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/lit/ - Literature

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14239525 No.14239525 [Reply] [Original]

This board is garbage.

It's obviously comprised almost entirely of children in their first year of university. Just look at the threads that comprise 90% of the board:
>Nietzsche is amazing XD
>Do I REALLY have to start with the greeks? : (
>Look at me I googled 'most obscure writers' and now I spam guenon threads!
There's maybe 3 good threads on the board at any one time, and they reach 50-75 replies and die on their arse. Almost every thread is a surface level observation or question about the same 10 topics over and over and over. The vast majority of this board are empty headed idiots with nothing to actually say, they're just here to gossip. It's only very rarely someone has something interesting to say about something, it's only very rarely someone actually puts effort and thought into an OP, it's only very rarely that you actually see something that you learn from.

>> No.14239529

Ok Whiteheadposter.

>> No.14239531

I'm sorry. Now that you've voiced your complaint, what would you like to see more of on this board?

>> No.14239535

Based. OP was retroactively debunked by the anon that posted last week.

>> No.14239544

>what would you like to see more of on this board?
Originality, or at least be original to yourself.

Instead of squabbling over nitpicked points in an ideology, come up with your own ideas and discuss them here. It's like everyone is afraid to put themselves out there, even though it's anonymous. So they hide behind famous dead authors words.

>> No.14239545
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not OP, but I don't know where to migrate after surpassing the /lit/

>> No.14239547

I'm not the whitehead poster and he's part of the group of braindead morons I refer to.

>> No.14239554

ok whiteheadposter

>> No.14239555

So many Nietzsche threads and I still havent seen anyone refute him. Especially Christians

>> No.14239561

It's your first year here for sure

>> No.14239566

This board introduced me to Stoner, Youth Without God, Angle of Repose, and Melville's poetry. Regardless of age this is the only literary forum I've found that discusses all range of books outside of what's currently popular. /lit/ is a great resource, in my opinion, as is a good chunk of 4chan. The faggotry and gossiping is just part of the culture.

>> No.14239567

I like Nietzsche and Guenon and im in my 4th year of University. take that

>> No.14239568


>> No.14239578
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Only correct anwser

>> No.14239593

You were still retroactively debunked by the anon who posted last week. You must be scared to refute his argument.

>> No.14239600

I'm not him you schizophrenic retard

>> No.14239609


>> No.14239617

>the whiteheadposter thinks we can't spot his style of posting

>> No.14239623

>Nietzsche is amazing XD
I think 14 year olds are the ones hating Nietzsche these days. There's something very suburban and provincial about the people who make these threads. Whatever compulsion it is that drives people to make boring pedestrian assertions about a philosopher they obviously haven't read. Maybe they hope to expunge their own adolescent qualities by doing it?

>> No.14239624
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>> No.14239649

Hahaha you're 100% him you do this every time. Just get a trip already

>> No.14239672

>Whatever compulsion it is that drives people to make boring pedestrian assertions about a philosopher they obviously haven't read.
Call me a schizo but I suspect we are being raided/ missionized by a Christian forum for the last week or so.

>> No.14239686

>the last week
How long have you been browsing /lit/? 2 months ago, there were much more religion posts. There were dozens of christian threads with many of them getting 300+ replies. What we have now is nothing compared to what we had 2 months ago.

>> No.14239719


>> No.14239760


As you wish.


>> No.14239782

Well done anon

>> No.14239783

We're refugees from doublechin's /christian/ board. I follow the rules through, I don't make Christian posts that aren't about literature.

>> No.14239797

You should read Nietzsche. Even if you dont agree with him. then you can actually try and make good arguments against his Philosophy.
He is one of the few critics of Christianity actually worth reading


>> No.14240533

Try /sci/ those pompous morons are some of the stupidest fuckers that think they are smart I have ever come across. They literally can't understand anything they haven't been trained like seals to repeat.

>> No.14240610

Literally every board have shitty repeating threads

>> No.14240626
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Every Christian post is by default about literature

>> No.14240629

None wants to read Anons dumbass fucking ideas, this is a literature board, we discuss books and authors.

>> No.14240651

This. All "original ideas" end up being half-baked philosophy posts, dancing on the borders of becoming blogpost, that any 15 year old can come up with. We have too many "original ideas" as it is.

>> No.14240696

Nietzsche is exclusively for American suburbanites that think they are any different from their peers

>> No.14240729

A simple "Quantum Mechanics is Pseudoscience" post will get you 500 replies of seething /sci/ dunces

>> No.14240798

Nietzsche was a rite of passage for countless interesting writers and thinkers who came a while after him, whether they talk about him or not. Sometimes the people who talk about him on this board are hilariously shallow and show how young they are, but it’s possible to appreciate and be entertained by Nietzsche without being a “Nietzschean” (whatever that is), without agreeing with everything he said. Kafka, Henry Miller, Rilke, Heidegger, Robert Anton Wilson and Ouspensky are “American suburbanites that think they are different from their peers”? More than the (mostly not too prominent on this board, actually) supposed masses of pretentious Nietzscheans, there’s obviously ruffled people who feel insecure about Nietzsche and thus have to imagine everyone who reads him is a teenager. Or they get taken in by his bombastic rhetoric and certain most controversial views and thus glide over some other more nuanced contributions of his.

Cue idiotic response.

>> No.14240835

Nietzsche is optimism for optimists who think they're pessimists. Nothing he says or advises would disrupt the routine of the middle class, pampered teenagers who suck his cock. What use is your philosophy if it asks no sacrifice?

Nothing this autistic beta hack ever wrote was worth wiping your arse with.

>> No.14240842

Can anybody name a smarter place on the internet? I mean, this place has its fair share of pseuds crowding around the water cooler, but I've honestly never seen anywhere else on the internet that had as much competent discussion of complex ideas. Maybe some obscure longevity/ai/crypto Facebook groups, but those tend to be very issue focused, as opposed to the art that people talk about here.

>> No.14240918

>on the internet
that's the operative phrase. I've had more intelligent conversations with random classmates than with anyone online ever

>> No.14241192

Based anon who actually reads. Why do you even waste your time coming here to lecture the monkeys?

>> No.14241555

>comprised of

>> No.14241636


the best guys for this are schizoposters though and they frequently don't make sense because they try to condense all of their thought and pass it off to you like a virus instead of crafting something beautiful that you want more of

>> No.14242616

Based desu
Get out while you can

To anyone who knows spanish subscribe to Jesus G. Maestro in youtube

>> No.14242633

Yeah let's have the sixth booktuber and infinite jest thread of today and bicker over if Nietzsche would be left or right wing

>> No.14244027

Imagine if these people followed you wherever you went. If you started hanging out on /ck/, they'd eventually be there too. Everywhere you went.

So you think, "since they're following me, perhaps I have some sort of influence over them." So you attempt to be a good person and they pick up on it, but they only echo every seemingly sapient thought back to you, and that's not why you're on 4chan. So you get angry and they act like assholes and this is your life now. You don't want to go elsewhere lest they follow you, so you stay put. With them. Everyday.

Wouldn't that be terrible? Sometimes it's nice to imagine things so life doesn't seem all that bad.

>> No.14244086
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Reminded me of this, in part.

>> No.14244102

I've been neglecting this place in favour of /biz/ lately but have been here since the board existed. I know there were never this many Christians before but cant pinpoint when it started.

>> No.14244205
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>> No.14244234


>> No.14244755

No shit. I happen to be moderately educated on a few things posted here and the moment people recognize this they abandon threads. I'm sure I'm not the only one this happens to. This board is pseud wankery.

>> No.14244922

try searching for philosophy or history forums because on those type of forums sit some people that actually read many books not just talk about it. and they are not for attention definetely, like if you want some philo you should go to his forum because /his/ isn't any cool for edgy nietzsche's fans. though expect more threads people asking about actual facts on someone's life or ideas than original thought or questions like op would want this board to be consisted of

>> No.14244936

I'm just going for a quick check of /his/ because about a year ago it was barely anything except for bait threads we wuzzing and haplogroup bullshit, and you know where all that is coming from?

>> No.14244993

/his/ is still infected with tards from reddit via /pol/, it's awful.
How did we manage to not go that bad?

>> No.14245018

bro by /his/ i meant history forums not /his/ board. chans consist of anons who wouldn't take most topics seriously because of being accusted of something. maybe it's just me but i have original thoughts but am scared to post here because you get called sjw, fag, asshole, normie, edgy or whatever.
types of forums i mean are consisted of people who have degree, assbergers or true passion and they tend to be older and not know about chan and internet culture so in the internet they act as if real life, always giving serious answers and respecting other

>> No.14245022

I didn't start with the Greeks and I turned out fine

>> No.14245045


>> No.14245053

You can post here and if they call you names it exposes them. Discussion of ideas is greater.

>> No.14245077

This. Perhaps the only place worse than /pol/. Somehow it is the Qlarp that managed to filter out all other posters and apply all their bullshit to humanities.

>> No.14245099

Different anon here. And what exactly are these supposedly excellent, hard-to-find history forums? Not that I doubt them existing, somewhere in obscurity, making use of it to insulate themselves from the seething masses, but surely you could name at least one of them here?

At any rate, /his/ gets too bad a rep, and people should jump off their high horses that infinitely greater intellectual communities abound (it's just never this one).

>> No.14245138

actually it's not even that now. it used to be like i was scared to post, but now i realize if i were to post and answer i would spend a lot more time here. now it's just 1-2hs/day and in exchange i read about something else and new (im from eastern europe and here don't read american lit at all so i really appreciate some posts).

if i get involved with you guys that would be a waste of time. i don't know if you realize but most of the time arguing with somebody especially on the internet it's pointless. i get angry and you won't change your mind no matter what i tell you
not hard to find. it's just that i recall myself when first getting into philosophy and i couldn't find any youtube videos or fb groups in my native language so i just typed something like "philosophy forum" or maybe more concrete like "was nietzsche a virgin forum" which got to history forum and it blew my mind that there were tons of threads about facts and people being polite and stuff. i though that it's probably some older people that sit there that can't find anyone irl to talk about these topics.

im sorry i didn't search for them in english. i guess it's like kiwifarms, they delete shitposts there right? it's like there you get knowledge so that it's 100% not a waste of time and here you get like few threads per 100 that are actually original or worth reading and other are waste of time if you're not a beginner

>> No.14245139

sorry >>14245077
meant to answer >>14245053

>> No.14245165

Fair enough anon, you're not wrong. I'm currently not replying to another anon because I'll be repeating myself for the third time, I think he is waiting for me to make a mistake and either he is thick as pig shit or he is trolling or he simply and most likely just thinks he is correct so any refutation most be wrong. It can be tiresome and it's not worth it because of the potential for insincerity.

>> No.14245186

I sure hope they're not hard to find, especially in today's internet where most content has become centralized, but what you say gives me some hope.

Also, a few threads/100 is not that bad a ratio imo, if the majority of the rest of the threads are still done in good faith, but are a bit shallow.

>> No.14245201

Jesus christ

>> No.14245219

what is wrong anons
why cant we just post
and reply to what we like
no hostility towards friends
remember, we are here til the end

>> No.14245230

No you stupid bitch, you guys think your posting like the elite, ill show you how to post like the elite....

>> No.14245235

do it pussy you wont

>> No.14245245

Anybody who's weirded out by Christianity posting on /lit/ is a newfag. I've been here since the board was founded. Christians have been posting stuff on /lit/ since 2015, at least.

I mean I'm not the only one who remembers the Milbank spam, am I?

>> No.14245775

2015 isn't that long ago for a lot of us.

>> No.14245939

We tried that once and wound up with /r9k/

>> No.14245958

How could a place that is accessible to anyone to say anything, be any better? It's still an amazing site (and board) because of the format, and whether the few gems you can find here are worth or not is for you to decide. If not, you're very free to leave.
In any case, your thread is garbage. It's only adding to the low quality of the board. This thread is also "gossip" and you're an idiot.

>> No.14245959

I cant tell if this is better or worse discourse than what /lit/ generally puts out

>> No.14245972

Nietzche isnt a very deep cut and most religious people are turned off by the hubris of it

>> No.14245975

Awwww is the widdle baby offended that I made fun of his shit threads clogging up the board? Poor widdle first year philosophy dunce.

>> No.14245980

>abloo bloo bloo

>> No.14246494


>> No.14246542

Anywhere that is slower than here and less populated. Conversation on 4chan in general move too fast nowadays, so posts are short and expendable, and there's a climate of annoying snarkiness that destroys honest discussion and just foster a really cold atmosphere. No one is a "/b/ro" anymore. 4chan has ironically adopted the irony and snarkiness of leftist shitholes like post 2010 SomethingAwful. Even reddit boards have more value at this point. This place is fast food infotainment

>> No.14247108

>it's only very rarely that you actually see something that you learn from.

Wow, you must be really smart!

>> No.14247131

Use the catalog, you useless tourist

>> No.14247154

>It's only very rarely someone has something interesting to say about something, it's only very rarely someone actually puts effort and thought into an OP, it's only very rarely that you actually see something that you learn from.

You're not exactly an exception to this rule yourself, OP.

>> No.14247216

No clue. Occasionally there’s semi-intelligent discussion here, or even people who are clearly much much much more well-read than me (I don’t even count myself as being that well-read particularly), who I want to ask the same question.

>> No.14248319

> 4chan
> garbage
Sounds about right

>> No.14249527

You're not wrong. The thing is that the internet isn't for you anymore. When you were young, and this all felt like an adventure, and everything was new and you weren't tired of everything yet, that's when the internet was for you. But now the web, and by extension 4chan, are for the generation below you. You don't like /lit/ because /lit/ is basically by children, for children. This isn't your adventure anymore.

You're not exactly wrong for being upset. It's not like these people are fun to talk to. But it's also like wading into a kiddie pool just to climb about the shallow water. Like, yeah, dude. It's for kids. You’re on a baby website for babies. It would be concerning if you *did* like it here.

I don’t know what to tell you. What you’re experiencing is displacement, and displacement sucks. I don’t know if there’s really a home for you on the web anymore.