scholarly debate, but since then, I have become embittered and only desire the deaths of those obviously beneath me.

>> No.14254520

>Women and ideology are all that matters in this life. You will never be truly satisfied until you have attracted the most beautiful of women, The one that fits the descriptions of bilogoical perfection.

Americans have been completely colonized by teen movies and billboards. I can't wait 'til Yellowstone blows and your literal rat race is extinguished forever

Based, never give an inch to urbanites. They are the scum killing this world.

>> No.14254571

>Women and ideology are all that matters in this life
The absolute state of the Murrican urbanite.

Women are hard-wired to adapt themselves to their male owner and his vision, to be owned by his vision. Yet what she sees is but a slave blatantly refusing to own himself and own her, who even dares to offer the reverse.
>during your pursit of her
The women offer themselves to the man they wish to serve, and he chooses. Never the reverse. You will not gain a good wife by "pursuing" her. Either she will throw herself at you or her father will throw her at you the moment you own at least yourself, of not the space around you.

>> No.14254648


Long before Hollywood, Men of power have chased women, Women have been a goal since the dawn of man. The whole Human history is riddled with sex and what comes attached to it that is violence. I'm from an unknown african country and i live in europe.

>> No.14254670

>women women women cooming cooming cooming

Just shut up

>> No.14254679

dunno lol

>> No.14254985

Read some philosophy on language like late Wittgenstein and realize it's fucking hard to define anything

>> No.14255064
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Dare I say it, we have a farm fren in our midst

>> No.14255106

the day of a hunter gatherer is actually mostly leisure time
the difference for the modern mind is a confused idea that "life is supposed to be more"

>> No.14255194

Enjoying yourself, surviving, and helping others.

>> No.14255302

What is life?
Life is like a big obstacle, put in front of your optical to slow you down. And every time you think you've gotten past it. It's gonna come back around and tackle you to the damn ground

>> No.14255614

Brainlet here, I can't believe I'm turning 25 soon and my brain should supposedly be fully developed then. I feel like I know NOTHING. My ADHD is crippling. It hinders me greatly in focus and motivation. I want to know the basics of philosophy. Where do I start? I need something easy to digest. I want to be well rounded, Sorry I am asking to be spoonfed. Whenever I get lost in a separate part of the internet that is a deeper discussion and discourse than memes and normie topics I feel extremely handicap. Should I start of with politics? I know nothing beyond drumpf bad bernie good.

>> No.14255634

is this why men hate women

>> No.14255657
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Don't think
Just consume and get excited about future consumtion

>> No.14255676

based and cioranpilled

>> No.14255761


>> No.14255826
File: 768 KB, 1994x2401, Guido_Reni_-_Saint_Joseph_and_the_Christ_Child_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about leaving behind a better place so that those after you can make it even better

>> No.14255918

except better depends on your system of values


>> No.14255928

>not having the values of the bible

>> No.14255948

This is admirable but what is the point of it? there is a big chance where those who come after you will turn to pricks thanks to the good life they inherited.

>> No.14255971


>> No.14255975
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Life is about love and love can only be lived through service to the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

>> No.14255983

No, many people are like that.

>> No.14255984

Way to completely misinterpret my post, retard. No wonder you "discuss" literature on an anonymous Chinese washboard forum.

>> No.14255991

Based and correct

>> No.14256008

Thoreau fan?

>> No.14256878

>Start with the greeks
Also keep lurking /lit/. I am 24 yo and have learned more by lurking this imageboard the last 6 months than I did during all of my High School.

>> No.14256890

>Women have been a goal since the dawn of man
>I'm from an unknown african country and i live in europe
You're having sex with progressive coalburners, aren't you?

>> No.14257364

That's clearly not what he meant, moron. If you had read a book once in your life you would know this

>> No.14257399


>> No.14257477


God i wish

>> No.14257506


>> No.14257542

>So what the fuck is my life about? You guys read philosophy and shit, you should know.
Fixed that for you. You can figure out the rest from there. You're welcome.

>> No.14257549

Seething brainlet. Try to keep silent instead of dropping 'profound' word garbage like a dog on a walk.

>Long before Hollywood, Men of power have chased women
Women chase powerful men, or their owners offer them to powerful men. Powerful men choose their bountry, selecting their reward for contributing to their tribe/city/army whatever. Achilled didn't "chase" Briseis for fucks sake.
Every single civilization ever. Except for Old France courteous culture of incels chasing other men's brides, the "lady worship" culture. Already Schloppenhauer pointed out it will spell the downfall of the West like 150 years ago.

Lo and behold, the cunt chaser. Women women women coom coom coom. Every dying civilization eventurally degenerates into petty cunt chasing.

>> No.14257607

>I feel like I know NOTHING
That is because you know nothing.
>and my brain should supposedly be fully developed
Your brain processes information. If it processes junk or nothing, imagine the processed product.
>My ADHD is crippling
That is because your are a slave on anxiety overdrive from your cage. Also probably sleep deprived - even a small, but regular lack of sleep turns you into a potato. Get your 8 hours of sleep in a secure dark location or live a potato die a potato.
Also probably lacking key micronutrients. They pump enough nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium to exterminate a small planet via chemical bombardment, yet boron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium, selenium etc. are lacking. You eat plants because they collect the nutrients into themselves from the soil, and they can't collect what is not there due to overexploitation of the topsoil. Unless you don't have a personal garden or a farmer you can trust, take your nutrition VERY seriously and compensate for every micronutrient deficiency, of which a typical urbanite has a couple dozen.
You are what you eat. If you eat shit and starve on everything else, well.
>t hinders me greatly in focus and motivation
Or maybe it does you a service. A nigger on a cotton plantation isn't exactly motivated to slave away, regardless of how many whip cracks his back receives.
> Should I start of with politics?
Lol no. Politics is a realm of men with power, where they decide what to do with powerless men. If you are powerless, your political influence is non-existent, hence your political opinions meaningless.
Take your personal freedom and property above all else and forget about politics until you have power. For fucks sake, 99% of people don't own their own bodies and will get caged into forced labour for not paying alimony tribute or some other shit. They have no more say in politics than an ass has a say in a farm; either he carries burden or gets stewed.
>I know nothing beyond drumpf bad bernie good
Powerless men derive no benefit from observing a circus they have no say at nor understanding of. The real rulers don't like to attract attention to themselves, they have well trained TV clowns to do that for them.

>> No.14257847
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Lads, what was the last book that you have consuuuuumed?

I have read the Martian. The best book I have read. Gonna watch the film after finishing the last 10 minutes of Crank 2.

>Why yes, of course I watch movies in 10 minute segments, how could you tell?

>> No.14258080

Great post. I need more of this kind of analysis.

>> No.14258622

Give me some books to chew on.

>> No.14258951

wish I was scoring for the Saints rn


>> No.14259583

Start with Schopenhauer, Philosophical Essays. Specifically the part on books and bookworm culture and its ills, as well as you may muse yourself on his essay about woman's nature.
Realistically (like Schoppy likes to repeat), books do not compensate the lack of experience. So you have to experience life first-hand, and use the most pragmatic books in the most pragmatic ways. Ideally you think of your own for your own, with other people's opinions used as spice or starting points for analysis, not the Holy Word.
Also Walden. If only to see how a man takes an experiment on his own existence for his own existence.

>> No.14259813
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Earth is a cosmic penitentiary colony or/and a energy farm
yes you did some bad shit or has been rapted and sold here as slave but you can't remember